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1 in 4 LGBTQ Youth Identifies As Nonbinary | Time - 1 views

    Jonah DeChants, a research scientist at the Trevor Project, an LGBTQ mental health nonprofit notes an "explosion of language that we're seeing around how young people express their gender." A 2001research study of 34,700+ US youth released Monday by the LGBTQ mental health nonprofit the Trevor Project found that over one in four (26%) LGBTQ youth identified as nonbinary. An additional 20% said they are not sure or are questioning whether they identify as nonbinary. The term "nonbinary" refers to people whose gender does not fit within the traditional binary construction of male or female. Drawing from an online survey conducted between October and December of 2020 of over 34,700 LGBTQ youth in the U.S., the Trevor Project found that while the term "nonbinary" has often been associated with a trans or transitioning person, only half of the respondents who identified as nonbinary also identified as transgender. (An additional 20% said they were not sure or questioning whether they are transgender). While 72% of respondents who identified as nonbinary said they use the term to describe their gender identity, other terms were also cited, including queer (used by 29% of respondents), gender non-confirming (27%), genderfluid (24%), genderqueer (23%), androgynous (23%), agender (15%), demigirl (10%), demiboy (8%), genderflux (4%), and bigender (4%). (Queer is also a term people can use to identify their sexuality, which is separate from gender identity. Most the nonbinary youth sampled reported being multisexual or attracted to multiple genders.) "More and more young people are taking control over their gender identity, and finding language and terms that resonate with them," DeChants continues. "And expressing that in the world in [ways] that we haven't necessarily seen in the past." The majority of nonbinary respondents said they use pronouns outside the gender binary-such as "they/them" or "xe/xem." Here, DeChants notes an "emp

Top 23 World Languages in One Visualization, By Native Speakers - 0 views

    This post (a 2021 update of a 2018 post) contains several useful infographics and charts, including a visualization of the top 23 most-spoken languages in the world, distribution of those languages by country, a family tree of Indo-European languages.

Talking Black in America - 0 views

    This website highlights a 5-part documentary series which explores the most controversial and misunderstood language variety in the United States: African American Language (AAL). With the perspectives of everyday people and the guidance of historians, linguists, and educators, the series showcases the history of the language, the symbolic role it plays in the lives of African Americans, and the tremendous impact on the language and culture of the United States. Contains video clips, educational resources.

Language Log; Character amnesia and kanji attachment - 0 views

    Language Log is an applied linguistics blog founded by U.Penn's Mark Liberman. This blog post concerns the phenomenon of character amnesia, which is becoming more prevalent in E. Asian countries like China and Japan, which have character-based languages. Basically, character amnesia is the phenomenon of forgetting how to write words, due to the increase in keyboard input of characters, word processing, online correspondence and composition, predictive text technology, and the decline of handwritten documents. This particular article focuses on Japanese kanji amnesia. The bottom of the article contains links to previous discussions of this topic.

Can Animals Acquire Language? - Scientific American Blog Network - 0 views

    In the last half century, much effort has been placed into teaching animals, primarily apes, a basic language. However, successes have been limited: animals using signs to obtain things in which they were interested, for instance. But no animal has yet acquired the linguistic capability that children have already in their third year of life. Here are some things that differentiate humans from animals: 1. The fact that animals don't ask "why?" shows they don't aspire to knowledge and are incapable of justification. 2. The inability of animals to use negation shows they lack basic logical abilities. 3. Another essential characteristic of human language is its normativity-namely, the fact that there are right and wrong uses of a word or phrase. Animals lack this capacity.

Dissecting the language of the birds, or how to talk to a songbird | WIRED - 0 views

    If you're looking for the species that most closely matches our linguistic prowess, surprisingly, you won't find it in the apes, the primates, or even in the mammals. You have to travel to a far more distant relative, all the way to a family of birds known as the songbirds. The vocal life of a songbird is similar to ours in many ways. They learn songs by imitating their elders. Like human speech, these songs are passed down from one generation to the next. Songbirds are also best equipped to learn songs in their youth, and they have to practice to develop their ability. They can improvise and string together riffs into new songs, and over generations these modified songs can turn into new dialects. And like us, they come hard-wired with 'speech-centers' in their brain that are dedicated to language processing. An experiment from 2009 by Fehér and colleagues took newly hatched songbirds of the zebra finch species and raised them in sound proof chambers. They did this during their critical period of language development. Surprisingly, this culturally isolated generation of birds began to develop their own songs. These songs were less musical than your typical songbird song - they had irregular rhythms, they would stutter their notes, and the notes would sound more noisy. But the researchers were curious where this would lead. They listened to the songs of the next few generations of pupils, the offspring of these children of silence. What they found was quite amazing. In just two generations, the songs started to change in unexpected ways - they were becoming more musical. In fact, they started to converge upon the song of the wild songbirds, even though none of these birds had ever heard the wild songs. The Feher study suggests, but does not prove, that songbirds must have an innate understanding of the structures of their language. In other words, they seem to have a built-in intuition about grammar. Over time, they may be using these intuitions to develo

Is Geometry a Language That Only Humans Know? - 1 views

    Interesting article about researchers who are looking at geometry as its own language that might be unique to humans. Combines information about mathematics, linguistics, and AI, and how language might have developed to represent things as well as communicate.

Is the internet killing language? LOL, no. - Vox - 0 views

    This article features an interview with linguist Gretchen McCulloch about how the Internet has changed our language. McCulloch provides insight that disputes the idea that the Internet is killing or destroying our language. The article covers topics such as language usage amongst different age groups, emojis, the use of punctuation and capitalization, text speak, and more.

Hawaii Pidgin: The Voice of Hawaii - 0 views

    While this video has been posted here on the Diigo page before, the bookmark is from 2011 and has very few relevant tags. This short film has many different voices from our community, and it provides the most authentic sounding pidgin that I've been able to find on Youtube, as it shows ordinary people just talking and expressing their relationship with the language, and as it is not performative. I personally discovered it when trying to explain pidgin to a friend from the mainland, and it seems to be a very good tool for providing a solid foundation of understanding about pidgin. Notable speakers within the video include linguist Kent Sakoda, who discusses the formation of pidgins as a whole, the formation of HCE as a result of plantations here in Hawaii, the formation of a few particular common phrases that arose as a combination of various languages, and how HCE is something that binds people together as a community here in Hawaii as well as Pastor Earl Morihara, who speaks on the importance of pidgin to him in a personal sense, elaborating that it's "da language of my heart," and that it comes naturally to him when speaking with others in the Hawaii community.

Technology and Second Language Acquisition - 0 views

    Due to the increase in language-learning technology, learners of second languages can get exposure to the new language that weren't possible before, making it easier to learn a new language.

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA): Pragmatics and Speech... - 1 views

    An important area of the field of second/foreign language teaching and learning is pragmatics -- the appropriate use of language in conducting speech acts such as apologizing, requesting, complimenting, refusing, thanking. Meaning is not just encoded in word semantics alone, but is affected by the situation, the speaker and the listener.A speech act is, according to linguist Kent Bach, "the performance of several acts at once, distinguished by different aspects of the speaker's intention: there is the act of saying something, what one does in saying it, such as requesting or promising, and how one is trying to affect one's audience". Speech acts can be broken down into 3 levels: 1. locutionary: saying something 2. illocutionary: the speaker's intent in performing the act. For example, if the locutionary act in an interaction is the question "Is there any salt?" the implied illocutionary request is "Can someone pass the salt to me?"; 3. In some instances, there's a third perlocutionary level: the act's effect on the feelings, thoughts or actions of either the speaker or the listener, e.g., inspiring, persuading or deterring. The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at University of Minnesota provides a collection of descriptions of speech acts, as revealed through empirical research. The material is designed to help language teachers and advanced learners to be more aware of the sociocultural use of the language they are teaching or learning. These speech acts include: Apologies Complaints Compliments/Responses Greetings Invitations Refusals Requests Thanks

Why emoji mean different things in different cultures - 0 views

    Despite claims that emoji are a universal lingua franca, emojis are neither "universal", nor a true "language". Instead, they are "at most a linguistic tool that is being used to complement our language". In other words, emojis do not and cannot by themselves constitute a meaningful code of communication between two parties. Rather, they are used as a way of enhancing texts and social media messages like a kind of additional punctuation. They help express nuance, tone and emotion in the written word. Emojis offer a chance for the average email writer, SMSer or social media poster to imply an emotional context to their messages, to express empathy. With emojis, they can do this as simply and naturally as using a facial expression or gesture when talking to somebody face-to-face. Yet relying too heavily on emojis to bridge that gap can cause problems of its own. We may all have access to more or less the same emojis through our smartphone keyboards, but what we mean when we use those emojis actually varies greatly, depending on culture, language, and generation.

African American Vernacular English and Hawai'i Creole English: A Comparison of Two Sch... - 1 views

    This essay compares the controversies surrounding actions taken by two school boards-one in Hawai'i and the other in Oakland-in their attempts to help students in their districts attain fluency in standard English. Public reactions expressed during each of these two incidents demonstrated a general lack of understanding about languages and nonstandard dialects. The myths and characterizations about Hawai'i Creole English and African American Vernacular English, and the issues these two stigmatized dialects have raised, point to educational policy implications concerning academic achievement and the politics of language.
    This is a really useful essay in highlighting linguistic research re: how to effectively instruct speakers of non-standard varieties of English, e.g. AAVE and HCE. Nice find!

Mock Spanish: A Site For The Indexical Reproduction Of Racism In American English - 4 views

    An interesting scholarly sociolinguistic paper! Jane H. Hill, a University of Arizona linguist, examines the use of mock Spanish phrases In the southwestern United States. Hill wondered why English speakers of ``Anglo" ethnic affiliation make considerable use of Spanish in casual speech, in spite of the fact that the great majority of them are utterly monolingual in English under most definitions. However, these monolinguals both produce Spanish and consume it, especially in the form of Mock Spanish humor, and that use of Mock Spanish intensified during precisely the same period when opposition to the use of Spanish native speakers has grown, reaching its peak in the passage of ``Official English'' statutes in several states during the last decade. Hill argues that the use of Mock Spanish is, in fact, racist discourse.

As ice melts and seas rise, can endangered languages survive? | Grist - 0 views

    Linguists are learning that climate change is another major factor contributing to the threat of language loss. This article dives into the effects of climate change on endangered languages such as Greenlandic and Marshallese, and explores how communities are taking action to protect their indigenous languages.

Steven Pinker - The Stuff of Thought: Language as a window into human nature - 0 views

    Steven Pinker, a famous Canadian-American cognitive physiologist, linguist, and author, talks about the five functions of swearing.
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