Table 1 Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy
Dates, events, formulas, other facts
When did the United States become an independent country from England?
What is the formula for area?
Recognize meaning, sequence, events, interpret information, compare ideas, make inferences, predict ideas
What is the author's purpose?
How are these numbers related?
Is water of sunshine more critical to plant life? Human life?
Use of information and concepts to solve problems
Using your knowledge of calories and your physical makeup, calculate how much energy you must exert to lose three pounds per month.
Demonstrate your understanding of how to create a Web site.
Recognize patterns, parts, components
Considering the stock market, examine which investments were the most lucrative this quarter.
Organize these games by level of difficulty.
Use of information to create a new system, generalize, draw conclusions
When did the United States become an independent country from England?
What is the formula for area?
Assess concepts, weigh opinions for subjectivity, select items, judge
Which type of dog would be best suited for your family, given your lifestyle and housing?
Which local newspaper is written the most objectively?