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fabrizio bartoli

Presentation Tips | Garr Reynolds Official Site - 1 views

    Presentation Pointers Whether using a PowerPoint presentation for a live lesson, recorded lesson, or presentation, there are sound instructional design techniques to incorporate. The resources below guide us in our presentations.
Claude Almansi

Are Infographics Making Us Stupid? - Make your ideas Art - 0 views

    "Published on March 18th, 2013 | by Guest Author [Kate Lee] Infographics are becoming an increasingly popular method of communicating information quickly and clearly. Great designs can reduce the complexity of information, making a process, product or service easily understandable and accessible to the general public. And a good infographic means that all of that information is presented in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to boot. But have infographics become too good at streamlining information? Have they become the fast food of graphic design - quickly digestible, but lacking in substance? Infographics: Guilty As Charged The web has lots of criticisms levelled at infographics and it's true that many are poorly created, failing to fulfil their purpose, using Papyrus or other crimes against design. The main complaints when it comes to infographics are: 1. Creates confusion: the data is presented in a manner that takes a long time to interpret, is difficult to follow and creates additional complexity instead of providing clarity. 2. Inaccurate information: [...] 3. Too long: [...] 4. General ugliness: [...] The problem with infographics is that so many people think it's easy to create them, when in fact it's a particular subset of skills in an already specialised profession.[...] Data Visualisation Requires Thinking That being said, there are truly great infographics out there that tick all the boxes: accurate information, presented in an effective visual manner that helps the audience interpret and understand quickly. And so we come to the point of this post: with complex information rendered so comprehensible, without the need to read long reports and with the ability to look at pictures and share it with all your friends - is there a danger that infographics cause the audience to stop thinking? In short, the answer is no. In most cases where the audience needs to think, the data isn't simple anyway. The mission of infographics is to re
    Titolo volutamente provocativo. Ottima presentazione delle "infographics", di cosa dovrebbero e potrebbero essere ma purtroppo spesso non sono, e degli risvolti cognitivi del loro uso.
Claude Almansi

Capstone Project Definition - The Glossary of Education Reform - 1 views

    "Also called a capstone experience, senior exhibition, or senior project, among other terms, a capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students, typically during their final year of high school or middle school, or at the end of an academic program or learning-pathway experience. While similar in some ways to a college thesis, capstone projects may take a wide variety of forms, but most are long-term investigative projects that culminate in a final product, presentation, or performance. For example, students may be asked to select a topic, profession, or social problem that interests them, conduct research on the subject, maintain a portfolio of findings or results, create a final product demonstrating their learning acquisition or conclusions (a paper, short film, or multimedia presentation, for example), and give an oral presentation on the project to a panel of teachers, experts, and community members who collectively evaluate its quality."
fabrizio bartoli

Wink (tutorial software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    "Wink is a freeware screen capture and tutorial-creation program. It supports many features such as input-based capture and text annotations. Navigation buttons can be added to any presentation and the bitmaps for all presentation controls can be edited."

Digital Presentations in Education - 3 views

    Everything for and about presentations - software, online tools, apps, templates, tutorials Curated by Baiba Svenca
Francesco Valotto

Create Presentations Easily on with Shortcodes - Blog - WordPre... - 9 views

    Creare presentazioni nei blog di Wordprss
    Vista la presentazione di esempio. Mi sembra un'aggiunta utilissima ai blog di Wordpress e un ulteriore incentivo ad usarli in classe. Grazie per la segnalazione.
fabrizio bartoli

Wink - [Homepage] - 1 views

    "Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users. Here is a sample Flash tutorial created by Wink."
Claude Almansi

50+Ways - StoryTools - 0 views

    "Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. They are grouped into categories of tool types, but you can also access a complete list of all tools. Each link points to a full entry on the tool that includes a description, links and embedded versions of the original Dominoe story, links to other stories created in the tool, and some more feedback that can help you decided if the tool might be of interest. People who join this wiki can contribute to the content on these pages (learn more...). Again, your mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. But before rummaging around the toolbox, have you done your prep work? Do you have your story idea or presentation concept outlined, developed? This should be on paper or in a document file or scribbled on the back of a napkin, but do not rely on making it up as you go! If not, go back 2 spaces and do this now. Next- do you have your media assets available, your images, video clips, audio files-- if not go find your media now."
Claude Almansi

IntroOpenEd 2007: an experience on Open Education by a virtual community of teachers | ... - 0 views

    "Antonio Fini, Andreas Formiconi, Alessandro Giorni, Nuccia Silvana Pirruccello, Elisa Spadavecchia, Emanuela Zibordi Abstract In Fall 2007 David Wiley, professor at Utah State University held a course about Open Education. That time, however, Dr Wiley's course was followed by a rather unusual group of students. The Fall 2007 edition, in fact, was available to anybody, free of charge, all over the world. The only requisite required was the possession of a blog for the completion of the weekly assignments. The present paper, whose authors attended the course completing it successfully, is an account of the experience they had. It can be considered an innovating experience from many different viewpoints and can be regarded as an example of how the world of the formal education can meet the demands of the informal one, in the broader landscape of professional training and lifelong learning. Keywords OER; Open Education; online community; informal learning Full Text: PDF This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License."
Claude Almansi

Half an Hour: International Perspective: The MOOC and Campus-Based Learning - 0 views

    "Summary of a presentation by Phillip D. Long, University of Queensland We want to see the learning design patterns change, we want to see phy6sical participation in the profession, that is, engagement with the content and the practice, in the rich spaces that we have, and let the content engagement, which can be well-designed online, be the place where content is delivered. (Eg. Pictures of classes, eg., composed of 'terraces'). Recently, we tried bringing people together en masse. We took a large space that is a sports facility and turned it into a learning environment, tables of nine, an instructor and two TAs, and engagement simply in terms of 'showing up' is stunning, 85-90 per cent attendance. Our engagement with MOOCs, and we've just started to partner with EdX, is because we are learning how to refactor how learning on campus takes place, to put the effort into learning design into the online context, moving away from these little boxes, and looking at the campus as a series of practice spaces. (SD- Stephen Downes: This is a good model - but one wonders why it would be reserved for tuition-paying students - why not move it out into the community as a whole - you'd get *much* better 'tables of nine')"
    SD = Stephen Downes

Emergenza educativa e nuove tecnologie. Stimoli per una riconsiderazione della questione, - 6 views

    "Emergenza educativa enuove tecnologie. Stimoli per unariconsiderazione della questione GIOVANNI MARCONATO 1 Internet e le nuove forme di comunicazione stanno portando radicali cambiamenti nella vita pratica di ognuno di noi. Questi mutamenti possonoprodurre, spesso, reazioni diverse in base alla realtà anagrafica delle persone,tanto da rendere appropriata l'espressione "nativi digitali", per coloro che sono nati nell'era tecnologica, da contrapporre ai cosiddetti "immigrati tecnologici", espressione riferita a coloro che sono entrati in questa epoca provenendo "da altrove" e con un piede radicato nel passato. Il contributoofferto dal presente lavoro diviene importante non solo ai fini di comprendere le differenze e le difficoltà di comunicazione e di linguaggio fra allievi e insegnanti-formatori, ma soprattutto per indicare una via per arginare l'emergenza educativa che si sta costantemente espandendo. Il suddettopercorso non può che passare per un uso significativo e responsabile di Internet, delle tecnologie digitali e più in generale dei nuovi mass media. 25 ANNI DELLA RIVISTA 22 sformata significativamente, ci viene facile dare una spiegazione ai compor-tamenti "tecnologici" dei bambini, dei pre-adolescenti e degli adolescentiche sono nati trovando le tecnologie, Internet e telefonini come presenzanormale e naturale nei propri luoghi di vita ed incorporandoli spontanea-mente, con estrema naturalezza, nelle pratiche personali e sociali. Nessunaabitudine (individuale e sociale) pre-tecnologica può determinare e model-lare il loro modo di interagire con la realtà e nulla è di ostacolo all'inven-zione di stili e pratiche di relazione del tutto nuove e determinate solo dallefunzionalità e dalle affordance presenti nei nuovi strumenti. Nessun mecca-nismo di transfer negativo ha impedito l'esercizio creativo (agito più spessonella dimensione sociale e collaborativa, che in quella individuale) di deter-minare nuovi modi di agire e,
    Tra le molte riflessioni che l'articolo di Marconato apre ne posso scegliere, per ora, un paio: 1) è corretto porre la questione in termini di "nativi digitali"? 2) E' soltanto, o principalmente, l'approccio verso le tecnologie digitali a creare un divario fra ragazzi e insegnanti? Riguardo alla prima domanda ho notato come atteggiamenti (e attitudini) simili a quelli dei ragazzi nei confronti di internet ce l'hanno anche tanti adulti, specialmente se di bassa istruzione. Questo mi fa pensare che la frequentazione assidua, soprattutto, di social networks dipenda essenzialmente dall'avere poche difese contro l'accettazione passiva di mode e modelli di consumo. Infatti, da quello che ho potuto vedere, sono pochi i ragazzi che possiedono "vere" competenze informatiche e, in genere, quelli che le possiedono, spesso, le condividono con almeno un genitore. Di positivo c'è l'apprendimento intuitivo e condiviso degli strumenti per navigare e comunicare in internet, ma anche quello non mi sembra "generazionale": è tipico anche di molti adulti, soprattutto se non hanno subito il condizionamento del cosiddetto "metodo di studio". Per l'apprendimento non serve la fatica ma l'interesse. Alla seconda domanda ha risposto già, in modo articolato, Marconato: i gap generazionali ci sono sempre stati. Inoltre, nel "villaggio globale" non c'è solo una cultura globale e condivisa; anzi, di condiviso c'è poco. Sta all'insegnante avere un'apertura verso l'altro, tale da non dare per scontato che egli possieda conoscenze prestabilite alle quali collegarsi. Spesso è già un errore considerare che un alunno possieda quelle certificate nei precedenti anni di scuola. Tra l'altro, se egli ha molte curiosità e interessi, e questi internet aiuta decisamente a soddisfarli, ma le sue informazioni divergono da quelle possedute dall'insegnante, per i prof più tradizionalisti è anche peggio, ma era così anche
Claude Almansi

Weeks Pages - CyberOne Wiki (2006) - 1 views

    "Welcome to the Weeks Pages for CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion. These pages will primarily be maintained by the Harvard Law School students enrolled in the course, but, as is customary with a Wiki, are available for anyone to edit. There will be (at least) one page for each week of the course. On these pages you can expect to find a presentation of all of the material from the particular week of the course including the video of the lecture (once it is available), notes from the class meeting, summaries and discussions of the readings, and more. We invite everyone to engage in open discussion of the week's materials on the discussion page for a given week. "
Claude Almansi

How to Avoid PowerPoint Poisoning (diapositiva 1) - Art Wolinsky, 2006 - 3 views

    Welcome to the PowerPoint Poisoning Control Center. The PPPCC was created by me after many years of judging the our county's multimedia computer contest. Each year I would have to evaluate more than 200 presentations in the PowerPoint category. I would start the morning of the judging with a
Claude Almansi

elearnspace › Responding to the fragmentation of higher education [George Sie... - 0 views

    "In early February, I had the pleasure of delivering a presentation to University of Victoria on the state of higher education and challenges of fragmentation. Thanks for Valerie Irvine and Jillianne Code from TIE Lab and the Faculty of Education for hosting me. Video and slides are embedded below. "
Claude Almansi

V4B (Video4Blind) | Ti tengo d'occhio - 0 views

    "Cos'è Video4Blind? V4B (Video4Blind, "video per non vedenti") è una campagna lanciata da Ti tengo d'occhio per "accessibilizzare" tutti quei video che si basano prevalentemente o esclusivamente sulle immagini per trasmettere dei contenuti, rendendoli così comprensibili anche ai non vedenti. Al contrario di quanto si possa pensare, accessibilizzare un video con il metodo Video4Blind è molto semplice e richiede pochissimo tempo; è sufficiente: Aggiungere la dicitura "(V4B)" in coda al titolo del video, per permettere al non vedente di comprendere che il video è stato "accessibilizzato"; Nello spazio riservato alla descrizione del video, aggiungere la dicitura "Video4Blind - Descrizione del video per non vedenti:" seguita da una descrizione delle immagini del video che consenta di comprendere il significato dello stesso senza "guardare lo schermo"; Aggiungere "V4B" e "Video4Blind" tra i tags del video. Elenco dei video accessibilizzati Siccome poter comprendere i video basati sulle immagini è veramente importante per tutti noi non vedenti, ho deciso di raccogliere in questa sezione tutti i video "accessibilizzati" attraverso il metodo Video4Blind per ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno deciso di contribuire all'accessibilità di questi contenuti! Se anche tu hai pubblicato un video accessibilizzato tramite Video4Blind, ma non è ancora presente in questa sezione non esitare a scrivermi!"
fabrizio bartoli

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge ~ Stephen's Web - 2 views

    "Connectivism is the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks. The bulk of this work is devoted to tracing the implications of this thesis in learning. Yes, this could have been a shorter book - and perhaps one day I'll author a volume without the redundancies, false starts, detours and asides, and other miscellany. Such a volume would be sterile, however, and it feels more true to the actual enquiry to stay true to the original blog posts, essays and presentations that constitute this work."
fabrizio bartoli

Geospatial Metadata - Federal Geographic Data Committee - 1 views

    "Geospatial Metadata What are Metadata? A metadata record is a file of information, usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic characteristics of a data or information resource. It represents the who, what, when, where, why and how of the resource. Geospatial metadata commonly document geographic digital data such as Geographic Information System (GIS) files, geospatial databases, and earth imagery but can also be used to document geospatial resources including data catalogs, mapping applications, data models and related websites. Metadata records include core library catalog elements such as Title, Abstract, and Publication Data; geographic elements such as Geographic Extent and Projection Information; and database elements such as Attribute Label Definitions and Attribute Domain Values."
fabrizio bartoli

Snagit for Google Chrome - 1 views

    "Provide Personalized Feedback Capture the documents or presentations your students are working on, add feedback, and easily share with your students for review wherever they are. Keep Everyone in the Loop Take a quick capture of a paper or project your students are working on, add notes, and send to fellow teachers, parents, or the entire class. Utilize Your Google Drive™ View, mark up, and manage your captures anywhere, thanks to the deep integration Snagit for Google Chrome™ has with Google Drive™."
fabrizio bartoli

WebSlides - Turning bookmarks and feeds into interactive slideshows… - 1 views

    "Turning bookmarks and feeds into interactive slideshows… You are here: Diigo Home > WebSlides A new way of organizing, sharing, and presenting web content... How is it useful? Provide a quick briefing, a simple tutorial or guided tour on any subject. Re-mix and re-package your blog posts to encourage browsing and embedding..."
fabrizio bartoli

TodaysMeet - 2 views

    "Talk, Listen TodaysMeet helps you embrace the backchannel and connect with your audience in realtime. Encourage the room to use the live stream to make comments, ask questions, and use that feedback to tailor your presentation, sharpen your points, and address audience needs."
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