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Shannon Ridgeway

How To Control Flow Within Your Web Designs - 2 views

  • Visual design has a flow as well. You have something to communicate and you want your audience to take in different parts of your page. Some elements of the design are more important and you want to make sure they’re seen right away, and some elements of the design are best seen after having first seen a different part of the design.
  • Design flow (also referred to as movement or direction) is the way the eye moves or is led through a composition
  • Repetition in color, shape, and size create a path that can pull you to move in a certain direction.
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  • • Arrows – again it’s difficult not to visually follow the direction an arrow points• People/Faces looking in one direction – similar to arrows when we see a person facing or looking in a given direction, we tend to also look to see what they’re looking at.• Perspective – creates strong visual cues to follow. By it’s nature perspective creates a direction that begs to be followed. If all roads lead to Rome, you’re going to end up in Rome at some point
  • The large black circle in the upper left is the entry point into the painting. It’s the first thing you notice. It’s larger and darker than anything else on the page. It holds more visual weight than any other element in the painting.
  • Space can imply flow in a variety of ways. The space between elements creates paths of emptiness much like footpaths through a forest of garden. An element with visual weight calls for you to rest your eyes on it. Space gives you room to move around elements.
    I liked this article the best. It discuses flow within web designs and it covers all the basis for smooth flow for people that are trying to create their own web page. It covers what design flow is and gives an image example of how flow flows within a graphic design. The author states that it is important to create an entry point, "something that stands out from everything else so that most people look at it first". The author also gives advice on controling flow within a design by using arrows, people or faces that look in a certain direction, and perspective. Using space to control flow is something that I found interesting the author states that "varying the space between a series of elements can be used to create rhythm and motion".
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    a good site that shows how to improve web design with flow
    This website does a great job explaining the importance of flow in your design. It also gives great examples, mainly of we pages most of which are blogs. I thought this could help us improve our blogs also it is great for those of us who are visual learners to get the importance of flow by all the examples shown.
    This site includes several visuals to supplement the presented material on using flow in page design. The primary elements are most important and are intended to be seen first. Other elements are best viewed after the primary element. This hierarchy can be established through flow. An entry point is something that stands out from everything else so that the audience will look at it first. Obvious directional cues include arrows, people/faces looking in one direction, and perspective. Repetition and space can also be used to create flow.
    I found this website to be very helpful when it came to discussing flow and how to achieve that. Besides talking about using visual cues to guide the readers eyes, using space to control flow, and creating harmony using flow, it also gives examples of various websites that have demonstrated good flow of design.
    Control the way your eyes moves through a design by starting off with an object that will catch the viewers attention. How to control the flow oif your design by using visual cues to guide the eyes in that direction. Creating space to control flow and also creating harmony using flow.
Paul Angichiodo

Is Your Web Design Balanced? | Van SEO Design - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This site describes the physics explanation of balance. And demonstrates this visually. Many things can create balance, like color in a painting or the size of objects on each side.
  • Symmetrical balance is like having our fulcrum in the center of the lever. To achieve balance we need to have elements of equal weight on both sides of a central axis.
  • Balance in design works the same way as a lever or see saw. Your design will have a vertical (or horizontal) axis and the weight of the various elements on either side of the axis and their distance from the axis will determine if your design is balanced.
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  • There are two kinds of balance that correspond to our lever images above, namely symmetrical and asymmetrical balance
  • Size – As you would expect larger elements carry more weight Color – It’s not fully understood why, but some colors are perceived as weighing more than others. Red seems to be heaviest while yellow seems to be lightest. Density – Packing more elements into a given space, gives more weight to that space Value – A darker object will have more weight than a ligher object Whitspace – Positive space weighs more than negative space or whitespace
  • Balance is important in life. Work and play; diet and exercise; yin and yang. A beautiful face is often a matter of the right balance of features. Balance is also a very important design principle. It will help you create an aesthetically pleasing whole and help you better control flow in your designs.
  • Symmetrical balance tends to be more formal and more static. It evokes feelings of consistency, elegance and classicism.
  • Asymmetrical balance is like having our fulcrum off center. Unequal weights need to be placed on either side of the fulcrum in order for balance to be in equilibrium. Visual weight will not be evenly distributed around a central axis and often you’ll find one dominant form on one side of the axis offset by several less dominant forms on the other.
  • Radial balance – all elements radiate in or out from the center. Think beams of light coming from the sun. It’s easy to maintain a focal point in radial balance as it will always be the center.
  • Mosaic balance – many elements on the page create a sort of balanced chaos. Think of a Jackson Pollack painting. Mosaic balance lacks hierarchy and can look like noise. It’s harder to define a single focal point in all the chaos.
    I felt like this page had some great visuals and definitions of what balance is. I love how they describe that colors can actually "weigh" more than others. I like that they offered new terms like radial balance and mosaic balance (chaotic balance). They gave examples of every concept that they talked about and in a wide range of designs. The writer also does a silly example of making a formula for balance.
    Here is a more general article about balance. It uses physical balance as an example to help explain what balance in design is using both the vertical and horizonal axis. The article discusses visual weight in design elements, explaining how each element can effect balance. It also addresses the types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial, and mosaic balance.
Shannon Ridgeway

Does Your Design Flow? | Van SEO Design - 2 views

  • Flow is the way your eye moves or is led through a composition. While most of us will naturally move from one element to another in our own fashion, a designer can control to some extent where the eye moves next.
  • Verbal Flow – the path taken when reading text on the page Visual Flow – the path taken when looking at images and graphics on the page
  • To make copy easier to read you can: Develop a consistent typographic style across your site – Be consistent with your use of font size, face, and color Choose a font for your copy that is easy to read – Your copy is not the place for a fancy font Remember the principle of proximity – Place headings close to the text they refer to, captions close to images. Organize your text elements so it’s clear what goes with what Watch the width of columns – Don’t make columns to wide or too narrow as each hinders reading Develop a vertical rhythm in your type – Use consistent line heights and vertical margins and paddings
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  • Again a consistent typographic style and a grid-based layout help maintain the pattern and strengthen the flow of your site.
  • Many images have a direction. An arrow, a hand pointing, a face looking in one direction. Your eye will speed up or slow down depending on the direction it was moving when it fell on the image.
  • Use the direction of images to control the the speed and direction of flow Create barriers when you want to reverse the eyes direction Create open paths to allow easy movement through your design Use contrasting colors and shapes to pull the eye
  • Assuming a left to right reading direction as in English, the natural visual flow for people will be a backwards “S” pattern. You can alter that natural pattern with the images you use, where you place those images, and how images, graphics, and text are mixed on the page.
  • Through good flow you can lead the eye from element to element
    A page on teaching what design flow is and how it works. Teaches you how to keep the reader's eye and make them follow the 'flow'.
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    This website gives great advice on how to show flow in a website.
    Interesting take on flow in design. Definitely worth reading. I like the information and felt that this could be very helpful in creating pages.
    This is a great website that illustrates how important flow is design. It was my favorite of all the pages I visited It gives a great definition of design flow, as well as the 2 kinds of flow (takes examples straight out of Basics of Design). It then goes on and explains how to improve your verbal and visual flow in your work.
    This in-depth website shows how to improve your website using the flow to create a more readable page.
    D#7, HW#1-- This is a great website when discussing visual and verbal flow like the book with Chapter 7. Firstly, it explains what visual flow and verbal flow exactly are so that you know where you're starting off, which I really enjoy in a website. Then, the website gives you visual examples of how to improve your current design or document.
    This website is good because it gives you a scenario of something you can relate to then it gives you an explanation of both visual and verbal. Then it gives you suggestions on how to improve your work that has to do with visual and verbal flow .
    Flow is the way the audience's eyes move through out the design. Its a lead from one element to another. Verbal flow is more like a path that leads you to the next reading text on a separate page. This article is really helpful way to improve "Flow" and provides examples for flow. 
    This is a good website to help you understand what flow is and the different types of flow. It talks about verbal flow and visual flow. It also goes on to explain how to improve your verbal flow and your visual flow.
    This webpage incorporates more details about many key aspects of flow that were also mentioned in chapter seven. There are tips to improving visual and verbal flow within a page and also how to add flow across an entire site involving many pages.
Briseida Aguirre

D#2, HW 2 - 0 views

  • The goal of visual design is to communicate.
  • We are visual beings and can quickly pick up on visual cues to better understand our environment.
  • Headings are hierarchy and make some words more important than the rest of your type. Tags for blockquotes and lists, strong, and em, also add a visual hierarchy to your typography.
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  • Think of the basic design principles contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity
  • You create a hierarchy in design, by adjusting the visual weights of your element.
  • The mechanisms for controlling visual weight are the same in both cases. Size – As you would expect larger elements carry more weight Color – It’s not fully understood why, but some colors are perceived as weighing more than others. Red seems to be heaviest while yellow seems to be lightest. Density – Packing more elements into a given space, gives more weight to that space Value – A darker object will have more weight than a ligher object Whitespace – Positive space weighs more than negative space or whitespace
  • Your hierarchy should begin with thoughtful consideration of the content and goals of the page. Only after you’ve decided intellectually the hierarchy of your page should you attempt to visually design that hierarchy.
  • Visual Hierarchy is a deliberate prioritization of
    This gives some great examples of visual hierarchy
Alex Portela

Composition and Design Principles - 1 views

    • freda yamoah
      This website gives you the idea of composition and design principles that helps you understand the effect repetition in a design. There are several ways to use repetition in a design. Repetition gives motion so it can be used in all designs that have visual element.
    • Alex Portela
      This site specifically outlines examples also explained in the book about unity. Lines, shapes, images, colors, textures and other effects can be creatively laid out to give variety and depth draws more attention to the subject. The butterfly is a great example of that uniformity as well.
    Web site contains basic understanding of balance and all principle elements of design.
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    I like this website because it had really good examples of the basic ideas of design principles .
    D#2 HW#2 I like this article because not only does it discuss the principles of design but it also uses these principles within the article. Unlike other articles this one is actually practicing what it is teaching.
    On this website it showed various techniques in achieving balance in web design. It explained various methods such as the six visual elemnts of color, line, shape, texture, tone, and volume. It also goes in depth about varous techniques like size various, variety, visual effects, and unity that can help with accomplishing visual balance to any design.
    This site is from an art teacher's perspective. Scroll half way down the page until you get to the balance section where there are very pretty, helpful example of balance.
    D4 HW1- I like this website because it shows how different types of elements can give different visual weights to the page. This is covered in the textbook, but this website is able to show it in color also.
    This website gives you the idea of composition and design principles that helps you understand the effect repetition in a design. There are several ways to use repetition in a design. Repetition gives motion so it can be used in all designs that have visual element.
    This website was very informative and gave many examples demonstrating how to incorporate visual elements within page design. It also defines and describes design principles, many of which match up with the principles listed in Chapter 1 of our book on pages 12 and 13.
Heather Krieger

D#1, HW#13-Design Website-Architectural Design - 0 views

    D#1, HW#13 I really enjoyed this website for a couple different reasons. First of all, the design process is similar to that in the book, but yet it has a different approach because it is for an architectural piece, instead of a web site or banner for example. I also enjoyed it because it is not only a list of the concepts for the designer process, but it is also the steps that this particular architectural design teams uses and wants to share with their customers. This shows those customers that they have a structured plan and as a customer you can know where you are in the time line of your design and build process. Although the design process is not exactly the same as the book, it uses the same concepts from beginning with a blank page and sketching out ideas, to ending with details helping to make the project personal to the audience.

10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    I found that this site closely related to the ideas and principals from chapter one of Basics of Design. The site specifically talks about the principles of effective web design and website usability. It talks about how the typical web users brain works and the proper design to get the most out of them. This site shows the effectiveness of simplicity in design and how to get the most out of the space which you are working with. Also it mentioned having effective writing through talking business and the use of bold/italics keywords. Lastly the site encouraged designers to not fear having blank/white space on their site and to communicate with language that is clear and consistent with the concept of the site. Friedman, Vitaly. "10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing Magazine." UX Design: Smashing Magazine. Web. 22 Aug. 2011. .
Nicole Schmitter

Repetition- Design Meltdown § Repetition - 0 views

    This website explains the many routes that repetition can take in design. There are so many ways that a designer can place repetition but the overall concept is to make it in a way that it will look organized and strong. This will appeal to the audience and make it so they will continue to read it.
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    Gives a good description of repetition and shows samples of different ways to use repetition
    This web page does a good job discussing repetition and giving some examples. The site gives a couple of examples and goes into detail as to why those examples are shown, obvious repetition and no so obvious are discussed.
    I really like this article because it gives great examples of how to use repetition in web design. 
    Repetition can be used with the color, shape, line, fonts, imagery or style as this site states.
    Repetition can come in many shapes and forms. They can come in color, lines, fonts and imagery. This website shows you through several examples of how to fit repetition into your own designs.
    Here is an article about repetition in web design. This article utilizes screenshots of various web pages and analyzes how repetition was used and what effects it has on the overall feel of each page.
    Repetition focuses on how elements of a design are used more than once throughout a design in varying ways. By using repetition a design becomes far more unified. This site contains 4 examples of sites that use repetition.
Mckell Keeney

Emphasis in Design » Color, General, Layout » Design Festival - 0 views

  • Closely related to the idea of unity is the concept of emphasis or dominance. Rather than focusing on the various elements of a design fitting together, emphasis is about making a particular feature draw the viewer’s att
  • Closely related to the idea of unity is the concept of emphasis or dominance. Rather than focusing on the various elements of a design fitting together, emphasis is about making a particular feature draw the viewer’s attention.
  • direct center of a composition is the point at which users look first
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  • continuance or flow is that when our eyes start moving in one direction, they tend to continue along that path until a more dominant feature comes along
  • greater the difference between a graphic element and its surroundings, the more that element will stand out
  • isolation promotes emphasis
  • Contrast is defined as the juxtaposition of dissimilar graphic elements, and is the most common method used to create emphasis in a layout
  • Contrast
  • Proportion
  • Proportion is a principle of design that has to do with differences in the scale of objects
    Emphasis in Design
    This website brought to light some very interesting concepts in a humorous way. Similar to the first site that I bookmarked with Diigo, this site talks about the different ways in which emphasis can be achieved: by placement of the main topic of the site (middle of the page for main information and then information that is the next in importance be in a variety of places - isolated? continued in the line of sight provided?), through contrasting colors, and by changing the proportion of images within the text to make them standout.
    This webpage gives visual examples of emphasis and a brief explanation of why each example works to capture our attention first.
Hector Garcia

D#6HW1: Dustin Brewer Web Design » Blog Archive » CRAP design 2: Using repeti... - 0 views

  • This article is of course about repetition and the uses it has in any type of design.
  • epetition is best used when making some aspect of the design repeat itself throughout the rest of the design. The reason for this is familiarity for the end user or viewer, this gives the person a sense of calm and understanding.
  • When a user becomes comfortable with a design they will come back time and again because they know that every time they are looking for something on the magazine, brochure or web site they know that the format is going to be the same and their answer will always be in that same area.
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  • For instance, if you have a business card with big bold company name and in the same style of big bold you have the phone number you are going to make your viewers eyes move back and forth between the company name and phone numbers giving you the two most important pieces of information that you are looking for when you are holding a business card.
  • Another easy way to add repetition is with typography, using the same font (type face, color, and size) throughout your design will help to bring everything together.
    I think this one is just a great resource on repetition. I especially like the authors use of the acronym. Repetition in design seems like a lot of fun and I can't wait to apply
Shannon Ridgeway

Balance in Design » General, Layout » Design Festival - 0 views

    • Jennifer Greenhalgh
      This website provides a good supplement to the reading because not only does it go into why balance works in it's examples, it also shows how other design elements help create a balanced design.
    This article stood out to me because it talks about how to use balance in web designs and layouts. It gave me helpful information that I can use for my comic tutorial project. 
    This website shows different ways to address balance. It directly relates to web based design and gives some excellent visual examples.
    This is website reinforces the textbook's information on symmetrical/asymmetrical designs.  Also, has links for further information on good design.
Lisa Plascencia

Principles of Design: Alignment | Learn Design Online - 0 views

    This website will help many of us with project 2. There are great tip on alignment, which is very important in a web page layout.
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    I liked how the article showed how alignment is used in many types of formats such as web design, graphic design, and how to manipulate it. It stated that the way we align shapes, words, or objects in our design will create a dramatic effect on the experience our audience will have.
    This website gives some good information on different types of alignment and how it can be used. It compares the importance of alignment in the real world and how it can be used in design. This website also demonstrates the importance of a clean cut design in order to be less distracting.
    This is my favorite becaue it is a teaching site. It has a wonderful way of explaining the different desing elements. There are tutorials and various design strategies to use to get a very creative piece of work.
Matthew Aber

D#1,HW#13.2 - 0 views

    This website was interesting because it breaks down the process of designing a flyer into simple steps. Flyers were used as models for graphic design on pages 16 and 17 of Lisa Graham's Basics of Design Layout & Typography for Beginners: Second Edition.
Heather Groen

D #2 HW #2 Four Principles of Effective Logo Design - 1 views

    This site is really simple but offers some good points about designing effective logos. The textbook offers an example of logo design, so I wanted to explore some more information. According to this site, there are four main principles: the logo should be simple, versatile, memorable, and relevant. One good point the author made was that most of the top corporate companies use only one or two colors in their logo. A logo must also be expected to appear in many different formats, ranging from a billboard designed to be seen from a distance to a logo etched onto a pencil.
Matthew Aber

D#1,HW#13.3 - Favorite - 0 views

    This site specifically relates to graphic design, but still demonstrates design basics. It looks at such things as target audiences and knowing the message you want to send.
    This site demonstrates the process of design basics. It specifically refers to graphic design, and shows the importance of knowing your target audience and the message you want to send.
    This web page discusses the graphic design process, a concept discussed on pages 14 and 15 of Lisa Graham's Basics of Design Layout & Typography for Beginners: Second Edition.
Wendy Ayala

Design | Pro Blog Design - 0 views

    A resource for those interested in improving their own personal blog designs or would like to learn more about utilizing graphic design software to achieve specific effects.
    This blog site is a great resource for everything from blog design essentials to graphic design tutorials.
Alex Portela

D#3 HW#1.1 Contrast - Basic Principles of Design - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      In the text book Basics of Design page 44 it specifically gives examples of contrasting with letters. Figure 3-6 uses thin lines for the work "thin" and a wider font for the word "wide". This website specifically gives an explanation of the text word uses.
  • contrast can work with any design element
  • Contrast in design is an accentuation of the differences between elements in a design
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  • Change the fonts. The font size, font weight, or font family can all provide contrast to your text. Headlines provide a lot of contrast to surrounding text. Links provide great contrast in text. The color change and the addition of an underline work well to contrast from the surrounding text. Use different sized images and elements. If you have a section of text that is the primary focus of a page, you might make it large and all the
    Good basic information on Contrast. Define's how to use it color, font size in headlines
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    Contrast - Basic Principles of Design
    I like this article because it gives the general information about contrast for beginners like me. It is easy to read and the use of bullet points makes it easy to follow. This article is really useful because it relates to web design specifically rather than just design/art. 
    This website explains the importance of using contrast beyond just color contrast. Using font, layout shapes, images etc one can use contrast without using only color
    A helpful site giving information and resources for contrast principles in design. A very nice guide. : )
Caitlin Burke

D#1, HW#13 - Just Creative Design - 0 views

    One designer's commentary on design and explanation of his design processes. I like this site because it gives explanations of the design process with good visual examples as well as offers pointers on things to avoid when designing. This particular article has a good explanation of the process of copywriting. It's cool to see the designer's process - from brainstorm, to thumbnails, to final published product - alongside his explanation of it.
Alex Portela

D#6 HW#1.1: Harmony In Design Part 2: Repetition » SitePoint - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      Repetition is a great technique that goes along well with balance. It helps create more visual effects to catch the eye. Here we learn that images and text need uniformity and repetition.
  • repetition
  • Design elements can be photographs, illustrations, type, headlines, backgrounds and textures (and anything else you might like to add to your design)
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  • visual harmony is the agreement or balance between design elements.
  • Two or more identical, or near identical elements are not only an expression of visual agreement, but the repetition also helps to catch and draw the eye into your design.
    This was my favorite of the different sites that I found on the topic of repetition. I thought that this site very closely followed what the Basic's of Design taught on the subject. The site gave a background of what repetition is and why it is important. It also gave great examples of different forms of repetition such as; repetition of a image/icon, border, or decoration. It really helped me understand why repetition is such a key component in design!
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    This website is a good, quick overview of certain parts of repetition in design. I like that they give picture examples to illustrate them.
    This web page caught my eye because it provided many examples of what repetition should be look like in different works .
    This is my favorite of the website I found that helped supplement my understanding for several reasons. I think the examples are great. Not only that it is very similar to the book in that it talks about repeating visual elements such as images, lines, even typefaces. The series of books are a perfect example because they show you can use repetition without being identical, as long as it is conceptual related. 
    I like this article because it gives visual examples of repetition used in books, movies, and ads. 
    This website has good examples of repetition and they explain it better when having an image. They have good images and good explanation.
Mckell Keeney

D#1 HW#13 Dan Pink study questions - 0 views

    Study questions on Daniel Pink's book, "A Whole New Mind," which has a chapter on design. Other chapters in the book also have tips on good design. I really love Dan Pink's design viewpoint, which is that we can find or create good design in everything.
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