How To Control Flow Within Your Web Designs - 2 views
Visual design has a flow as well. You have something to communicate and you want your audience to take in different parts of your page. Some elements of the design are more important and you want to make sure they’re seen right away, and some elements of the design are best seen after having first seen a different part of the design.
Design flow (also referred to as movement or direction) is the way the eye moves or is led through a composition
Repetition in color, shape, and size create a path that can pull you to move in a certain direction.
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I liked this article the best. It discuses flow within web designs and it covers all the basis for smooth flow for people that are trying to create their own web page. It covers what design flow is and gives an image example of how flow flows within a graphic design. The author states that it is important to create an entry point, "something that stands out from everything else so that most people look at it first". The author also gives advice on controling flow within a design by using arrows, people or faces that look in a certain direction, and perspective. Using space to control flow is something that I found interesting the author states that "varying the space between a series of elements can be used to create rhythm and motion".
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I found this website to be very helpful when it came to discussing flow and how to achieve that. Besides talking about using visual cues to guide the readers eyes, using space to control flow, and creating harmony using flow, it also gives examples of various websites that have demonstrated good flow of design.
Control the way your eyes moves through a design by starting off with an object that will catch the viewers attention. How to control the flow oif your design by using visual cues to guide the eyes in that direction. Creating space to control flow and also creating harmony using flow.