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dawn davis

Hacker Will Expose Potential Security Flaw In Four Million Hotel Room Keycard Locks - F... - 5 views

  • The next time you stay in a hotel room, run your fingers under the keycard lock outside your door. If you find a DC power port there, take note: With a few hacker tricks and a handful of cheap hardware, that tiny round hole might offer access to your room just as completely as your keycard
  • Using an open-source hardware gadget Brocious built for less than $50, he can insert a plug into that DC port and sometimes, albeit unreliably, open the lock in a matter of seconds. “I plug it in, power it up, and the lock opens,”
  • The ability to access the devices’ memory is just one of the two vulnerabilities Brocious says he found in Onity’s locks
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  • he company also uses a weak encryption scheme that allows him to derive the “site code”–a unique numerical key for every facility–from two cards encoded one after another for the same room
    A security researcher discovered that he could unlock certain electronic key card entry devices used at millions of hotels by inserting a plug into the small port in the bottom of the key card device and unlocking the door. When he inserts the plug and turns on his device it triggers the mechanism inside that key card device and opens the door in seconds. Granted when he tested this at a conference he was only able to open 1 of 3 doors but it was still enough to show the flaw in the system. It doesn't sound likely after reading the article that there is an easy or cost effective fix to this problem because so many hotels across the world use these devices supplied by Onity. I think the lesson here is to always be vigilant in securing your valuables in any hotel room. Any time new technology is installed there is going to be someone right behind trying to hack it or find the security breaches.
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    Dawn, I wrote about the follow-up article regarding this issue. I can not believe that it has taken Onity this long to correct the issue. I can't imagine why Marriott and other companies haven't address their guests regarding this concern. I understand the negative impact this could have to the business, however the companies should keep in mind safety.
    Nelson, I went back and read your article, very interesting to see the follow up but I am surprised that it has taken this long to come out. I wonder if this would have been more publicised if it would have put more pressure on Onnity to fix the problem without putting financial burden on the hotel owners? I am curious now to see if my own company has been effected by this issue.
    That is scary that you can think you are secure and anyone can hack the system and open your hotel room door. Now paranoid people that think they may be robbed by hotel staff, also have to think of outsiders, not even staying at the hotel. Anyone can enter hotels now a days and start opening doors like a lottery system, until they strike gold. The moral, be vigilant while on vacation, because there may also be someone eyeing your stuff. Also, if you have an in room safe use it.
Gyujin Chae

Port of Los Angeles plugs in cruise ships to help environment | - 0 views

  • Ports and cruise lines are making an ongoing effort to grow the industry in an environmentally responsible matter. The Port of Los Angeles today became the first with the ability to provide shoreside power to three different cruise lines. Using the Alternative Maritime Power system, ships from Princess Cruises, Disney Cruise Line and Norwegian Cruise Line can now turn off their polluting engines while in port.
  • The ability to adapt this technology to multiple cruise lines eliminates significant ship exhaust when cruise ships are at berth, and the AMP Mobile is another innovation that demonstrates our commitment to developing cutting-edge technology that can benefit port communities everywhere
  • In Los Angeles, the World Cruise Center is the only port where two cruise ships can be connected simultaneously. Cruise ships utilize either 6.6 kilovolts (kV) or 11 kV electrical power distribution systems to plug into shore side power
    Along with green initiatives in hotels and airlines, cruise lines and ports have been making efforts on "Going green" for years. This article, particularly introduces The Port of Los Angeles that can provide plug-in power system, a.k.a. Alternative Maritime Power system (AMP) to two cruise ships simultaneously. Basically, cruise ships consume the huge amount of fuel just like hundreds of cars do while they are in port. With the AMP that cruise ships gain electrical power from, cruise ships can turn off their engines while being at berth like an electric car. As a result, cruise ships can reduce their fuel cost and eliminate significant ship exhaust. More and more cruise ports have installed the AMP system and cruise ships have tried to be fitted to the power system. Obviously, the AMP is not the ultimate solution to pollution, however this can prevent the environment from being more polluted. The AMP system will advance, and we might see cruise ships sailing with only electrical power or other alternative power sources, such as solar power, power generated by cruise ships in the future.
Jenna Rashbaum

Biometrics Provide Undeniable Time & Attendance for Beachside Resorts | Case Studies | ... - 0 views

    The La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club in California has had many problems with time cards for their employees over the past several years. They used to use swipe cards with bar-codes to tell when people were coming in and out of work but there are a lot of problems with that technology. If people misplaced their cards or knew they were going to be late so gave it to a co-worker to punch them in is not a very smart thing to have in the hotel. After a lot of problems with this system management finally went in a new direction. They decided to move to newer technology and go with Biometrics. The hotel now has a hand reader system that makes every employee get there hand measured to clock in. This technology measured length, width, thickness, and surface area of the hand to store in the system so it knows each persons hand every time they go to clock in any time there after. When going to clock in the system asks for the employee number and then is ready for your hand on the little screen for your scan. The entire process of this takes under 1 minute. This technology of the HandPunch 3000 not only allows the employees to clock in but also allows management to collect data for pay codes, tips collected, and to allow the employees to go back and view their past times in and out. This system is a very green way to go in the hotel industry because there is no paper for records of clock in times, and there are no swipe cards that need to be made for clock in times. Ever since this hotel got the HandPunch 3000 they have not had issues of other employees clocking in other people. The system of course had some glitches to it in the beginning but they were fixed immediately while the staff was there installing it. My only question to this article that is not answered is : since it is a machine that has to be plugged in, what happens if the power goes out? Can employees still clock in to work because the hotel still is functioning?

Google's Green Initiative: Environmentally Conscious Technology - 1 views

  • Progress depends on radical innovation
  • the company still released information detailing the progress of its environmentally-friendly initiatives.
  • an application plug-in that would help automobiles determine where you are going,
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  • This technology, called Prediction, maximizes fuel and power consumption, which effectively reduces carbon emissions
  • Google has made its environmentally-conscious initiatives well-known
  • French authorities have used Google’s mapping services to determine agricultural regions that should face water restrictions.
  • cutting down on the emissions of data farms or having goats roam Google’s campus to eliminate the need for fertilizer and lawn mowers, the company has always strived to cut down on greenhouse gases.
  • managing to half their data center energy use through practical thinking, using the excess energy to power office complexes, Google has effectively cut down on its environmental impact.
  • Google is now providing information to indigenous tribes on deforestation, giving them the ability to track and prevent the atrocity from taking place.
  • Google would be nowhere without its data centers.
  • Google’s long-term goal of running entirely on renewable energy is growing closer and closer.
  • Google is constantly searching for ways to ensure that it never consumes excessive gas.
  • Instead of trying to purge carbon from its systems, Google invests in “off-setting” its carbon emissions by investing in green initiatives that would not have the funding to survive otherwise.
    This article expounds how Google is contributing to the future green advancements of the world by implementing them in their every day operations. Although developing next-generation consumer electronics is an extremely lucrative sector of technology, Google has shifted their thinking away from the immediate consumer electronics field, moving towards the development of green technology. The article further mentions Google's wide-range of environmentally-friendly initiatives which includes the development of an application plug-in that would help automobiles determine where the driver is going that in turn reduces energy use, incorporates renewable energy, and offsets carbon emissions. Also, despite the large amount of Google data centers, Google has managed to cut their energy use in half through practical thinking that included purchasing a wind farm in Iowa with plans of running entirely on renewable energy in the near future. The company also made it a point to cut down on greenhouse gases by having goats roam their Google campus to eliminate the need for fertilizer and lawn movers. In conclusion, by adopting unconventional techniques for effectively lowering its environmental impact, the company has become a model example for more companies to think outside of the box and focus on implementing green technology in an efficient and innovative manner.
Marcos Oliveira

Security Expert Exploits Hotel Network Vulnerabilities | Top Stories | Hospitality Maga... - 0 views

  • IP Telephone
  • unplugged the IP Phone and plugged the phone's Ethernet cable into his laptop. It booked up to his Backtrack Live CD
  • Jason Ostrom, Vigilar senior security consultant, was given access to a hotel room and told to find out if he could break into their corporate network through the IP TelephoneÃÆ’Æ'Æ'ÃĥÂ.ÃÆ’Æ'Â.ÃÆ’.Ã.•¬Ã…¡Ãĥ¬ÃÆ’Æ'Â.ÃÆ’.Ã.•¬Ã…¾ÃĥÂ.s network connection
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  • Jason was able to penetrate through to the data network by using a combination of techniques he calls VoIP Hopping. This type of VLAN hopping attack is just one of the attack vectors being used by attackers today
  • As traditional voice and data networks converge, more avenues of attack open up
  • A regular PC should never have access to the Voice VLAN
  • Defense methodologies are in their infancy and are sure to improve in the near future
  • protect against VoIP attacks Ostrom recommends putting a firewall between the Voice and Data VLANs. By putting the Voice VLAN on a separate DMZ of a firewall, many current attacks can be thwarted. It is important to lock down the firewall so that only protocols used by IP Telephony are allowed to flow
  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS
  • VoIP Hopper is available at
    An unssuspecting person check into a hotel like any normal person would. The ever so common exchange, credit card for room key took place. The only difference was that the person that checked had done so with other intentions. The "guest" utilized an IP Telephone that was in this hotel room to hack into the hotel credit card database and steal credit cards, transmit them to a foreign country and then have money transferred to his offshore bank account. This happened but at the hands of Jason Ostrom, aa Vigilar senior security consultant. Ostrom was able to unplug teh telephone in his room, plug in the phone's ethernet canle into his laptop and hack away. Of course, he did this as part of his job in testing a company's security agaisnt viral hackers. His company offers free security testing using a downloadable software called VolP Hopper This article was extremely interesting because as a frequrnt traveler as well as a perosn in the hospitlaity industry I was very shocked at the ease that the credit card information could be stolen. When it comes to credit card security it is of the utmost importance for companies to be PCI compliant and spend whatever it is necessary to safeguard the information of their customers. The detrimental damage that a security breach can have on a person can be debilitating as leaders in the hospitality industry we must do everything possible to prevent attacks like this from happening. made me become extra cautious about using my credit cards.
Hanqing Yang

Taking Network Security to the Cloud - 1 views

  • The biggest threat to network security at the hotel property level isn’t a lack of technology – it is the lack of resources to manage it.  A strong network security solution should combine cloud-based security configuration with plug and play installation of a firewall and IPS appliances.
  • The impact of a mass security approach is significant to hotel network operations. It could eliminate the need for on-site IT resources to configure and deploy security appliances. It could also provide much-needed network visibility across an entire portfolio of properties. Lastly, it would be instrumental in expediting large-scale security deployments and updates.
  • The challenge is that many hotels lack the IT resources to adequately stay on top of security.
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  • They expect ironclad security that protects their entire “online” experience in the hotel, from online booking and iPad-enabled check-in to the wireless connectivity in their rooms.
  • The biggest threat to network security at the hotel property level isn’t a lack of technology – it is the lack of resources to manage it.
  • Ideally the firewall or IPS device should be shipped directly to the property where anyone (e.g. GM) can simply plug the device into the network
    Today's travelers expect a strong network security. The challenge is that many hotels lack the IT resources because of budget. As a result, IT functions are limited to making sure security patches are up to date and services are running rather than proactively identifying security threats and preventing. This article introduces cloud-based security system as a solution. With the network security system, IT headquarters can monitor and manage the entire network. Also, hotels can save the cost for on-site IT resources and security appliances. It was interesting that cloud-based security is a solution for network security when there are many opinions that cloud computing is not safe. 
    This article talks about the limitation of hotel network security issue, then introduce one solution to it. First of all, it mentions since the usage of Internet is growing big more than ever, customers has more attention and requirement on Network Security. Actually, staff of IT department spend most of their time on updating system and other mid-level support, while they should spend more time on proactively identifying security threats and preventing attacks. This happens due to finance and human source constraints. Lucky for us, there is already one effective solution, keyword, cloud computing. Buy applying cloud computing, IT staff only need set up firewall, configure security system on headquarter. After then configuration is done, they send out these IPS device to branch companies. The security system will automatically update through these devices, no more traveling between properties.
    While many hotels right now are keeping and tracking down their valued customers' information, lots of those hotels are facing security problems also. Customers expect ironclad security that protects their entire "online" experience in the hotel, from online booking and iPad-enabled check-in to the wireless connectivity in their rooms. In today's cyber threat environment, that makes the hospitality industry a desirable and lucrative target for attacks. This article mainly talked about how to strength hotel network security.It suggested that a strong network security solution should combine cloud-based security configuration with plug and play installation of a firewall and IPS appliances. Which can be described as Taking Network Security to the Cloud.The IPS device will automatically contact and authenticate to the installation cloud, retrieve its configuration, and then reboot into the hotel's network ready to protect.
Paige Wuensch

TLabs Showcase - Green Path Transfers | Tnooz - 0 views

  • Green Path Transfers, part of the WHL Group, is a new, global, eco-friendly airport transfer and ground transportation network. We are currently operational in over 30 destinations around the world, with over 100 expected by the end of this year.
  • Our focus is on partnering with local operators who have made a commitment to environmental sustainability, especially through the use of low carbon emission fuels or engines
  • . They do not know how to access global markets with a professional transfer service priced for distribution (a problem they have as well with their other tour and activity products), nor do they have the technology to plug into global distribution, and this is where Green Path Transfers comes in.
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  • Second is the move to a low carbon future. The WHL Group is committed in all its businesses to minimising our environmental footprint and supporting local communities. In designing the airport transfers business we noted the increasing number of “green” transfer and taxi companies appearing around the world and had the idea to try and bring as many of these into one big global family as we could
  • Green Path Transfers are simply in this case focussing our training, distribution efforts etc. around the transfers element of their business, giving them access to the technology to plug them into global markets.
  • First, ground transportation in much of the developing world is still very fragmented and immature.
  • Green Path Transfers offers transfers from airports, ship ports, bus stations, train stations and border crossings, as well as inter-city and inter-country transfers.
  • Strengths: Unique, appealing twist on an existing product Strength of the global network, reaching destinations others can’t Ability to leverage other WHL Group assets. A network of operators with strong shared values and a shared mission (building a greener future
  • Weaknesses: Limited exposure. Difficulty recruiting partners in some destinations offering low-emission vehicles being. They are essentially non-existent, especially in developing countries.
  • Opportunities: To become a recognized brand name within the travel industry and the travelling public for providing eco-friendly ground transportation To become a global partner to worldwide corporations with a focus on environmental sustainabilit
  • Threats: Larger organisations moving into the space Low/zero emission vehicles becoming so prevalent that this is no longer a unique selling point
    Green Path Transfers are a a fairly new Eco-friendly airport transfer and ground transportation network. The goal is to offer safe and professional transportation in global markets to travelers. In addition Green Path Transfers are focusing on a low carbon movement in the future. The company has partnered with companies using low-emission vehicles and these vehicles are clearly marked in the search results of the website, in order to allow the customer a completely transparent booking and check-out process with the vehicle of their choice. Their customers consist of leisure travelers, corporate travelers and their distribution partners, such as hotels and flights.

Yum Brands Is Adding Disruptive Technologies Across Its Global Restaurant System. Here'... - 0 views

  • Those moves set the ball set in motion to integrate technology-centric solutions across its four brands across the world with an objective of elevating both the customer and team member experiences.
  • “What Covid has done is change our mindset. We don’t have to have everything perfect to launch something. For example, in Pizza Hut, U.S., we launched contactless curbside and carryout in two weeks. In the previous environment, it would have taken months, committees, testing protocols. Now we don’t have the luxury of time. We don’t have to wait until we have sharpened the blade to perfection. Our strategy is the same, but our pace is faster,” Felder said during a recent interview.
  • “Digital Innovation Lab,” led by Park, a partnership with the Plug and Play platfo
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  • rm for startups and plans for a physical innovation lab to open later this year
  • The digital lab is unique in that it translates restaurant operations–be it at KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell or Habit Burger–into a cloud “facility.”
  • Park’s team takes all digital inputs from Yum’s restaurants, like closed-circuit television footage of cars in the drive-thru, point-of-sale data or drive-thru audio, and puts it into the cloud
  • Plug and Play, which claims to be the world’s largest global innovation platform for startups and corporations
  • Automation can free up employees’ time spent on manual back-of-house tasks so they can focus more on customer-facing tasks, ideally providing more speed and accuracy in the process.
  • Some of these ideas–like voice, artificial intelligence, computer vision, IoT–have popped up in the restaurant industry here and there. None, however, have proliferated at the global scale Yum Brands offers. This is where the true disruption could happen. Yum has over 50,000 restaurants in more than 150 countries and territories, and employs 1.5 employees and franchise associates. Few food and beverage companies have this kind of global footprint.
  • Restaurant companies are no longer dabbling in technology efficiencies, they’re relying on them for their very survival. In fact, because of the pandemic, digital sales are now expected to make up more than half of limited-service business by 2025–a 70% increase over pre-COVID estimates. 
  • “The big lesson for us is we’ve got to be where the customer is. We have several restaurants at the moment trying to take consumer ease to the next level,” Felder said. “I don’t think we’ve ever seen a more fertile time of innovation in the history of the restaurant industry. We’re about to hit a wave of transformative innovations.”
    Yum Brands, which runs restaurants KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and Habit Burger, is integrating technology-centric solutions across its four brands around the world, which could result in an acceleration of disruptive technologies on a large scale. This Digital Innovation Lab then adds information from thousands of Yum Brand restaurants into a cloud facility. The information includes closed-circuit tv from a restaurant's drive-thru and point-of-sale or drive-thru audio. Hundreds of startups then get access to the data to compare their technologies in the lab. They're able to use that information to create more automated services like artificial intelligence, computer vision and the Internet of Things. Yum's idea is by improving automation back of house, employees can focus more time on customer-facing tasks, resulting in more speed and accuracy.
diana morales

Evolution In Travel Agent Industry | PRLog - 1 views

  • The travel industry is growing 23% faster than the world economy and will continue historical growth for the next 18 to 20 years.
  • Years ago, when you wanted to go on vacation, there was only one option. You had to hoof it down to your local travel agency and browse through some travel brochures.
  • Then, a few things happened. First, the airlines decided they didn’t need travel agents anymore and they pulled the plug on agent commissions
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  • Then, the second thing happened. The advent of the internet connection changed the face of travel forever. Information is readily available 24 hours a day about any aspect of travel you can imagine - from luxury yacht trips in the South Pacific to staying at a youth hostel in Europe
  • In the wake of the home-based business revolution, many travel agents have moved their businesses to their homes.
  • The travel industry is growing 23% faster than the world economy and will continue historical growth for the next 18 to 20 years.
  • First, the airlines decided they didn’t need travel agents anymore and they pulled the plug on agent commissions .
  • Then, the second thing happened. The advent of the internet connection changed the face of travel forever
  • Now, there is so much information available to consumers, they’re often left floundering in the sea of travel offers. Travel agents are skilled at cutting through the hype and emotion-driven marketing of suppliers. They have learned how to match travelers with vacations they will treasure.
    The travel industry has evolved over the past years. In the article it talks about how travel was limited in years gone by and you had to physically sit in a travel agent office in order to book your vacation. They were the only one who had all the information about travel. Then came the evolution of the travel industry and now everybody can book their vacation online with or without the help of a travel agent.
    The article here explains the evolution of how we used Travel Agents back in the day and how we got to a point where we no longer needed travel agents. Back in the old days if anyone wanted to fly to another country or state, we went thru travel agents so we can get a booked flight and car services etc. Now we do everything ourselves. We find out information on our own and book and print our own tickets. Why? because of the internet. The internet will teach you anything and will give you whatever you are looking for. According to the article , people are overwhelmed in all the information provided by the internet that they cant decided where they want to go or where they want to stay at. So business is coming to travel agents. We feel so busy now and days that we give all the work to someone to do everything for us.

Recap: How the Cloud Provides More Efficient Hospitality Operations - 0 views

  • cloud technology can improve many facets of hospitality operations, boosting efficiency, streamlining operations, and improving the guest experience.
  • “Think about the cloud as the Lego bricks to build every possible digital solution for every common use case in your industry.
  • kitchen monitoring. The refrigerator temperature i
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  • e’re possibly already in the second generation of cloud where we go beyond storage and computing. We’re now moving up the stack. The next stage is stitching services together at a higher level so that as a customer, you don’t have to build it all yourself. And the second piece is to bring in partners who have the expertise, and who build into the cloud.
  • the power of being able to develop, test, and iterate quickly by utilizing cloud technology for hospitality
  • put a sensor in your kitch
  • provide data analytics and then we can add predictive maintenance
  • waste reduction, sustainability, also, the health guidance you have in the kitchen
  • “The great thing about our industry is that we actually have our customers in-house. I can speak to them, I can ask, ‘Hey, how did you like that process? How did you like to check-in? How did you like our booking engine?’ We can do live A/B testing actually and with this cloud environment, it is easy for me to try things out to easily plug it in and plug it out and see what’s working and what’s not. I can only encourage our industry to do this more. And maybe also, to ask hotel tech providers to make this possible to have some kind of testing period available.
  • a lot more people adopting cloud products who had the necessity of changing things because of the last two years when COVID struck o
  • s important to take an iterative approach.
  • organizational change. And there’s a lot of training to be needed,
  • encouraging forward-thinking team members can be a great way to boost retention and employee satisfaction. “We can also see that our business or our industry is losing a lot of very talented people. And that’s where also this change management can help
  • 91% of 1000 Travel hospitality leaders we interviewed indicated that digital cloud transformation is essential for their business, yet only 29% indicated that their business is currently ahead of the curve
    This article summarizes a panel conversation about cloud functionality and how it can help in the hospitality industry. They point out that hospitality outlets can use cloud tech for operations, efficiency, guest experience, kitchen monitoring, waste reduction, sustainability, data analytics, predictive maintenance. They highlight that while 91% of hospitality leaders say that cloud is essential, only 29% would say that their company is on track, and that companies need to bring along employees for the advancements.
Alexander Suarez

Education Week: Data-Mining Faces New Privacy Rules - 0 views

  • The Fe
  • The Federal Trade Commission recently outlined new policies that seek to close loopholes that the agency says too often allow websites and online services to gather information improperly from students and turn it over to third parties for advertising purp
    In essence this "data mining" related article explains how the FTC recently outlined new policies in an effort to close loopholes which allow websites to gather and turnover information gathered to third parties for advertising purposes.   Changes such as videos, photos, locations, etc, which cannot be pulled without parental approval are making impacts on what can be pulled and shared. Another change includes closing a loophole that gives apps/websites directed at children the ability to collect information through plug-ins, without parents permission. In conclusion, these rules are based on the Children s Online Privacy Act of 1998, which gave the FTC the authority to implement/periodically update rules pertaining to "how the law is enforced". These rules will go into effect on July 1, 2013.
jennifer amador

ITG NETWORKS : Visitor-Based Network and Phone System Solutions for the Hospitality Ind... - 0 views

    ITG Networks provides multi-product technology solution at the new Residence Inn by Marriott on Pittsburgh's North Shore. Wexford, PA April 15, 2010 - Kratsa Properties awarded ITG Networks a multiple product contract to install and support Kratsa's technology solution for the new Residence Inn by Marriott, a 148,500 square foot, extended stay hotel offers luxury suites on Pittsburgh's North Shore, within walking distance to Heinz Field, PNC Park and a variety of bars and restaurants. Adjacent to PNC Park's home plate entrance, on the corner of West General Robinson Street and Mazeroski Way, this 10-story hotel will provide an array of the latest digital amenities. When the hotel opened its doors on April 5th guests had mobility with a business-class, wireless, high-speed Internet access (HSIA) solution throughout the property. This solution provides secure, plug n' play access. Wireless is available throughout 180 suite-style rooms and all common areas. Wired Ethernet is also available in all guest rooms. Each desk is equipped with a convenient pull-through desk hub and 10' Ethernet cable. For added convenience, the hotel lobby offers a large social laptop table with twelve built-in Ethernet and power outlets. With a complete understanding of the Marriott requirements ITG was able to engineer the overall network to use common networking gear for both Voice and Data. Kratsa Properties now has a system that will both cost less to operate and offer the features and functionality the company requires to meet its customer service goals. Summary: This company provides mobility internet throughout a property, and in this case is the Residence Inn Marriott with 180 suites. ITG Network works hand in hand with different companies to integrate the property management system. Nevertheless, ITG is a full service management development company whom helps with the maintenance of the hospitality industry properties
Donald Wojciechowski

Plugging into a new green trend | National Restaurant Association - 0 views

  • Add a term to the vocabulary of green-minded restaurateurs: e-cycling, or keeping discarded computers, TVs, POS systems and other electronic devices out of landfills.
  • "Recycling is not a choice anymore,"
  • • Take-back program
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  • • Donation.
  • • Commercial recyclers.
  • "Anything with an on-off switch can be recycled,"
    This article discusses one of the topics we had in class regarding the environment in the hospitality industry. Consequently, I thought I would do an additional post for this topic. The article discusses e-cycling and what should be done with electronic devices in the hospitality industry. More and more states are passing legislation to be prohibiting the general dumping of electronic equipment. This will have an effect on hotels that are disposing of old televisions and restaurants that are disposing of old computer systems. In fact "anything with an on-off switch can be recycled". The article gives three suggestions for hospitality companies to consider when disposing of e-waste. First, consider donation to local schools and charities. Second, inquire as to whether the manufacturer has a takeback program. Third, seek out and only use a commercial recycler for disposing of the trunk equipment

Oracle Hospitality Stumbled in Micros Integration But Says It Has Recovered - 1 views

  • Three years ago, business software maker Oracle acquired Micros, a hotel and restaurant technology company, for $5.3 billion in cash.
  • Micros was the market leader. More hotels used Micros’s software to check in and check out guests than any other company’s reservation management software.
  • Oracle found the integration of Micros tough sledding in a few ways. Execution of the merger did not meet the expectations of many hotel customers.
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  • Oracle was caught off guard. As a company not used to dealing with call-center-based customer service, it suddenly had to handle help desk requests for thousands of vendors
  • It took Oracle awhile to figure out how to plot a multi-year transition of Micros customers from license-based deals to Web-based, subscription services.
  • One hotelier said, “I know that Oracle recognizes that and [they are] very open about how much investment they need to make, but it is a risk to us as a business. As we are looking to try and innovate, not being able to plug other systems into Opera easily constrains what we can do.”
  • The first hotel group to agree to move all of its properties to Oracle’s cloud-based property management system is Mövenpick,
  • A typical global brand might have a dozen agreements with local Micros offices. Oracle streamlined the patchwork of deals into a single worldwide agreement.
  • “We’re the number one provider of property management systems in North American and worldwide,” he said. “We’re also taking market share in geographies where Micros had operated through partners.
  • Since the acquisition, the company boosted its number of customer service representatives by more than 30 percent to better handle the volume of requests
  • One global benchmark was to cut the wait time for customers calling the help desk to under two minutes, on average. The company is now meeting that goal, he said.The company set a goal of resolving at least 70 percent of customer support requests within an hour. Webster said it is now achieving that.
  • Oracle Hospitality is “growing above the market average.”
  • “We’ve made massive progress in bringing [the Micros property management system] Opera to the cloud,” Webster said.
  • Oracle Hospitality has boosted its research-and-development headcount by about 50 percent.
  • et us reduce the training time for staff by almost half and improve the speed of service for guests by nearly 40 percent.”
  • We’ve innovated in hardware, too. In the last year, we’ve been able to bring our complete new line of hardware onto tablets, not just fixed work stations, and a complete line of mobile solutions for our Opera property management system. We brought out a new housekeeping operations application via mobile, too.”
  • We’re now focused on helping our hotel customers create exceptional guest experiences while reducing the cost and complexity of IT.” He said hotels using Oracle no longer need database administrators or other IT support staff to manage the technology.
  • Opera Property Management System for multi-tenant hotels has integrations with more than 1,400 third-party tools, such as for accounting and revenue management.
  • Christian Weste, the boss of Hotel Lundia in Sweden, wrote: “Seems to be the same all over Europe and probably the rest of the world also. It takes months to get in touch with someone and even then the issue will most likely not be solved.”
  • Oracle Hospitality has responded to competition by widening the aperture of its target market. While Micros had tended to focus on larger hotels and chains, Oracle Hospitality says it wants it all — from so-called tier-one hotels in global capitals down to small independents in tiny corners of the globe.
  • Oracle’s pricing strategy may tell a different story. Its relatively high fees tends to favor large chains and pose obstacles for small group and independent hotels.
  • Oracle will win the day only if it acts as a platform that can play nicely and affordably with new third-party tools, such as for revenue management; new businesses, such as alternative lodging, and new ways of doing business, such as alternative forms of payment like Apple Pay, Alipay, bitcoin, and Google Wallet.
    Three years ago Oracle was able to buy out the leading company in hotel and restaurant technology, Micros. But the transition was quite tough on the company leaving many customers dissatisfied with the service they were receiving. One reason for this is because Oracle was not used to call-center based customer service making it quite difficult for them to adapt on their side but it was also difficult for the customers to adapt to taking all their data online to the cloud. In order to keep happy customers Oracle was able to boost the number of customer service representatives which made each and every customer have a shorter wait time and also the they are able to serve more customers as well. Oracle has also taken the step into streamlining the agreements with their customers into one global agreement making the service across the board on the same level, they were able to get more companies on the cloud, they were able to reduce training time by making the systems more user friendly and also have changed the PMS system to be on separate hardware such as tablets. They have also decided not only to focus on the hardware and IT aspect, but make it possible for hotels to give the best experience possible by adding more tools to track guest information but also for revenue and accounting management. At the time there are still many opposers to the systems and are being voices by many General Managers of the world but with the improvements they are bound to please more customers.
    This article talks about hotels investing and implementing micros as their main system.
    For three years now, Oracle has been the owner of Micros, a software that manages payments and reservations for more than 300,000 hospitality owners. This article speaks on how Oracle has been handling the transition, and the obstacles they are facing now, including competition from other hospitality softwares that hotels around the world are using. Most softwares today are using cloud based systems, but Oracle was having some mishaps with that transition, therefore making customers unhappy. To relieve some of the tension between customers and the company, there hired about 30% more representatives to handle the volume of requests, and questions from Oracle users. With more research and more representatives, 70% of customer support requests are being resolved within an hour. With time of the essence in the hospitality world, this is an important aspect for users of the system. Competition is out there, and price is a large factor for small and family owned businesses that cannot afford the Oracle system, but they are now working on widening their marker to independently owned hotels from anywhere around the globe. Being a user of Micros in my own place of work, the computer software makes it easy for both the employee and the guests, with straightforward prompts and payments that deliver little to no hassle. Oracle would like to keep on growing and with the rate that they have overcome their mishaps and learned to adapt to new technologies such as ApplePay and Bitcoin, it seems it can only go up from here.

Improve Your Laptop's Wifi With A Wifi Antenna Booster * Expert Vagabond - 0 views

  • As a full-time digital nomad who works from his computer around the world, strong wireless internet connections are critical to my lifestyle. While I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the availability of wifi in many countries, there are definitely times when I wished my MacBook’s wifi card was more powerful.
  • ’ve discovered a fantastic solution to my relentless wifi addiction. You can buy a wifi range extender for your laptop, like the TP-Link N300 Wifi Antenna.
  • t increases my laptop’s WiFi signal strength 3 to 5 times
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • There are 2 primary situations when having a wifi antenna helps greatly. The first is when I’m staying at a hotel, guesthouse, or hostel and the wifi signal doesn’t reach my room.
    For travelers on the go, one frequently encountered frustration is the poor quality of WiFi signal in international destinations. This is especially true for business travelers.This frustration can be remedied however. by providing travelers with WiFi range extenders such as the TP-Link N300 Wifi Antenna. They can plug right into a laptops Ethernet port to extend its WiFi range by 200 yards or more! This represents an easy fix to a common problem for travelers and one that hotels should be looking into providing to guests. (It should be noted however, that more powerful AC technology is now available, replacing older N version network tech.) Providing this to guests would greatly enhance their quality of stay. Nicholas Reynolds- Hospitality Enterprise Technology Online
    I agree that a good wireless connection is vital to reaching customers and can really effect their stay. Connectivity has become such a big issue that it is in most hotel's customer satisfaction surveys as a metric for how the hotel is doing.
    This would definitely be beneficial for those whose job requires them to travel and to be constantly connected to the internet. Unfortunately in the world we live in not only is this important to business travelers but can also be important to families that are traveling on vacation where parents can not fully disconnect from their jobs. We all know the importance of receiving emails and txts from work that can be vital to your career.

Global distribution system (GDS): Complete guide for hotels - SiteMinder - 1 views

  • More than 600,000 travel agents plug into the GDS every day on behalf of companies to book flights, hotels, car rentals and destination activities.
  • Despite the growth of third party online travel agencies (OTAs) like and Expedia, the GDS remains the number one way to promote your hotel to the corporate travel market globally.
  • A GDS is a worldwide conduit between travel bookers and suppliers, such as hotels and other accommodation providers.
  • ...62 more annotations...
  • The history of global distribution systems dates back to the 1960s when a more sophisticated method was needed to keep track of flight schedules, availability, and prices
    • anonymous
      This is how GDS started back in the day in order to keep track of things however nowadays it is used for so much more.
  • Hoteliers are always looking at ways to increase their reach to attract more customers, increase revenue, and make a profit
    • anonymous
      Hence why GDS is so beneficial for hotel companies and other industries.
  • As soon as a reservation is made on the GDS or an online booking website, the channel manager instantly reduces inventory across all channels, including the hotel’s own website, and automatically delivers the reservation details back into the PMS or central reservation system (CRS).
    • anonymous
      Reservations are now made quick and easy with this system. It gives customers a pleasant experience.
  • There are several major global distribution systems that house and process the majority of data from hotels, airlines, and other distributors. These include Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Apollo, and Pegasus.
    • anonymous
      Here we can see some examples of GDSs.
  • The Apollo reservation system was used by United Airlines until 2012, when it switched to SHARES, a system used by its former Continental Airlines subsidiary.
  • Sabre is seen as a pioneer for online travel agencies, corporate booking tools, revenue management, and web and mobile itinerary tools, to name a few.
  • Galileo traces its roots back to 1971 when United Airlines created its first computerised central reservation system
  • created by other airline groups in an attempt to gain market share in the computer reservation system market.
  • Worldspan is a Travelport platform, and is the technology leader in web-based travel eCommerce, offering solutions for all facets of travel business online. As a leading GDS, Worldspan provides travel distribution, technologies and services for thousands of travel companies worldwide, including travel agencies, corporations, travel suppliers and travel websites.
  • Amadeus has the biggest global footprint of any of the GDSs, with a potential reach to millions of guests.
  • Abacus was founded in 1988 and became a leading provider of travel solutions and services in the Asia Pacific region.
  • Pegasus Solutions pioneered the hospitality reservations industry.
  • The best systems will connect your hotel directly to the world’s most prominent GDSs
  • Using a software provider to tap into the GDS saves a lot of money and time.
  • Essentially, the GDS can increase hotel bookings and revenue by placing hotels on more ‘supermarket shelves’ globally.
    • anonymous
      It gives hotels the ability to expand and increase the number of customers they get by exposing them more internationally.
  • there are still more bookings being generated through the GDS than through hotel websites.
  • The GDS is indeed a unique and direct marketing tool for your hotel.
  • booked quickly and efficiently.
  • The GDS can help hotel managers uncover new market segments to promote their products to
  • More travel agents are relying on the GDS to find the best places for their clients to stay.
  • the GDS improves search positioning and displays your brand messaging during the search and booking process
  • Hotels generate more revenue through a GDS because it places the hotel’s information, availability and rates in prominent locations where it is easy for travel agents to find.
  • you can market all of your rooms to all of your distribution channels at one time.
  • Your GDS should help you maximise your bookings and increase your revenue
  • the capability for the GDS to integrate completely with your existing PMS, online booking engine and channel manager.
  • help you make the best decisions regarding your marketing strategy and distribution plan.
  • discover and tap into the most powerful and motivated market segments.
  • trial the GDS for a short time and measure results before continuing your subscription.
  • Because cruise travellers rely heavily on travel agents for their trip arrangements, it’s highly likely any hotel bookings will also be made through this channel.
  • A GDS is a worldwide conduit between travel bookers and suppliers, such as hotels and other accommodation providers
  • Cruises tend to rely on more conventional channels like travel agents to reach and convert guests.
  • With the cruise industry currently in a state of growth, it represents a chance for hotels to get a slice of the revenue.
  • It appears travel agents are driving most of this success, with 70% of cruise bookings made via this channel.
  • Cruises do all the hard work to book their guests but often they will arrive a day or two early or depart a day or two after their cruise, booking at hotels for the extra time.
  • Most prominent is your hotel description
  • you eliminate the frustration of signing up with each individual platform, and you can connect to all of the top providers without paying the individual fees.
  • The GDS is often used to tap into the corporate travel market because it has the ability to present hotels, flights, and car rentals in one simple interface which is convenient.
  • Live rates and availability are sent from a hotel’s property management system (PMS) directly to the GDS and online booking websites via a channel manager.
  • What are the major GDS systems?
  • here are several major global distribution systems that house and process the majority of data from hotels, airlines, and other distributors. These include Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Apollo, and Pegasus.
  • There are several major global distribution systems that house and process the majority of data from hotels, airlines, and other distributors. These include Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Apollo, and Pegasus.
  • Amadeus GDS
  • Sabre GDS
  • Galileo GDS
  • Worldspan GDS
  • Apollo GDS
  • Abacus GDS
  • Pegasus GDS
  • – like the ones mentioned above – so you don’t have to worry about signing up to each one
  • individually.
  • In one fell swoop you can access all the retail and traditional travel agents you want:
  • There are a few specifications which will greatly aid successful GDS connectivity: Being centrally located Being located close to an airport Room capacity of more than 20 rooms Lodgings that are set up for corporate markets and not affected by seasons
  • Here’s a checklist to ensure you’re using the GDS to its full potential:
  • 1. Pooled inventory
  • 2. Commission-free structure
  • 3. Integration capabilities
  • 4. Comprehensive reporting
  • 5. Ability to target specific markets
  • 6. No lengthy contracts
  • 7. Simple and affordable connection
  • Essentially, the GDS can increase hotel bookings and revenue by placing hotels on more ‘supermarket shelves’ globally. This approach is particularly effective at capturing international corporate travellers. You can gain lucrative international corporate business, particularly if you’re near a major airport gateway or close to government or commercial enterprises.
    • yoevelyn
      This article goes into how to optimize the use of GDS for a hotel operation and the author touched on a point we have discussed in the class before: how to market your local hotel to an international audience. The author suggests that adding your property to a GDS can be a cost-effective way to bring those international business travelers, specially if your hotel is near an airport.
  • The number of bookings generated through a GDS generally outpaces that of direct bookings
    This article goes in depth into GDS. It explains the concept of the GDS is and how eaxctly it works. It also gives examples of some major GDSs. It talks about the benefits of using GDS in hotels.
    The global distribution system in the hospitality industry is beyond vital in the act of keeping the ball rolling. GDS provides live products and offers to travelers across the globe. Whats really amazing about GDS is that live availability and rates are transferred through a channel manager directly to online booking sites. This allows guests to acquire the best rates the soonest as opposed to waiting to call a hotel or resort to see what they have and at what price.
    This article shows us everything we need to know about Hotel GDS. It includes GDS in the hotel industry, GDS work way in travel, seven major GDS systems, the way to access leading GDSs with GDS software, GDS conditions of use, benefits of connecting hotel to the GDS, and how to use the GDS to capture cruise travel bookings at hotel.

DOs and DON'Ts of Facebook Bar Marketing - Buzztime - 3 views

  • The secret is mixing up the perfect Facebook bar marketing cocktail with the latest tools, trends, and these 20 pro secrets
  • DON’T Wing It. Create a Content Calendar
  • Spend 3 minutes a day interacting on OTHER Facebook pages,
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Start by Liking Other Businesses
  • Ask Other Pages to Promote You
  • o ensure your event is seen by customers, pay for Facebook bar marketing.
  • DON’T Skimp on Paid Facebook Bar Marketing
  • Use Free AnalyticsYou can also use “publishing tools” to look for patterns in your content.
  • DO Customize and Optimize Your Page
  • Verify Your Page
    This article is a great guide for how a bar or restaurant can best use facebook to promote their business. Most of us are personal users of facebook but there are tools especially useful for businesses that will make your page more visited and legitimate for your guests. The article lists 20 tips for maximizing facebook, I think the most impactful would be how your page interacts with other pages. The business page can interact regularly with others, vendors, guests, neighborhood businesses. Participate in discussions that are relevant with sincere comments (not just shameless plugs) and participate in paid facebook marketing. Facebook is a marketing tool that can be more than superficial and can help businesses reach their customers where they are. Spending time on this communication channel is a valuable use of resources if done with strategy.

Air Canada Begins Using a New Way to Distribute Fares to Partners - Skift - 0 views

  • The shape of the future is unclear.For a glimpse at what may come, look to Air Canada, which this week processed its first transaction via a new platform called NDC Exchange.
  • For several years now, Air Canada has offered internet-based connections for online travel agencies and travel management companies to access its airfares. These worked outside of the incumbent three giants of travel distribution, Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport.
  • About 40 to 50 agencies access Air Canada’s application programming interfaces, or APIs, to process about a million tickets a year via direct connections that avoid the intermediaries.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • it enables the airline to have enhanced control over how the content appears on travel agency reservation systems to make sure they’re presenting their full-service products in the best way and not encouraging customers to shop by lowest price.
  • Air Canada
  • began using NDC Exchange, a platform that does the work on Air Canada’s behalf to transform data from its web services into a way that’s readable by sellers using any of the different versions of New Distribution Capability.
  • NDC Exchange was created by airfare filing clearinghouse ATPCO
  • and SITA,
  • the airline industry has heavy control of both organizations, which may help keep costs below what they would probably have to pay third-party distribution giants to do the same work.
  • Wallis said, “My wish would be to put all of my partners in the NDC Exchange, though it would take more than a year to get there.
  • If the vision is mostly fulfilled, the NDC Exchange could take on a life of its own. It could become more than a mere data transformation tool that acts as an integration layer during a presumably temporary spike in updates to the New Distribution Capability standard.
  • “There is a nominal cost to use it for airlines and a nominal cost to use it for the sellers, but if the costs stay low and the system has low latency, then the value would be worthwhile,”
  • The platform could become more valuable if it effectively enabled the cross-selling of ancillary services between airlines.
  • For this platform, SITA is taking on the role of providing the IT networking for messaging and data services to power the exchange, while ATPCO transforms the data.
  • The NDC Exchange runs on SITA’s cloud-based infrastructure and airlines use its 24/7 call-center support to handle any troubleshooting.
  • Amadeus’s Elena Avila, executive vice president, head of Americas, airlines, said, “Air Canada is a long-term partner that we’re thrilled to be working with both on the IT and the distribution side.
  • Amadeus Anytime Merchandising will equip Air Canada to address evolving industry initiatives, such as NDC.”
  • Sabre announced “a commitment to advance at an industry level” new technological and business practice methods with American Airlines and several key players in corporate travel
  • A Sabre spokesperson said in an interview, “Efforts like the one you highlighted [by ATPCO] are often focused only on offer creation, whereas Beyond NDC is focused on developing end-to-end solutions that let airlines retail, distribute and fulfill across the entire traveler journey.
  • Amadeus announced an NDC-X program that’s working with Qantas and American Airlines and with travel sellers like Flight Centre, Travix, American Express Global Business Travel, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, and BCD Travel.
  • The traditional masters of this task — Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport — could choose to plug into it. But they might have to accept commercial terms that would be less lucrative than past arrangements.
  • Verteil Technologies, an Indian IT provider, will use the NDC Exchange to aggregate the New Distribution Capability content and then enable Indian travel agencies to issue standalone New Distribution Capability tickets.
  • Australia- and New Zealand-based corporate travel technology company Serko is plugging into NDC Exchange.
  • Other vendors launching on NDC Exchange include Airlines Reporting Corp., Innfinity and Atriis.
    Air Canada's new platform, NDC Exchange, which works outside of the GDSes, allows the airline to manage the way its bookings appear on travel agency registration systems. The system was created by ATPCO (Airline Tariff Publishing Co.) and SITA, the latter of which transforms the data while the former provides the data services that make it have the ability to run,. Recently, several GDSes, such as Sabre, Amadeus, along with other entities like Verteil Technologies, Serko, and more, have also began to utilize their own NDC Exchange program.

Cloud Computing: Explained for the Hotel Industry - 7 views

  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • cloud-based applications are usually a lot cheaper than traditional systems.
  • cloud computing is when you use programs, store files, or access data via the internet rather than on your hard drive.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • When an application is “cloud based” it means that it lives on third party servers.
  • Avoids costly and painful installations
  • Eliminates negative depreciation (in fact, the software gets better with age, since updates can be made at any time) 
  • Pushes software companies to consistently earn customer loyalty with innovation and great service
  • No discussion of cloud computing in the hotel industry would be complete without mentioning Cloudbeds, the first property management system startup in years to serve 1 million beds with its software.
  • Hotels that use Cloudbeds log into it directly in a web browser like Internet Explorer or Chrome. This is a big advantage for hotels because you can access the application on any device.
  • When a system is cloud-based, it can innovate faster because changes can take effect immediately.
  • Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences.
  • Another reason for Cloudbeds’ rapid growth is that their software can easily integrate with other tools. Cloudbeds has an extensive marketplace of integration partners, including Whistle, TrustYou, and Oaky, that it can connect to via an API. Because everything is located in the cloud, a hotel doesn’t need to download any programs or plug-ins to add a new integration. These add-ons can offer upgrades and analyze reviews, among other things, so you can improve guest service and even earn incremental revenue.
  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences.
  • “The cloud” wasn’t created overnight; instead, decades of technological evolution led to cloud computing.
  • Requires minimal upfront investment
  • a cloud based hotel software company like Cloudbeds might choose to rent space with a company like Rackspace to host their application (and yours) or alternatively they might use a service like AWS. 
  • One of the biggest misconceptions about cloud computing is that files and applications don’t live on physical storage servers.
  • AWS tends to be more scalable for fast growing applications but as end users your guests won’t notice the difference so it’s really a matter of preference.
  • If you’ve ever edited a Google Doc or uploaded files to Dropbox, then you’ve leveraged cloud computing.
  • If you use Microsoft Office, you might create a PowerPoint on your laptop (local storage), but when you save the file, it gets uploaded to your Microsoft OneDrive, which is housed in the cloud.
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • lower switching costs for buyer
  • you can sign on securely via any web browser - even if you’re off-site.
  • t the same time, users can submit feedback to Cloudbeds about any bugs or glitches, which the Cloudbeds team can resolve quickly.
  • you may even save some money in your IT budget
  • your hotel can implement a new system seamlessly
    Cloud computing offers a more efficient way for hotels to keep up with data and programs for their company. When a hotel uses cloud computing, they are able to create more of a positive experience for their guests. It also is extremely helpful to use a cloud-based system because hotels could access their cloud-based application on any device. Cloud-based software also gets better with age because the updates can be made at any time so this will get rid of negative depreciation.
  • ...5 more comments...
    cloud computing is when you use programs, store files, or access data via the internet rather than on your hard drive One of the biggest misconceptions about cloud computing is that files and applications don't live on physical storage servers. When an application is "cloud based" it means that it lives on third party servers. Cloud computing provides several advantages over traditional computing: Avoids costly and painful installations Requires minimal upfront investment Allows software companies to focus resources on R&D/innovation Eliminates negative depreciation (in fact, the software gets better with age, since updates can be made at any time) Offers the ability to cancel at any time (plus has lower switching costs for buyers) Pushes software companies to consistently earn customer loyalty with innovation and great service integrate with other tools...These add-ons can offer upgrades and analyze reviews,PIE revenue management tool, a channel manager, a booking engine, and more operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences
    This article explains what cloud computing is, the evolution behind the technology, and how the hotel industry uses cloud computing. Cloud computing can benefit hotels because they can use any device to log into cloudbeds on web browsers.This type of technology can make everyday operations more efficient, save employee time, and create an overall positive guest experience.
    This article explains what we've learned of Cloud Computing. The evolution to its upcoming may have taken a while but now it is here to stay. The use of Cloudbeds in the hotel industry has made operations more efficient, save time and money on employees and improves guest experiences. Cloudbeds has expanded its property management system to include: PIE revenue management tool, a channel manager, and more. The use of Cloudbeds is accessible through any web browser, this makes it efficient if you were working at home. Cloud computing is the next innovation we will see more of in the hospitality industry.
    This article introduces you to cloud computing and its evolution. It also explains how the hotel industry can benefit from using cloud services. "Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences." Through the use of CloudBeds, a hotel employee can sign on and use property management software securely from any web browser.
    This article talks about the use and benefits of cloud based software for the hotel industry. It gives a simple explanation of how the cloud works. The major point that I found interesting is the usage of this software and how it is easier for hotels to stay up to date because any update in the system happens in real life at the moment without having to update individually every terminal
    The article discusses the hotel industry's adoption of cloud computing. By using cloud computing, you can use programs, upload files, and access data over the internet instead of storing them locally. Cloud computing and local storage are used together in some applications. In addition to hardware, software, training, and maintenance, IBM offered an extensive range of services. Due to Cloudbeds' ability to integrate with other tools, they have experienced rapid growth. Integrations can offer upgrades and analyze reviews, among other things, so you can provide better service and increase revenue. By implementing cloud-based software, hotels can stay ahead of the competition, save time for employees, and give their guests a better experience.
    This article describes what cloud computing is, and what it isn't, so people understand how it can be seen in the industry. The storing of data on the internet has been a huge innovation as it expanded storage beyond the typical storage offered on a device. By switching to this new technology, businesses may minimize future investments as the technology tends to work for many years and only requires quick updates. By researching what your business and customers need, you can make the right choices on whether this investment is worth it or not for your property.
Raquel Martinez

Metal detector quits Birmingham terminal cleared - 0 views

    After reading this article it makes wonder if airport employees are being trained at l . This metal detector broke at an airport and nobody Check to see if it was plug right . They. Could not figure out the problem finally someone Check it and saw that it was not plug In . I think airports should train there employees better and check all machines before the airport opens in the Morning
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