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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Peter Beens

Peter Beens

Education Week's Digital Directions: Students Sound Off on School Tech Use - 42 views

    "Discussions of technology in education typically center on what policymakers, academic experts, and educators would like to see happen in the classroom. Rarely heard are the voices of those who are actively test-driving new forms of technology: the students."
Peter Beens

Brizzly / A simple way to experience the social web - 40 views

    Great web-based client ("front-end") for Twitter and Facebook. I prefer using this website over because it automatically displays pictures and videos.
Peter Beens

ALA | AASL Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning - 90 views

    This looks like a great list of websites for teaching and learning, organized into Organizing and Managing, Content Collaboration, Curriculum Sharing, Media Sharing, Virtual Environments, and Social Networking and Communication.
Peter Beens

Flickr: Discussing BMW 2010 Calendar competition - beware! in Motorcycle On The Road - ... - 8 views

    This page mentions a promotion BMW is having where you submit your photos but then BMW is free to use the photos however they wish. It may be a good starting point to discuss the subject of copyright with your students.
Peter Beens

Creative Commons - share,remix, reuse-legally - 39 views

    Creative Commons licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators.
Peter Beens

YouTube - I Need My Teachers To Learn - 75 views

    My friend Rae helped me with this version! Download the QT version here: http://kevinhoneycutt.orgVisit these sites for more stuff!http://artsnacks.orghttp:/...
Peter Beens

The Canadian Press: Students failing because of Twitter, texting and no grammar teaching - 25 views

  • Almost a third of those students are failing.
  • For years there's been a flood of anecdotal complaints from professors about what they say is the wretched state of English grammar coming from some of their students.
  • the failure rate has jumped five percentage points in the past few years, up to 30 per cent from 25 per cent.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Some students in public schools are no longer being taught grammar, she believes.
  • Emoticons, happy faces, sad faces, cuz, are just some of the writing horrors being handed in, say professors and administrators at Simon Fraser."Little happy faces ... or a sad face ... little abbreviations," show up even in letters of academic appeal, says Khan Hemani.
  • The Internet norm of ignoring punctuation and capitalization as well as using emoticons may be acceptable in an email to friends and family, but it can have a deadly effect on one's career if used at work.
  • "These folks are going to short-change themselves, and right or wrong, they're looked down upon in traditional corporations," notes Postman.
Peter Beens

5 Reasons Why Educators Should Network - 81 views

    Many teachers go to school each day, teach their students and leave. If they're struggling with how to teach a lesson that will engage their students, they might ask for advice from the teacher down the hall, but a lot of times, they struggle alone. That's not the case for educators who have built a network of people who share resources, advice and techniques, whether they call it a personal learning network or something else. Here's why educators should start a personal learning network, or PLN.
Peter Beens

The Canadian Press: Canadian Centre for Child Protection launches site to teach teens s... - 14 views

    The Canadian Centre for Child Protection is launching a website targeting texting teens to teach safe use of the popular technology amid growing concerns about young people sending sexual messages and nude photos via text.
Peter Beens

The Edurati Review: Sailing the 7 C's of Motivation - 37 views

  • Facilitating motivation involves a multitude of processes, seven of which will be examined here.1. Challenge2. Choice3. Control4. Caring5. Curiosity6. Competence7. Connectedness
Peter Beens - 34 views

    Word of the Day, Most often misspelled words, crossword tools
Peter Beens

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Bob - 55 views

    "An homage to early Bob Dylan (the lyrics consist entirely of palindromes) - from "Weird Al" Yankovic's 2003 album "Poodle Hat" "
    Want to teach your class about palindromes. This is a fun way to do it!
Peter Beens

Free Technology for Teachers: 15 Tools To Help Students Get Organized - 94 views

    After the holiday vacation some students will return to school determined to get organized and improve their grades. The following fifteen resources could help those students get a handle on managing their assignment due dates.
Peter Beens

PLUS - Picture Licensing Universal System - 37 views

    The PLUS Coalition is an international non-profit initiative on a mission to simplify and facilitate the communication and management of image rights. Organized by respected associations, leading companies, standards bodies, scholars and industry experts, the PLUS Coalition exists for the benefit of all communities involved in creating, distributing, using and preserving images. Spanning more than thirty countries, these diverse stakeholders have collaborated to develop PLUS, a system of standards that makes it easier to communicate, understand and manage image rights in all countries. The PLUS Coalition exists at the crossroads between technology, commerce, the arts, preservation and education.
    An alternative to creative commons licensing?
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