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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Hilary Reynolds

Hilary Reynolds

Another use I found for Diigo - 58 views

  • Hilary Reynolds
    Wow all these sites where I have a password! Sometimes I can't use one of my normal names (like "Loyola") and I try to use different passwords for security reasons. I can't remember them all.

    With Diigo, no problem! Bookmark them and add a private sticky with the details.
  • Hilary Reynolds
    You are right about the privacy issue. ))) I don't use it on anything which is intensely personal or places me at financial risk. Primarily the use is on the journal archives my University has access to and which allow a degree of personalisation such as Table of Content Alerts for which I need a profile. ;-)
    dantheman wrote:
    > loyola wrote:
    > > Wow all these sites where I have a password! Sometimes I can't use one of my normal names (like "Loyola") and I try to use different passwords for security reasons. I can't remember them all.
    > >
    > > With Diigo, no problem! Bookmark them and add a private sticky with the details.
    > So long as you set your stickies default to private hé!
    > There was a privacy issue with Google that should be a lesson to all.
    > I like that idea loyola, very good! :)

highlights and stickies disappearing - 69 views

highlight note sticky
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I am not sure if this is related. I forwarded myself an annotated web page and after logging out of Diigo and going to the forwarded link I could see neither highlights nor annotations. Pity I was hoping to sell a couple of colleagues on Diigo. Just glad I sent the link to myself first and not directly to them. Would have embarrassed this lovely social annotation site. The link, BTW, is

    and I tried in Firefox and IE 7.
    Have managed to see it before though through that URL and I do see it when I am logged in.

    ollitolli wrote:
    > Tanya, your disappointment was justified because this is not the way it is supposed to be. Normally, you should see the highlights and stickies directly on the webpage where you put them.
    > Yesterday, I added some highlights and sticky notes to the webpage you gave above and a couple of other webpages. I was not able to not see the highlights and the sticky notes on the webpage. I did that using (Portable) Firefox 1.5, so I thougth this problem may be related to the Firefox version or it may be a conflict of extensions. So, I tried a brand-new "installation" of (Portable) Firefox 2.0 today and it worked, that is I could see all highlights and sticky notes directly on the webpage. Then, I went back to (Portable) Firefox 1.5 and it worked as well. The problem was gone. I suppose it was only a temporary problem.
    > Do you still have the problem?
  • ...2 more comments...
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Oh. Ok thanks. I was under the impression that with the forwarded link they would see what I saw.
    nickywang wrote:
    > loyola wrote:
    > > I am not sure if this is related. I forwarded myself an annotated web page and after logging out of Diigo and going to the forwarded link I could see neither highlights nor annotations. Pity I was hoping to sell a couple of colleagues on Diigo. Just glad I sent the link to myself first and not directly to them. Would have embarrassed this lovely social annotation site.
    > Hi loyola,
    > When you're forwading someone an annotated page, your highlights and sticky notes will become the content of the email. So your friends will see what you have annotated. Also the url is included in the mail too. Once they click the url, they will see the webpage with a diigolet on it. However, as a non-user, they can't see your highlight and sticky notes directly on the webpage. Once they registered, it will show up to them.
    > does this help you?
  • Hilary Reynolds

    I checked up in help and this is why I had the idea that they would see what I saw. The help page ( says "Clicking on the link takes the recipients to an annotated page identical to what you see. (So your private sticky notes and highlights will be seen by the recipients)"

    nickywang wrote:
    > loyola wrote:
    > > I am not sure if this is related. I forwarded myself an annotated web page and after logging out of Diigo and going to the forwarded link I could see neither highlights nor annotations. Pity I was hoping to sell a couple of colleagues on Diigo. Just glad I sent the link to myself first and not directly to them. Would have embarrassed this lovely social annotation site.
    > Hi loyola,
    > When you're forwading someone an annotated page, your highlights and sticky notes will become the content of the email. So your friends will see what you have annotated. Also the url is included in the mail too. Once they click the url, they will see the webpage with a diigolet on it. However, as a non-user, they can't see your highlight and sticky notes directly on the webpage. Once they registered, it will show up to them.
    > does this help you?
  • Hilary Reynolds

    No problem at all. I appreciate the fact that you were trying to help.
    nickywang wrote:
    > Loyola,
    > I'd like to appologize for my misunderstanding and all the troubles it may has brought to you. Hope you won't mind.
    > Maggie,
    > Thanks for correcting. Next time I'll check more carefully. This won't happen again.
  • Hilary Reynolds

    Checked on both IE7 and Firefox and it seems to be ok now. Our bandwidth is pathetic so perhaps I was just being too impatient. With regards to your comments about what I am sharing, this really is what Diigo is all about. It enables to me a) Write research notes to myself and not have to worry about a hard drive crash, and b) share this info and get feedback.

    I think you might in the next while gain several devotees from our Uni.
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > limerence ,
    > We notice a new bug - should have been fixed now - please verify. Thanks
    > ---------
    > Loyola,
    > Nicky has misunderstood and provided the wrong answer. You're correct - anyone (even non-Diigo users) should be able to see your annotations on the forward link.
    > I just checked and your forward link seems ok. Can you please check again? Thanks
    > (hey, good stuff you're sharing there - no wonder you're a Diigo fan :-) For anyone doing good amount of online information consuming - they should find Diigo quite useful... That's why we create Diigo in the first place - develop useful features that we'd love to have as users ourselves. cheers!)
Hilary Reynolds

Threaded Annotation - 474 views

discussion feature forum
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Chatting to a colleague who I recently introduced to Diigo, we thought it would be incredible if groups could do threaded annotations in pretty much the same way as one might do on a forum. So rather than each member of the group post their own sticky notes which could make things rather chaotic, group members would see an "Add thread" command when they were looking at other members annotations and be able to respond directly to the annotation as a thread and so on and so forth.
  • Hilary Reynolds

    I see I can add a comment to an existing note. but I was thinking more of the threads, than the ability to add to a comment, though I see that did not come out in my post., so in the comments we would see something like :

    maggie_diigo said ...(on 05-11-2007 replied to loyola on #1)

  • Hilary Reynolds

    Let me provide you with some context. I am doing a Master's degree in Computer Based/Online education and a major thrust of ours is the social nature of learning. What Diigo enables for learners is the discussion (in-situ) of a web site or online journal article. These discussions could become quite involved, hence the need for threaded discussion. Personally, I would prefer to see a more conventional type of threading such as:

    Post 1
    Reply 1A
    Reply 1Aa
    Reply 1B
    Post 2
    Reply 2A
    Reply 2B

    But I think that the way of doing it in this forum might be easier to implement, which is why I specifically suggested that, but in long threads, the history is more difficult to follow.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > I see.
    > Interesting that you point this out - wonder how important is that additional "userxxx said ...(on 05-11-2007 replied to useryyyy on #1)"? We'd like to hear other people's opinion on this, because this is related to another new feature design that we're working on.
    > 1) Do people realize that you can reply to a specific post within a thread, or do people just default to use the last comment in a thread to "reply"?
    > 2) For readers reading a forum discussion thread, do they really pay attention to the # on a thread, and actively trying to follow which comment is replied to which comment, or they just read through the thread sequentially?
    > Love to hear everyone's thought on this. Thanks

My tags aren't working! - 40 views

tag tagcloud performance
  • Hilary Reynolds

    I can see the pages for tags now. I still don't see the site I just bookmarked on the bookmark page, but I do on the toolbar dropdown.
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Update 2

    Refreshed the toobar booksmarks and my addition disappeared from there too. Oh, well this happens. I'll just add it again.

    loyola wrote:
    > Update,
    > I can see the pages for tags now. I still don't see the site I just bookmarked on the bookmark page, but I do on the toolbar dropdown.
  • Hilary Reynolds

    A pleasure )))
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Sorry, I should have participated in the discussion earlier - was too busy with other tasks lately to answer the forum questions until now.
    > Sorry for the temporary hiccup & inconvenience. This is related to our list server that temporarily went down yesterday (being worked on), but should be fine now. We recently upgraded our search (last time it went down was during the upgrade period.) You should all notice a performance improvement since our recent upgrade. We will continue making our performance tuning a high priority to improve your overall user experience.
    > PS > Loyola, thanks for your help and participation :-)
Jesse Kim

vote feature - 145 views

vote thumbs up down measure rate rank important star suggestion spam (electronic)
started by Jesse Kim on 16 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds

    I gave this some thought overnight and wonder if this might not be a solution. The idea I had would be to be able to rate the tags for a site. So if I have tags - education technology pedagogy "social constructivism" - I could perhaps rate them as - education 4 technology 2 pedagogy 4 "social constructivism" 4. This would convey to the user my opinions of the value of the site with regard to the tags I have allocated.

    This solution does ultimately not resolve my concerns with regard to the numerical assessment of sites, but does represent a workable compromise.

    Another concern I had though, is that of "rating flooding". Let's assume that 2000 employees from a company or University all join and rate their site as 5/5. This is a gross misuse of the rating concept, though of course all 2000 could say great things in their comments.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Agree. voting should be done in a meaningful way. We're giving some thought to it - thus, I said, if we do it, hopefully it will be in a more meaningful way :-)
Maggie Tsai

[Wanted] Call for interesitng Diigo applications / usecases - we want to hear from you ... - 31 views

discussion testiomonial usecase
started by Maggie Tsai on 18 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds

    I am going to send you an e-mail about the educational uses of Diigo from the perspective of a student of online education, but I also wanted to mention a useful business application that a friend of mine used Diigo for.

    He is a web designer and using Diigo enables him to have in-situ "conversations" with his clients about design and content issues. Prior to Diigo he says there was confusion about precisely what was being discussed, but now with highlighting and sticky notes, there is no doubt and interaction between him and his clients is far easier. Some clients have joined Diigo and he is able to create a group with them, but for those clients who are intimidated by technology, he can foward to them and then they e-mail him. Even that he says helps tremendously.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Besides these public posts, I've also received several emails. Thanks.
    > Please continue keep your feedback / input coming. Love to hear and learn from you.
Hilary Reynolds

CSS - 16 views

bug css ie
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Opera CSS renders Ok.
    loyola wrote:
    > I work using a variety of browsers and it seems to me that the CSS used for IE has undergone come change because it is not rendering correctly on my PC. IE7. It is fine in Firefox.
  • Hilary Reynolds
    BTW, This refers specifically to groups pages. Main groups page and forum pages,
    loyola wrote:
    > Opera CSS renders Ok.
    > loyola wrote:
    > > I work using a variety of browsers and it seems to me that the CSS used for IE has undergone come change because it is not rendering correctly on my PC. IE7. It is fine in Firefox.
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Seems to have been resolved now. Many thanks to the UI guy. )))
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Got it - passed on to our UI guy to take a look.
Hilary Reynolds

Bookmark Filter - 23 views

bookmarks discussion feature
started by Hilary Reynolds on 28 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Let's assume I have bookmarked a page and I am now viewing it. What I would like to see is an option on the bookmarks filter to show pages which have

    1) Exactly the same tags as the one I am viewing
    2) Any of the tags on the page I am viewing.

    Effectivey, a "Show similar pages" filter.
Dr. Skepticus

And PDF support? - 100 views

pdf suggestion
started by Dr. Skepticus on 04 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I had thought about adding this as a request, but it seemed to me to be far more difficult to annotate a pdf file on the web than an HTML file. This being said, many journals offer a pdf as well as an html version and I simply annotate the HTML version. There are however those who do offer HTML files so if pdf annnotation is possible, it would be great.

    skepticus wrote:
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > On our To-Do.
    > >
    > > Does Furl offer web annotation, and do they offer it for PDF? don't think so.
    > Of course not. That's why I demand more from my favorite bookmarking and researching tool: Diigo.
    > > What do they have that Diigo doesn't have?
    > FURL does catch PDF files. So I keep using it. If the site with the PDF file goes down I still have a copy on FURL.
    > I work a lot with PDF files, since I read scientific journals. FURL keeps a copy for me, but Diigo could do much more. You understand what I mean.
le torte

links in sticky notes open in the sticky itself - 45 views

bug hyperlinks sticky note
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Yeah it is a problem.

    I did a check by attaching a sticky to the highlight I made in your post. If you use the correct html code, it is fine and will open in a new window, but no options are provided in rich editing. You can see Same window will open in the sticky and New window will open another browser window.

    le-torte wrote:
    > When i click on a link in a sticky note, the linked page is
    opening inside of the sticky.
    So the links are no use, i can´t even scroll inside of the sticky. I think it should open in a new tab.
    > I encountered this problem with the public sticky of friedemar here:
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Sorry le-torte,

    I made it private, but I have now shared it with the group members.

    le-torte wrote:
    > Hello loyola,
    > so i am not the only one with this problem.
    > > I did a check by attaching a sticky to the highlight I made in your post.
    > Did you make a public or a private sticky, as i can´t see anything.
    > > If you use the correct html code, it is fine and will open in a new window, but no options are provided in rich editing. You can see Same window will open in the sticky and New window will open another browser window.
    > What is the correct code then?
    > In a private sticky that i made for test purpose, i had the same problem with links opening inside of the sticky, although i used the default button for links in the rich text modus.
Hilary Reynolds

Communication via profle - 16 views

communication idea social
started by Hilary Reynolds on 14 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
Hilary Reynolds

Group bookmarks - 20 views

diigo group
started by Hilary Reynolds on 04 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I added a bookmark to this group yesterday and it has now disappeared. Why would this be?
Hilary Reynolds

Citations - 151 views

citations biblio
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Does anyone have any idea how one would cite an annotation by a Diigo user on a web page? Perhaps just as a standard web page citation using the Diigo forward url for the page?
  • Hilary Reynolds

    It was no specific annotation. Just a general question. I am supposed to be working on my master's thesis at the moment and saw the possibility that I might want to quote an annotation.

    ollitolli wrote:
    > loyola, can you give an example of an annotation that you would like to cite? That would make it easier to compose a suitable format.
    ollitolli wrote:
    > loyola, can you give an example of an annotation that you would like to cite? That would make it easier to compose a suitable format.
  • Hilary Reynolds
    This is an idea using a fictitious example. I use Endnote which has a Personal Communication citation type (I don't see one on Zotero). There is a field erroneously named Title in which I type:

    Comment on Phelps, Fisher and Ellis: Organisational and technological skills: The overlooked dimension of research training at

    I enter the year and olebrudvik as the author and generate a reference which looks like this:

    Olebrudvik. (2007). Comment on Phelps, Fisher and Ellis: Organisational and technological skills: The overlooked dimension of research training at

    and the in text citation is (Olebrudvik, 2007)

    What do you think of this as an idea? (BTW the olebrudvik capitalisation is Endnote's not mine.
Hilary Reynolds

Linkroll change - 23 views

feature linkroll
started by Hilary Reynolds on 02 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I like the linkroll and use it on my blog. I do however think it would be great if it there were additional options:

    Last x entries
    Random entries
    Random entries from a specific tag. Useful for educators with course blogs.
Maggie Tsai

[Discussion][News] Please nominate / vote for Diigo - "Webware 100" Award - 40 views

diigo testimonial
started by Maggie Tsai on 27 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I added my tuppence under the Community... category as well, Definitely seems the most relevant.
Maggie Tsai

[Discussion] Please update your user profile / avatar - 23 views

started by Maggie Tsai on 27 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    Your wish is my command. ))) Now visible in all my corpulent glory. )))
Hilary Reynolds

My Bookmark Tabs - 12 views

bookmark feature
started by Hilary Reynolds on 24 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    On the my Bookmarks page there are 4 tabs: All Unread Public Private. I would like to suggest that two more tabs be added: With Highlights and With Annotations. I really think this would be useful. I have used a tag titled "With Annotations" to work around this omission.
Hilary Reynolds

Toolbar bookmark list - 25 views

bookmark feature toolbar list tag cloud drop down menu submenu search live filter link transparent pop-up box button suggestion
started by Hilary Reynolds on 18 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    I think it would be great to offer an option for the bookmark dropdown on the toolbar which would present a list of a user's tags and a submenu for those tags. Would enable users very quickly to view bookmarks based on tags rather than filtering and then filtering again for a new tag.
Hilary Reynolds

Group Tags under used - 15 views

started by Hilary Reynolds on 18 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • Hilary Reynolds
    It seems to me that groups are woefully underutilised. One possible reason for this is that it is difficult to locate a group. I would like to suggest that perhaps a tag list/cloud can be created for groups allowing users to hone in on groups that would interest them.
Hilary Reynolds

Diigo on Wikipedia - 1 views

  • Diigo is a website which allows users to bookmark and tag websites. It also allows users to highlight all or part of a page and attach sticky notes to the page. These annotations can be kept private, shared with a group within Diigo or a special link forwarded to someone else. The name "Diigo" is an abbreviation for "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff".[1] The launch of Diigo met with mixed responses from the unimpressed [2] to the enthusiastic [3]. The product is still capable of further development such as that comprehensively detailed by a Diigo user at [4] but response on whole has been positive an example of which can be seen in the comparison between several social bookmarking sites on IA-Blog [5] Diigo beta was listed as one of the top 10 research tools by CNET in 2006 [6].
    Just a note. If you update this article, please respect Wikipedia's policy of neutral point of view (NPOV). Articles here are not intended as sales pitches. Please support your statements by references.
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