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Digital Citizenship. on Pinterest | 110 Pins - 1 views

    A collection by Edutopia about digital citizenship.
    A great collection of thoughts, lists and posters that can be very helpful in teaching digital literacy and digital citizenship in the classroom. There are so many aspects of digital citizenship to consider and copyright is one of those things that I think many educators forget to discuss, but it's so very important to understand.
    Digital citizenship is a very large topic and it encompasses so much, including digital literacy. Every day it is more and more important for people to develop critical lenses regarding what is digitally available. With so much out there, I think part of being a good digital citizen is to have a critical lens to filter all the information.

S.O.S for Information Literacy - 3 views

shared by petrae77 on 12 Nov 14 - Cached
prernas liked it
    If you are a teacher wanting to teach about information literacy this may be for you.
    thank you for sharing, it 's helpful for me
    This is a very good example of a community of practice site. It is useful for those in the community, and will be ven more useful if those who use it then contribute to its growth!

Are universities teaching the skills needed in a knowledge-based economy? - 14 views

    Provides a list of important skills and how those skills are embedded within the curriculum.
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    Encontré un post relacionado con las Alfabetizaciones digitales y competencias fundamentales en Tal vez interese: El pasado 5 de marzo los expertos de UNESCO dedicados a la alfabetización mediática y digital, en reunión preparatoria de la siguiente World Summit of Information Societies, rubricaron lo que es una evidencia ya incontrovertible: que la alfabetización mediática e informacional (MIL. Media and information literacy) ocupa un lugar central en el mapa escolar de competencias del siglo XXI. Esto no es nada esencialmente nuevo: Viviane Reding, la hoy Vicepresidenta de la Comisión Europea y ex-comisaria de Información entre los años 2004-2009, declaraba en el año 2006: "Hoy, la alfabetización mediática es tan central para el desarrollo de una ciudadanía plena y activa como la alfabetización tradicional lo fue al inicio del siglo XIX". Y añadía: "también es fundamental para entrar en el nuevo mundo de la banda ancha de contenidos, disponibles en todas partes y en cualquier momento". De acuerdo con el European Charter for Media literacy podríamos distinguir siete áreas de competencias que, de una u otra forma, deberían pasar a formar parte de todo currículum orientado a su adquisición: Usar adecuadamente las tecnologías mediáticas para acceder, conservar, recuperar y compartir contenidos que satisfagan las necesidades e intereses individuales y colectivos. Tener competencias de acceso e información de la gran diversidad de alternativas respecto a los tipos de medios que existen, así como a los contenidos provenientes de distintas fuentes culturales e institucionales. Comprender cómo y porqué se producen los contenidos mediáticos. Analizar de forma crítica las técnicas, lenguajes y códigos empleados por los medios y los mensajes que transmiten. Usar los medios creativamente para expresar y comunicar ideas, información
    Thank you Kevin Stranack for sharing. Tony Bates ends with five questions: 1. Have I covered the main skills needed in a knowledge-based society? What have I missed? 2. Do you agree that these are important skills? If so, should universities explicitly try to develop them? 3. What are you or your university doing (if anything) to ensure such skills are taught, and taught well? 4. What roles if any do you think technology, and in particular online learning, can play in helping to develop such skills? 5. Any other comments on this topic - My answers: 1. Frustration tolerance and keeping a balance between work and private life is a necessary skill 2, The skill set mentioned is important, but more likely trained in college than in university 3. I do have a personal coach and a counseler, and I'm enrolled in #OKMOOC 4. The activities required in every module of #OKMOOC ask to reach out, connect, build relationships, Have you answered the feedback questions?
    This question is really the elephant in the room in a lot of university programs, especially in the humanities. I myself was a doctoral student in the humanities before leaving because, as I eventually learned, there were essentially no employment opportunities and my skillset in today's economy was sorely lacking. But the old mantra that "we teach critical thinking" is become a worn excuse. Do we really need four years to teach people the skills to survive "out there"? How much of our specialized knowledge will really be useful outside of the academy? These are questions we just don't have the answer to, and I'm not sure there are many people willing to ask them. But more to the point, I didn't see anything in this link about the changing ways that millennials (I promise that I hate the term as much as anyone, but it's a useful one) are engaging with information, and how that is changing how they actually think. There have been arguments made that digital natives (again, a pretty terrible term) think about and process information in very different ways that have serious implications for contextualization and long-term research. I'm not saying that universities don't teach these things in their own ways, but it's an important issue that needs addressing. I know that the link talks about the important of knowledge management, but there's a huge difference between simply knowing how and when to access information and quite another to properly contextualize its place in a larger hierarchy (or web) of knowledge. I would argue *that* skill is the one that universities are best poised to provide, and maybe why we keep hearing talk about how undergraduate degrees are the new highschool diplomas.

About Us | MediaSmarts - 0 views

shared by franhuang on 03 Dec 14 - No Cached
siyuwang liked it
    Stumbled upon this NFP organization that promotes digital & media literacy. Awesome to see that organizations like this are being made!

Journalism--Information Literacy / FrontPage - 0 views

    The American Library Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Education & Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Communication Studies Committee developed information literacy competency standards for Journalism undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals. The Communication Studies Committee (Missy Murphey, Kate E. Adams, Natasha Cooper, Amanda Hornby, Cathy Michael, Heidi Senior and Monique Threatt) developed the standards collaboratively over a two-year period.

Information Literacy song - 2 views

    IL song
    Buena canción.

Media and Information Literacy for Teachers - 3 views

    This guide for teachers published by UNESCO is available in multiple languages.

Participatory Culture, Agency, and the Development of Worldview Literacy - 2 views

    Schlitz M, Vieten C, Miller E. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 2010 July-Aug;17(7-8):18-36. "In this paper, we examine how increasing understanding and explicit awareness of social consciousness can develop through transformations in worldview." In order to develop a participatory culture which allows for participation by people from different cultural, educational and political backgrounds to the dominant Western culture in the digital domain, it is argued that Worldview Literacy needs to be cultivated, and tolerance learned for different worldviews. This would facilitate participation by all, and prevent the silencing and exclusion from agency of those from different backgrounds.

The Lyon Declaration - 3 views

    "Increased access to information and knowledge, underpinned by universal literacy, is an essential pillar of sustainable development. Greater availability of quality information and data and the involvement of communities in its creation will provide a fuller, more transparent allocation of resources."
    "In this context, a right to information would be transformational. Access to information supports development by empowering people, especially marginalised people and those living in poverty, to: - Exercise their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. - Be economically active, productive and innovative. - Learn and apply new skills. - Enrich cultural identity and expression. - Take part in decision-making and participate in an active and engaged civil society. - Create community-based solutions to development challenges. - Ensure accountability, transparency, good governance, participation and empowerment. - Measure progress on public and private commitments on sustainable development. "

From local to global: Open and sustainable ways to sharing our teaching resources - 1 views

    Practical information on sharing resources

Seventeen remarkable case studies of federally sponsored citizen science projects in USA - 1 views

    New Visions in Citizen Science by Anne Bowser and Lea Shanley: * different models that support public contribution, potential challenges, and positive impacts that projects can have on scientific literacy, research, management, and public policy. * Illustrate how citizen science functions at its best demonstrating how open innovation can address agency-specific challenges in new and compelling ways.

As Libraries Go Digital, Sharing of Data Conflicts With Tradition of Privacy - Technolo... - 6 views

    Perhaps a bit narrow, but relevant to me. The article touches upon some aspects of privacy and openness bothering librarians. On the one hand people themselves are sharing lots of information about their reading lists, reading habits and favorites. On the other hand, libraries are trying to preserve patrons' privacy and protect their privacy from unwanted eyes.
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    This is very interesting, for once compiling the reading preferences of a user can help others researching or interested on the same topic access useful resources more easily. At the same time, this can be used to bias the reader towards a particular resource. Also it prompts the issue of profiling people for what they read.
    This was a very interesting piece. I'd not heard of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. Libraries do indeed need to give much to benefit from collaborative tools. Love the Faustian Pact description. So true.
    Gracias por compartirlo. Trabajo en una biblioteca universitaria y estoy interesada en la temática de innovación bibliotecaria.
    I enjoyed this reading very much, thanks! Not to spoil the end, but it is a good comment that in order to protect the patrons' privacy, they must do their part too. If they use machines that requires to log in to Amazon, for example (I don't own a Kindle so I don't know it that is true), well, libraries cannot protect their privacy on what they are reading. Which reinforce the idea of the role that libraries should play in educating people about online privacy. the example of combining books that were borrowed by the same person that allows to identify the patron is very powerful and shows how something that looks innocent like a list of borrowed books can be harmful.
    I think this article really demonstrates how the meaning of libraries is constantly in flux, and in recent decades has been evolving quicker than it has in perhaps the past couple of centuries. But the library has always been evolving, first mostly accessible to academics and eventually democratizing its mission by bringing literacy to the masses with public libraries. Now we are evolving to decide how open and social the patron habits should be. I think there is a way that libraries can adapt to this change and incorporate ways for patron data to inform the collection and recommendations, but also give patrons the option of being completely private, perhaps similar to an "incognito" browser window. Ultimately, the library should take privacy seriously and give patrons options that do not deceive. Thanks for sharing!

Apps for Librarians: digital literacy with mobile apps - 0 views

    It is said that "the move to mobile is empowering for all types of users, from toddlers to the elderly. It's also great for people with various types of disabilities - which could be anyone at different times in their lives."

At Sea in a Deluge of Data - 1 views

    "It turns out that students are poorly trained in college to effectively navigate the Internet's indiscriminate glut of information. Another Project Information Literacy study, involving more than 8,300 undergraduates at 25 American colleges, found that most make do with a very small compass. They rely on tried and true resources such as course readings, library databases, Google, and Wikipedia....The skills that students cultivate through traditional assignments-writing essays based on library research-are far different from those required to perform efficient, high-level, accurate research in the digital world. All of those types of research skills take practice under the eye of experts."
    This commentary emphasises the need for students to be taught within the curricula on how to be discerning when navigating the surfeit of information on the internet.

Howard Rheingold's Rheingold University - 4 views

    Rheingold puts his thoughts, videos,course syllabi on the skills to be network smart on this site. Here is his introduction: The future of digital culture-yours, mine, and ours-depends on how well we learn to use the media that have infiltrated, amplified, distracted, enriched, and complicated our lives. How you employ a search engine, stream video from your phonecam, or update your Facebook status matters to you and everyone, because the ways people use new media in the first years of an emerging communication regime can influence the way those media end up being used and misused for decades to come. Instead of confining my exploration to whether or not Google is making us stupid, Facebook is commoditizing our privacy, or Twitter is chopping our attention into microslices (all good questions), I've been asking myself and others how to use social media intelligently, humanely, and above all mindfully. This book is about what I've learned.

How to Gain Knowledge When Data Are Shared? Open Government Data from a Media Pedagogic... - 5 views

    I dare also to share this paper which recently appeared on It deals with my PhD project and tries to link open government data with educational concepts, merging a critical perspective with productive approaches. If any other people in this MOOC are interested in this field, I would be truly glad to discuss these ideas and read/hear your opinions about it!
    Using game like concept to teach kids and adults is becoming more and more recognize a great learning and teaching tool. I am also interested on using games for computer cognitive rehabilitation exercixes.
    A very thorough paper especially useful for its careful analysis of the "flip side" of open government data. It presents the main objections raised against the OGD "paradise" and also analyses ways in which media pedagogy can alleviate these problems. It culminates in a very important question: » An educational conception towards 'governing students not to be governed (that much)' within formal, obligatory education can too easily act out what it pretends to counteract. Informal settings, however, run the risk of fortifying social injustice and privilege - if largely used by well-educated citizens and semi-experts, as assumed. «

Not Just Literate, but Transliterate: Encouraging Transliteracy Adoption in Library Ser... - 0 views

    Open Access also opens up a much wider ability to adopt other forms of information transmission than print. The embedding of the videos into this MOOC is a case in point. As librarians, we are then challenged to ensure that our intermediation, whether through Information Literacy training or direct reference assistance, takes into account the growing need of users to be able to make sense of all forms of communication. This fairly short article addresses this issue and states the challenge we face succintly and to the point!
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