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When Is it One Gadget Too Many? - 4 views

    Do you own too many devices? Posted: How many tech gadgets do you own? Chances are, you have a PC, Mac or Windows, desktop or laptop and a smartphone. Maybe you both kinds of PCs, a desktop workstation and a portable laptop. Maybe you have a tablet -- large or small? You might also have a Kindle e-reader.
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    If I had to pick just one gadget to keep and turf all the rest, I'd pick my iphone. I'd move all the files on my desktop/laptop into the cloud and use my iphone as the means to connect to everything. A project I'd like to undertake in the future is to do a complete MOOC on my phone. Right now I migrate between an ipad, laptop and my iphone but I think I could do it all on the phone. It would be frustrating but doable.
    I find myself constantly needing more devices, even though I know one is enough. We do live in this gadget-centric world, and with every year that Apple introduces something that blows away their last invention, I feel the need to acquire it. Though, what's actually stopped me from acquiring anything, is that I know year after year, there will be another 'revolutionary product' that will 'enhance' my life. So for now, it's just a laptop and a phone! Though a tablet does sound tempting...
    In my household we have two adults, two children, one Mac desktop, two smartphones, a nexus and an iPad. It seems to work out that we have enough for my husband to be learning and practicing coding on the mac, my son learning Italian on an app, my daughter watching animal videos all while I'm looking up a recipe online. So far so good. I wouldn't add any to it. And sometimes I want to subtract, but we're in a new era and I'm done fighting it. I'm trying to embrace all the wonderful qualities the device era has to offer.
Pris Laurente

Growing the curriculum: Open education resources in US higher education - 1 views

    Open educational resources (OER) have been defined by the Hewlett Foundation as teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.

20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration - 2 views

    I've found some of these tools to be helpful in designing interaction online - particularly useful as we discuss collaboration and filtering.
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    Thank you for sharing I did not know this site and I will take a look. "Yammer is a private social network. Work in groups, share files, co-edit content and more with their free Basic plan. Explore "5 Ways Yammer is Improving Communication, Connections, and Learning in our Schools" to learn more" Julia Echeverria
    Thanks for sharing. i definitely need to use Vyew.
    Buen contenido. También existe un sitio llamado para compartir y aprender en línea


    Indigenous knowledge is unique to a culture or society. It shows us how to connect and to sustain through the environment. This kind of knowledge is passed down to generation to generation. Back then our ancestors did not have Internet or computers to store or to share their ideas. Our ancestral knowledge is very fragile and can easily be lost. Knowledge is history and our roots, which are passed down from our ancestors to us and these knowledge should be kept and be preserved. New information is also valuable, but so is our past. Here is a site that helps us to learn about what Indigenous knowledge is and activities to help us how to preserve Indigenous knowledge.
    It is a good idea. We should remember our indigenous knowledge and pass it down to following generations. People without past can not value the present. We shouldn't let these knowledge be destroyed by fast information on the internet.
Kevin Stranack

Are universities teaching the skills needed in a knowledge-based economy? - 14 views

    Provides a list of important skills and how those skills are embedded within the curriculum.
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    Encontré un post relacionado con las Alfabetizaciones digitales y competencias fundamentales en Tal vez interese: El pasado 5 de marzo los expertos de UNESCO dedicados a la alfabetización mediática y digital, en reunión preparatoria de la siguiente World Summit of Information Societies, rubricaron lo que es una evidencia ya incontrovertible: que la alfabetización mediática e informacional (MIL. Media and information literacy) ocupa un lugar central en el mapa escolar de competencias del siglo XXI. Esto no es nada esencialmente nuevo: Viviane Reding, la hoy Vicepresidenta de la Comisión Europea y ex-comisaria de Información entre los años 2004-2009, declaraba en el año 2006: "Hoy, la alfabetización mediática es tan central para el desarrollo de una ciudadanía plena y activa como la alfabetización tradicional lo fue al inicio del siglo XIX". Y añadía: "también es fundamental para entrar en el nuevo mundo de la banda ancha de contenidos, disponibles en todas partes y en cualquier momento". De acuerdo con el European Charter for Media Literacy podríamos distinguir siete áreas de competencias que, de una u otra forma, deberían pasar a formar parte de todo currículum orientado a su adquisición: Usar adecuadamente las tecnologías mediáticas para acceder, conservar, recuperar y compartir contenidos que satisfagan las necesidades e intereses individuales y colectivos. Tener competencias de acceso e información de la gran diversidad de alternativas respecto a los tipos de medios que existen, así como a los contenidos provenientes de distintas fuentes culturales e institucionales. Comprender cómo y porqué se producen los contenidos mediáticos. Analizar de forma crítica las técnicas, lenguajes y códigos empleados por los medios y los mensajes que transmiten. Usar los medios creativamente para expresar y comunicar ideas, información
    Thank you Kevin Stranack for sharing. Tony Bates ends with five questions: 1. Have I covered the main skills needed in a knowledge-based society? What have I missed? 2. Do you agree that these are important skills? If so, should universities explicitly try to develop them? 3. What are you or your university doing (if anything) to ensure such skills are taught, and taught well? 4. What roles if any do you think technology, and in particular online learning, can play in helping to develop such skills? 5. Any other comments on this topic - My answers: 1. Frustration tolerance and keeping a balance between work and private life is a necessary skill 2, The skill set mentioned is important, but more likely trained in college than in university 3. I do have a personal coach and a counseler, and I'm enrolled in #OKMOOC 4. The activities required in every module of #OKMOOC ask to reach out, connect, build relationships, Have you answered the feedback questions?
    This question is really the elephant in the room in a lot of university programs, especially in the humanities. I myself was a doctoral student in the humanities before leaving because, as I eventually learned, there were essentially no employment opportunities and my skillset in today's economy was sorely lacking. But the old mantra that "we teach critical thinking" is become a worn excuse. Do we really need four years to teach people the skills to survive "out there"? How much of our specialized knowledge will really be useful outside of the academy? These are questions we just don't have the answer to, and I'm not sure there are many people willing to ask them. But more to the point, I didn't see anything in this link about the changing ways that millennials (I promise that I hate the term as much as anyone, but it's a useful one) are engaging with information, and how that is changing how they actually think. There have been arguments made that digital natives (again, a pretty terrible term) think about and process information in very different ways that have serious implications for contextualization and long-term research. I'm not saying that universities don't teach these things in their own ways, but it's an important issue that needs addressing. I know that the link talks about the important of knowledge management, but there's a huge difference between simply knowing how and when to access information and quite another to properly contextualize its place in a larger hierarchy (or web) of knowledge. I would argue *that* skill is the one that universities are best poised to provide, and maybe why we keep hearing talk about how undergraduate degrees are the new highschool diplomas.
Jannicke Røgler

Sowing the seed: Incentives and Motivations for Sharing Research Data - 4 views

    In sharing knowledge and learning, research data must be included. I agree that there must be incentives to motivate researchers share the data and its result. we are not what we are now if we have not learned what, who, why and how we were.
    thank you very much for sharing this document that effectively connect the dots on an economic ground and made me know the LARM audio research project that might be helpful for this one field of research of mine
Kevin Stranack

Why We Need Open Knowledge Societies - 2 views

    "Every day we face challenges - from the personal, such as the quickest way to get to work, or what we should eat, to global ones like climate change and how to sustainably feed and educate seven billion people on this planet. At Open Knowledge we believe that opening up data - and turning that data into insight - can be crucial to addressing these challenges, and building a society in which is everyone - not just the few - are empowered with the knowledge they need to understand and effect change."
    really good! I think this is a very good summary about what we are learning in this course: "We need to create a culture of "open data makers", people able and ready to make apps and insights with open data. We need to connect open data with those who have the best questions and the biggest needs - a healthcare worker in Zambia, the London commuter travelling home - and go beyond the data geeks and the tech savvy to make data be useful to all."
robert morris

Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture - 5 views

    White Paper recommended by Dr. Alec Couros
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    Hi @Jannicke Røgler. Have you read the paper. What strikes you most?
    This is a gread read! I`m not sure if it`s been shared before now, so apologies in advance if it has.
    I think the most interesting part of the report is from page 82 on. Is more related to connected or collaborative learning and gives concrete examples with tools used on different projects.
fraup74 - 3 views

This is a TedTalk from 2006 featuring Richard Baraniuk discussing Connexions, his open-source, online education program. I found it interesting to hear the logic behind his platform, which has been...

Module2 open access publishing

started by fraup74 on 10 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
robert morris

SERIOUS * New Media Literacy - in a participatory culture. ... - 4 views

    The city of Sao Paulo adopted a "participatory culture" a few months ago. Are there any other cities in the world who`ve done the same?
    It's good that people make a participatory culture over the cyberspace, it is way beyond the limitations like in a classroom setting. It creates a social connection with one another and can be a life-long learning process.

Phoning It In: My Year of Teaching Via Skype - 2 views

    This piece is related to the idea of open knowledge in that it deals with one professor's year-long experiment with synchronous teaching over a Skype connection. While the professor felt that it worked better and more seamlessly than anyone could have imagined, he remains unsure as to whether telepedagogy has a place in our traditional academic settings. While a bit different in scope, idea and execution than a mooc, it is another example of new ways in which traditional learning is giving way to 21st technology. Video conferencing is now an every day part of most businesses, and here is an entire semester's class being "phoned in" via Skype. As the article points out, its usefulness in a traditional setting is up in the air. Yet there would seem to be an obvious utility in bringing this give and take classroom setting to remote locations that might have internet access but not easy access to schools or specific professors. Yet another way to make knowledge or the access to knowledge more open.
    Great post .. Well I think it may take time for people to adapt into the digital situations.. And in developing counties situation is even worst than that.. not only with skype , online at all would not work because people think and so use to the didactic pedagogy. All the things are centered with in the teachers presence..
Aruna Maruthi

open Multimedia search - 0 views

Image url: Author : Giulia Forsythe Title:Online open educational resources and open licenses .Link to the license; https://creativec...

module4 license open access knowledge

started by Aruna Maruthi on 25 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Megan H

Tech, equipment makers join U.S. 'net neutrality' debate - 0 views

    All credit to theSkimm, definitely caught my attention and leaves me wanting to learn/understand further... WHAT TO SAY WHEN THE NEXT EPISODE OF "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" WON'T LOAD… Barney blocked. Today, Netflix and a bunch of other big-name websites like Etsy, Kickstarter, and WordPress are protesting to support net neutrality. The sites will be showing a picture of the 'spinning wheel of death' loading symbol - not to make sure you're still breathing, but as a friendly reminder that this could be the future. Refresher: net neutrality is the idea that all content on the Internet should be treated equally, and preference shouldn't be given to sites willing to pay for faster connections. That's not what happens now. There's currently no regulation over how Internet providers treat traffic from different websites. The FCC's been listening to comments on some new rules for monitoring pay-to-play. They're going to stop listening to everyone's opinions next week.

Whois Lookup & IP | - 0 views

shared by christofhar on 28 Nov 14 - No Cached
    Our WhoIs lookup is designed to help you perform a variety of whois lookup functions. WhoIs lets you perform a domain whois search, whois IP lookup and search the whois database for relevant information on domain registration and availability. This can help provide insight into a domain's history and additional information.
  • is interesting because it allows individuals who otherwise would be afforded privacy to be reachable. This has a connected learning aspect to it, because now you can find the creators of websites and reach out to them - this is something I have done in the past. However, websites such as GoDaddy allow for one to purchase privacy, which blocks the whois lookup service. I believe this is ethical however because websites are not inherently social media, and anonymity should be a choice.

Linux Command Line By William Shotts (free ebook, website) - 0 views

    Are you a new linux user? (and why not give a linux a try! There are many great, stable, simple to use distributions out there now! And you can try many of them out with out even installing via live cd) The GUI is great, but to "unlock the POWER" it is great to learn about a few more advanced commands. I don't bother memorizing the command, but you will be amazed at the things you can easily figure out how to do with Linux, making your computing life easier and more powerful... The website is very helpful, and the book version is free and CC.
    I LOVE linux. I have let my brain turn to iOS mush in recent years, but since it's open source, I was able to google --er search via duck duck go-- fixes for a wifi connection issue and that shellshock thingie. And in far less time than it ever took to fix a Microsoft or WIndows issue. There are guys you can find online who will ship you a machine pre-loaded with Linux or Ubuntu or Debian, if you can't or don't want to bother with wiping and doing it yourself. If an easily distracted and slightly airheaded person like me can handle it, imagine how a more 'normal' person can do! Great post. Thanks for sharing. In fact, all your shares are interesting.

CienciaDirecta - 2 views

    Descubre, Fundación Andaluza para la divulgación de la Innovación y el Conocimiento I would like to introduce the Spanish Fundación Descubre ( and, inside it, the network called "Divulga red" (, thought to connect people (professional and amateur researchers and citizens in general), communicate and collaborate among them. DivulgaRed let people reveal research topics and the value of the science in different fields, sharing ideas with other researchers and group of people, all with the basis of a collaborative work. I had the pleasure of giving two talks in high-schools telling about optical communications and novelties that people can have in a near future. In a very good atmosphere, students and their own teachers asked me questions and I can enjoy a very nice atmosphere making my knowledge in this topic public. Even more, teachers in the high school were later discussing with me about possibilities in Education, and both they and me built some experiments to be made by students in the high school during the semester. So, as a concluding remark, every body who wants to share a new idea, or to obtain a new point of view, or simply who wants to introduce or simply to learn about a new topic is welcome in Fundación Descubre and DivulgaRed project. Regards. Dr. Antonio Jurado-Navas

Education must change - 1 views

    I really love this Jeff Jarvis talk. Education must change. Connected learning is our challenge!


    We embed exciting STEM professionals and cutting-edge research into award-winning, standards-aligned in and out-of-school curricula. Live webcasts connect students with inspirational STEM role models. Student materials include reading selections with read-to-me functionality, inquiry-based labs, videos, and online games.
    Mediante un tratamiento trans e interdisciplinar, los estudiantes aprenden ciencias experimentales, matemáticas, ciencias sociales y lenguaje en proyectos conjuntos de experimentacción e investigación, Sería deseable que en el futuro pueda abrirse en código abierto para que pueda trabajarse en todo tipo de tabletas y dispositivos digitales. De todas formas, es un proyecto muy otente para facilitar el aprendizaje más significativo, atractivo y relevante.

Citizen science - 6 views

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