Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sharin Tebo
How Google Plus Communities Could Connect Students - 29 views
With a connection to his previous Texas home, Ashby has helped set up collaborative student projects between North Carolina and Texas schools, among others. "We're just trying to basically let our students get connections, and then we want our students to take it from there," Ashby said. These connections — both in the U.S. and globally — help students understand that their work is not just for their teacher, but for a broader audience. He hopes that will give them intrinsic motivation to perform better.
50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom | TeachHUB - 77 views
Summarize. At the conclusion of each lecture, ask students to type a 140-character or less summary of what they have learned
Typing keywords into Twitter’s search engine wields every microblog entry on the subject, providing an excellent way for students to research ideas,
Set up a foreign language news stream. Keep foreign language students informed of current events from relevant nations while simultaneously challenging them to use their translation skills by keeping a specific news feed.
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Visible Thinking - 126 views
Depth of Knowledge | Rethinking Learning - Barbara Bray - 81 views
DOK is about... what FOLLOWS the verb. What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself. the complexity of mental processing that must occur to complete a task. DOK is NOT about... verbs. The verbs are a valuable guide, but they can sometimes be used at more than one level. the difficulty of what they are learning. All levels of DOK have a place in a rigorous curriculum.
Norman Webb identified four levels for assessing the DOK of content standards and assessment items. Level 1: Recall Level 2: Skill or Concept Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking
DOK implies the interaction of how deeply a student needs to understand the content with different ways of responding and interacting with the content.
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Can we change the PD culture of communication? | eSchool News | eSchool News | 2 - 45 views
Could we in the United States create school cultures in which instructing colleagues on how they might improve performance is not a rare and emotion-laden event, but rather an accepted and valued mechanism in the development of desirable professional practice?
Making Thinking Visible Guide - 159 views
Dear Administrators, Please Don't Forget About the Little Things | Blogging Through the... - 2 views
But before you get too far in your dreams, think small first, please. Before you roll out all of the new initiatives, the changes that you know will make everything so much better for everyone, yourself included, make me a promise first; promise to take care of the little things as soon as possible.
An amazing school doesn’t just come from dreams. It is built upon a foundation of trust, of accountability, of feeling respected. And all three of those are built on getting the management side of your job done for those who need it.
So this year, please do dream big. Please do work for change. Get excited about the big things. But don’t forget the little things, those boring to-do tasks that don’t seem pressing.
Educational Leadership:How Teachers Learn:Fostering Reflection - 27 views
Expert teachers adjust their thinking to accommodate the level of reflection a situation calls for.
Another way to help teachers become better at reflection is to create study groups that introduce teachers to these four modes of thinking and explore which aspects of teaching call for each mode. Discussions and role-plays can help teachers see which routine decisions can be made through technological or situational thinking and which may require the deliberate or dialectical modes. I
Finally, to foster higher levels of reflection, encourage teachers to ask themselves questions about their classroom practice. Prompts like the following promote frequent reflection: What worked in this lesson? How do I know? What would I do the same or differently if I could reteach this lesson? Why? What root cause might be prompting or perpetuating this student behavior? What do I believe about how students learn? How does this belief influence my instruction? What data do I need to make an informed decision about this problem? Is this the most efficient way to accomplish this task?
Teaching Metacognition - 78 views
Step 1: Teach students that the ability to learn is not a fixed quantity The key to a student's ability to become a self-regulated (i.e., metacognitive) learner is understanding that one's ability to learn is a skill that develops over time rather than a fixed trait, inherited at birth.
Step 2: Teach students how to set goals and plan to meet them
Step 3: Give students opportunities to practice self-monitoring and adapting Accurate self-monitoring is quite difficult.
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ipad as ... - iPads in SDW - 46 views
12 Roles For Google Drive In The Classroom - 132 views
7 Characteristics Of A Digitally Competent Teacher - 220 views
Creative Educator - The Power of Play - 44 views
These characteristics are often found in classroom environments that lean toward student-centered and inquiry-based learning.
I have seen that as children spend more time in school they lose some or all of their natural comfort with learning through spontaneous, playful exploration.
20 Awesome BYOD and Mobile Learning Apps | Edutopia - 106 views
For collaborative, simultaneous writing and peer feedback, Google Drive (26)/Docs is still king
Students should know how to convert, export, import and move data seamlessly between apps and devices of all kinds. They should also know how to "print to epaper" and how to open and annotate the documents in various readers.
Blogger (Kidblog (32)),
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