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fabrizio bartoli

Storytelling with Maps - 4 views

    "A gallery of Esri story maps Esri publishes story maps with three goals: To showcase interesting and important topics; to explore techniques and best practices for map-based storytelling; and to help enable people to make their own story maps"
fabrizio bartoli

About ds106 - 0 views

    "Digital Storytelling (also affectionately known as ds106) is an open, online course that happens at various times throughout the year at the University of Mary Washington… but you can join in whenever you like and leave whenever you need. This course is free to anyone who wants to take it, and the only requirements are a real computer, a hardy internet connection, preferably a domain of your own and some commodity web hosting, and all the creativity you can muster."
fabrizio bartoli

Teach - Mozilla Webmaker - 1 views

    Let's Teach the Web Together. You don't need to be a wizard to help others. We've got resources to help teach digital literacy, webmaking, online storytelling and more.
fabrizio bartoli

Storytelling with Maps - Template Gallery - 5 views

    "Story map templates Templates provide an easy way to publish your own story map (without having to write code). Each template uses a distinct story-telling technique. You supply the web map and the words. File downloads include the web files you will need, plus a readme file explaining configuration"
Claude Almansi

50+Ways - StoryTools - 0 views

    "Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. They are grouped into categories of tool types, but you can also access a complete list of all tools. Each link points to a full entry on the tool that includes a description, links and embedded versions of the original Dominoe story, links to other stories created in the tool, and some more feedback that can help you decided if the tool might be of interest. People who join this wiki can contribute to the content on these pages (learn more...). Again, your mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. But before rummaging around the toolbox, have you done your prep work? Do you have your story idea or presentation concept outlined, developed? This should be on paper or in a document file or scribbled on the back of a napkin, but do not rely on making it up as you go! If not, go back 2 spaces and do this now. Next- do you have your media assets available, your images, video clips, audio files-- if not go find your media now."
M.Antonella Perrotta

Racconti intorno al fuoco - E' fantascienza ma... - 2 views

    Un racconto collaborativo ambientato in un futuro prossimo venturo...
gianni panconesi

mafaldinablog - 2 views

    I created this blog to my pupils, but I'm using it also for an activity of storytelling along with my colleagues in the course cMooc  ltis 13.
M.Antonella Perrotta

Theater School: Students as Actors and Writers for the Stage - 0 views

    The "Teatro a Scuola" (Theater School) project, directed at 14-18 year-old, Real innovation lies in the involvement of students as writers, in a collaborative theatrical storytelling. During the theater workshop the teacher in charge of the project planned and implemented with the participants experimental activity that was inserted within the Italian program. Its purpose is to stimulate participants' creativity. It aims at to become an integral part of the activities foreseen by the school syllabus and to offer, next to the traditional learning method, a form of learning by doing. The project consists in three distinct, yet interdependent, moments: a first theoretical stage, which foresees a short series of lessons on the history of theater; a second stage dedicated to a theater workshop (elocution, lively reading, mime, song, dance etc.); and a final show, i.e. a genuine theatrical representation for the whole school and all citizens. Characteristics of innovation and experimentation of the project were that: students were not only actors but also authors and screenwriters; also, the project involved elders of the University of the Third Age (NGO)
fabrizio bartoli

Muvizu | Animation software - 4 views

    "The easiest & fastest way to tell stories with animation. Muvizu's 3D animation software is a great way to exercise your imagination, engage your audience and even promote your business. Muvizu has everything you need to tell an animated story from drag and drop customizable characters and pre-built sets, to libr"
fabrizio bartoli

New to Scratch? | ScratchEd - 0 views

    New to Scratch? You're curious about computational creation, but not sure where to start. Begin here »
Luisella Mori

Online Video Editing for Schools (K-12) | WeVideo - 2 views

    Per fare video in modo collaborativo, ha anche una versione edu
fabrizio bartoli

Scratch - For Educators - 3 views

    Crea storie, giochi e animazioni Condividili con tutti, For Educators Scratch is designed with learning and education in mind. A wide variety of educators have been supporting Scratch creators since 2007, in both formal and informal learning environments - K-12 classroom teachers, educational and computer science researchers, librarians, museum educators, and parents. Cos'è ScratchEd? Partito nel Luglio 2009, ScratchEd è una comunità online dove coloro che insegnano Scratch possono condividere storie, scambiare risorse, fare domande e trovare altre persone con i loro stessi interessi. Dalla data di lancio, più di 7500 educatori provenienti da tutto il mondo si sono uniti alla comunità, condividendo centinaia di risorse e dando inizio a migliaia di discussioni. Unisciti gratuitamente alla comunità di ScratchEd sul sito Come posso imparare di più sui modi in cui gli educatori usano Scratch - e come posso usarlo? Non sei sicuro di cosa è possibile fare con Scratch? Leggi una storia su come gli educatori hanno inserito attività basate su Scratch in moltissimi ambienti diversi. O esplora le risorse suddivise per età, discipline e ambienti. Guarda webinars e rivedi documenti come la guida al curriculum Scratch. Oltre ad esplorare la comunità online di ScratchEd e le sue risorse, puoi discutere con il Team di ScratchEd e con gli altri educatori di Scratch anche grazie a Twitter, Facebook, Edmodo, a incontri settimanali e alla nostra newsletter trimestrale.
fabrizio bartoli

Odyssey.js - 1 views

    "A simple way for journalists, designers, and creators to weave interactive stories". 1. PICK A TEMPLATE Templates allow you to change the basic way your story will unfold. Designs include scrolling, slide based, and temporal based templates. You can also contribute your own. 2. CRAFT YOUR STORY The Odyssey Editor gives you an easy way to mix written narrative, multimedia, and map based interaction into a beautiful map driven story.
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