A wealth of resources for teaching evolution. Includes ideas on addressing misconceptions, lessons and activities related to human evolution, and more.
Taxing all foreign goods, to boost the sales of US products and protect manufacturers from cheap British goods
● Introducing a protective Tariff to enable the nation to raise money from these taxes and at the same time protect the nation's goods from cheaper priced foreign items
a variety of activities related to evolution from the amazing Learn.Genetics site. Addresses misconceptions, geologic time, fossil and DNA evidence, eye evolution, and more.
Interactive activity about environmental selective evolution. The birds eat the non-camouflaged bugs and the camouflaged bugs' numbers increase.
Interactive activity about environmental selective evolution. The birds eat the non-camouflaged bugs and the camouflaged bugs' numbers increase.
A great site from the Open University. See evolution in action... slowly, with snails from across the world. You can submit your own data.
14 percent of high school biology teachers personally reject not only the theory of evolution but also scientific method, which teaches rigorous critical thinking skills and draws a clear path to the discovery of real truths and how to separate them from merely apparent truths.
The basic science of evolutionary biology underlies so many diverse disciplines that it can be considered a basic necessity of knowledge in modern scientific society.
This statement is misleading in that it assumes the ID stand rejects small variations within an already preexisting genetic code. Creationist and ID teachings both conclude that variations within the genetic code are essential to species survival. The pseudo-proven evolution of species-to-species genetics does not need to be taught at any level in order for individuals to prosper at higher institutes of learning.
It seems today's Religious Right would raise a generation of kids who would perhaps conclude the lights are out because they used a curse word or took God's name in vain.
An opportunity to discuss with Mal Lee the work he is doing on the evolution of schooling and to make contact. Mel is currently working on a range of BYOT case studies.
"In Your Inner Fish, Neil Shubin tells the story of evolution by tracing the organs of the human body back millions of years, long before the first creatures walked the earth. By examining fossils and DNA, Shubin shows us that our hands actually resemble fish fins, our head is organized like that of a long-extinct jawless fish, and major parts of our genome look and function like those of worms and bacteria. We have compiled the figures from the book into a deck of PowerPoint slides for use in the classroom."
From the site: "This site contains a variety of educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology. You will find information about microorganisms, extremophiles and extreme habitats, as well as links to online provides information about the ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms for students, K-12 teachers, university faculty, and the general public. "
We are all time travelers... drifting through time at a steady pace, one moment at a time. In what direction are we moving through time? Or does time move through us? How many dimensions of time are there? Though slightly allegorical, three-dimensional time offers physics new parameters, accounting for conventional and exotic physical phenomena, while maintaining the conservation of energy and symmetry groups found in physical law.
I began playing with the idea that all of physics could be reduced to just interactions between spatial and temporal coordinates. I wondered if inertia and momentum might be composed strictly of temporal components. This would require extra time dimensions. Could inertia or momentum be used as indicators of multi-dimensional time? What about charge, spin, and other properties of matter? Answers to some of these questions appeared to reside in neutrino research, specifically neutrino flavor oscillation.
The universality between Thermodynamics and Temporal Mechanics can reduce the fundamental forces of nature into a single expression, a new equivalence principle, which can be used as the generator for the evolution of time.
Once Quantum Mechanics is seen through the lens of three-dimensional time, the EPR paradox looses its mystique. The speed of light may be restricted to a set speed limit within each individual frame of reference, however, frames of reference can undergo periods-of-time at varying rates of the passage-of-time.
If the positive side of absolute zero is a state of condensed matter, what is on the negative side of absolute zero? Uncondensed matter?
The anti-matter aspect of the Dirac equations may have been misinterpreted. The convention is to assume that "matter" is composed of "particles" distinctly different from "antimatter" composed of "antiparticles". The assumption of one time dimension locks in this interpretation of the Dirac Equations. However, the uniform production of particles and antipa
Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible. Keyword searching is not currently supported.
Devices come and go, but progressive teachers who adapt will sustain longer than any device
Usually this conversation is focused on what hardware works best for teaching and learning. While this is an important decision to make, it should not be the focus. In fact, the best devices a school can employ are great teachers.
We have reached a point in education technology where devices are, for the most part, adaptable.
the best device a school can roll out is a teacher who can adapt to new and emerging technologies, does not always require formal training for learning and staying current, and is not tethered to a product (PowerPoint) in order to teach.
As I mentioned earlier, the best device a school can roll out is a teacher who can adapt to new and emerging technologies, does not always require formal training for learning and staying current, and is not tethered to a product (PowerPoint) in order to teach. Education technology will continue to progress and part of this evolution will be for students and teachers to stay current with both curriculum and digital literacy. Even in the absence of technology, a great teacher will continually seek out ways to engage his or her students in great lessons, simulations or challenges.