Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rosa Munoz-Luna
Open Course Ware - 1 views
Plos One - 0 views
Plos One is a very important academic journal which publishes high quality manuscripts worldwide.
It is included and indexed in the most important bibliographical databases. In this case, the fact that it is open access makes authors may a quite high fee if they want to have their paper published.
"Cite this for me" - 4 views
JABEGA, Catálogo - 2 views
The future of books - 2 views
Create Your Free Website | - 4 views
Signum - Android Apps on Google Play - 2 views
TESEO - 3 views
Base de datos de todas las tesis doctorales leídas y defendidas en España. Muy útil para estudios de literatura, del arte, etc.;jsessionid=EB200323D2CA066ABCA69CF7BF72C4AE
The Perl Programming Language - - 3 views
Dialnet, base de datos de revistas científicas - 2 views
started by Rosa Munoz-Luna on 12 Oct 14
1 follow-up, last by yolitab on 20 Oct 14
Rosa Munoz-Luna liked it
Esta es una base de datos donde se recogen y se acceden a multitud de revistas online de libre acceso. Se puede buscar por autor, temática, revista, título, etc. Muy útil para investigadores y estudiantes de las ramas de humanidades, ciencias sociales y jurídicas, especialmente.
Espero que os guste.
Rosa Muñoz Luna. -
Mahara ePortFolio - 9 views
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Espero que os guste!