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Merlyn Reyna

ASU Homepage - 0 views

shared by Merlyn Reyna on 21 Sep 11 - Cached
    I think ASU has a repetitive element on their website on the top left where it has the ASU acronym next to Arizona State University spelt out.
Jordan Johnstone

Frantically Making up Late Homework - 0 views

shared by Jordan Johnstone on 07 Aug 10 - No Cached
    Has anyone not partnered up with someone, and would still like to try and finnish the partner required homework? If so either email me or text or call me 480-586-0412 I am going to try and make up the partner work I missed and if anyone is in the same boat contact me.
Matthew Aber

D # 1, HW # 6 - 4 views

    In addittion here is my blog's home page:
Micheal O'Neil

My ASU - 1 views

    Assignment 1
Matthew Aber

D#1,HW#13.1 - 0 views

    This web page provides some useful information on outlining, the concept covered on pages 9 to 11 in Lisa Graham's Basics of Design Layout & Typography for Beginners: Second Edition.
Matthew Aber

D #1, HW #9 - Introduction - 1 views

    Blog Introduction and Animoto Slideshow
Matthew Aber

D#1, HW #10 - 0 views

    Here is my assignment and more to come on the "Get Started" Module. I thought we were supposed to bookmark it on our individual diigo profiles. It wasn't until I saw the bookmark option at the top of the screen that I realised I made a foolishly careless error :( ! Anyway, better late than never.
Matthew Aber

D#1,HW#13.3 - Favorite - 0 views

    This site specifically relates to graphic design, but still demonstrates design basics. It looks at such things as target audiences and knowing the message you want to send.
    This site demonstrates the process of design basics. It specifically refers to graphic design, and shows the importance of knowing your target audience and the message you want to send.
    This web page discusses the graphic design process, a concept discussed on pages 14 and 15 of Lisa Graham's Basics of Design Layout & Typography for Beginners: Second Edition.
julian serventi - 0 views

shared by julian serventi on 26 Jan 12 - Cached
James Fields

D#1.0 HW#6 James Fields TWC301 Blog - 8 views

    My TWC301 Blog
Norma rubio

Oxford English Dictionary rhetoric, n.1 - 0 views

    • Norma rubio
      The oxford english dictionary is a good, reliable source.
Julie Keith

The Small Print: Writing User Interface Instructions - 1 views

    This seems like a fantastic resource for technical writers or any other creator of instructional materials. I like that emphasis is given to the planning, thinking and analyzing of the content and audience before even beginning to write the instructions. There are several good bits of advice in this site.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I think this is the best one I have seen so far Mitch. It is easier to read and understand and has very valueable information.
    This site is very specific to writing instructions, some very good advice and much more detailed than the previous two sites that I listed. Even though I like the brief sites, I also like the amount of detailed information this one give you. I recommend this site!
    This site contains some really good tips on writing instructions. Several points to follow and pay attention to.
Brooke Iggie

Patterns: Put instructions into discrete steps.-- Web Writing that Works - 0 views

    Good tips for instructional writing with clarity and focus on the reader's point of view. Except that it's homework #4, not #5.
    D#2 HW #8 This website focuses on how to write for the internet. It has an entire section on how to write instructions for websites. This will benefit me and others in Project 1 because the examples are all geared towards intruction on websites therefore they will be easy to apply directly.
toni tassell - 0 views

Julie Keith

8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography | Design Shack - 0 views

    This website provides a step-by-step guide in explaining the art of typography.  It even includes a typography glossary to familiarize readers with the jargon of the technique in designing.
    I like how this shows how a little can go a long way. Good find.
    Great Site! I think this site has great information probably the one I like the best out of all that I have looked at.
Julie Keith

The Norton FIELD GUIDE To WRITING - 0 views

    A lot of good resources in this article
Julie Keith

Creative Writing 101: A Beginner's Guide to Creative Writing - 0 views

    Creative Writing 101
    This site has a lot of good information!
Brooke Iggie

Digital Web Magazine - Design Decisions vs. Audience Considerations - 1 views

    D#1 HW# 13 This website discusses how to best consider who the audience is for a design piece. The information is easy to read and is written rather informally, much as one would talk. The information is broken down into understandable pieces and shows real world examples.
Brooke Iggie

Online Copywriting: How To Create Effective Web Site Copy - 0 views

    D#1 HW# 13 This website shows and explains how to write effective articles for websites. It is easy to understand and held my interest well.
Brooke Iggie

Showcase of Impressive Design Process Explanations - 0 views

    D#1 HW# 13 This website shows tons of different ways to consider the design process. If you can't find one you like and understand, it is probably time to create your own!
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