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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

An Action Plan for Staying Close to Remote Workers: Associations Now - 0 views

  • flexibility means people will need better and perhaps unconvenational ways to communicate to help them establish goals and feel engaged at work.
  • What’s your value proposition to a member or customer, particularly a younger one, who may be engaged in your association’s industry during only half the workday, or a fifth of it?
  • In 2016, 31 percent of remote workers were doing so 80 percent of the time.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Gallup doesn’t mince words on this issue: “For fully remote employees, managers are falling down on the fundamental aspects of performance development—those that are based on the manager-employee relationship—and perhaps increasing the risk that the employee will leave for a better opportunity to progress with another company.” But the fix isn’t particularly complex—it’s just a matter of building in more of those conversations with remote workers of all stripes.
  • always-on system of employee feedback instead of the annual-evaluation check-in method
  • makes the need for communication greater,
  • Engagement is what keeps associations humming.
    Mark Athitakis at AssociationsNow on supporting remote workers through regular communication and involvement to engage them more effectively
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

CEOs Join American Heart Association's Healthy Workplaces Push: Associations Now - 0 views

    Blog post by Katie Bascuas,, July 14, 2014. Post reports on 22 CEOs who "will lead by example demonstrating health lifestyle habits in an effort to encourage the more than 2 million employees at their organizations to make healthier choices in their own lives." The simple seven are listed below. What about a simple seven for leading online? What would that look like? ""Life's Simple 7": getting active, controlling cholesterol levels, eating healthy, managing blood pressure, losing weight, reducing blood sugar, and quitting smoking."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Do You Fix a Board Power Struggle?: Associations Now - 0 views

    blog by Mark Athitakis, Associationsnow blog, August 17, 2015 "Everything I Needed to Know About Association Governance I Learned in Kindergarten: Contribute ideas, respect differences, don't interrupt, ask questions, plan ahead, show up on time, let everybody speak."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Don't Let Your Community Manager Go It Alone: Associations Now - 0 views

  • “We talk to community managers all the time and we ask ‘What’s the thing you didn’t think was going to be part of your role? What’s the one component you were surprised how much time you were spending on it?’ It’s almost always evangelism and coaching,” said Jim Storer, principal and cofounder of The Community Roundtable, during a webinar earlier this month cohosted with community platform provider Higher Logic. Storer’s colleague and TheCR cofounder Rachel Happe added that the organization created a working group on the role of “becoming an internal consultant,” just to help TheCR members excel in that role.
  • TheCR report also notes that “best-in-class” online communities are more often managed by a staff team, rather than by a single person.
  • “Given what we now know about the complexity of—and potential for—sustained and productive engagement, the notion that a lone community manager can address all the strategic, operational, and tactical responsibilities is quickly fading,” the report states. “Implementing many of the processes and programs that are markers of maturity generally requires more resources, and best-in-class communities with bigger teams are able to prioritize community programming, advocacy programs, community management training, and other key community elements.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Just like we had with email, I think the whole population is going to have improved online engagement literacy,” Happe said during TheCR’s webinar, describing her five-year outlook. “I think we’re going to see an understanding that community management is a critical 21st-century skill, not just a role.”
    Great article by Joe Rominiecki, June 24, 2015 in AssociationsNow on the online community manager role; quotes the latest Community Roundtable report on how the online community management skillset is needed by many staff, not just one person. There is a big difference between lurking or contributing as an individual in Facebook or LinkedIn groups and mentoring/leading/supporting an online community. Supports our inclusion of "convening" as a vital digital literacy skill.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Email Marketing: Content Counts, New Study Shows: Associations Now - 0 views

  • n the United States, open rates averaged about 34 percent, and, on average, associations reported click rates of about 15 percent.
  • mobile usage fell slightly behind desktop
  • Subject lines should still be short and to the point.
    Katie Bascuas on recent email surveys on usage, importance of short subject headings, etc. AssociationsNow, June 18, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Don't Let Your Community Manager Go It Alone: Associations Now - 0 views

  • For those that host online communities for their members, the new front-line staff may very well be the person managing the online community.
  • That’s a challenging position for just one person, which is why community managers need all the help they can get.
  • It’s almost always evangelism and coaching,” s
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Wohlers is the lead staff manager for SPE Connect, a platform for SPE’s 141,000 members to meet and discuss their industry, and its multiple communities for various technical areas, subdisciplines, and association committees.
  • “Given what we now know about the complexity of—and potential for—sustained and productive engagement, the notion that a lone community manager can address all the strategic, operational, and tactical responsibilities is quickly fading,” the report states. “Implementing many of the processes and programs that are markers of maturity generally requires more resources, and best-in-class communities with bigger teams are able to prioritize community programming, advocacy programs, community management training, and other key community elements.”
  • I think we’re going to see an understanding that community management is a critical 21st-century skill, not just a role.”
    Really good article by Joe Rominiecki, June 24, 2015, AssociationsNow, on how online community moderation/support will become part of the role of more staff, not just community managers, in businesses, nonprofits, etc. Cites the recent Community Roundtable's report, too.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Walk Your Way To a More Productive Meeting: Associations Now - 0 views

    Nice blog post by Katie Bascuas at on "Walk and Talk" meetings.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

New Survey Highlights Challenges Facing Small Membership Associations: Associations Now - 0 views

    AssociationsNow blog, July 30, 2014 "Toronto-based software company Wild Apricot, identified the same top three priorities reported in last year's survey: Small-membership organizations are most concerned about increasing membership, increasing member engagement, and demonstrating member value. Among the challenges that respondents said they face were attracting and engaging millennials and getting their boards and members to adopt new technologies. The survey gathered input from 487 organizations that represent fewer than 500 members and have operating budgets of less than $500,000. The findings provide a glimpse into the many facets of running a small-membership organization, including information about membership growth, recruitment and retention, membership models, and finances."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A Sherry Turkle Rebuttal: In Defense of the Active Social Voice: Associations Now - 0 views

    Ernie Smith, AssociationsNow,argues for tweets and other social media to bring people closer, while Sherry Turkle, MIT, was saying that we spend too much time on social media. It's not either or but both imo.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Is Your Association Still Sharing PDFs Online?: Associations Now - 0 views

  • problem with using PDFs in media centers in a 2009 blog post. Long story short: It makes journalists less willing to cover you.
  • PDF is great for distributing documents that need to be printed. But that is all it’s good for,” Nielsen wrote in June of that year. “No matter how tempting it might be, you should never use PDF for content that you expect users to read online.”
  • But those exceptions stand in stark relief to the media pages where press releases are published in PDF format, despite the fact that it would be infinitely more useful and SEO-friendly if that content were placed inside a CMS and published as a web page.
    good blog on why PDFs fall short on usability by journalists and others who are not looking to print them out
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Let's Embrace Our Open-Source Overlords: Associations Now - 0 views

  • Open-source software often gets derided for its downsides—maintenance concerns, the need for development resources, concerns about security—but its huge transparency and collaboration benefits typically get missed.
  • (It’s worth noting that you may be using open-source software without realizing it: Most major content management systems, including WordPress and Drupal, are based on open-source code bases. Not that you’d immediately think of them in that context.)
  • Open source tends to follow current standards. The reason Mozilla Firefox gained so much momentum on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer about a decade ago has everything to do with programming strategy. IE, being proprietary and without much competition, didn’t have a reason to keep innovating quickly. Firefox, on the other hand, was in a spot to iterate relatively quickly and drive online development—and when Google Chrome came into the picture, this process moved even faster. This is true of a lot of open-source software. It can ensure you’re working with this year’s model.
    good article on value of open source software by Ernie Smith, Associaitons Now, June 16, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Reddit: Don't Leave Your Volunteer Moderators Lonely, Either: Associations Now - 0 views

  • It’s clear here that reddit—a site that is pretty much nothing but community—faces the same kinds of disconnects between executives and ground-level support that happen in associations where communities are only small parts of the total member offerings.
  • Reddit highlights how harmful a poorly handled staff transition can be for these volunteers.
  • When it comes down to it, an online community is about people, not just technology. And keeping that trust between community managers and the community at large is hugely important.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Respect Your Volunteers A few weeks back, my colleague Joe Rominiecki made the case that we need to show that we’re supporting our community managers, who may be playing an important role without a ton of support.
  • “For those that host online communities for their members, the new front-line staff may very well be the person managing the online community,” he explained before hopping into The Community Roundtable’s latest “State of Community Management” report.
  • It’s clear here that reddit—a site that is pretty much nothing but community—faces the same kinds of disconnects between executives and ground-level support that happen in associations where communities are only small parts of the total member offerings.
  • The ripple effects of what happened to Taylor only highlight this. Because of the role people near the front lines play in keeping a community moving, they often have tribes of their own, and those tribes may instill a high level of passion among your most active community members—your moderators.
  • Because of the role people near the front lines play in keeping a community moving, they often have tribes of their own, and those tribes may instill a high level of passion among your most active community members—your moderators.
  • “Everything about which Reddit talks a big game—curbing abuse, protecting free speech, being the ‘front page of the Internet’—is directly tied to a model of content curation over which the company has little authority.”
  • tied to a model of content curation over which the company has little authority.”
  • In other words, volunteer moderators hold huge amounts of control, despite not getting a paycheck. They deserve to know what’s going on, and you have to keep them happy.
    Interesting assessment of the value of volunteer moderators, July 7, 2015, by Ernie Smith on Reddit
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

To Retain Millennial Workers, Groups Must Embrace Tech: Associations Now - 0 views

  • The option to telecommute is one way to attract and retain that talent. The majority of millennials and gen X-ers prefer to work for organizations that offer telecommuting, and 42 and 44 percent, respectively, will accept a lower salary in exchange for this benefit. However, they both still value face-to-face interaction as much as older generations and prefer to work outside the office only one to two days a week.
  • As a younger generation who grew up using technology, millennials expect companies and organizations to be cutting-edge adopters, using the most up-to-date hardware and software to add flexibility and ease to their workflow, according to a new study from CompTIA.
    new study on impact of millennials in workforce--want to use technology for connecting, communicating, and collaborating in much greater numbers than baby boomers do
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Technology-Enabled Learning Events: What's Now and Next?: Associations Now - 0 views

  • overwhelming majority of associations offer technology-enabled learning like webcasts, virtual conferences, and self-paced tutorials.
  • Association Learning + Technology 2016,
  • five emerging learning formats: massive open online courses (MOOCs), flipped classes, gamified learning, digital badges, and microlearning.
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  • using technology to repeat, reinforce, or sustain learning after participants complete an educational product or service.
  • Nearly a third (31.5 percent) said they do, and 29.4 percent said they plan to do so in the coming year.
    Tech-Enabled Learning by Whitehorne, Associations Now, January 2016, refers to recent survey on associations using technology to help their members/staff learn
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

No Girl Left Behind: Girl Scouts Expand Presence at CES: Associations Now - 0 views

  • According to a study from the Girl Scout Research Institute, 73 percent of girls are interested in STEM-related fields, but girls are more likely to “drop out” of STEM fields once they get to college. It also found that about half of all girls don’t think STEM is a typical career path for women, and 57 percent agreed if they went into a STEM career, “they’d have to work harder than a man just to be taken seriously.”
  • In 2014, GSUSA revolutionized its cookie program when it introduced Digital Cookie, which allowed Girl Scouts to sell cookies online via a personalized website or in-person using a mobile app..
  • Girl Scouts teaches the five essential skills of goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics,” Chávez said. “It’s all part of Girl Scouts’ legacy of teaching cutting-edge skills relevant to today’s girls, while staying true to the core values of our mission. Digital Cookie 2.0 is allowing us to do this on a whole new level, which will help girls in school, in their careers, and in life.”
    Interesting post on heightened presence of the Girl Scouts at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2016; they have a Cookie 2.0 personal website and app to assist cookie sellers/buyers and encourage girls to go into STEM fields.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Associations Can Lead on Education: Associations Now - 0 views

    white paper out on how associations can add value by providing different kinds of development opportunities with mini-credentials and certificates for employees desiring to move upward in their careers.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Pop-Up Events: The Next Trend for Associations?: Associations Now - 0 views

  • Testing ground. Not sure if a new meeting format or concept is the right fit for your group? Holding a pop-up meeting preview could be a great way to get early feedback on your idea before you dedicate resources to it. Maybe you could build the pop-up in a small space that’s part of another meeting that’s already scheduled to take place to save some money.
  • Woo them with a one-day annual meeting pop-up that highlights the best of the best
  • Buzz builder
    article by samantha whitehorne, Associations Now on pop-up events--one day high-quality connecting/learning events, May 2016
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

When an Online Community No Longer Works: Associations Now - 0 views

  • But investing in both strategies to minimize those issues (via a sophisticated commenting, social management, or forum system) and people to help soothe the pain is very much a way to help solve those pain points. If you’re not investing, you’re just opening yourself up to problems.
  • A controlled community of members commenting on a subject? Perhaps a better one.
  • public interaction—particularly, the framing of that interaction—needs to make sense with your association’s overall business goals,and if it doesn’t, it’s worth considering cutting bait.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Special Forces Association's New Operation: Attract Younger Members: Associations Now - 0 views

    blog on how to attract younger members by redesigning conference to appeal to younger members who have families and by going to the graduation ceremony of Special Forces to engage with them early.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

An Old-School Method for New Member Engagement: Associations Now - 0 views

    Blog post by Joe Rominiecki, June 11, 2014, on how staid organization--American Neurological Association--changed admission requirements and found new-"old ways" to engage with younger, newer members in the course of the first year of membership. 300 out of 1,880 at end of 2013 were new, often younger members. ""We have quite a few committees, and the committee work is a lot. The annual meeting programming is extremely scientific, so their participation in our interactive lunch workshop committee or our faculty development committee or our scientific programming committee is critical to the success of the meeting," Smith says." Excerpt: I'm a strong believer that the type of volunteering offered to young members is crucial, too. It has to be meaningful work. If I'm offered a choice between joining a group for young professionals or joining a planning committee for a particular association function (event, publication, education, etc.), I'll take the latter. I'd rather not just be lumped in with other young pros, fenced off in a separate little play area. I want to be doing some real work for the association. And DTV says I'm not alone: In that study, "I can do something for a profession or cause that is important to me" ranked as the most important reason for volunteering in associations, and that was true for all generations.""
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