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Using HRIS for Employee Scheduling - HRIS Payroll Software - 1 views

  • Labor is the number one expense for most companies, so it is important to manage labor in the most efficient way possible. HRIS can synchronize scheduling with sales and productivity forecasts to help manage labor as you schedule,
  • Using HRIS for scheduling can be of particular benefit to workplaces in industries such as retail, medical, food service, and hospitality where shifts may vary widely.
  • Makes Scheduling Communication Instantaneous
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  • Provides Labor Management Tools
  • This can help you to optimize scheduling on a minute to minute basis so that your company is making the best use of every labor dollar spent.
  • Alerts You to Uncovered Shifts
  • HRIS can be configured to alert you to uncovered shifts or shifts where more coverage is needed based on forecasts. This can divert potential disasters and help you avoid ever being short staffed.
  • Using HRIS for scheduling can be of particular benefit to workplaces in industries such as retail, medical, food service, and hospitality where shifts may vary widely.
  • Allows You to Strategically Gear Scheduling
  • Communicating schedules instantly through HRIS can help to reduce headaches and scheduling mishaps.
  • Provides a Template
  • HRIS usually provide scheduling templates and may even make it a snap to copy over the schedule from the previous week or month and make changes to accommodate current business needs. This can save time from penciling in shifts that will stay the same. Templates can also help you to easily utilize feedback from previous scheduling issues to improve future shifts.
  • Can Increase Employee Contentment
  • Depending on the available features, employees may be able to submit feedback regarding preferences in regards to scheduling. Knowing which employees prefer the late shifts, which prefer the early morning shifts, and which employees would like to pick up available additional shifts can simultaneously make scheduling easier and make employees happier.
  • Having scheduling information in advance regularly can quickly and dramatically increase employee contentment.
  • HRIS can help you to identify times when it may be possible to assign certain employees training tasks or simply take employees aside and teach them new skills. This can help your company to increase the value of labor hours and invest in employees without breaking the bank.
    This article talks about how companies use HRIS for implementing employee scheduling and how it provides key labor management tools. Using HRIS for scheduling can be of particular benefit to workplaces in industries such as retail, medical, food service, and hospitality where shifts may vary widely. Labor is the number one expense for most companies, so it is important to manage labor in the most efficient way possible. This can help you to optimize scheduling on a minute to minute basis so that your company is making the best use of every labor dollar spent.This can help you to optimize scheduling on a minute to minute basis so that your company is making the best use of every labor dollar spent. However, having to communicate with each individual employee as they move through varying shifts to relay schedules can be disruptive to work and difficult. Communicating schedules instantly through HRIS can help to reduce headaches and scheduling mishaps. Depending on the available features, employees may be able to submit feedback regarding preferences in regards to scheduling. The article talks about when scheduling is made easy, it is possible to focus on scheduling strategically so that employees can be cross trained through various departments or otherwise receive instruction that helps them to grow within the organization.
    I believe the hospitality industry can benefit greatly from the implementation of the HRI Software. This article in particular focus in an important part of the human resource which is scheduling employees. One of the biggest reasons of the high employment turn over in the industry has to do with the scheduling. The hospitality employees work very long shifts and on the days that the rest of the people rest like weekends and holidays. To have a program that will take care of the scheduling is very beneficial because all the employees get a chance to have off to to work on the requested days if possible. It makes it more equal for everybody and make it look less personal so that the employees do not think that the manager has any sort preferences among them. Overall makes thing more easy to handle and optimize the time of the human resources department because they do not need to put time aside for scheduling.
    As we all know, the company can't be truly beneficial from using HRIS for scheduling if it operates on a 9-5 schedule. But in the hospitality industry, the company operates over a long period of time, having the different degree of complexity with scheduling. So, HRIS will help the companies to make scheduling easier. In this article, the author introduces several advantages that HRIS offers to the industry. HRIS provides hotels with labor management tools and alerts them to uncovered shifts. Moreover, it makes scheduling communication instantaneous and increase employee contentment. Most importantly, HRIS enables hotels to save time and money for providing a template, which allows hotels to strategically gear scheduling.

Three Ways to Overcome Hotel Accounting Challenges - 0 views

  • Managing payroll is a constant challenge, so it’s critical for hoteliers to have a way to monitor daily labor costs, manage overtime, oversee daily payroll transactions, and have access to simple reporting functions.
  • Adopting a cloud-based reporting system can offer seamless labor monitoring and management from clock-in to paycheck while giving hoteliers on-demand management of earnings to manage transactions in real time.
  • Hoteliers may have a difficult time deciphering what story the data is telling and which levers to pull to remedy an issue or to replicate success. Business intelligence and analytics tool can point to where efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses.
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  • Adopting an operations management platform that allows hoteliers to import data into one centralized dashboard combines critical accounting and performance data to aid hoteliers in identifying trends and making more informed decisions.
  • Hoteliers must expect the best but prepare for the worst and have a back-up accounting team in place ready to resume operations in the event of a disaster.
  • While increased corporate travel demand and a healthy economy paint a rosy picture for the hotel industry, the report also warns that the lodging ecosystem is vulnerable to threats from multiple fronts.
  • These unique challenges require hotels to be nimble, educated, and equipped with the latest technology to streamline processes and drive financial performance.
  • Hotels live or die on the ebb and flow of fluctuations in their business.
  • hotel-specific accountants can scale on demand to offer the needed expertise and ramp up quickly.
  • Because the hotel industry has a very specific set of needs, it is imperative for hoteliers have the right tools to navigate today’s challenges. The global travel industry shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, so hotels must incorporate cutting-edge technology to streamline operations, optimize labor management, and access critical data while preparing for the next unexpected event.
    This particular article on hospitality and tourism accounting states that the global travel industry is expanding at an accelerated rate. Although there are high demands in corporate travel and high level of satisfaction in the economy, the ever growing industry is vulnerable to many risks given by its consumers. Just as much as the guests utilizing these hospitality services are becoming more pressing towards great prices and expressing concern in the quality of service they receive, hotel businesses are adamant about increasing awareness in cost and profit. To balance all these exclusive challenges, hotels are insisting on being educated and equipped with the most up-to-date technological advances to keep up with the ever demanding industry. With this in mind, the article states three methods to conquer the challenges faced today. The first method is to utilize a cloud based system to keep track of all the innumerous activities present to keep the business running. Due to the fact that a hotel is run by an overflowing amount of employees, all with different jobs and tasks, all using different systems respective to their departments, and require several types of pay (part-time, full-time, tipped employees) methods, it is a challenge to keep things efficient without a proper system. This is the reason why the article recommends using a cloud based system to keep track of the daily labor costs, overtime management, daily payroll transactions, and incorporate easy accessibility to reporting functions. The cloud based system will be beneficial in keeping everything in record beginning from the moment an employees clocks in to the end where they receive their paycheck, as well as, the ability to manage transactions. The second method is to centralize all the various sources of data. Hotels have a countless amount of data being stored. That can range from guest satisfaction satisfaction survey and comment reports, PMS data, to financial reports. With all these busy ac
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    The hospitality industry today is said to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, as demands for travel accompanied by a healthy economy has pushed a flourishing industry. As the industry grows, businesses are having to become more cost/profit-conscious while maintaining an increased importance on price, quality, and level of service, all the while sustaining a profitable organization. The article states that business owners are relying more on financial data to ensure maximum efficiency and profitability out of each and every contract. The article goes on to discuss three new smart-technology accounting solutions for various industry challenges. Cloud-based reporting systems are beneficial as the hospitality industry has many different waged employees that make payroll challenging; cloud-based systems make monitoring and managing staff significantly easier. With all of the varying data that the hospitality industry finds necessary, it is often easy to be overwhelmed with data/numbers. Data from one source may indicate trends in one direction while data from another source may contradict. Operations management platforms can be put into play that can decipher through the data and find out the important details like what efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses. These platforms combine critical accounting and performance data to benefit business owners by identifying trends and aiding better informed decisions. Lastly, the article finishes with how the hospitality industry can be unpredictable and that back-up accounting teams may be necessary in times of distress.
    This article mentions way to overcome hotel accounting challenges. The article mentioned that technology has been helping the industry increase revenue, minimize cost, and maximize profit without affecting the quality of the service. One of the ways the author mentioned was to use cloud-based reporting for labor. Hotels have many employees working at all different times of the day and their pay rate varies, therefore it is much easier to monitor labor cost, have employees clock in electronically, and complete payroll having an electronic accounting system. Another way is to centralize multiple data sources. "Hoteliers may have a difficult time deciphering what story the data is telling and which levers to pull to remedy an issue or to replicate success. Business intelligence and analytics tool can point to where efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses." As a manager, its easier to monitor all your reports on one page making it easier to point out the areas that need improvement. Lately, having back-up accounting teams is a smart idea. Hotels are 24/7 hour establishments that host rooms for the needs of many people. In case of a natural disaster, the hotel must have a team ready to tackle the challenges on making room for those guests in need. "The global travel industry shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, so hotels must incorporate cutting-edge technology to streamline operations, optimize labor management, and access critical data while preparing for the next unexpected event."
    MOD 9: This article is about how hotels are able to overcome accounting challenges within their industry. According to the article, the travel industry on a global scale is one of the fastest growing industries. While this is great news for the hospitality industry, the lodging sector is prone to vulnerability from trying to stay competitive while being cost and profit conscious and providing customized service. With these challenges, this article discloses three ways hotels can attempt to overcome them and they include cloud-based reporting for labor, centralize multiple data sources, and back-up accounting teams. When managing hotel staff, there are some challenges in overseeing that employees are compliant to their schedule, managing payroll and monitoring labor costs for each department. Implementing a cloud-based labor reporting system could help alleviate those challenges. A similar example would be like ADP, my own property uses this system to monitor labor costs as well as manage payroll and scheduling issues. With implementing multiple centralized data sources, it helps hoteliers to easily identify trends and help make more informed decisions based on the data shown from their data sources. With any property, it is always in their best interest to prepare for worst case scenarios which could be a natural disaster as an example. By establishing a back-up accounting team, hoteliers will be able to make more informative decisions with their back-up accounting team to match the changes of the industry after events like a natural disaster.
    The article discusses how hotels can overcome accounting obstacles. Firstly managing payroll is cumbersome, so a cloud-based reporting system can provide an easy way to monitor labour and manage overtime, and daily payroll transactions. Secondly, hotels have a difficult time to read data as data can come from a huge variety of sources: STR reports, PMS data, satisfaction surveys, comments. Hotels need a centralized dashboard which combines all critical accounting and performance data to assist hotels in making better decisions. Lastly, the article talks about hotels needing a back-up accounting team in case of disasters. In-house accounting teams may not be able to tackle on one-time event disasters and there must be a back-up team in place in times of urgency. The author, Scott Watson, executive vice president of sales and marketing at a cloud-based financial platform, sees that hotels are becoming more "cost and profit conscious" and I agree with him. Technology solutions are what hotels are craving right now to increase revenue, minimize costs, and maximize profits without sacrificing service quality.
    This article helps guides hotels in how to overcome challenges when it comes to the accounting department in any situation that deals with staff tracking, how to decipher intricate data, and what to do in emergencies. The article details the usefulness of the Cloud and keeping track of staff members that are FOH and BOH that are both hourly and salary. That the accounting department could simply look them up in the cloud rather than searching through paperwork to understand exactly what their role is in the hotel and pay them accordingly. The article also goes over how having multiple centralized data sources can help accountants understand information from reports, guest satisfaction questionnaires, and other forms of reporting to pinpoint exactly what needs to be changed to become more efficient in the company. Lastly, the article covers how having back up accounting teams could be a definite positive just in case of emergencies (i.e. weather) so accounting can still be in progress no matter what situation occurs and the hotel can run smoothly.
Jingyi Wen

Employee Scheduling Software for Hotel and Lodging Industries - 2 views

    Labor costs are likely one of the largest expenses for almost all business. Although each business have different situation, reducing labor expenses is one of the fastest ways to realize more profit. After reading this article, I realize hospitality industry have some difficulties to control labor cost, such as peak hours, high season, part-time workers and a variety of job positions to schedule and multiple shifts to cover. So I think great labor schedule software could make creating work schedules and controlling labor budgets more efficient. Great labor schedule software should have below features, 1. Easily. This software could easily create rolling schedule for unlimited number of workers, define schedule and operational constraints. Easily publish schedules, calendars and any reports to staffs and managers. Manage labor costs and avoid over/under staffing with ease. 2. Flexible. Adjusting individual shift assignment start time, end time and payable hours when necessary. Quickly and efficiently find a substitute worker to fill a cancellation. 3. Comprehensive. Tracking all training, vacation, sick leave, and other off-work requests. Could visually assign tasks of any length from 1 minute to several hours. 4. Analytic. Numerous available reports can provide different kinds of detailed and summary information, such as labor cost data, payroll, employee position and etc. In a word, an efficient labor scheduling software will alert staffs when to work, and will reduce the amount of time that managers spend performing scheduling.

MultiBrief: Hospitality will enjoy growth in 2019 but suffer from labor issues - 1 views

  • Occupancy, which has seen an increase to 66.2 percent in 2018, will receive a further boost from an anticipated 2.1 percent rise in demand. A combination of factors like capital spending, tax-law changes and improved wage growth have affected the industry for the better
  • There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them.
  • Hotel employees are taking advantage of this unemployment rate to demand changes like increased wages and benefits, job security and better healthcare.
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  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are many open jobs, but only 5.3 percent of those are filled. This is the highest level since 2000 and shows how hard it is for hospitality managers to find qualified employees.
    This article discusses the growth of the hospitality industry as the labor sector experiences a slow down. The CBRE projects that although labor issues are worse in the suburbans areas finding the right talent or retaining has become harder in all markets. In addition, the industry is facing challenges in areas like gender equity, insurance requirements, and controversial political considerations for example lower-paying jobs such as dishwashers, line cooks and wait staff have shown more talent shortage because typically those positions are filled by undocumented immigrants.
    Very insightful article in regards to hospitality industry and labor section experiences a slow down.Quite a few hotel companies are experiencing this shortage of candidates and retaining employees due to several factors, pay being one of them. Marriott gave out significant raise to keep the talent they already had on staff across many different departments. "There is a talent shortage for all levels, but is more so for lower-paying jobs like dishwashers, line cooks and wait staff. Crackdowns on illegal immigrants, many of whom have filled these positions for decades, are also affecting business." There are alot of hotels experiencing shortage described above.
    I admire that the article mentioned many of the labor issues area result of undocumented immigrants leaving their job positions because of the political climate against undocumented individuals in addition to low pay. The affect of it can be seen throughout the industry.

4 hotel accounting challenges and solutions | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • Watson shared with Hotel Management four of the most common challenges he sees when it comes to hotel finances and accounting and offers advice on how to solve them
  • The real challenge then becomes how hoteliers can implement affordable and scalable solutions without enormous cost that will also meet owner expectations
  • The solution: Partner up
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  • can leverage best-of-breed accounting and financial technology at a fraction of the cost of ownership
  • “Adopting solutions that are developed by hoteliers exclusively for hoteliers gives users a critical leg up over their competition,
  • How can hoteliers meet the labor demands of the peaks without overstaffing for the valleys and also stay within budget?
  • The solution: Real-time monitoring for labor
  • With an overwhelming amount of data, many hoteliers suffer from paralysis by analysis.”
  • The solution: A centralized platform is key
  • “Guest service, sales, operations, financial management, accounting, cash management, asset management, balance sheet performance, maintenance—these are just a few of the priorities on every hotelier’s to-do list,
  • The solution: Outsource it
    In this article, the author discusses four hotel accounting challenges and solutions with Scott Watson, Executive Vice President of Sales and marketing from M3. According to this VP, hotel finances and accounting can be complex and come with challenges. We will discuss the challenge and solutions to the four listed issues: Enterprise Resource Planning, Staff Variations, Data Overload and Core Challenges. Firstly, the challenge with enterprise resource planning is how do hotels implement affordable and scalable solutions. Scott believes partnering up can cut costs. Secondly, staff variations and labor demands and the importance of staying within the budget. Scott's solution to this is real-time monitoring for labor. Cloud- based reporting can help manager monitor the daily labor costs and other payroll functions in real-time. Thirdly, data overload. The challenge here is how to do hotels present that data collected. According to Scott, the solution here is having a centralized platform. This allows for a check and balance system and may assist in monitoring cash flows, etc. Lastly, the fourth challenge are core challenges such as guest service, sales, operations and cash management. The main challenge here is how to hotels monitor the core competencies that generate revenue. The answer, according to Scott, is to outsource it. Outsourcing can be an efficient and cost-effective solution but it is not for everyone.

Analyst predicts rise of guest-facing restaurant technology | Technology content from N... - 4 views

  • A growing number of restaurant chains are turning to guest-facing technology to address such pressures. Casual-dining chains, such as Chili’s and Applebee’s, are rolling out the use of tabletop tablets for ordering and paying in their restaurants this year, for example. And BJ’s Restaurants Inc. revealed this week that guests will soon be able to order and pay using their own smart phones and other devices.
  • O’Cull estimates that a mid-scale casual-dining chain that produces $2.5 million in sales could save 100 to 200 basis points in labor costs, or roughly 1 percent to 2 percent, by offering technology that will allow guests to order and pay.
  • “We estimate that the restaurant could eliminate 30 percent to 40 percent of its total server hours and reduce labor costs by 100-200 basis points,” he wrote. “Obviously, the number of servers employed would fall, but the take-home pay of remaining servers would increase significantly.”
    The advances restaurants are making with technology are astounding. Because of the rise in minimum wage and health care recently, companies are forced to figure out a way to cut labor costs. With the addition of iPads and tablets, restaurants are now able to use technology to help with reducing the amount of labor needed. Some chain restaurants are providing guests with table-side tablets to order and pay for their meal, which will allow servers the opportunity to take on more tables and allow the customer to assist in the serving process. Managers will be able to evaluate their team based on speed and time it takes to turn the tables over, which could allow for either more customers served or allow managers to make the decision to reduce the amount of servers needed at their establishments. As this technology continues to become more available and user friendly, more establishments will be transitioning to computers/tablets instead of having face-to-face service.
    The use of tablets being used in casual dining chains is a great idea that will not only make things more convenient for the customer but will also drastically cut labor costs for restaurants. From a management perspective these tablets seem to be a great idea. Some may argue that part of the dining experience is being able to interact with ones server. However, how many times have you waited at your table hoping to pay the bill? Now guests are able to pay their bill when they are ready and the tablet even prompts the guest on how much to leave as a tip, which may help eliminate or at least cut down on the number of bad tippers. The only negative may be that since there is less interaction with guests and guests have the ability to pay the bill whenever they are ready to leave, could this increase the number of guests who walk out on the check? Nevertheless, many companies are starting to use this technology.
    The use of tablets can also cut down on error in the ordering process. Even if the wait staff remains, they can easily repeat everything ordered to the customer and there will be no mistakes for poor penmanship. Payment can be done at the table, also cutting down on potential identity theft using skimmers etc., under the bar or at the wait station.

Is hospitality ready for the army of robots coming to a hotel near you? - 0 views

  • By 2025, over 85 million existing jobs will be lost due to the seismic shift toward robotization and automation, according to estimates in the “Future of Jobs Report 2020” published by the World Economic Forum.
  • These are jobs like data analysts, AI learning specialists, digital transformation specialists, software and applications developers, robotization strategists, robotics technologists, robot training and maintenance specialists, etc.
  • robotization and automation are coming even to our technology-averse hospitality industry.
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  • ●     Solve dull, repetitive, dirty or dangerous jobs.●     Solve high turnover of trained employees (20%-30%)●     Solve problems like poor discipline, lack of motivation, etc.●     Lower labor costs, which are especially burdensome now●     Increase productivity●     Solve labor shortage of entry-level and unskilled workers, which plague the industry in “normal” times.
  • Labor costs constitute 36%-50% of hotel operational costs, based on hotel category, and in these times of low travel demand, low occupancies and catastrophic RevPARs, robotization and automation are becoming increasingly appealing to hotel owners and operators.
  • mobile and contactless check-in applications have already made the front desk staff obsolete
  • ultraviolet light pulses to kill viruses, bacteria and fungi and are already deployed at hundreds of hotels in the U.S.
  • clean guest rooms 20 percent faster and public areas up to 80 percent faster than human housekeepers.
  • security guards at resorts, large hotels and casinos, airports, theme parks and outdoors perimeters.
  • replace 100% of the waitstaff
  • The labor unions in major metropolitan areas with highly-unionized hospitality labor force are dead set against any robotization and automation or any technology advancement that can reduce the number of paying members.
  • hospitality is fast becoming a tech industry now
  • emergence of today’s tech-savvy customer who expects to find at hotels the same or better technology advancements they already enjoy at home
  • Robotics, AI, mobility, IoT devices and contactless check-in tech are being adopted across the industry at a very fast clip.
  • within the next 10 years many hotels will operate at half the pre-coronavirus staff level and we will be seeing more and more examples of semi and fully automated hotels
    This article is a big time eye opener how robots are already in place taking away plenty of jobs in every department. I highlighted some of the jobs they are currently doing and how much labor cost money the hotels are saving. Yes we love the new technology but it can also be a little intimidating once they start eliminating jobs. It really points out what we may not find obvious on how majority of the hospitality companies are already in use with artificial intelligence technologies. I believe in 10 years the world will be a complete different place and robots will take over for the most part!
Chris Cardoso

Hotel firm upgrades accounting system - 0 views

  • LBA Hospitality Partners with M3 Accounting + Analytics to Enhance Accounting Processes and Increase Efficiencies July, 31 2013 M3 Accounting + Analytics Seeking to update and streamline accounting processes for its 70-plus Southeast properties, Dothan, Ala.-based Larry Blumberg & Associates, Inc. (LBA Hospitality) recently announced an expanded partnership with M3 Accounting + Analytics, the national leader in hotel-specific accounting software, operations reporting, and business analytics. “If we are to continue to be an industry leader, we must have the ability to meet the requirements of our stakeholders and provide accurate, real-time and relevant information for our management team and owners,” said LBA President Beau Benton.  LBA sought the ability to swiftly handle budgets, forecasts, and reports, and to dissect business data, all while insuring that the back-office accounting platform functionality was state-of-the-art and industry-specific.  In choosing M3, Benton cited how the company integrates accounting, business intelligence, and reporting, while eliminating most redundancy, software investment and annual hardware/software maintenance. In addition, Benton and LBA were looking for continual and automatic upgrades, backup and disaster protection, and minimized downtime.  LBA is implementing the full suite of M3 products: accounting through the AccKnowledge platform, time, attendance and labor management through the newly released RightTime solution and LaborWatch, and payroll services through RightPay. The company will also continue to use M3 Link business intelligence reporting, as LBA will be expanding it to bring financial data, operating stats, Smith Travel feeds and guest satisfaction data (including verbatim responses) into one completely customizable dashboard. LBA, which launched its business by developing a Sheraton Inn in 1973, is rapidly growing its management business and securing more and more agreements from sophisticated owners and investors.   Scott Watson, M3 Vice President of Sales & Marketing, said, “While our core product remains our accounting solution, we’ve continued to evolve and offer new products and services that meet the current and future needs of the hospitality industry. It is truly exciting that our product platform will help Beau and LBA achieve the aggressive growth they are anticipating over the next five years.”  The implementation and training process for all LBA properties is expected to be complete by December 1.  About LBA Hospitality Based in Dothan, Ala., LBA Hospitality is a hospitality management company focused on maximizing return, safeguarding assets and enhancing value. Founded in 1973, the company now manages 70 properties throughout the Southeast, from Texas to Virginia. More information is available at  About M3 Accounting + Analytics M3 is the national leader in hotel-specific accounting software, operations reporting, business intelligence and analytics, processing more than $8 billion in financial transactions for more than 3,000 properties. M3’s integrated suite of hospitality accounting products includes: AccKnowledge, Link, payroll and labor management services, and document imaging and retrieval – all designed to help provide hotel operators, owners and managers unsurpassed access to the information they need in the most integrated and cost-effective manner. The company was founded in Gainesville, Ga. in 1998, and also has a base of operations in Tampa, Fla. More information is available at 
  • “If we are to continue to be an industry leader, we must have the ability to meet the requirements of our stakeholders and provide accurate, real-time and relevant information for our management team and owners,” said LBA President Beau Benton.  
  • continue to be an industry leader, we must have the ability to meet the requirements of our stakeholders and provide accurate, real-time and relevant information for our management team and owners,” said LBA President Beau Benton.  
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  • “If we are to continue to be an industry leader, we must have the ability to meet the requirements of our stakeholders and provide accurate, real-time and relevant information for our management team and owners,” said LBA President Beau Benton
    LBA Hospitality Partners with M3 Accounting plus Analytics to enhance accounting processes and increase efficiencies." As an industry leader LBA's Presidents feels they need to ability to meet requirements of their stakeholders and provide accurate real-time information for management and owners. When choosing M3 LBA's president noted how the company integrated accounting, business intelligence, and reporting while removing redundancy, software investment and annual hardware/software maintenance. Part of the requirements for choosing a company was continuous automatic upgrades, backup, disaster protection and limited downtime. LBA chose to implement a full suite of M3 products: Accounting through the AccKnowlege platform, time, attendance and labor management through RightTime solution and LaborWatch and payroll through RightPay. LBA will be expanding to bring financial data, operating costs, Smith Travel feeds and guest satisfaction data in one customized dashboard using M3 Link business intelligence reporting. LBA continues to grow after developing the Sheraton in 1973. Scott Watson of M3d is happy that M3 can meet the needs of their customers even though their core product is accounting solutions. They continues to help companies as they grow. Through this partnership they hope to continue to grow as meet the needs of their guest, investors and team. While it is important to have a core product to offer, I think it's also important to have additional products that meet the needs of your customer much like S. Watson said about M3 continuing to evolve and meet the needs of the hospitality industry. I feel this would make the company more marketing. It looks as if the President of LBA reviewed what the company's needs were and then chose to partner who leads the company in hotel specific accounting software. The president recognized the need to be able to report numbers accurately and forecast real data to its team, owners and investors. When I m
    The Larry Blumberg & Associates hospitality firm (LBA Hospitality) partnered with a management company, M3 Accounting & Analytics, to integrate new software in it's 70 properties throughout the southwest, fro Texas to Virginia. The services that will be provided by M3 will range from Accounts Payable, to General Ledger, Daily Sales Report, Labor Cost, Check Writing, Cash Management, Forecast, Budget, etc. M3 provides products and services that will continue to evolve and improve to be cutting edge in hospitality. LBA is using M3 to streamline an aggressive five year growth plan. Other hospitality business will begin to incorporate a service provider that can encompass all accounting needs.

2019 Hotel Accounting Trends Are All About the As | Hospitality Technology - 1 views

  • From an industry perspective, the next chapter of hospitality accounting will be all about the three “A’s”: apps, automation and analytics. Faced with greater demands in 2019, hoteliers will be forced to find new forms of automation to speed up financial processes and improve visibility on the backend, while enticing guests to utilize mobile apps through enhanced personalization on the frontend.
  • Mobile app reporting not only streamlines efficiencies and allows easier access to data, it also allows today’s hotelier to be more agile. GMs and other personnel can be on the go and still have KPIs, productivity data and real-time stats in the palm of their hand.
  • Good data supports good management. As more guests tap into hotel apps on the front end, hoteliers can track, analyze and adjust their offerings on the backend to meet guests’ needs, all while supporting a business synergy and strategy that makes sense.
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  • Increased automation will remove manual workloads and streamline processes. Putting the right industry-specific accounting software in place will be a game-changer for hotels looking to pinpoint inefficiencies and significantly reduce expenses across property lines.
  • As we continue to live in an increasingly customized world, hoteliers will seek targeted accounting tech partners to replace one-size-fits-all solutions.
  • Hotels have already begun replacing front-desk employees with apps, robots and automated kiosks. As a result, finding high-quality labor (at a reasonable cost) is no easy task.
  • During the next wave of hospitality technology, more and more hoteliers will recognize the power of analytics and adapt their strategy accordingly. Smart operators will seek out the most versatile technology on the market to collect and store information through data warehousing, which enhances data mining, analytics reporting, decision support and business forecasting.
  • Apps/AI Over the last decade, the hospitality industry has developed a fixation on mobile technology that has revolutionized hotel management. In the next phase, this trend will continue with full force—and any service that is currently delivered using pen and paper will eventually make the shift to mobile.
  • Hoteliers are already using their mobile apps for real-time data analysis, allowing them to make informed decisions whether they are on property, near their work areas, in the field or on the fly.
  • Predictive analytics and forecasting tools will continue to allow management teams to better anticipate and adjust decisions to meet future guest needs without sacrificing bottom-line results.
  • While there has been significant introductions with regard to guest-facing apps, and apps focused exclusively to enhance the guest experience, the untold value in mobile apps, for the operator, is behind the curtain
  • Automation Rising demands from guests will require hotels to be more responsive than ever. To keep up with the pace, managers will need to access an array of critical information on-the-fly, from in-house guest preferences to upcoming reservations, restaurant volumes, spa bookings and so forth—with automatic alerts set up that notify staff members when there’s a deviation from the plan related to forecasts or scheduling changes.
  • By combining varied data sources into one centralized location, or data warehouse, an API-powered data system will provide a holistic snapshot of entire portfolio raw data into a user-friendly format with gauges, dashboards, trendlines and more to equip hoteliers with the answers they need to impact bottom-lines.
  • Analytics The phenomenon of “big data” has infiltrated the professional world, spanning industries and transforming all facets of business, from accounting and operations management to marketing and business development. No longer bogged down by paper and binders, today’s hoteliers can access numerous data sets at every turn, from STR reports to PMS documents and guest satisfaction surveys.
  • On a micro level, big data will help property managers faced with countless day-to-day decisions make more informed choices on the floor, from keeping track of labor expenses to assessing the cost of a new light fixture.
  • On a macro level, corporate and regional managers will have the extended oversight necessary to ensure the right decisions are made at every level of the company from the ground-up.
  • And finally—partnering with a hotel-specific provider will continue to be invaluable for hoteliers to speed up their internal processes, minimize investment, reduce errors, and increase overall performance to make more informed decisions on the horizon.
  • the next chapter of hospitality accounting will be all about the three “A’s”: apps, automation and analytics.
  • Apps/AI
  • this trend will continue with full force—and any service that is currently delivered using pen and paper will eventually make the shift to mobile.
  • significant introductions with regard to guest-facing apps, and apps focused exclusively to enhance the guest experience, the untold value in mobile apps, for the operator, is behind the curtain.
  • Mobile app reporting not only streamlines efficiencies and allows easier access to data, it also allows today’s hotelier to be more agile.
  • interact with and enhance the guest experience by being more available and more attentive on the floor. Removing the chains and restrictions of the desktop and expediting report compilation, hoteliers can truly begin to refocus on delivering the best experience possible without worrying about becoming mired in the weeds of business ineffeciencies.
  • Predictive analytics and forecasting tools will continue to allow management teams to better anticipate and adjust decisions to meet future guest needs without sacrificing bottom-line results.
  • Good data supports good management. As more guests tap into hotel apps on the front end, hoteliers can track, analyze and adjust their offerings on the backend to meet guests’ needs, all while supporting a business synergy and strategy that makes sense.
  • Automation
  • managers will need to access an array of critical information on-the-fly, from in-house guest preferences to upcoming reservations, restaurant volumes, spa bookings and so forth—with automatic alerts set up that notify staff members when there’s a deviation from the plan related to forecasts or scheduling changes.
  • Increased automation will remove manual workloads and streamline processes. Putting the right industry-specific accounting software in place will be a game-changer for hotels looking to pinpoint inefficiencies and significantly reduce expenses across property lines.
  • Analytics
  • Smart operators will seek out the most versatile technology on the market to collect and store information through data warehousing, which enhances data mining, analytics reporting, decision support and business forecasting. These capabilities will result in increased efficiencies, reduction of expenses and improvement of overall performance and profitability.
  • Over the next five years, the advantages of having a big data strategy will be infinite. Hoteliers who decide to apply big data in a meaningful way will reap the rewards in every facet of their business, from sales and marketing to guest satisfaction. On a micro level, big data will help property managers faced with countless day-to-day decisions make more informed choices on the floor, from keeping track of labor expenses to assessing the cost of a new light fixture. Using consistent data monitoring and evaluation, hotel teams will be able to deliver a higher level of service while making informed strides every day.
  • Technology and Labor
  • Effective labor management technology can help proactively notify management when there’s an issue and eliminate overtime before it happens to ensure that guest satisfaction remains high while balancing profitability. Mobile and dashboard data related to key functions that consume labor will become the GM’s best friend.
  • finally—partnering with a hotel-specific provider will continue to be invaluable for hoteliers to speed up their internal processes, minimize investment, reduce errors, and increase overall performance to make more informed decisions on the horizon
    Accounting trends in the hospitality industry are always evolving with technology. Hotels are looking for technology that will catch their data and analyze it all while delivering it in a more user friendly app. Apps, Automation & Analytics are the A's of hotel accounting and technology.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Currently, accounting is about three different things. First, there are apps. Apps can be used to help hoteliers make informed decisions based off the analysis of real-time data. They are able to make these decisions from basically anywhere. Second is automation. Automation helps get rid of the looming manual workloads most hotels endure. The third thing is analytics. In today's hospitality industry, hoteliers are able to access data sets from wherever they may be. According to this article, apps, robots, and automated kiosks have already started to replace front-desk employees.
    Accounting cannot be without data. In my opinion it is mainly about data analysis. With automation and analytics, it will be more reliable and descriptive. Apps helps mainly in its portability and time efficiency.
    The article talks about three future trends called A's - apps, automation, and analytics. It makes examples of their function and works. In my opinion, the A's can use in any industry, not only in hospitality. They can help us work more efficiently and shorter working hours.

Saving Through Automation! - Smart Bar USA - 1 views

  • Every operator has concerns on the cost of labor
  • This potential mandate has accelerated discussions on automation and other ways to reduce costs
  • New automated technologies can remove or materially reduce labor and human error.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • 在对人类进行技术比较时,必须考虑清洁和维护。
  • Cleaning and maintenance must be considered when comparing technology over humans. 
  • 无论您可以通过自动化节省多少劳动力,所有操作员都同意必须保持质量。
  • Regardless of how much you can save on labor with automation all operators will agree that quality must be maintained. 
  • SmarTender具有完全便携式的A1700系列和永久安装的吧台顶部型号A1600(16种酒)和A3200系列(32种酒)。
  • The SmarTender can be found in hotel casino’s, stadiums, movie theater, bars, hotels and caterers
  • SmarTender可使酒吧操作员将酒保人数减少至少1名酒保,从而减少人工成本。
  • SmarTender在现在提供混合鸡尾酒的电影院中广泛使用。
  • The SmarTender will allow the bar operator to reduce the bartender count down by at least 1 bartender thereby reducing labor costs. 
  • SmarTender在繁重的使用环境中效果最好,因此可以最大程度地节省成本。SmarTender通过减少浪费,稳定的质量,速度以及减少的人工成本来达到或超过所有期望。
  • The SmarTender is used extensively in movie theaters that now offer mixed cocktails
  • The SmarTender works best in a heavy use environment and therefore will provide the greatest savings.
    Smart bars can reduce labor costs while maintaining service quality. The smart bar is easier to highlight its superiority and efficiency under high load. Smart bars are currently used more in cocktail theaters, casinos and other places.

3 Ways to Save More Money with Predictive Staffing - 1 views

  • Imagine a situation where you could consistently save up to 5% on your weekly labor costs.
  • When it comes to saving on labor costs, the data that your POS system and scheduling software generate can help you determine the optimal number of staff members you need at any given time.
  • To get a quick and accurate picture of your labor effectiveness, sales per man hour (SPMH) is a great technique to employ. By calculating how much revenue is generated by a certain number of employees in an hour, you can optimize the staff needed to match your hourly revenue. The higher the productivity of your team, the lower the hours – which results in a lower labor percentage.
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  • To determine your restaurant’s SPMH, divide your projected gross revenue per hour by the total number of employees hours scheduled in the same hour. This information can easily be exported from your smart POS system.
  • Forecasted revenue is one of the most common and accurate ways to ensure staffing at a labor cost percentage that is profitable for you. Revenue forecasting is accomplished by looking at your POS data from past periods to make an educated guess on what your future revenue will be on a weekly, daily or hourly basis.
  • If you have smart employee scheduling software you can automate these forecasts from your POS system and have them match them up with your target labor costs.
    This article talks about how you can improve your restaurant operations and save money using a POS system. The system helps in Sales per Man Hour and Forecasted Revenue.
Yanqiu Li

New Trends in Retail Point-of-Sale Systems - 0 views

  • new point-of-sale (POS) systems
  • are helping businesses to cut costs in everything from advertising to labor.
  • sumers are being directly marketed to using ever-evolving algorithms, which are boosting impulse buys. One employee can easily manage a dozen new, retail POS systems. These and other new trends in POS technology can modernize any business.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • New developments are taking retail POS systems to a whole new
  • level, however, helping to reduce labor costs and increase impulse purchases, both in stores and on-line.
  • Self-Service Equals Labor Savings
  • Quasi-Personalized Advertising
  • Integrating Brick-and-Mortar and Online Stores
    The article gives a brief introduction of new developments f POS system in retail industry and how retail gain new benefits from that improvement. From the news, we can see new POS system has been improved for retails by reducing labor costs and increase impulse purchases both in store and on-line. For instance, new self-servce POS system in supermarket enables cusotmers to handle self check out reducing time of waiting for cashiers to check. What' more important this new way of checking out make supermarket hire fewer employees to deal with customers' checks. Another example is new electronic ads of recepits which promote sales of other products while customers most of time will pay attention to recepits information inseading of watching traditional ads for longer time.. As more and more websites install new pos systems, customers presents more perference of this new way of shopping online. I believe that when more and more technology come out and be applied into our life, they will definitely effects the way of life we living as they can provides us with more conveneients to our life.

HNN - Hoteliers adjust to new accounting guidelines - 0 views

  • One goal of the new guidelines was to recognize the increasing globalization of the hotel industry, Temling said.   “Many of the changes are reflective of what’s happening in the world in our industry,” he said. “Chains based in the (United States) have generally adopted the guidelines; that’s not the problem. But we also hope chains domiciled outside this country will accept the changes outlined in the book.”   Some of the changes are small, but symbolic, Temling said. In previous editions of the book, accounting for some employee benefits reflected terminologies used by U.S. companies.   “Up through the 10th edition, we called it FICA or social security for employees’ benefits,” Temling said. “This time around we call it social benefit contribution, which is more universally acceptable.”   Large hotel companies might have more difficulty adopting the new guidelines than will smaller ones, said Michelle Russo, founder and CEO of Hotel Asset Value Enhancement, a hotel asset management and real estate advisory company. She is a member of the financial committee that created the latest edition.   “It’s actually harder for larger operators because they often have many divisions,” she said. Examples she cited affect reporting of telecommunications, labor and segmentation data.   “We created a new (information technology) department, and in a large company that is worldwide that operates on multiple accounting platforms, the mapping process is massive,” she said, adding that some companies have decided to defer adopting the new IT department guideline until 2016.   The new guidelines created more detail in labor cost reporting, which is important for ownership but a daunting task for management, Russo said.   “Previously, the rooms department (category) had one line called ‘Labor’ and 43 lines called other things, and that included printing, stationary, stamps and other stuff,” she said. “While labor is 60% of that department, previously there was no breakdown of housekeeping labor versus front office, etc.”  
    This article explains the changes and increasing globalization in the world and hotel industry. It explains the new guidelines and the procedures large and small hotels take.
    This article explains the changes and increasing globalization in the world and hotel industry. It explains the new guidelines and the procedures large and small hotels take.

HR Software for Restaurant Chains - HRIS Payroll Software - 2 views

  • The intricacies of the restaurant culture are magnified further when the restaurant expands to become a chain. These particularities may make it seem that a HRIS would not fit or help as much with managing a restaurant chain, but this could not be further from the truth.
  • A HRIS can help to break down and simplify many of the things that make managing a restaurant chain difficult
  • A HRIS that makes it possible for employees to view their schedules online, make time off requests, and view approvals reduces the potential for errors and miscommunications.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A HRIS can make scheduling tasks much easier for managers by using financial data to identify labor needs and lining this information up with employee availability.
  • When manual systems are used to keep restaurant records, it can be very difficult to keep all information organized and accessible for compliance purposes.
  • The fast paced nature of restaurants can cause paperwork to become misplaced, forgotten, or even damaged. HRIS solutions keep all information in one place, produce reports on demand, and continually update information regarding compliance needs.
    This article highlights the benefits of restaurant chains using HRIS software for better employee management. The restaurant business is one that is fast paced and can be complex at times. According to the article, HRIS can bring greater consistency to the workplace and empower employees. This system has proven to help with many other large restaurant chains. It simplifies scheduling for managers and employees by allowing them to make edits on the software or request days off or vacations. It also helps control labor costs by identifying the labor needs and pairing it with the employees' availability. It empowers employees because it gives them the access to view schedules and reduce errors or miscommunications. The HRIS keeps everything organized and accessible for compliance purposes. In my opinion, this would be a great addition to the restaurant industry. An industry that is constantly moving must have something in place to keep it organized in regards to files and employee management. The HRIS provides an efficient and effective way in doing so.

Meet the Soaring Demand for Unattended POS in the Restaurant and Retail Verticals - Dat... - 0 views

  • One of the latest trends that have made it necessary for solutions providers businesses to adapt is the booming unattended POS trend. The global interactive kiosk market saw record growth in 2018, reaching $9.22 billion and a 17.6 percent growth rate — which exceeded the growth rate in 2017.
  • Last year, McDonald’s announced a plan to install self-service kiosks in 1,000 of its stores per quarter.  Taco Bell planned kiosk installations in more than 6,000 locations, and Subway included self-service kiosks in its “Fresh Forward” initiative to transform customer experiences.
  • Furthermore, 60 percent say they’d visit restaurants more often if they had self-service kiosks.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Erba Collective, a Los Angeles cannabis dispensary, installed self-service kiosks that accepted cashless payments to reduce wait times and increase customer turnover.
  • It’s the right solution for today’s consumers: Consumers value their time, and waiting in line can destroy an otherwise great customer experience.
  • It’s the right solution for today’s businesses: Merchants are facing mounting challenges ranging from rising labor costs to new competition. Self-service kiosks can help businesses do more with the same staff, minimizing the labor required for order taking or checkout.
  • o provide unattended POS solutions, you will need to speak with your vendors or find new partners that offer the types of hardware you need. It’s also vital that you work with a payments partner with expertise in managing unattended POS transactions.
  • EMV chip technology will help prevent card fraud.
  • part of their omnichannel strategies
  • If your goal is to be a total solutions provider and meet all of your customers’ needs
  • one-stop shop.”
    Unattended POS is growing global trend which industry leaders will soon have to adapt in their business place. Quick service restaurants are quickly adapting to this change as it reduces wait time and increase in customer return rate. Other key benefits for businesses are the decrease in labor costs & minimal errors when processing guests' request. Ideally, merchants must speak with vendors to customize the self-service kiosk and to ensure they are in compliance. In the end this will expand revenue and efficiency.
    Unattended POS machines hit a global growth of $9.22 billion in 2018 from 2017, and is still climbing. The unattended POS machine has shown to be particular popular in the quick service restaurant sector. McDonald's has announced a plan to put 1,000 self-service kiosks in their stores per quarter. Taco bell and Subway have also announced they will be adding the kiosks in their stores as an initiative to offer a heightened customer experience. The machines have come with the benefits of reduced wait time and faster customer turnover. POS growth is attributed to aligning with today's consumers' expectations. Customers value their time and rising labor costs can be eased with the machine as it expedites transactions and covers tasks not relied on by human interaction.

These Are the Robots Taking Up Dallas' Open Restaurant Jobs - D Magazine - 0 views

  • owner told the Dallas Morning News that robots have saved him thousands of dollars a month in labor costs as well as the trouble of finding enough human servers to staff his restaurant in a tight market for low-wage workers.
  • the robots can perform a variety of functions, but their basic competence is simple: delivery and display.
  • Chen says we shouldn’t worry. Not about a robot uprising—I neglected to ask him about it—but about the displacement of workers by automation.
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  • “Robotics is doing repetitive things, which maybe nobody wants to do anymore,”
    Robots are being used more in replace of low-wage workers to reduce labor costs at a restaurant. The robots have proven to be efficient and reliable in the restaurant setting. The (human) server is able to serve more tables with the robot helping with food-running/cleaning and doesn't have to split tips with the robot. The downside is the displacement of workers by automation. Will we see robots being implemented more in restaurants?
Lu Zhang

BMS & Green Tech Solutions ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion - 0 views

  • It has developed building automation technology that controls, monitors and optimizes heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, alarm systems and other electrical appliances. The facility maintenance chief or facility manager can control everything with a single computer either on-site or remotely.
  • It is a system that gives the operator of a building total and absolute control over every mechanical and electrical component within a building.
  • Having the power to control your building means that you don’t need worry about human error—relying on staff to save energy by switching lights off at the end of the day is a thing of the past.
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  • Not only do you get a high performance tailor-made system, but you also get the easiest to use software, and nearly all updates are free.
    This article introduce a new energy and labor saving system in Japan. With a brain box of the touch screen system, the computer control all the electronic components, such as lighting, alarm systems. Only one user is required to monitor the system. It not only save the energy that may be wasted because of the negligence of employees, but also save the labor cost. Many buildings, such as hotels and schools, would benefit from this system.
ning sun

Volante | POS Systems: Restaurant POS Software Solutions - 0 views

  • It doesn't seem so long ago that hospitality operators were excited to see Remanco POS Systems hit the marketplace. Does anyone out there still remember the original Remanco POS System? You had a sleek looking keypad, a little black plastic "key" and a bible of PLU codes to memorize. You punched in your food and beverage orders, and miraculously, your beverage orders printed out at the bar while your food orders printed simultaneously in the kitchen. It was exciting, sleek, and revolutionary. In many restaurants, the terminal was small enough to rest comfortably next to the Pac-Man machine Enough said.
    POS is necessary management tool for a hotel operator to own because it enhances greatly the effectiveness of food, beverage, accounting, back-office management and saves food cost and labor cost and also save manager to deal with amount of numbers to analysis. As a operator of a hotel, to invest in a new POS system, there are some important features need to look for which include data reporting, back office management & integration, customer relationship management, wireless computing & handheld devices, payment security, self service technology. Wireless point of sale system is a booming field in recent years. In traditional environment such as a restaurant or a hotel, this technology helps to save time rather than waiting in a line for a long time and reducing service quality. Through wireless POS terminal, each order transmitted instantly and avoid overwhelming to back office and speed up the effectiveness of service staff. Self-service technology created a buzz in recent years. We can see this kind of service devices in supermarket, buffet restaurant and many other places. It saves labor cost on the one hand and also saves customers' time for checking out. 
Godelieve Olibrice

REX Demonstrates Appreciable Results at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess - 0 views

    This article is about an innovative system named REX (Room expediter) that is able to improve the efficiency of the hotel and improve guests' satisfaction. With REX, the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess is able to efficiently assign rooms and reduce labor costs associated with the housekeeping department. REX is the only system in its kind that streamlines the entire room assignments and clearing process with mobile devices such as IPOD, IPAD and the like. REX is also using information from the hotel's PMS such as name, bed type preferences to room attendants so that they can optimize guests' satisfaction. Another important feature of REX is the ability to use information from the Property management system such as status changes and others to define the order to which rooms are assigned to rooms attendants. In conclusion, REX is a powerful system that can increase guests' satisfaction, reduce labor costs and in return increase profits for the hotel industry.

Automated Forecasting Tool Saves Restaurant 10% in Unnecessary Staffing Costs | News | ... - 0 views

  • Sales Temperature to predict customer rushes or slow times, and to help control labor and staffing.
  • The notice provides DIRT with an accurate estimate of the week’s sales, which LaTulippe can use to schedule employees and determine the sales-per-employee-hour needed to ensure DIRT’s profitability and growth.
  • LaTulippe estimates Sales Temperature has saved him at least 10% in unnecessary staffing costs, and it also simplifies his weekly labor scheduling.
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  • But most of all, Sales Temperature saves LaTulippe time, the most valuable commodity of all for this successful entrepreneur.
    This article discusses the positive benefits of Sales Temperature, which provides Jeff LaTulippe's restaurant with an automated forecasting. Sales Temperature predicts rush hour of customers and slower times. This type of prediction positively assists the control of labor and staffing. An estimate of the week's sales is provided by the Sales Temperature in which determines the sales-per-employee-hour needed.
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