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Reinforcing Training With Video-Based Learning | Learning Technologies | Training Industry - 1 views

  • Instructors were specifically trained for corporate audiences in order to further strengthen impact. What we lacked was sustainability, which is necessary for ensuring that the learner grasps the material and is able to apply it successfully in his or her work. Only then would training truly result in improved quality of work and long-term benefits for the organization. Here’s an example of how to use a video-based platform to reinforce training and achieve these long-term benefits.
  • The main objective of training is for learners to apply new skills in the long term. The key is to reach out in a way that is appealing and involves the learner. Technology-enabled learning has made this level of engagement possible, and with the emergence of new technologies, it will continue to do so in fresh and innovative ways.
    The library consisted of more than 30 modules and 50 podcasts, with more in development. Each module was kept short - less than nine minutes of learning time - so that the learner's attention would not waver. The graphics were light so that learners could view them on different devices. In addition to being visually impactful, all modules had a clear voiceover that caught the learner's attention and retained it for the entire duration of the module. The podcasts were also appealing to learners who preferred listening to a short commentary and gaining insight immediately.
Jean-Marie Cognet

Top 20 eLearning Statistics For 2019 - eLearning Industry - 0 views

  • The global eLearning market was worth an impressive $107 billion in 2015 [1]. By 2025, however, Research and Markets believe that it will reach a staggering total market value of $325 billion [1]. The reasons for this explosion in value come on the back of several main drivers: the need to educate vast numbers of people at low cost, the falling price of learning solutions, the needs of the modern workforce to engage in life-long learning, and the fact that learning through an internet portal is often more convenient than going to school. The majority of the growth in the eLearning market will come from demand in developing countries.
  • 2. The Self-Paced eLearning Market Will Decline To $33.5 Billion By 2021
  • 77% Of US Companies Used Online Learning In 2017
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  • eLearning could reduce employee training time by as much as 40-60% [2]. Cutting training time means that workers can spend more time doing their primary role and companies don't need to organize as much cover.
  • eLearning may boost knowledge retention by an impressive 25-60% [2]
  • Deloitte, a professional services and research company, estimates that the average employee needs to dedicate around 1% of their time per week to training. Doing this, according to Deloitte, enables the worker to stay up to date with best practices and developments in their industry. 1% of the working week isn't much time at all. It translates to 24 minutes per week or 4.8 minutes per day, assuming a 5-day working week [14]. Arranging 4.8 minutes of training per day face-to-face would be impractical. But thanks to "microlearning"— a popular buzzword in the eLearning industry—companies can now take this approach. What's more, microlearning may be even more effective than regular learning because people are better at absorbing lots of small chunks of information than they are a few larger ones.
  • Data Suggests That When Employers Spend $1,500 Per Employee Per Year On Training, They Achieve Improvements In Profit Margins Of Around 24%
  • it's the conclusion of the American Society for Training and Development after a study of more than 2,500 firms
  • Data suggests that when employers spend $1,500 per employee per year on training, they achieve improvements in profit margins of around 24% [8]. Furthermore, for every additional $680 a company spends, shareholder return rises by 6%. Investing in the knowledge capital of a company, therefore, is just as important as investing in the physical capital [8].
  • This can be accomplished easily if the company opts for a value for money LMS.
  • Figures From An Open University Study Suggest That eLearning Cuts Energy Consumption By 90% And Slashes CO2 By More Than 85%
  • 72% of organizations believe that eLearning puts them at a competitive advantage [2]. eLearning is a flexible tool that firms can use to provide them with educational support when they need it. Keeping employees apprised of changes in the market is a significant challenge for many enterprises.
  • Data from a Gallup poll in 2015 found that only 32% of employees in the US were "engaged" and that more than 51% were "unengaged" [9]
  • According to data from The Molly Fletcher Company, eLearning helps firms achieve an 18% boost in employee engagement leading to higher productivity and customer satisfaction [2].
  • 49% Of Students Say That They Have Taken An Online Course In The Last 12 Months
Jean-Marie Cognet

How Companies Can Benefit From Video-Enhanced Training | Learning Technologies | Traini... - 0 views

  • Video-enhanced learning tools however are relatively inexpensive to produce, can be viewed when it’s convenient and without the need for travel
  • Live presentations can be recorded and time stamped, so when they are used for training, managers can refer to specific sections according to relevance. This saves time and increases engagement with the subject matter.
  • The ease with which videos can be produced also provides companies with the ability to take control over their training processes,
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  • People learn in different ways, but as visual beings, video is a great mechanism to illustrate soft skills, as well as aid performance management. This makes it cost effective both in terms of financial savings and minimal impact on employee productivity
  • Video training courses or observation recordings can also be created as needed, making it a responsive and reactive tool.
  • build a customized library of training tools, which can be referred back to and viewed multiple times by any number of managers and employees across a company, for as long as it is relevant.
Jean-Marie Cognet

How E-Learning Can Increase Employee Productivity | E-Learning | Training Industry - 1 views

  • Approximately 65 percent of people are visual learners and their propensity for watching videos online shows no signs of slowing down. The video component of e-learning helps to increase engagement by delivering content in a familiar, episodic fashion.
  • This ties in with microlearning, which is known to increase both engagement and knowledge retention by breaking learning down into manageable increments.
  • E-learning is scalable, and can be rolled out to more departments as the needs of the company change. As the skills needed for certain roles evolve, e-learning can be customized to specific, relevant content for employees without breaking the bank. As the saying goes, time is money, and e-learning has been shown to provide considerable savings by reducing time spent on training. It also offers savings on costs for external trainers, travel, materials and time spent out of the business. Case in point, after switching from traditional to online training, IBM delivered five times the amount of training for only one third of the cost – a saving of $200 million dollars. An IBM report found that investing in training can positively impact employee retention rates, with new employees 43% more likely to stay at a new job when training is provided
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  • The same IBM report estimates that every dollar spent on e-learning returns thirty dollars’ worth of productivity
Jean-Marie Cognet

How to Make Video Training More Effective for Your Corporate Workforce | Learning Techn... - 1 views

  • In particular, the use of video can be of huge benefit—but only when done correctly. Here are some tips for effectively incorporating video into your training.
  • Keep it Short
  • According to some Google researchers, the ideal video length is between three and three-and-a-half minutes
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  • Use Text in the Right Way
  • Keep text minimal, visual, and only use it to highlight keywords and concepts. If you are introducing something new that will be unfamiliar to the viewer, display that on the screen in clear text for them to see.
  • Incorporate Graphics
  • Another good technique is to break up all of the words with graphics. It’ll help everyone if there is more variety of content, but particularly the visual learners among your employees
  • Combine Instruction with Examples or Scenarios
  • Using imagined scenarios or examples can be the best way to help viewers to understand how certain instruction will apply in their day to day work, and video content is the best way to provide this.
Jean-Marie Cognet

How to Train a Decentralized Workforce: 4 Options to Consider | Workforce Development |... - 1 views

  • Custom designed e-learning: These methods range from a narrated PowerPoint presentation to full-blown authoring tools like Captivate or Articulate. Narrated PowerPoint is quick and easy to create and use, and lets you to share the information widely via email or company website links. But engaging an audience for any length of time via a voice-over and static slides is challenging.
  • Train-The-Trainer solutions
  • Synchronous distance learning: Tools like WebEx, GoToMeeting and Lync are great at bringing far-flung people together. They let you utilize PowerPoint or interactive screen-sharing to do demos and more.
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  • Podcasts/downloads: Podcasts and/or downloads can be bought or subscribed to, and can be accessed from anywhere with a smart device. That’s perfect for employees like salespeople with large amounts of travel. They will have access to information while on the go.
Jean-Marie Cognet

What Does SharePoint 2016 have to Offer Training Managers? | Learning Technologies | Tr... - 0 views

Jean-Marie Cognet

Donald Taylor on Video in Training - AllenComm - 2 views

  • More and more frequently modern employees expect video to be a factor in on-the-job learning. And not simply a dry, one hour VHS training course of the past. Good, relevant video content that impacts performance. We’ve outlined a few guidelines on improving onboarding with video here.
  • In an international poll each year, reaching over 50 countries, I ask people: “What is hot in L&D this year?” The choice of ‘Video’ has fallen down the table of ‘hotness’. In other words, it’s no longer considered exciting
  • In other words: video is now part of the way we live and learn today.
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  • We also know (just look at the exponential growth of YouTube) that video is an area which L&D pros have to invest in, as employees/customers expect it. With this expectation comes the responsibility of making sure the content is compelling.
  • It’s down to L&D professionals to invest in themselves and ensure they can produce great video – either internally or by outsourcing well.
  • es, the younger generation is more accustomed to using certain tools such as YouTube, but video is universally appealing – witness the enduring success of cinema. We are visual animals, and good video will appeal to us all.
  • Video has the unique power of engaging employees and helping them retain information learned during onboarding like no other medium. According to Forrester Research, video is the fastest-growing digital content category, and they expect by 2017 more than 90% of the online population will regularly watch online video.
Jean-Marie Cognet

AI in HR: A Real Killer App - JOSH BERSIN - 1 views

  • Hype and expectations for AI are now sky high
  • on one hand the hype is far ahead of the reality; on the other, the upside could be much bigger than we think. And in HR the opportunity for value is massive.
  • The systems can understand speech, identify photos, and use pattern matching to pick up signals about mood, honesty, and even personality. These algorithms are not “intuitive” like human beings, but they are fast, so they can analyze millions of pieces of information in seconds and quickly correlate them against patterns.
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  • you could imagine an AI system that looks at ll the possible demographics, job history, and interview questions with a candidate and then “predicts” how well they will perform on the job
  • In employee development and learning, we really don’t know how to “train” people perfectly. The global L&D industry is over $200 billion and most learning professionals tell us that at least half this is wasted (forgotten, inappropriately applied, or just wasting peoples’ time). But we don’t know which half this is! 
  • what if we had algorithms that monitored and studied the skills, behaviors, and activities of the highest performers in our teams and then just told us how to be more like them?  These kinds of “Netflix-like” algorithms are now entering the world of learning platforms, making learning as useful and fun as watching cable TV.  Again the market is young, but the opportunity is massive. Our research shows that the average employee has less than 25 minutes a week to train and learn;  if we make that time more relevant everyone will perform better.
  • The success of an HR tool will be dependent on many things: the accuracy and completeness of its algorithms, the ease of use of its systems, but more important than all its ability to provide what is called “narrow AI” – or very specific solutions that solve your problems. This can only be done when the vendor has massive amounts of data (to train its system) and they gain lots of feedback on how well it works. So I believe the barriers to entry are going to be focus, business strategy, and client intimacy, not just having great engineers. 

5 Contact Center Training Trends to Watch in 2018 - 1 views

  • Increase social learning An overwhelming 98% of companies want to support the sharing of good practices and knowledge across teams via in-house social networks or functionality. Social learning aids training by making it a shared activity among contact center agents. Adaptive technologies such as chat boxes, forums, and Slack can reinforce critical learning concepts for agents while on the job. This is also key because employees tend to be more successful when they work and learn in group settings. This type of setting provides motivation, promotes team camaraderie, and improves an agent’s ability to learn and perform.
Jean-Marie Cognet

Vers l'appropriation du Digital par la formation - 2 views

  • « 66% des cadres français constatent que la gestion des nouvelles technologies est en train de changer de main ». De fait les opérationnels, de quelque horizon qu'ils viennent, n’ont jamais été aussi impliqués dans le choix et l’exploitation des outils informatiques de leur métier.
  • Ce constat vaut bien évidemment pour les métiers de la formation : les responsables formation se sont notamment appropriés la maîtrise d’ouvrage de leur plateforme LMS, comme le montre une récente étude Féfaur (près de 93% des responsables formation sont impliqués dans le choix de la plateforme LMS, loin devant la direction informatique (77,3%)).
  • la prise d'autonomie des responsables formation se fait sans trop de friction avec les directions informatiques finalement soulagées de n'être pas principalement en charge d'un domaine fonctionnel (la formation) qui n’est pas critique pour l’entreprise.
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  • Décentraliser l’informatique : pour favoriser l’innovation. C'est ce que pensent 63% des cadres…  et des responsables informatiques interrogés, ce qui constitue une belle preuve de lucidité de leur part : le train-train de la DSI ne permet plus d’innover assez vite
  • pour 63% des cadres dirigeants, « la direction de l’innovation technologique devrait être partagée avec les lignes métiers ». A bon entendeur salut : on ne saurait trop conseiller aux services formation de prendre leur part dans l’innovation technologique dans le champ de leur métier.
Jean-Marie Cognet

2012 Study - major business benefits through learning technologies - 0 views

  • the average company was able to roll out new products, services and IT systems over 20% faster. It also highlights average companies were achieving a 23% improvement in study time, 24% faster delivery time, 22% reduction in cost of training, 26% improvement in learning reach and 16% improvement in time to competency.
  • 90% of Learning & Development professionals are looking to integrate learning into their company’s different functions, i.e. sales, customer service, talent and production, with 41% saying that this is critical.
  • 95% want to use technology to increase the sharing of good practice but only 25% are currently achieving this, 92% of organisations seek to use learning technologies to respond faster to business change, but only 25% achieve this; 94% of organisations seek to speed up the application of learning back into the workplace, but only 23% achieve this; and 91% seek to improve talent or performance management, but only 20% achieve this.
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  • top learning companies spend 50% more of their learning budgets on technology than the average organisation.
  • In 2012, the proportion of training budget allocated to technology increased from 18% in 2011 to 20% in 2012.
  • 25% of organisations are now developing mobile apps for learning, an increase from 20% in 2010, with 30% of organisations encouraging individuals to use their own devices to access learning opportunities and 31% providing learners with mobile devices.
  • 68% of those organisations are using social learning to build networks inside the organisations; 55% to support learning generation and sharing of user generated content; 54% for individuals to communicate in real time; 51% to reinforce formal learning and 49% to support personal professional development.  
  • learning was not seen as a management priority by 53% of organisations surveyed in 2012,
  • he lack of knowledge of potential use and implementation remained the same, as the 2011 figure at 62%.
Jean-Marie Cognet

Helping coworking members interact ::: Deskmag - The Coworking Magazine - 0 views

  • La Cantine in Paris has tapped into the principle of what it means to be an independent worker in the new tech industry and included it in part of their coworking space identity.
  • The bar camps, workshops, lectures, and training courses are free, open to all, and are streamed and uploaded to a dedicated online T.V. portal, hosting more than 300 hours of video footage covering a vast range of new technology subjects. The events are an integral part of their overarching goal, something they call ‘peer-to-peer training’.
Jean-Marie Cognet

Onboarding… L'université donne l'exemple ! - 1 views

  • "Une rentrée bien préparée grâce à l’UTT Training Lab" (quand l’université se met au marketing). Le contenu répond en tous points à ce cahier des charges : un module d’accueil et de découverte de l’école (on pense à l’apps de découverte de Thales Université), un module d’évaluation des méthodes de travail ; interactif : le dispositif fourmille de tests disciplinaires en mathématiques, physique et chimie qui incitent aux révisions, si nécessaire ; accompagné : des rendez-vous par "tchat". Il y a du MOOC là-dedans, d’autant que les ressources comprennent des vidéos.
  • Une inspiration pour l’intégration des nouveaux salariés dans l’entreprise ? Certainement : on sait l’importance que les entreprises accordent à la réduction du délai d’opérationnalité, car il s’agit que le salarié soit aussi rapidement que possible intégré dans les opérations. On sait par ailleurs que la qualité de la formation et de l’accompagnement du salarié permet très largement de contenir les démissions en période d’essai. A quand ces "Corporate Training Lab" qui pourraient rendre de grands services aux entreprises ?
Hélène Baudet

Enterprise Video Streaming Saves Money-Here's the Proof - Streaming Media Magazine - 0 views

    "By communicating with video, enterprise organizations are saving money on travel costs, training, meetings, and more."
Jean-Marie Cognet

MOOC : ces salariés qui ont déjà pris le train en marche - 1 views

  • Nous passons d’une ère « topdown  » où le manager dit « Tu as besoin de suivre cette formation », à une ère « bottom-up » où c’est le salarié qui dit « J’ai besoin de cette formation, et d’ailleurs j’ai déjà commencé à la suivre ».
Jean-Marie Cognet

Popularity of Online and Community Learning Predicted to Boost the demand for Flipped C... - 0 views

  • “The flip model of learning offers a considerable cost saving opportunity to learners as well as educational institutions. Many institutions are using LMS to facilitate the delivery of content to the users. Although end-users have to make substantial upfront investment in the required infrastructure such as adequate Internet bandwidth, the long-term benefits of flipped learning considerably outweigh that of traditional classroom teaching and training,”
  • Global flipped classroom market by product Software 54.89% Hardware 33.54% Services 11.56%
  • The global flipped classroom market by hardware was valued at USD 165.9 million in 2015. The hardware segment comprises devices such as document cameras and tablets that are required to create, capture, and access learning content. These devices are finding more acceptance in schools and colleges. Lecture capture is used to facilitate learning for both students and teachers and helps in recording and delivering lectures in multiple formats including text and video. Vendors are equipping hardware with advanced features for lecture capture such as high-resolution video and display to improve quality. The devices used to facilitate lecture recording include microphones, cameras, screen capture devices, desktop recorders, DVD players, electronic whiteboards, and videoconferencing devices.
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  • The global HMI market in the automotive industry was valued at USD 388.3 million in 2015. These investments are anticipated to expand the market for automation solutions, including HMI solutions that monitor continuous flow of information related to plant operations and processes. In addition, the rising purchasing power of the middle class in developing countries, such as India and China, may lead to the establishment of new automotive plants in these nations. These factors will cast a positive influence on the automation systems market during the forecast period.
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