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Ad Huikeshoven

Emotions under Discussion: Gender, Status and Communication in Online Collaboration - 6 views

    Emotional expression and linguistic style in online collaboration differ substantially depending on the contributors' gender and status, and on the communication network. This should be taken into account when analyzing collaborative success, and may prove insightful to communities facing gender gap and stagnation in contributor acquisition and participation levels.
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    Hi Ad, thank you for sharing this. My postdoc research was focused on communication challenges participants face online. It was only in the 90s that people believed that online communication supports a "democratic" style of communication, where people are not being distracted by physical appearance, social class, cultural background or gender. S.C. Herring and others conclusively refuted claims of gender anonymity and equality in online communication and published a lot about this topic (if you are interested). What I found particularly interesting to me in your resource is that we all about collaboration (schools, universities, companies, etc.), but we never take into account that participant's gender and/or status impact his/her willingness and ability to contribute.
    Thank you for sharing this interesting resource. I think that it is fascinating that this research focuses not only on discrepancies between the proportion of male and female contributors on Wikipedia, but also on differences in the actual communication and relationship styles based on the gender of contributors. I also thought that it was really interesting that the researchers found that while site administrators tended to be neutral, the editors were more emotional and relationship-oriented. I think that this comes from Wikipedia's mandate to remain neutral and objective. However, would argue that with this type of collaboration tool, there cannot be true "neutrality." Even if administrators attempt to maintain objective, impersonal tones, site content will inevitably be influenced by various socio-cultural biases.
    lubajong and taylor_cole thank you for your comments. From my part I will add a critical evaluation of this resource as well. The talk pages of Wikipedia provide a rich source for researchers to study communication patterns. On Wikipedia talk pages they have found signals for status differences between groups of participants, notably between admins and ordinary contributors. Those findings support in general the theories of the researchers about status differences and communication style differences between managers and employees in firms. They have also found differences in communication style bases on gender, which also support their general theories about gender (which is a social construct). What I - as a Wikipedian insider - finds missing in the article is the selection bias. Wikipedia admins aren't appointed by Jimmy Wales or some other body. Admins are community selected. The exact process differs per language version. On the English Wikipedia admin selection is by a community consensus process. Future admins are selected who show the preferred communication style of admins by other contributors including existing admins. For me, the patterns in communication style do not explain the gender gap on Wikipedia. There is a gender gap in many language versions of Wikipedia, but not in all. The Armenian language version of Wikipedia is a notable exception, showing a gender balance in the conbtributor base. An explanation of that exemption requires further research. What taylor_cole notes about neutrality and bias is a valid point. People volunteer to write for Wikipedia, and volunteer in topic choice. My guess is that in general people will opt to write about something they like, care about, know about. A lack of diversity in contributors will naturally reflect in lack of diversity of topics. For example nerdy males will write about things male nerds like. In general females tend to be interested in other topics than nerdy males. A lack of topics covered in Wikipe
    Levels of participation influences emotional expression and phrasing? has the function of sex and status of the taxpayer. 4 strands to study and find a result! Interesting!
Kevin Stranack

Tesla's Elon Musk proves why patents are passé - 2 views

    Looks at the "Linux model" as a successful way of doing business."I think there is a general movement and a general recognition in the technology community that we need to reform the patent process. There's far too much effort and energy put into creating patents that do not end up fostering innovation," said Musk. "I think no reasonable person would say that the current patent system is ideally suited to foster innovation."
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    I found this article extremely interesting as it made me view patents from a different perspective. I had always viewed patents as a means to benefit the inventor, but this article opened me to the extent to which large corporations and the legal profession can monetize from patents - at the cost of the inventor. Hopefully this move by Musk, a very prominent executive, continues to be noticed by other corporations.
    yes, i've been following Tesla patent narration for a i'm into researching on energy & society issues. Sometimes i'm skeptical about applying open source to other realities than ITs as other interests, values and people are at work. Anyway we'll see if TESLA produce a critical mass for a revolution in the engine market... I like the P2P foundation by Michel Bauwens discussing on relevant issues and creating alternative scenarios
    A true pioneer, Mr Musk is. I think he has an extra sense for the future. Patents seem to be an institution which increasingly focuses on short term profit instead of the common benefit on the long run.
    Patents are the biggest responsible for the technological delays. The laws should change radically.


    Indigenous knowledge is unique to a culture or society. It shows us how to connect and to sustain through the environment. This kind of knowledge is passed down to generation to generation. Back then our ancestors did not have Internet or computers to store or to share their ideas. Our ancestral knowledge is very fragile and can easily be lost. Knowledge is history and our roots, which are passed down from our ancestors to us and these knowledge should be kept and be preserved. New information is also valuable, but so is our past. Here is a site that helps us to learn about what Indigenous knowledge is and activities to help us how to preserve Indigenous knowledge.
    It is a good idea. We should remember our indigenous knowledge and pass it down to following generations. People without past can not value the present. We shouldn't let these knowledge be destroyed by fast information on the internet.

The rise of intellectual property - 0 views

Throughout the Islamic lands, too, there was no concept of intellectual property for many hundreds of years. All knowledge was thought to come from God. The Koran was the single great scripture fro...


started by salma1504 on 01 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Pris Laurente

African Journal of Business Management - the effects of biased technological change on ... - 3 views

    "The paper explains the effect of biased technological change (BTC) on total factor productivity (TFP) from the new perspective of appropriate technology. We have certified that the assumption of neutral technology progress of Solow is ostensible and also to get the general technological progress which can be divided into three parts: effect of knowledge progress, effect of capital intensity improvement and scale effect."
    VERY interesting angle - thank you for sharing.

Crowdsourcing Higher Education: A Design Proposal for Distributed Learning - 6 views

This paper is written by Michael Anderson at UT San Antonio.[Link:] The crowdsourced generation of content is necessary to build open and distribute...

crowdsourcing distributed learning

started by umnouyp on 14 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
v woolf liked it

Lockdown: The coming war on general-purpose computing - 2 views

    By Cory Doctorow - Share this article This article is based on a keynote speech to the Chaos Computer Congress in Berlin, Dec. 2011. General-purpose computers are astounding. They're so astounding that our society still struggles to come to grips with them, what they're for, how to accommodate them, and how to cope with them.
    This is a charged essay on the challenges to computing freedom in light of copyright, digital rights management (DRM), piracy (SOPA) and related issues. The author argues for the need to examine and, at user's discretion, shut down backdoor programs that monitor and/or enforce limits of fair use.

Online learning is "the blackboard of the future" - 7 views

This article re-emphasizes the fact that traditional lectures are ineffective ways of conveying new knowledge. This article takes the next step and emphasizes the importance of digital media and on...

MOOC online learning blackboard the independent

Pris Laurente

Frameworks for open educational resources - 2 views

    A significant movement in education concerns the use of open educational resources. By ―open‖ it is generally meant that the resource is available at no cost to others for adaptation and reuse in different contexts. However ―open‖ is not a simple dichotomy; rather, there is a continuum of openness. We discuss four separate aspects of reuse and demonstrate how these describe different levels of openness. We discuss how the licensing and technical aspects of open educational resources affect the relative openness of an OER.
moonlove - 1 views History of Knowledge, a book written by Charles Doren 1991. I enjoyed reading some chapters of this book. It is a interest...

module13 past&future of knowledge mooc

started by moonlove on 17 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Medieval Access to information - 4 views

    This interesting inset describes an early classification system for medieval manuscripts, taking early steps to make information easier to access. I thought that it would be interesting to add for the group.
    The reality is the present is the foundation for the future. The medieval libraries were effective and serving the needs of that generation. The same generation found loopholes that led to the development of what we call modern libraries. We no w know who to thanks for the wonderful and life and time saving GPS!
    The future will always trace its existence from the past which laid down the foundation. The shape of the libraries of the future is being crafted now. The GPS we see now has its roots in the Medieval libraries.
Kelly Furey

My Final Project - 5 views

Thanks for sharing Alexandra! I really appreciated your presentation in class last week. I think the OpenOrg concept is a great software for NGO's to reach out to the general public for collaborati...

open access knowledge MOOC publishing

Kevin Stranack

Reactionary Rhetoric Against Open Access Publishing | Bivens-Tatum | tripleC: Communica... - 0 views

    "In 2013, Jeffrey Beall published an attack on the open-access scholarship movement in tripleC: "The Open-Access Movement Is Not Really About Open Access". This article examines the claims and arguments of that contribution. Beall's article makes broad generalizations about open-access advocates with very little supporting evidence, but his rhetoric provides good examples of what Albert O. Hirschman called the "rhetoric of reaction". Specifically, it provides examples of the perversity thesis, the futility thesis, and the jeopardy thesis in action. While the main argument is both unsound and invalid, it does show a rare example of reactionary rhetoric from a librarian."
Kevin Stranack

Publishing Education in the 21st Century and the Role of the University - 0 views

    "This article argues for a model of university-level (graduate and undergraduate) publishing education that builds upon a vocational self-identification of incoming students, nurtures a community of practice and professional discourse, and in doing so generates and renews the very culture of publishing. In times of transition and disruption, this is a role uniquely suited to the university, where an environment of collaborative research, development, and innovation can be cultivated. "
    Kevin: Muchas gracias por la referencia. Es interesante no solo el artículo que mencionas sino varios de los textos del número monográfico, Dear Kevin: Thank you very much for the info. Interestingly, not only the article but several of the texts of special issue.
Diane Vahab

Digital Identity - SUNY - Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) - 0 views

    What digital footprint are you building? It is good practice to review the importance of maintaining a positive digital presence with your students whenever there is an online component to a class. It is important that this "born digital" generation understands the serious, future consequences of what they post through online media. I chose this resource because it is important for teachers to show students how their digital footprint can be exposed on line and to be aware of what they are posting and how. These short videos are very informative and easy for busy teachers to learn from and share with students.
robert morris

User Generated Content and Crowdsourcing | The Transition to Digital Journalism | kdmcB... - 0 views

    A lot to absorb here.
Fernando Carraro

¿Resuelve el conocimiento abierto nuestros problemas? - 2 views

    "¿Es el conocimiento abierto una tendencia para el público en general o es por contra una ocupación de especialistas?"
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    Sí y no. No cabe duda que el conocimiento abierto favorece la diseminación de todo tipo de información, Pero, precisamente por la gran cantidad de información disponible, se pierden los filtros necesarios de calidad y pueden hacer que nos despistemos en nuestro objetivo principal leyendo mucha "paja" y artículos de relleno que pueden rozar el auto-plagio. Pero, aún así, en general, es mejor tener esa información de libre acceso, y utilizar herramientas informáticas para realizar una primera selección burda de información y, más adelante, a la información que ha sido filtrada de esa manera, volver a filtrarla ya con conciencia propia por cada usuario, en función de las necesidades que tenga en cada momento y de lo que considere más o menos relevante para su investigación, inquietud, necesidad, etc.
    Estoy de acuerdo pero debemos ser capaces de filtrar la información para no perdernos en la gran cantidad de información a la que tenemos de libre acceso.
    Tal vez no los resuelva, como se cita en el documento, pero también estoy de acuerdo en que debemos ser críticos, para darle valor a todo tipo de información.
Kevin Stranack

A Scalable and Sustainable Approach to Open Access Publishing and Archiving for Humanit... - 2 views

    A plan to convert traditional subscription publication formats, including society-published journals and books or monographs, to OA, based on an annual or multi-year payment made by every institution of higher education, no matter what its size or classification, and by any institution that benefits from the research that is generated by those within the academy.
Kevin Stranack

Publishing Is Not Dying - Greg Satell - Harvard Business Review - 6 views

    "In truth, publishing is flourishing, creating massive new fortunes for entrepreneurs and more choices for consumers. It's also attracting large investments by established companies and venture capitalists. Though not everyone prospers, there has never been a better time for publishers."
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    Good source, this actually has been practice for several years, almost all the publishers are engaging into digitized open publishing type, wherein the resource materials they are selling is actually publish electronically, so that buyers or interested clients may view it online; no need to go to their shop to ask what they are looking for.
    Coincido con la reflexión de este artículo acerca de la necesidad de las casas editoras (publishers) de repensar sus modelos de negocios y de olvidarse (aferrase sería una palabra más precisa) del exclusivo modelo gutenberiano de producción editorial. Sin embargo, me parece que su enfoque adolece de varios problemas. El más notorio es que trata al mundo de las publicaciones como uno solo, cuando no hay forma de comparar las dinámicas, capitales (humanos, financieros y simbólicos) puestos en juego en la publicación académica (scholarly publishing) o en los libros de interés general (trade), guías turísticas, enciclopedias, libros religiosos, textos para niños, etc., para no mencionar la abismal distancia entre las revistas académicas (scholarly journals) y los libros o inclusivo las revistas generalistas (magazines). Concluir que las cosas van maravillosamente bien porque un montón de empresas, vinculadas a los medios masivos (un punto relevante en la argumentación, que se menciona como si fuera lo más normal del mundo) tienen emprendimientos exitosos es confundir peras con manzanas. También creo que usar el mantra de la época de la disruption (age of disruption) para todo aporta poco a la discusión (
    I agree with the reflection of this article about the need for publishers to rethink their business models and forget the exclusive Gutenberian publishing model. However, I think his approach suffers from several limitations. The most notorious is treating the publishing world as one, when there is no way to compare the dynamics, capital (human, financial and symbolic) at stake in academic or scholarly publishing with books of general interest (trade), tour guides, encyclopedias, religious books, textbooks for children, etc., not to mention the abysmal gap between scholarly journals and books or inclusive commercial magazines. Conclude that things are going wonderfully well because a lot of companies, linked to the mass media (an important point in the argument, mentioned as if it were the most normal thing in the world) have successful ventures is to confuse the things. I also believe that using the mantra of the age of disruption for all contributes little to a seroius discussion ( = all)
    Good overview with fundamental advice for publishers: innovate
    Good read, Kevin! :) I agree with this article that said "As long as people want to be informed, entertained, and inspired, there will be profitable opportunities in publishing." The main key to keep the business running is everyone must adapt. Traditional publishers need to moves to digital media in order to survive and meet the modern readers' needs.
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