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Nathan Goodyear

The Complex Role of Estrogens in Inflammation - 0 views

  • These studies suggest inflammation-dependent up-regulation of ERβ relative to ERα.
  • up-regulation of ERβ relative to ERα under hypoxic conditions, which might lead to a preponderance of signaling through ERβ pathways
  • it seems that E2 at periovulatory to pregnancy levels inhibited proinflammatory cytokines from PBMCs
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • it is clear that E2 can stimulate antibody production by B cells, probably by inhibiting T cell suppression of B cells
  • In cycling women, the largest quantities of Ig were detected before ovulation
  • In contrast, E2 at high concentrations leads to a suppression of B-lymphocyte lineage precursors
  • E2 at periovulatory to pregnancy serum levels is able to stimulate antibody secretion under healthy conditions but also in autoimmune diseases, whereas similar serum levels of E2 lead to a suppression of bone marrow B cell lineage precursors
  • In chronic inflammatory disorders, where B cells play a decisive role, E2 would promote the disease when autoaggressive B cells are already present, whereas chronically elevated E2 would inhibit initiation of an autoimmune disease when no such B cells are available. This might be a good reason why particularly B cell-dependent diseases such as SLE, mixed connective tissue disease (Sharp syndrome), IgA nephropathy, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten sensitive enteropathy, myasthenia gravis, and thyroiditis appear in women in the reproductive years, predominantly, in the third or fourth decades of life
  • Th17 cells are thought to be the main responsible cells for chronic inflammatory tissue destruction in autoimmune diseases
  • IFN-γ, IL-12, and TNF were allocated to Th1 reactions
  • IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 to Th2 responses
  • antiinflammatory T regulatory cells producing TGF-β and proinflammatory T helper type 17 cells (Th17) producing IL-17
  • no direct effects of estrogens on Th17 cells or IL-17 secretion have been described until now.
  • So-called Th17 cells producing IL-17 are the main T cells responsible for chronic inflammation.
  • Because IFN-γ has been allocated a Th17-inhibiting role (Fig. 1⇑), its increase by E2 at pregnancy doses and the E2-mediated inhibition of TNF must be viewed as a favorable effect in chronic inflammation
  • in humans and mice, E2 at periovulatory to pregnancy levels stimulates IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-γ but inhibits TNF from CD4+ T cells
  • In humans and mice, E3 and E2, respectively, at pregnancy levels inhibit T cell-dependent delayed type hypersensitivity
  • increased IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-γ in the presence of low TNF support an antiaggressive immune response
  • secretion of IL-1β is increased at periovulatory/proestrus to early pregnancy levels, whereas IL-1 secretion is inhibited at high pregnancy levels
  • The dichotomous effect of E2 on IL-1β and TNF at high and low concentrations is most probably due to inhibition of NF-κB at high concentrations
  • experiments with mouse and rat macroglial and microglial cells demonstrate that E2 at proestrus to pregnancy levels exerts neuroprotective effects by increasing TGF-β and by inhibiting iNOS and NO release, and reducing expression of proinflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin E2 production.
  • E2 at periovulatory to pregnancy levels inhibits NF-κB activation, which must be viewed as an antiinflammatory signal
  • It was shown that E2 concentrations equal to or above 10−10 m are necessary to inhibit NF-κB activation
  • important proinflammatory cytokines are typically inhibited at periovulatory (proestrus) to pregnancy levels of E2, which is evident for IL-6, IL-8, and TNF
  • low E2 concentrations were demonstrated to have no or even stimulatory effects
  • This renders a woman in the postmenopausal phase to a more proinflammatory situation
  • most in vitro studies demonstrated a stimulatory effect of E2 on secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-β typically at periovulatory to pregnancy levels
  • E2 at periovulatory to pregnancy levels has an ameliorating effect on chronic inflammatory diseases as long as B cell-dependent immunity or an overshooting fibrotic tissue repair process do not play a crucial pathogenic role. However, when the B cell plays an important role, E2 might even stimulate the disease process as substantiated by flare-ups in SLE during pregnancy
    • Nathan Goodyear
      SLE, mixed connective tissue disease (Sharp syndrome), IgA nephropathy, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten sensitive enteropathy, myasthenia gravis, and thyroiditis
  • Short-term administration of E2 at pregnancy levels was shown to induce an inflammatory response specific to the lateral prostate of the castrated male rat
    great review of the complex interaction between Estrogens and inflammation.  Reference here is in females.
Nathan Goodyear

Sex steroids and cardiovascular disease Yeap BB - Asian J Androl - 0 views

  • Levels of SHBG are higher in older men, therefore levels of free T decline more steeply than total T as men's age increases.
  • calculations based on mass action equations may not reflect precisely free T measured using a reference method
  • free T declines more steeply with age than total T in both cross-sectional [35] and longitudinal studies, [36] as does free E2 in comparison to total E2
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • T may slow development of or progression of atherosclerosis by modulating effects on insulin resistance, inflammation, endothelial function, preclinical atherosclerosis or the vasculature.
  • these cross-sectional and longitudinal studies support a relationship between low circulating T with CIMT and higher E2 with its progression
  • lower levels of T are biomarkers for aortic vascular disease
  • circulating free T was negatively associated with the presence of AAA
  • luteinizing hormone (LH) was positively associated.
  • low levels of total or bioavailable T were associated with aortic atherosclerosis manifested as calcified deposits detected by radiography
  • Men with total or free T in the lowest quartile had increased adjusted ORs for PAD defined as ABI <0.90, as did men with free E2 in the highest quartile of values
  • The apparent association of SHBG with intermittent claudication reflects the correlation of total T with SHBG, while the contribution of E2 to risk of PAD remains unclear
  • men with total T in the lowest quartile of values (<11.7 nmol l−1 ) experienced an increased incidence of stroke or transient ischemic attack
  • lower total T with increased incidence of CVD events
  • cohort studies in mostly older men have supported the association of lower androgen levels with higher mortality
  • lower total or free T levels were associated with mortality in older men, but with discordant results for cause-specific mortality and for associations of E2
  • several large studies identifying lower endogenous levels of total or free T as independent predictors of all-cause or CVD-related deaths in middle-aged and older men
  • T exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, enhances flow-mediated brachial artery reactivity, and reduces arterial stiffness
  • Short-term T therapy had a beneficial effect on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in middle-aged men with coronary artery disease or chronic stable angina, [95],[96],[97] and reduced angina frequency in older men with diabetes and coronary artery disease
  • T therapy resulted in an increase in treadmill test duration and time to ST segment depression
  • there are interventional studies supporting a protective effect of exogenous T against myocardial ischemia in men with coronary artery disease
  • employ conservative doses
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This dosing is 100 fold higher then peak production of a  young man at 20-22.
  • Observational studies indicate that lower levels of endogenous T in older men are associated with the presence of carotid atherosclerosis, aortic and peripheral vascular disease, and incidence of CVD events and mortality
  • Interventional studies have shown beneficial effects of exogenous T on vascular function and on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in men with coronary artery disease
    • Nathan Goodyear
      the therapies employed in these studies were massively overdosed.
    Nice review of all the sex hormones and their relationship to CVD in men.  
Nathan Goodyear

Access : Impact of the association between elevated oestradiol and low testosterone lev... - 0 views

    low T and elevated E2 result in ED in men.  The authors conclude that E2 provides an additive effect on that of low T.  Yet, they fail to realize the previous research that high aromatase activity (Testosterone to Estradiol production) causes the low T.
Nathan Goodyear

Review of health risks of low testosterone and testosterone administration - 0 views

  • Hypogonadism may be defined either as serum concentration of T (either total T, bioavailable T or free T) or as low T plus symptoms of hypogonadism
  • The Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging reported the incidence of total serum T < 325 ng/dL to be 20% for men in their 60s, 30% for men in their 70s and 50% for men over 80
  • The Massachusetts Aging Male Study reported that 12.3% of men aged 40 to 70 had a total serum T of < 200 ng/dL with 3 or more symptoms of hypogonadism
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • The Boston Area Community Health Study reported that 5.6% of men aged 30 to 70 were hypogonadal, as defined by total serum T < 300 ng/dL; or, free serum T < 5 ng/dL plus 3 or more symptoms of hypogonadism
  • In a health screening project among 819 men in Taiwan, the prevalence of hypogonadism (total serum T < 300 ng/dL) ranged from 16.5% for men in their 40s, 23.0% for men in their 50s, 28.9% for men in their 60s, and 37.2% for men older than 70 years of age
  • The prevalence of hypogonadism among men in Taiwan is higher than the prevalence reported in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study
  • CAG repeat sequence, within the androgen receptor (AR). Rajender et al[12] reviewed over 30 studies on the AR trinucleotide repeat and infertility
  • suggestion that CAG repeat length may determine androgen responsiveness, this issue is not clearly settled
  • reported prevalence of low T in older men range from 5.6% to 50%
  • Those in the hypogonadal group (n = 4269) had direct health care costs, that exceeded the eugonadal group (n = 4269) by an average of $7100 over the course of the observation window
  • higher economic burden and presence of co-morbidities for hypogonadism
  • minor to moderate improvements in lean mass and muscle strength
  • increased bone mineral density
  • modest enhancement in sexual function
  • reduced adiposity
  • lessening of depressive symptoms
  • Meta-analyses of clinical TRT trials as of 2010 have identified three major adverse events resulting from TRT: (1) polycythemia; (2) an increase in prostate-related events; and (3) and a slight reduction in serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
  • polycythemia (> 3.5-fold increase in risk
  • TRT produced a 40% prostate enlargement in older hypogonadal male Veterans over 12 mo
  • no published analysis has reported measurable increases in prostate cancer risk or Gleason score in men undergoing TRT, or in hypogonadal men with a history of prostate cancer undergoing TRT
  • the prostate which highly expresses the type II 5α-reductase enzyme. Inhibition of this enzyme via finasteride (a type II 5α-reductase inhibitor) or dutasteride (a dual type I and II 5α-reductase inhibitor) reduces circulating DHT 50%-75% and > 90%, respectively[47], and reduces prostate mass[48] and prostate cancer risk
  • Normally estradiol partially regulates testosterone levels, at the hypothalamus, blunting LH and FSH release from the pituitary. As a selective estrogen receptor modulator, CC interrupts this pathway, and consequently there is a greater stimulation for the production of testosterone in Leydig cells
    • Nathan Goodyear
      this would only apply if E1 and/or E2 levels were elevated, which the authors make no mention of.
    to be read
Nathan Goodyear

Estrogen Mediates Metabolic Syndrome-Induced Erect... [J Sex Med. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    animal model finds that high fat diet induces ED more through increased Estradiol production than low Testosterone.  Of course the authors focused on the drugs to block E2 once produced, rather then reducing the T to E2 aromatase activity.  This metabolic syndrome model implies that increased aromatase activity will be present.
Nathan Goodyear

How is the Immune System Suppressed by Cancer - 1 views

  • nitric oxide (NO) released by tumor cells
  • Excellent work by Prof de Groot of Essen, indicated by adding exogenous xanthine oxidase ( XO) in hepatoma cells, hydrogen peroxide was produced to destroy the hepatoma cells
  • NO from eNOS in cancer cells can travel through membranes and over long distances in the body
  • ...43 more annotations...
  • NO also is co linked to VEGF which in turn increases the antiapoptotic gene bcl-2
  • The other important influence of NO is in its inhibition of the proapoptoic caspases cascade. This in turn protects the cells from intracellular preprogrammed death.
  • nitric oxide in immune suppression in relation to oxygen radicals is its inhibitory effect on the binding of leukocytes (PMN) at the endothelial surface
  • Inhibition of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS)
  • NO from the tumor cells actually suppresses the iNOS, and in addition it reduces oxygen radicals to stop the formation of peroxynitrite in these cells. But NO is not the only inhibitor of iNOS in cancer.
  • Spermine and spermidine, from the rate limiting enzyme for DNA synthases, ODC, also inhibit iNOS
  • tolerance in the immune system that decreases the immune response to antigens on the tumors
  • Freund’s adjuvant
  • increase in kinases in these cells which phosphorylate serine, and tyrosine
  • responsible for activation of many growth factors and enzymes
  • phosphorylated amino acids suppress iNOS activity
  • Hexokinase II
  • Prostaglandin E2, released from tumor cells is also an inhibitor of iNOS, as well as suppressing the immune system
  • Th-1 subset of T-cells. These cells are responsible for anti-viral and anti-cancer activities, via their cytokine production including Interleukin-2, (IL-2), and Interleukin-12 which stimulates T-killer cell replication and further activation and release of tumor fighting cytokines.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Th1 cells stimulate NK and other tumor fighting macrophages via IL-2 and IL-12; In contrast, Th2, which is stimulated in allergies and parasitic infections, produce IL-4 and IL-10.  IL-4 and IL-10 inhibit TH-1 activation and the histamine released from mast cell degranulation upregulates T suppressor cells to further immune suppression.
  • Th-2 subset of lymphocytes, on the other hand are activated in allergies and parasitic infections to release Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-10
  • These have respectively inhibitory effects on iNOS and lymphocyte Th-1 activation
  • Mast cells contain histamine which when released increases the T suppressor cells, to lower the immune system and also acts directly on many tumor Histamine receptors to stimulate tumor growth
  • Tumor cells release IL-10, and this is thought to be one of the important areas of Th-1 suppression in cancer patients
  • IL-10 is also increased in cancer causing viral diseases such as HIV, HBV, HCV, and EBV
  • IL-10 is also a central regulator of cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin production in tumor cells stimulating their angiogenesis and NO production
  • nitric oxide in tumor cells even prevents the activation of caspases responsible for apoptosis
    • Nathan Goodyear
      NO produced by cancer cells inhibits proapoptotic pathways such as the caspases.
  • early stages of carcinogenesis, which we call tumor promotion, one needs a strong immune system, and fewer oxygen radicals to prevent mutations but still enough to destroy the tumor cells should they develop
  • later stages of cancer development, the oxygen radicals are decreased around the tumors and in the tumor cells themselves, and the entire cancer fighting Th-1 cell replication and movement are suppressed. The results are a decrease in direct toxicity and apoptosis, which is prevented by NO, a suppression of the macrophage and leukocyte toxicity and finally, a suppression of the T-cell induced tumor toxicity
  • cGMP is increased by NO
  • NO in cancer is its ability to increase platelet-tumor cell aggregates, which enhances metastases
  • the greater the malignancies and the greater the metastatic potential of these tumors
  • The greater the NO production in many types of tumors,
  • gynecological
  • elevated lactic acid which neutralizes the toxicity and activity of Lymphocyte immune response and mobility
  • The lactic acid is also feeding fungi around tumors and that leads to elevated histamine which increases T-suppressor cells.  Histamine alone stimulates many tumor cells.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      The warburg effect in cancer cells results in the increase in local lactic acid production which suppresses lymphocyte activity and toxicity as well as stimulates histamine production with further stimulates tumor cell growth.
  • T-regulatory cells (formerly,T suppressor cells) down regulate the activity of Natural killer cells
  • last but not least, the Lactic acid from tumor cells and acidic diets shifts the lymphocyte activity to reduce its efficacy against cancer cells and pathogens in addition to altering the bacteria of the intestinal tract.
  • intestinal tract bacteria in cancer cells release sterols that suppress the immune system and down regulate anticancer activity from lymphocytes.
  • In addition to the lactic acid, adenosine is also released from tumors. Through IL-10, adenosine and other molecules secreted by regulatory T cells, the CD8+ cells can be inactivated to an anergic state
  • Adenosine up regulates the PD1 receptor in T-1 Lymphocytes and inhibits their activity
  • Adenosine is a purine nucleoside found within the interstitial fluid of solid tumors at concentrations that are able to inhibit cell-mediated immune responses to tumor cells
  • Adenosine appears to up-regulate the PD1 receptor in T-1 Lymphocytes and inhibits the immune system further
  • Mast cells with their release of histamine lower the immune system and also stimulate tumor growth and activate the metalloproteinases involved in angiogenesis and metastases
  • COX 2 inhibitors or all trans-retinoic acid
  • Cimetidine, an antihistamine has been actually shown to increase in apoptosis in MDSC via a separate mechanism than the antihistamine effect
    • Nathan Goodyear
      cimetidine is an H2 blocker
  • interleukin-8 (IL-8), a chemokine related to invasion and angiogenesis
  • In vitro analyses revealed a striking induction of IL-8 expression in CAFs and LFs by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)
  • these data raise the possibility that the majority of CAFs in CLM originate from resident LFs. TNF-alpha-induced up-regulation of IL-8 via nuclear factor-kappaB in CAFs is an inflammatory pathway, potentially permissive for cancer invasion that may represent a novel therapeutic target
    Great review of the immunosuppression in cancer driven by the likes of NO.
Nathan Goodyear

Essential Role for Estrogen Receptor β in Stromal-Epithelial Regulation of Pr... - 0 views

    ER beta agonists shown to be anti-proliferative in the prostate and "ablated preexisting prostatic epithelial hyperplasia".  This has important implications: low T conditions increase ER alpha expression, which increases ER alpha production.  Low T is a pro inflammatory state in men, which increases aromatase activity.  Thus increase conversion of T to E2 in the stroma of the prostate results in growth.  ER beta is not activated.
Nathan Goodyear

Response to Media Reports Associating Testosterone Treatment with Greater Heart Attack ... - 0 views

    Life extesnsions rebuttal to recent JAMA study.  There was several significant flaws in that study and thus limited evidence can be gained by that study.  In fact, I find no useful clinical information from that study. In the rebuttal, there are flaws. The reference the low serum T after treatment and correctly discuss aromatase activity.  But they fail the mention that the less than optimal serum T is likely the result of the high aromatase activity in these men.  Age, stress, and weight are primary causes of increases estrogen production in these men.  These would be why likely high estrogen production occurred and less than optimal serum T resulted.   And, increased E2 will cause an increase in CRP which can precipitate CVD events.
Nathan Goodyear

The Effects of Injected Testosterone Dose and Age on the Conversion of Testosterone to ... - 0 views

    Injectable testosterone shown to increase Estradiol production and negatively influence the E2:T ratio in older, obese men.  This is no surprise as age and obesity are known to increase aromatase activity.  I am really surprised that no discussion of aromatase inhibition was discussed.
Nathan Goodyear

Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations in Relation to Serum Thyroid and Reproductive Hormon... - 0 views

    Granted, these are in men seen in an infertility clinic, but Bisphenol A (BPA) found to disrupt thyroid, increase the E2:T ratio, and a decrease in the free androgen index.  Interestingly, 89% of the men seen in this study tested positive for BPA in the urine.
Nathan Goodyear

ERα/E2 signaling suppresses the expressi... [Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2012] - Pub... - 0 views

    Another support point for Estrogen as a cause of low Testosterone.  This animal study points to signaling of Estradiol through ER alpha.  This study found high expression of ER alpha and subsequent signaling by E2 decreased cAMP and Nur77 transcription factor.  Nur77 increases steroid synthesis.  This was confirmed with ER alpha knockout mice.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone and metabolic syndrome Cunningham GR - Asian J Androl - 0 views

  • The relationship of low testosterone to MetS often is considered to be bidirectional; however, the relationships probably are not direct
  • Many of the components of the MetS are recognized risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • Multiple cross-sectional studies have found low TT and low sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels in Caucasian and African-American men with the MetS, irrespective of age
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Low TT and SHBG levels also are prevalent in Chinese [7],[8] and Korean [9] men with the MetS
  • Normally 40%-50% of TT is bound to SHBG, so reducing SHBG levels will decrease TT.
  • Hyperinsulinism suppresses SHBG synthesis and secretion by the liver
  • significant increase in SHBG levels occurred after acutely lowering insulin levels in obese men
  • Estradiol levels are increased in men with the MetS, and they are positively correlated with the number of abnormal components of the MetS.
  • Although it is known that estrogen will increase SHBG levels, apparently the hyperinsulinism associated with obesity has a greater effect on SHBG levels
  • Estradiol also can inhibit luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion
  • Inflammatory cytokines are thought to have a direct effect on the pituitary to reduce LH secretion [15] and also a direct effect on Leydig cell secretion of testosterone
  • Low TT Levels have been shown to predict development of the MetS in men with normal BMI
  • Men in the lowest quartiles of serum TT, calculated free testosterone (cFT) and SHBG at baseline had the highest odds ratios for developing the MetS or DM during the 11 years follow-up
  • More recently, investigators conducting population-based studies have reported that only SHBG is associated with future development of the MetS
  • Additional evidence that low TT increases the risk of MetS comes from androgen deprivation treatment of prostate cancer
  • Low TT and low bioavailable testosterone (bT) were each significantly associated with elevated 20 years risk of CVD mortality in an older population in which cause-specific mortality was age, adiposity, and lifestyle-adjusted.
  • combination of low bT and ATP III-defined MetS is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in men aged 40 years and above
  • in elderly men, testosterone may weakly protect against CVD. Alternatively, low TT may indicate poor general health
  • Muraleedharan and Jones [27] concluded that there is convincing evidence that low T is a biomarker for disease severity and mortality.
  • The evidence that TRT improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control is conflicted
  • It is widely recognized that testosterone treatment can reduce fat mass and increase lean body mass; however, until recently most reports have not been associated with much weight loss
  • Changes in body composition and weight loss are considered potential mechanisms by which testosterone treatment improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control in patients with diabetes. Effects on inflammatory cytokines [38] and changes in oxidative metabolism [39] also have been reported to improve glucose metabolism.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy has been reported to improve some or all of the components of the MetS.
    To be read article on Testosterone and Metabolic Syndrome.
Nathan Goodyear

[Changes of sex hormo... [Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    study looked at post hormonal effects on atherosclerosis after castration for prostate cancer.  They found significant decrease in sex hormones, significant increase in the E2:T ratio and an increase in atherosclerosis.
Nathan Goodyear

Influence of increasing body mass index on semen and reproductive hormonal parameters i... - 0 views

    retrospective cohort finds mild but significant relationships b/t BMI and total Testosterone, Testosterone:Estradiol and Estradiol alone.  BMI was inversely correlated with Testosterone and the T:E2 ratio; but directly correlated with E2 alone. There was also a negative correlation with sperm concentration, motility and morphology.
Nathan Goodyear

Effects of androgen supplementation of hormone... [Fertil Steril. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Testosterone therapy in post menopausal women appears to have adverse cardiovascular effects in women.  The negative effects were an increase in Pulsatility index and adverse change in lipid profiles.  This seemed to counter the positive effects by estrogen.  Others have proposed that combination E2 and T therapy hide the negative effects of testosterone on CV health in women.
Nathan Goodyear

Hypogonadism as a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality in men: a meta-analytic study - 0 views

    meta-analysis finds that low T associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in men.  Additionally, higher Estradiol is associated with increased CVD and CV mortality
Nathan Goodyear

Risk Factors Associated With Cardiovascular Events During Testosterone Administration i... - 0 views

    This study proves the problems rampant in science today.  This study looked at older men with mobility limitations: safe to say, not optimal health.  They give 10 grams of testosterone daily to these men.  Physiologic doses are 5-10 mg.  And they are surprise that there is an increase in side effects, here in this study CVD.  They did look at cytokines, I'll give them that; but they did not look at aromatase activity and E2, E1 levels which have been shown to be the driving forces behind these inflammatory cytokines in men.  Testosterone has in fact been shown to downregulate these inflammatory cytokines.  Poor study.  No conclusion can be taken from this study.
Nathan Goodyear

Bisphenol A may cause testosterone reduction by adversely affecting both testis and pit... - 0 views

    Bisphenol-A inhibits testosterone production through direct inhibition of the pituitary and the leydig cells.  This is similar to the way E2 acts on the the pituitary and the leydig cells.  
Nathan Goodyear

Vitamin D is associated with testosterone and hypogonadism in Chinese men: Results from... - 0 views

  • lower 25(OH)D level was significantly associated with lower total T, E2, SHBG, LH and FSH levels after adjusting for age, residence area, economic status and current smoker
  • association between 25(OH)D status and hypogonadism in Chinese men and confirms that this relationship is present in a large population
  • VDR knockout mutant mice showed gonadal insufficiencies
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • High LH and FSH levels in the male mice indicated hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
  • Another mouse study reported a tendency towards low testosterone/LH ratio and Leydig cell hyperplasia in VDR null mice
  • The serum testosterone levels could increase to normal values in vitamin D-deficient rats replete with vitamin D
  • VDR knockout mice had decreased sperm count, reduced sperm motility, and histological abnormality of the testis
  • vitamin D supplementation increases testosterone levels in non-diabetic subjects
  • The data from the European Male Ageing Study [9] indicated that 25(OH)D is positively associated with total T
    Study of 713 Chinese men finds a correlation between low vitamin D and low total Testosterone.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone and glucose metabolism in men: current concepts and controversies - 0 views

    • Nathan Goodyear
      80% of E2 production in men, that will cause low T in men, comes from SQ adiposity.  This leads to increase in visceral adiposity.
  • Only 5% of men with type 2 diabetes have elevated LH levels (Dhindsa et al. 2004, 2011). This is consistent with recent findings that the inhibition of the gonadal axis predominantly takes place in the hypothalamus, especially with more severe obesity
  • Metabolic factors, such as leptin, insulin (via deficiency or resistance) and ghrelin are believed to act at the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus to inhibit gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GNRH) secretion
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • kisspeptin has emerged as one of the most potent secretagogues of GNRH release
  • Consistent with the hypothesis that obesity-mediated inhibition of kisspeptin signalling contributes to the suppression of the HPT axis, infusion of a bioactive kisspeptin fragment has been recently shown to robustly increase LH pulsatility, LH levels and circulating testosterone in hypotestosteronaemic men with type 2 diabetes
  • Figure 4
  • Interestingly, a recent 16-week study of experimentally induced hypogonadism in healthy men with graded testosterone add-back either with or without concomitant aromatase inhibitor treatment has in fact suggested that low oestradiol (but not low testosterone) may be responsible for the hypogonadism-associated increase in total body and intra-abdominal fat mass
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This does not fit with the research on receptors, specifically estrogen receptors.  These studies that the authors are referencing are looking at "circulating" levels, not tissue levels.
  • A smaller study with a similar experimental design found that acute testosterone withdrawal reduced insulin sensitivity independent of body weight, whereas oestradiol withdrawal had no effects
  • Obesity and dysglycaemia and associated comorbidities such as obstructive sleep apnoea (Hoyos et al. 2012b) are important contributors to the suppression of the HPT axis
  • This is supported by observational studies showing that weight gain and development of diabetes accelerate the age-related decline in testosterone
  • Weight loss can reactivate the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis
  • The hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis remains responsive to treatment with aromatase inhibitors or selective oestrogen receptor modulators in obese men
  • Kisspeptin treatment increases LH secretion, pulse frequency and circulating testosterone levels in hypotestosteronaemic men with type 2 diabetes
  • Several observational and randomised studies reviewed in Grossmann (2011) have shown that weight loss, whether by diet or surgery, leads to substantial increases in testosterone, especially in morbidly obese men
  • This suggests that weight loss can lead to genuine reactivation of the gonadal axis by reversal of obesity-associated hypothalamic suppression
  • There is pre-clinical and observational evidence that chronic hyperglycaemia can inhibit the HPT axis
  • in those men in whom glycaemic control worsened, testosterone decreased
  • successful weight loss combined with optimisation of glycaemic control may be sufficient to normalise circulating testosterone levels in the majority of such men
  • weight loss, optimisation of diabetic control and assiduous care of comorbidities should remain the first-line approach.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This obviously goes against marketing-based medicine
  • In part, the discrepant results may be due to the fact men in the Vigen cohort (Vigen et al. 2013) had a higher burden of comorbidities. Given that one (Basaria et al. 2010), but not all (Srinivas-Shankar et al. 2010), RCTs in men with a similarly high burden of comorbidities reported an increase in cardiovascular events in men randomised to testosterone treatment (see section on Testosterone therapy: potential risks below) (Basaria et al. 2010), testosterone should be used with caution in frail men with multiple comorbidities
  • The retrospective, non-randomised and non-blinded design of these studies (Shores et al. 2012, Muraleedharan et al. 2013, Vigen et al. 2013) leaves open the possibility for residual confounding and multiple other sources of bias. These have been elegantly summarised by Wu (2012).
  • Effects of testosterone therapy on body composition were metabolically favourable with modest decreases in fat mass and increases in lean body mass
  • This suggests that testosterone has limited effects on glucose metabolism in relatively healthy men with only mildly reduced testosterone.
  • it is conceivable that testosterone treatment may have more significant effects on glucose metabolism in uncontrolled diabetes, akin to what has generally been shown for conventional anti-diabetic medications.
  • the evidence from controlled studies show that testosterone therapy consistently reduces fat mass and increases lean body mass, but inconsistently decreases insulin resistance.
  • Interestingly, testosterone therapy does not consistently improve glucose metabolism despite a reduction in fat mass and an increase in lean mass
  • the majority of RCTs (recently reviewed in Ng Tang Fui et al. (2013a)) showed that testosterone therapy does not reduce visceral fat
    • Nathan Goodyear
      visceral and abdominal adiposity are biologically different and thus the risks associated with the two are different.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      yet low T is associated with an increase in visceral adiposity--confusing!
  • testosterone therapy decreases SHBG
  • testosterone is inversely associated with total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride (Tg) levels, but positively associated with HDL cholesterol levels, even if adjusted for confounders
  • Although observational studies show a consistent association of low testosterone with adverse lipid profiles, whether testosterone therapy exerts beneficial effects on lipid profiles is less clear
  • Whereas testosterone-induced decreases in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and Lpa are expected to reduce cardiovascular risk, testosterone also decreases the levels of the cardio-protective HDL cholesterol. Therefore, the net effect of testosterone therapy on cardiovascular risk remains uncertain.
  • data have not shown evidence that testosterone causes prostate cancer, or that it makes subclinical prostate cancer grow
  • compared with otherwise healthy young men with organic androgen deficiency, there may be increased risks in older, obese men because of comorbidities and of decreased testosterone clearance
  • recent evidence that fat accumulation may be oestradiol-, rather than testosterone-dependent
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