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Contents contributed and discussions participated by robert morris



MOOC Open knowledge open access
started by kenlitt on 30 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
vicdesotelle liked it
  • robert morris
    Interesting take, and I feel I agree for the most part. I think it`s simply the democratization of knowledge and a new pedagogy. Guarded knowledge, housed in hierarchical learning fraternities is okay, and will survive but not without change. There will always be families and students who prefer hierarchy and have the resources to pay for the brand, but beyond that, there are millions of people who remain uneducated, simply because of accessibility and cost. Where I live, there is no education. All of the teachers have moved to the cities.
robert morris

Should journalism worry about content marketing? : Columbia Journalism Review - 0 views

    Fascinating article about The Feed, a news org backed by Purina, designed to influence public opinion, while delivering "the news".
robert morris

TWU Journal List - 0 views

    Note: This journal list allows you to discover whether the Library subscribes to a certain journal title (in either online, print, or microform formats).
robert morris

CUFTS: Open Source Serials Management | reSearcher - 0 views

    As a knowledgebase of over 575 fulltext resources, CUFTS provides Electronic Resource Management services, an integrated journal A-Z database, link resolving, and MARC records for your library.
robert morris

TaxoDiary - 1 views

shared by robert morris on 25 Oct 14 - Cached
ibudule liked it
    Looks pretty cool .
robert morris

Journal of Free Software & Free Knowledge - 3 views

    This journal needs authors. I was thinking of collaborative writing, iteration, article building.

HELP WANTED: Reinventing MOOC discussion boards - 11 views

started by jesseharris on 21 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
arnapier and beetsyg liked it
  • robert morris
    I noticed on the course MIT Edtech Design and Development they`re using a new social discussion site, under beta called ProSolo. They appear to be placing more emphasis on social learning. Personally, I think the discussion boards are a little slow to develop into real discussions, and prefer the fast moving stream, like Twitter, of conversation and links happening in real time.
robert morris

OERCOMMONS - 1 views

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