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Nathan Goodyear

Human semen quality in the new millennium: a prospective cross-sectional popu... - 0 views

    2012 study that shows a slight uptick in sperm count/concentration in Danish men.  However, as the conclusion states, on 25% have optimal sperm quality.  When you look at the numbers deeper, the current general population sperm count/concentration was lower than that of men of infertile couples from 1940-1943 cohort.  Additionally, when the general population sperm count/concentration was lower than that of compared recent fertile men.
Nathan Goodyear

Semen quality, infertility and mortality in the USA - 0 views

    Men with infertility associated with 2.3 fold higher risk of death. The factors evaluated were semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, total sperm count, total motile sperm count.  Those that have 2 or more positive parameters were associated with increased death compared to those with normal semen analysis.

9 Ways to Boost Male Fertility & Increase Sperm Count - 0 views

    Research-based ways to boost male infertility and increase sperm count include various lifestyle changes, such as exercising regularly, Get enough vitamin C, Minimize your stress levels, Quit smoking and limit alcohol, Avoid toxic chemicals in the workplace, Eat more greens. Consider ashwagandha, Aim for a healthy weight, balance zinc levels, etc, Read the full blog.
Nathan Goodyear

The impact of male overweight on semen quality and outcome of assisted reproduction Tho... - 0 views

    Abstract only. Study in men seeking reproductive assistance found that increasing BMI had no negative impact on sperm concentration, sperm count, motility and seminal volume. 
Nathan Goodyear

The question of declining sperm density revisited: an analysis of 101 studies published... - 0 views

    Re-analysis of Carlsen's work on sperm count finds consistent decline in sperm count.  Swan and authors found a 1.5% decline in US men from 1934-1996 and 3% annual decline in European/Australian men over same time frame.  This was a meta-analysis of 101 studies from 1934-1996.  Yes, there is geographical variation, but the overall trend is one of decline.
Nathan Goodyear

Leptin Level and Oxidative Stress Contribute to Obesity-Induced Low Testosterone in Mur... - 0 views

    mouse study finds that increased oxidative stress and high leptin levels in obese mice led to decreased sperm count, decreased sperm motility, and low T.
Nathan Goodyear

Influence of increasing body mass index on semen and reproductive hormonal parameters i... - 0 views

    retrospective cohort finds mild but significant relationships b/t BMI and total Testosterone, Testosterone:Estradiol and Estradiol alone.  BMI was inversely correlated with Testosterone and the T:E2 ratio; but directly correlated with E2 alone. There was also a negative correlation with sperm concentration, motility and morphology.
Nathan Goodyear

Dog sperm quality decline is blamed on pet food chemicals | New Scientist - 0 views

    26 year study of dogs finds declining sperm count equivalent to that in men.  The decline was found to occur at a rate of 1.2% to 2.5% annually over course of study.  The authors pointed to EDC's in food.
Nathan Goodyear

BMC Public Health | Full text | Decreasing sperm quality: a global problem? - 0 views

    Global downward trend in serum sperm count.
Nathan Goodyear - 1 views

    meta-analysis finds decline in sperm count.
Nathan Goodyear

High frequency of sub-optimal semen quality in an unselected population of young men - 0 views

    Study found a large percentage, 40%, of young Danish men with low enough sperm count to predict infertility problems.
Nathan Goodyear

Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years. - 0 views

    sperm count and quality have decreased significantly over last 50 years.  
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    The problem of male infertility continues to grow. New study finds that from 1973 to 2011, sperm count among men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand drop by 50-60%.
Nathan Goodyear

Caffeine Intake and Semen Quality in a Population of 2,554 Young Danish Men - 0 views

    high coke intake (defined as 1 L or greater) daily associated with lower sperm count and concentration.  
Nathan Goodyear

Effect of Cordyceps militaris supplementation ... [Am J Chin Med. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Cordyceps increased Testosterone, Estradiol, sperm count and motility in mouse model.
Nathan Goodyear

Decline in semen quality among fertile men in P... [N Engl J Med. 1995] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Decline in concentration, function and morphological normal sperm in young men in Paris.  This was a 20 year study.  There was no reduction in semen volume.
Nathan Goodyear


    Indiscriminate use of testosterone in men can have irreversible effects.  This study showed that decreases sperm count, as a result of testosterone therapy in young men, can be irreversible.
Nathan Goodyear

Long-term effect of ciprofloxacin on tes... [Int J Fertil Steril. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    mouse study finds that long-term cipro can lead to biochemical disruption of the testicles resulting in infertility, effected sperm counts, and decreased Testosterone.
Nathan Goodyear

Reversible infertility in male coeliac patients. - 0 views

    Small study of 40 men with Celiac disease found to have improved sperm count and motility following elimination of gluten 
Nathan Goodyear

Exogenous testosterone: a preventable cause of male infertility - Crosnoe - Translation... - 0 views

    very nice case review and discussion of the treatment of low T and low sperm count in men desiring preservation of fertility.  Clomid and HCG are viable options to increase endogenous Testosterone production, though both work via different mechanisms.
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