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Claude Almansi

ELAN description | The Language Archive - 2 views

    "ELAN is a professional tool for the creation of complex annotations on video and audio resources. With ELAN a user can add an unlimited number of annotations to audio and/or video streams. An annotation can be a sentence, word or gloss, a comment, translation or a description of any feature observed in the media. Annotations can be created on multiple layers, called tiers. Tiers can be hierarchically interconnected. An annotation can either be time-aligned to the media or it can refer to other existing annotations. The textual content of annotations is always in Unicode and the transcription is stored in an XML format. ELAN provides several different views on the annotations, each view is connected and synchronized to the media playhead. Up to 4 video files can be associated with an annotation document. Each video can be integrated in the main document window or displayed in its own resizable window. ELAN delegates media playback to an existing media framework, like Windows Media Player, QuickTime or JMF (Java Media Framework). As a result a wide variety of audio and video formats is supported and high performance media playback can be achieved. ELAN is written in the Java programming language and the sources are available for non-commercial use. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Main other features navigate through the media with different step sizes easy navigation through existing annotations waveform visualization of .wav files support for template documents input methods for a variety of script systems multi-tier regular expression search, within a single document or in a selection of annotation documents support for user definable Controlled Vocabularies import and export of Shoebox/Toolbox, CHAT, Transcriber (import only), Praat and csv/tab-delimited text files export to interlinear text, html, smil and subtitles text printing of the annotations multiple undo/redo Download ELAN"
    Il software serve ad annotare video e audio: sembra piuttosto complesso ma è prodotto e offerto dal progetto The Language Archive dell'Istituto Max Plank dei Paesi Bassi, perciò sembra abbastanza sicuro. Ho installato la versione per Mac: poi provo e riporto
fabrizio bartoli

videoANT - 1 views

    Nik Peachey's insight: Really simple and useful tool for annotating videos and creating dialogue around them.
fabrizio bartoli

Snaplr App - 1 views

    "Snaplr is a simple way to capture and annotate your desktop's activity. Its Free to download, a great addition for your email/collaboration tool."
fabrizio bartoli

Wink (tutorial software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    "Wink is a freeware screen capture and tutorial-creation program. It supports many features such as input-based capture and text annotations. Navigation buttons can be added to any presentation and the bitmaps for all presentation controls can be edited."
Claude Almansi

PDF Annotation, Social Members for Anti-spam, and the New Pricing Plan lead to Diigo 6.... - 1 views

    "We now require captcha on many social features, such as following people, joining groups, etc. For a very nominal fee, you can upgrade yourself to "Social Membership," which would grant you full social features without capcha, plus a lot of other goodies. We expect to stop the vast majority of the spammers with this simple measure. We'd like to elaborate more about Social Membership and its pricing and our thoughts behind the decisions. As long-time Diigo users know, Diigo is a personal knowledge management tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community on the other hand. While it is perfectly fine to use Diigo solely as the former, we do believe that the value of the knowledge-sharing community could be substantial, as the number of active users increases, and as the spam is minimized. As a result, we have decided to set the social membership annual fee at $5/year on Oct 1, 2014, and will increase the price gradually thereafter according to a pre-determined formula, as the number of active social members increases. To reward existing users, an attractive promotion price of $2/year will be available until Oct. 1, 2014. For future years, you will continue to pay the low annual price you paid in the first year, as long as your credit card stay valid for automatic renewal. We have also taken this opportunity to re-adjust our pricing plan to better align users needs with our business model. Existing basic and premium users will be automatically upgraded to Standard in the new pricing plan."
    Attenzione a quel "new pricing plan" che limita drasticamente il numero dei gruppi per le formule meno care, ma non è chiaro cosa succederà ai gruppi creati con formula gratuita.
fabrizio bartoli

Snagit for Google Chrome - 1 views

    "Provide Personalized Feedback Capture the documents or presentations your students are working on, add feedback, and easily share with your students for review wherever they are. Keep Everyone in the Loop Take a quick capture of a paper or project your students are working on, add notes, and send to fellow teachers, parents, or the entire class. Utilize Your Google Drive™ View, mark up, and manage your captures anywhere, thanks to the deep integration Snagit for Google Chrome™ has with Google Drive™."
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