franco valeriani on 03 Apr 14Offers a good variety of lessons, for both beginners and advanced students, from notes' duration to Neapolitan chords. Also tools such as chord calculator, metronome, pop up piano window etc., are available for free.
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I Soliz on 04 Apr 14This is a free website that has music theory lessons as well as exercises. It covers the basics of music and more. Teachers are able to customize exercises and have students print out a progress report
I Soliz on 04 Apr 14This is a free website that has music theory lessons as well as exercises. It covers the basics of music and more. Teachers are able to customize exercises and have students print out a progress report
Preston Krauska on 04 Apr 14This site provides lessons and exercises in music theory for students. The lessons are not interactive, but the exercises are with quizes.
Preston Krauska on 04 Apr 14This site provides lessons and exercises in music theory for students. The lessons are not interactive, but the exercises are with quizes.
Jordan Keith on 05 Apr 14This is a great website to further music theory knowledge. This site helps students with ear training and music reading. There are many games, lessons, and activities to improve one's musical knowledge.
Ruiel Doonkeen on 06 Apr is a free resource for music theory students. You can select from lessons, notation and aural exercises, and much more.
Chad Hodges on 06 Apr 14The purpose of this site is to provide a program that teaches music theory. This program has lessons and exercises to facilitate the learning of music theory and ear training.
Chad Hodges on 06 Apr 14The purpose of this site is to provide a program that teaches music theory. This program has lessons and exercises to facilitate the learning of music theory and ear training.
Joanna Reesman on 06 Apr contains free online music content. Students and teachers can explore the fundamentals of music through animated lessons. You can also create custom exercises to improve your musical recognition and use interactive tools to calculate notes, intervals, and chords for specific keys.
Sarah Sena on 06 Apr 14This website has numerous music theory resources and lessons.
Meghan Kiniry on 06 Apr 14A great site to direct any music student to! I used it a lot when I was struggling in Aural Skills in college, so great for any age.
Sara Bibee on 07 Apr 14This is a fantastic resource that I have been using for many years. There are many options for lessons among the music elements, which are customizable for different levels of difficulty. My favorite to use this site for is identifying pitches. I can customize the lesson to only include specific pitches and ranges, and even with sharps and flats.
Jason Longtin on 07 Apr 14This is one of the most useful music education resources I have ever found. I use it with all of my students, from beginners all the way to AP Music Theory. The webpage is completely downloadable and can be accessed offline.
Stephen List on 07 Apr 14Learn Music theory online or on your mobile device.
Josh Geary on 08 Apr 14This website assists all musicians of levels from middle school and beyond with understanding basic to advanced music theory. There are lessons, tutorials, and exercises for ear training, intervals, and chords.
Josh Geary on 08 Apr 14This website assists all musicians of levels from middle school and beyond with understanding basic to advanced music theory. There are lessons, tutorials, and exercises for ear training, intervals, and chords.
esikorski on 23 Sep 15A free website with music theory lessons and exercises. From the very basic (note identification) to more advanced topics (chord structure, modes, 7th chords), this would work well for students in grades 5 and up.
davidmoore4 on 24 Sep 15This is a music theory site that emphasizes beginning music fundamentals. This site is available for download in a free offline edition.
ekronzek on 25 Sep 15This music theory website contains both exercises and lessons that are very useful to teachers and students. The website includes a wide variety of categories including but not limited to key signatures, scales, note identification, and rhythms. This would be very useful if ever teaching a high school theory course or even for an instructor to brush up on their own music theory skills.
musicteacherray on 26 Sep 15Teachers can assign ready made lessons in music theory. Easy to use and comprehensive covering note identification to ear training.
abbylindo on 26 Sep 15This interactive site offers lessons in different musical concepts and exercises to build knowledge. All exercises are customizable to fit different skill levels and work with interactive white boards. A list of tools features handy applications like an interval finder and a metronome. Users who enjoy the site can purchase the app, Tenuto, for their smart phones and tables.
marwoz1 on 26 Sep 15Purpose of this resource: is a website that contains many lessons on music theory as well as drills for practicing each concept. Musical Content: This website covers basic music notation elements (staff, bar lines, ledger lines etc.), key signatures, major/minor scales, intervals, note identification and interval identification (with note names, moveable do solfege, fixed do solfege, or piano keyboard), Chord building, and chord progressions. Other information: This website is great as a supplement to basic music theory lessons. It also has great possibility for reinforcing and practicing concepts. Each exercise is graded and can be submitted to instructors electronically. Teachers can also make custom exercises. There is a paid app available for iOS devices
akwilsonuf on 26 Sep 15This is a great resource to learn and practice ear training. You can easily practice various aspects of ear training and adjust the difficulty or the specific things you are working on. It is also fairly easy to track your progress and see what still needs work.
anorgaard on 26 Sep 15A fantastic free online interactive software that offers lessons, exercises and ear training. It is a great tool for assessment as it offers immediate feedback in every exercise with a built-in timer.
boberkrieser on 26 Sep 15This website offers lessons and exercises on numerous topics such as keyboard notes, reading the music staff, and even ear training exercises intervals and chords. Each exercise is also customizable to make it as easy or difficult as you see fit.
boberkrieser on 26 Sep 15This website offers lessons and exercises on numerous topics such as keyboard notes, reading the music staff, and even ear training exercises intervals and chords. Each exercise is also customizable to make it as easy or difficult as you see fit.
aubreyconnelly on 27 Sep 15The best site for free Music Theory training exercises. Note reading and aural skills.
mthomas8288 on 27 Sep 15This is a website that offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for music theory. This could be used by any music student to reinforce theory concepts taught in the classroom or the private studio.
watkinc2 on 27 Sep is an amazing resource for providing teachers and students with lessons, quizzes as well as assessments in all aspects of music theory. The program online allows teachers to set up practice sessions, tutorials, as well as assessment on basic and advanced theory concepts. Students are able to access the online program from home or through tablet/laptop at school.
altosaxplayer5 on 27 Sep offers a wonderful music theory training exercises. It offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for learners of any age to partake of. The site also offers two mobile (paid) apps that allow users to take their learning with them. Great for anyone, especially those involved with music theory or aural skills training.
altosaxplayer5 on 27 Sep offers a wonderful music theory training exercises. It offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for learners of any age to partake of. The site also offers two mobile (paid) apps that allow users to take their learning with them. Great for anyone, especially those involved with music theory or aural skills training.
dluddy on 28 Sep is a great resource, not just specifically for music theory students, but for all students of music. The "lessons" section is great for introducing new concepts of theory, and the "exercises" section is a fun way to quiz and practice these concepts.
bnlynn on 28 Sep 15This is a free online interactive resource that is an alternative to traditional paper and pencil of learning music theory. I recommend for late elementary on up.
shamus2790 on 30 Sep 15The apps that coincide with this website are fantastic. Give them a look!
shamus2790 on 30 Sep 15This a wonderful resource for all types of music classes!
Chris Grifa on 24 May 17The website is a comprehensive platform focused on teaching music theory. The purpose of the website is to teach or reinforce music theory concepts at all levels of experience. There are numerous free lessons available that cover many aspects of music theory. There are also numerous customizable exercises to help reinforce the concepts learned in the lessons. Teachers can utilize this website at all levels of performing arts. I have found success with using the note name identification exercise as I can choose exactly what notes the students are practicing.
jeffsaunders on 25 May 17An excellent app for any musician wanting to sharpen their theory skills. Users have a wide range of theoretical topics to study, with lessons and assessment built in.
tylermast on 25 May 17Interactive music theory website with virtual lessons and activities. Lessons include: reading notes on various staffs, the musical alphabet, chords, and more. There is a free mobile app available, and lessons are well sequenced.
karlafunk on 25 May 17Offers Music Theory Lessons over a wide variety of Topics and Exercises for Students. Lessons may be completed individually by students or as a class at an IWB (Interactive WhiteBoard). Additional tools are provided, as well as the ability to complete exercises online or offline.
jskofoed on 26 May 17This website is a great resource for a high amount of theory information. A great feature is the separation of lessons (learning) then exercises to quiz you. The customization for exercises is perfect to test something specific or a wider range.
bhathorn on 26 May 17This is a free website that offers lessons, exercises, and tools for music theory. The site is geared towards an older student and can be self pace
jamesbailey1234 on 27 May 17This website has good music theory exercises and videos. Students uses the lessons and practice on the exercises. Has other products available for a price.
ltwoods4 on 27 May 17This website provides numerous resources for learning, studying, and practicing music theory. Users can explore the lessons section to learn about various topics in music theory. Users can also practice various elements of both written and aural theory. This website focuses specifically on music theory.
trombonedude07 on 28 May 17This is a wonderful, free music theory website for a general music, band, choral, or music theory class. This website gives sample lessons and has exercises that students can take. There are also available apps to make it easy on-the-go.
Amber Watkins on 28 May 17The purpose of this site is to provide free online content and resources for music theory lessons. Students can access theory lessons with assessment in every aspect of music theory for the beginner to advanced student.
kristineyang3 on 28 May 17This website is an interactive resource for students to use to learn basic note reading, theory, and ear training. This could be used in a music technology class or general music class with access to devices. In a performance ensemble setting, this could be used as a warm up for the whole class with the aid of an interactive whiteboard or projector.
danielleminaya on 28 May 17Free music theory lessons
jtaurins on 28 May 17This resource is focused on teaching elements of music theory through slideshow presentations and exercises. This could be used to supplement instruction, be used in stations in a music classroom, or as an enrichment tool for gifted music students.
marshallb85 on 29 May 17Online music theory site that helps to learn and practice various theory topics from beginner to advanced levels. Downloadable app for mobile devices is also available for a small nominal fee.
ntatarka on 31 May 17This is a great website that provides theory lessons and exercises for all levels and abilities. It also allows students to print and submit progress reports to track progress.
djrazzledazzle on 28 Jun 17A great free cite for notation practice exercises and lessons.
bbriele01 on 08 Feb 19Music Theory Learning to read music