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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Envisage Technologies


Envisage Collaborates with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to Drive Donations - 0 views

    Envisage Technologies, a Bloomington-based software company, has signed on as an official collaborator with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. For each fire and rescue employee who signs up for access to the company's free online training network, FirstForward®, between April 15 and April 30, 2016, Envisage has pledged to donate one dollar to the Foundation. FirstForward is the nation's first Professional Training Network for first responders. It aggregates training programs and resources, making them more readily accessible to first responders across all disciplines. The FirstForward platform includes a private online community in which first responders can share insights, best practices and personal experiences. Envisage donations will be directed to Foundation programs that honor the fallen, assist their survivors, and help prevent future line-of-duty deaths and injuries.

Civilianization may improve police effectiveness in face of budget crisis - 0 views

    Law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are still experiencing the effects of a recovering economy. Lowered state funding continues to slash local budgets, compelling many departments to lay off officers. Agencies are faced with the choice to have their remaining officers focus on law enforcement or administrative duties, the former being the priority. As a result, they may look to engage people who are not sworn officers to complete critical administrative tasks. The concept of civilianization is not a new one, but the shift toward civilianization that occurred near the end of the 20th century was substantial. In 1965, the ratio of sworn officers to civilians employed by law enforcement agencies was 8.3:1, and in 1995 the ratio was 2.6:1. In general, civilians have been employed to a greater extent in large metropolitan police departments than small departments. They are employed more in the west than the east, and also are employed in greater proportions in city and county departments than in state agencies. Increasing civilian employment in law enforcement may help organizations address the diminished number of sworn officers. Civilianization of police departments offers many advantages and disadvantages for organizations that should be reviewed before making this transition.

Wyoming POST Selects Acadis® Readiness Suite for Statewide Training and Certi... - 0 views

    Bloomington-based Envisage Technologies, the leading provider of law enforcement and public safety training and compliance solutions, announced today that the Wyoming Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST) and Law Enforcement Academy has awarded them a contract for the Acadis® Readiness Suite. This will support legally defensible training and certification records for their 4,000 sworn law enforcement officers.

Scalia's successor may trigger changes for public safety professionals - 0 views

    On February 13, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep at the age of 79, marking only the second time in more than 60 years that a sitting justice on the Court has died. Appointed by President Ronald Reagan and unanimously confirmed by the Senate in 1986, Scalia's 29-year tenure was the longest of any current Supreme Court judge. Scalia's adherence to originalism-a belief that constitutional interpretation should be based on the original meaning of the text-not only set him apart from his contemporaries but also made him more controversial. Regardless of how history interprets Scalia's three-decade legacy on the bench, immediately more impactful for public safety professionals is the uncertainty left in his wake.

Minimum training standards for telecommunicators will improve emergency response - 0 views

    When you dial 911, you expect to be connected with someone who is able to provide emergency services to you in your time of need. But what do you really know about who is answering that emergency line? Telecommunicators are often thought of as the "first, first responder." They collect sufficient information from calls in order to get the proper response to the emergency at hand. One might presume there is a great deal of training and education that precedes procuring a job as a telecommunicator. While that may be true, a standard level of training is rarely required for employment.

Technology enables stronger interdepartmental cooperation - 0 views

    In emergency services, cooperation is not negotiable. In order to be successful, members of a team must work together, including collaborators outside of an organization and across federal, state, and local levels. Unwillingness to collaborate can have serious consequences. Joint effort results in more streamlined resolutions and strengthens the foundation for future collaboration. By refusing to work together, emergency agencies waste crucial time and information. Technology can play a significant role in building that foundation, by providing agents with accurate locations of incidents, optimized performance, and real-time updates of criminal appearance descriptions.

State of Tennessee Awards Envisage Technologies a Statewide Contract for the ... - 0 views

    Envisage Technologies, a technology firm based in Bloomington, Indiana, announced today that the State of Tennessee has awarded them a pro-forma contract that adds the Acadis® Readiness Suite to the statewide software and services catalog. The Acadis Readiness Suite is Envisage's web-based training and compliance solution, purpose-built for public safety and government training organizations.

Networking makes first responders less biased, more effective - 0 views

    Whether you are a sworn law enforcement officer, EMS professional, corrections officer, or firefighter, being an effective public safety professional requires strong relationships with the public, the media, and each other. As high-profile incidents often bring to light, building and fostering these relationships is a challenge that requires constant attention by even the most congenial professionals. Thankfully, a body of psychological research around intergroup biases can explain not only why this tension between first responders, the public, and the media occurs, but how it can be overcome.

Diverse staffing can enhance cultural competency in emergency services - 0 views

    Practical skill and medical expertise are fundamental requirements for first responders. Now, emergency experts are realizing the impact cultural competency can have on saving lives in a community. First responders are the cornerstone of the areas they serve. In the event of an emergency, firefighters, EMTs, law enforcement officers and other key players share the duty of not only saving lives, but working directly with local residents to create an overall safer environment. Cultural competency represents the idea that understanding the nuances of the different cultures and the backgrounds that make up a particular population better equips first responders to provide effective care.

Lessons crisis responders can learn from the Ebola epidemic - 0 views

    In 2014-15, the Ebola virus was a source of devastation for millions in West Africa. The disease-which quickly causes severe hemorrhaging, organ failure, and death-was primarily found in isolated parts of central Africa until the outbreak. The three nations at the center of the epidemic were Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, all of which share borders. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization confirmed more than 11,000 deaths from 28,000 cases of Ebola through the end of August 2015. The Ebola epidemic was a major test for crisis responders in the public health field. First responders and crisis response agencies can learn from the way organizations across the globe worked together to ultimately contain the virus. Examining both global and local efforts reveals some key lessons about readiness in any situation. Some of these lessons may be important immediately, as the Zika virus spreads and becomes a global threat.

Controlled cynicism can be a challenge and a benefit for police - Envisage Technologies - 0 views

    No matter the industry, your job requires you to develop a particular mindset in order to perform well. Whether you fabricate metal, perform surgery, or control operations in a large company, your mind must be focused on the task at hand. For law enforcement professionals, the right mindset necessitates some cynicism. Cynicism is an inherent part of police culture. Outside of the first responder and military network, law enforcement officers face situations unlike other professions. Officers constantly assess situations by determining the credibility and potential threat of people they encounter. In a 2012 publication, researchers Juha Kaarianen and Reino Siren noted how this practice can slip into other interactions: "The suspicious, cynical attitude of the police towards citizens is a natural consequence of their constant interactions with dangerous unreliable individuals." The cynical mind begins to diminish trust and drives constant assessment of others. Whether on- or off-duty, constant questions linger in an officer's mind: Can you trust that the person approaching you is going to simply walk by without attempting to harm you? Can you trust that the figure walking down a residential sidewalk is not looking for an easy target to attack or the next home to burglarize? A cynical mind may seem like a negative facet of police life, but the ability to carefully assess situations and react accordingly is a sign of a seasoned and well-trained officer.

An innovative approach to 508 compliance enhances the accessibility of the Ac... - 0 views

    Have you ever tried to use your computer with your eyes closed? Even with a screen reader, it's incredibly challenging. The fact is, most computer applications are not designed with disabled users in mind. Trying to navigate the web using a screen reader gave me a new level of appreciation for the amount of effort Envisage Technologies, the company for which I work, has put into improving the overall 508 compliance of the Acadis® Readiness Suite. Section 508 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs run by federal agencies, programs that receive federal assistance, in federal employment, and in the employment practices of federal contractors. An amendment to Section 508 requires federal agencies to make electronic and information technology accessible in order to eliminate barriers in information technology and create new opportunities for people with disabilities. The Acadis Readiness Suite is an enterprise software application designed to streamline training management for first responders and other federal, state and local government agencies. While 508 compliance is a requirement for several of our customers, Customs and Border Protection made compliance a priority for this software suite. Their intent was to perform 508 compliance checks on Acadis, and our intent was to be prepared.

Text-to-911 technology offers a new way to reach help - 0 views

    Car accidents and fires are obvious situations that may require a call to 911. For the most part, doing so does not increase risk for the caller. However, in cases of domestic abuse or abduction, calling 911 can put the victim in grave danger. In these situations, new technology that allows people to silently text to 911 can be life-saving. The National 911 Office is driving the planning and adoption of the text-to-911 service to make communicating with emergency services more dynamic. This begins the process of increasing accessibility and a push for public safety answering points (PSAP) to begin Next Generation 911 (NG911) implementation. Text-to-911 is an interim step between current systems used in PSAPs and NG911 implementation. While there is a national push to upgrade, it is a lengthy and expensive process that will initially limit the availability of the service.

Drones offer significant advantages for firefighters - 0 views

    When first responders arrive on a fire scene, they face the unknown. From outside the structure, it is often difficult to predict the situation inside. Because this uncertainty impacts decisions about where to concentrate resources and how to approach and enter the scene, firefighters must prepare for a host of scenarios that can put them in harm's way. Under these circumstances, having more information can lead to a safer environment for firefighters and increase response efficiency. Technology can help responders become better informed as they approach a fire scene and increase the effectiveness of their initial entry. One way that firefighters now obtain this information is through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones. These devices extend the reach of firefighters by flying over a variety of hazardous scenes-including those with limited accessibility or excessive risk to humans-and providing valuable information to the responders below.

Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training Selects the Acadis® Readines... - 0 views

    Envisage Technologies, a Bloomington, Indiana-based high-technology firm, announced today that it was chosen by the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) to implement the Acadis® Readiness Suite to replace its legacy credentialing and training management system. Envisage's cloud-based solution is designed specifically for public safety.

Training technology helps refine police tactics - 0 views

    Every day, police officers encounter situations that invoke and challenge their training. As they try to adhere to department policies, a changing world tests the validity and effectiveness of those decisions. Critical attention is being paid to high-profile incidents involving use of force. Communities are demanding that law enforcement revisit their training content to find tactics that better address concerns of public safety. While that transition may be difficult, injecting technology at key points in police training and operations can help lower resistance to change. Body cameras are already having an impact on policing, and training simulators offer a safe environment in which to prepare for emerging real-world challenges. As a result, officers may be more willing to shift their routines to meet the needs of their communities without sacrificing their own safety.

Thorough recordkeeping makes K-9 searches legally defensible - 0 views

    According to a Police Magazine survey, nearly 50 percent of police departments use K-9 teams. Due to the nature of their assignments-which can include tracking suspects, detecting narcotics, investigating suspected arson, and assisting in search-and-rescue efforts-these dogs and their handlers go through some of the most rigorous training of any first responders. When one of these specially-trained dogs alerts officers to the presence of contraband or tracks the scent of a suspect, police may be given probable cause to conduct a full search. If that search reveals something incriminating, a defendant may try to suppress the evidence by attacking the grounds for conducting the search. Since the reliability of a K-9 alert contributes directly to whether probable cause exists, these cases often explore the quality of training and training records to depths seldom reached in human-only cases. This body of law provides public safety professionals uniquely clear guidance on what constitutes best training practices for K-9 teams.

Mobile phone videos pose unique challenges, opportunities for police - 0 views

    The introduction of the iPhone, and with it the smartphone revolution in 2007, has been both a boon and a bane for law enforcement. While apps and constant connectivity have enhanced police officers' productivity, the legal landscape surrounding society's use of these devices continues to evolve. The resulting uncertainty occasionally leads to makeshift policies, undesirable press coverage, and lengthy court battles. As the law in this domain solidifies, departments must be quick to recognize appropriate tactics and quickly adopt effective policies. A more pronounced area of smartphone jurisprudence centers around citizens recording on-duty police officers, which is now legal in every jurisdiction of the United States. Nevertheless, misunderstandings about two-party consent laws and wiretap statutes have resulted in a substantial number of improper arrests and detentions in recent years. As a result, departments have not only been responsible for more than $1 million in related settlements over the past three years, but have also faced heavy scrutiny by the public and in the media for these events. Through proactive training, departments have an opportunity to stop the bleeding of public trust and shape perception of law enforcement for the better.

Federal grants are a safety net for budget-strained law enforcement agencies - 0 views

    Through the first half of fiscal year 2015, the Department of Justice distributed $505 million in grants to law enforcement agencies. Since each grant serves a distinct purpose, departments are required to follow specific guidelines both as part of the application process and after funding begins. Local precincts and sheriff's offices are advised to anticipate the depth and bureaucracy that accompanies such opportunities by thoroughly understanding how grants work and how they benefit law enforcement operations.

Recent Supreme Court decisions have major implications for public safety professionals - 0 views

    Behaviors and reflexes are not changed as easily as the law. In the wake of recent Supreme Court rulings, training coordinators and department heads must be deliberate about implementing policies and providing education to accommodate clarified law. Specifically, the judicial decisions will impact use-of-force procedures, surveillance strategies, and involvement of spouses in the criminal justice process.
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