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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How to Find a Job Where You Can Work From Home | Next Avenue - 0 views

  • Here are four steps to find a work-from-home job that might be right for you:   First, learn about the at-home job market.
  • Next, determine your job-search goals.
  • Then, research companies that offer remote jobs.
    Post by sara Sutton Fell, February 2, 2015 on working from home. Good guidance on finding and applying for part-time and full-time jobs that are remote, telecommuting, home-based, distributed or "geographically neutral."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Tearing Down Business "Silos" by Carol Kinsey Goman: The Sideroad - 0 views

  • Create alignment.
  • Encourage networks.
  • Communicate transparently.
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  • Focus on innovation.
  • The organization disintegrates into a group of isolated camps, with little incentive to collaborate, share information, or team up to pursue critical outcomes. Various groups develop impervious boundaries, neutralizing the effectiveness of people who have to interact across them. Local leaders focus on serving their individual agendas - often at the expense of the goals of the rest of the organization. The resulting internal battles over authority, finances and resources destroy productivity, and jeopardize the achievement of corporate objectives. Talented (and frustrated) employees walk out the door - or worse yet, stay and simply stop caring.
  • Reward collaboration.
    Great article by Carol Kinsey Goman on the impact of business silos and how to tear them down. No date. Actions to take: Reward collaboration; focus on innovation; communicate transparently; encourage networks,create alignment, mix it up in teams; focus on the customer; get personal;
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

8 ways to spot a collaborative organisation - NixonMcInnes - 0 views

  • But whether or not they succeed will depend on the alignment of a very special trinity: leadership, culture and strategy. Collaborative organisations have leadership models that are open, conversational in style and flat. That’s certainly the style at Tangerine where everyone is a “leader” and everyone can expect to talk to anyone and be listened too.
  • These organisations also have cultures that are open, high on trust and low on fear of failure. The message isn’t: “What went wrong?” but “What did you learn?”. They have strategies that clearly articulate the benefits of new styles of working. And they create the structures that support, recognise and reward it.
  • Overall, there are eight ways to spot a collaborative organisation:   Leadership teams model collaborative behaviours Resources are devoted to developing and sustaining this way of working High levels of task interdependence The default setting is sharing information There are high levels of trust Conflict seen as part of the creative process – everyone understands and can deal with it The environment of the company and its technology support collaborative working People don’t have to talk about it – it’s just the way things get done
    blog post by Belinda Gannaway, NixonMcInnes, Creating Meaning in Business. 8 Ways to Spot a Collaborative Organization.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Career Coach: Collaboration among competitors can be useful - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • BMW and Toyota have collaborated in the area of sharing costs and knowledge for electric car battery research, despite the fact that both compete in the luxury car segment. In fact, they have a history of collaborating with each other.
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded a collaborative research consortium comprised of investigators around the world in order to speed up HIV vaccine development.
  • Be clear about what you are collaborating on. Set boundaries for collaboration at the beginning.Have a limited and well-defined purpose for the collaboration.Be clear about use and ownership of existing and jointly-created intellectual property.Depending on the situation, you may need to involve legal counsel. Collaborating with other firms, even competitors, may be what is needed to help both parties advance and improve. Be open to the possibilities, yet clear about the boundaries.
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  • The conference was organized around sharing best practices with universities around the world — that is, sharing best practices with our competitors. It’s amazing to hear specifics on what schools are doing to help executive MBA students through career services, tailored content or leadership skills training, among other things. What’s even more remarkable is that people genuinely share details about their programs in an effort to help other schools improve their programs.
    article by Joyce E. A. Russell, 10/28/2012, Capital Business, Wash Post on competitors collaborating.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The High Cost of Avoiding Conflict at Work - WSJ - 0 views

  • And with more businesses relying on teamwork, top managers' conflict-resolution skills are in greater demand
  • Southwest Airlines Co. leaders wanted to shake up what they viewed as a culture of "artificial harmony" among staffers.
  • It's not that firms want contentious leaders, but those who retreat from confrontation tend to postpone hard decisions and allow problems to fester, according to Ms. Glaser.
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  • Stay cool and do not take disagreements personally,
  • For managers who simply aren't open to outside input, coaches recommend listening with an open mind -- and empathy.
    article by Joann S. Lublin, February 14, 2014, with examples of executives who overcame their fear of conflict in the workplace.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 Important Reasons to Unplug and Find Space - 0 views

  • 1. Powering-down helps remove unhealthy feelings of jealousy, envy, and loneliness.
  • 3. Solitude is harder to find in an always-connected world.
  • 4. Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you.
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  • But no matter how much I interact with others through the miracle of technology, there is something entirely unique and fantastic about meeting face-to-face. The experience of looking another person in the eye without the filter of a screen changes everything. Each time, I am reminded that life’s most fulfilling relationships are the ones in the world right in front of me. And spending too much time looking away from them does a great disadvantage to my soul and theirs.
  • Take one extended break on a regular basis. I have found great value in choosing 40 days each year to power-down unnecessary apps (leaving only phone and text privileges on my phone). And I have completed the exercise each of the last two years. It has taught me about technology, relationships, and myself. Whether it be for one weekend, one week, or 40 days, there is great value in taking an intentional extended break from technology. Pick something. And get started right away. Your life is waiting.
    finding space offline
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Building a Nation that Values Diversity: Winners of "Canada's Best Diversity Employers"... - 0 views

  • People have different views of what diversity means in practical terms, but there's one thing everyone can agree on: making people from diverse backgrounds feel at home has become a value that runs deep in the fabric of Canadian society.
  • "Promoting diversity and inclusiveness is one of Canada's defining values,
  • inclusive workplaces for employees from five diverse groups: women; visible minorities; persons with disabilities; Aboriginal peoples; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) peoples.
    Nice article on "best diversity employers in Canada," top 100 employer winners of diversity inclusion awards, Mediacorp Canada, Inc.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Employee Training Isn't What It Used To Be - IBM - The Atlantic Sponsor Content - 0 views

  • In Axonify’s platform, assessment and training are directly tied together. Because many employees use Axonify regularly, the platform is able to constantly track employee knowledge and intelligently provide the information needed to close an employee’s individual knowledge gap, says Leaman. The app also leverages learning research to optimize retention by repeating the questions in specific time intervals. Even after an employee “graduates” out of a specific topic, the questions will still be revisited about seven months later to help lock in the knowledge.
  • Tin Can, on the other hand allows companies and employees to record more common learning events: attending a session at a conference, say, or researching and writing a company blog post. “Companies are starting to recognize how employees actually learn and allowing them to do it the way they wish to, rather than forcing them into a draconian system,” Martin says.
  • more open environments.
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  • integrated social collaboration tools into their talent management and learning system
  • IBM has found that employees learn and retain more when they’re working socially.
  • “The opportunity is not to use analytics to control but to give employees meaningful data about the way they’re operating within an organization so that they themselves can do things to improve their working lives and their performance,” he says.
    great article in the Atlantic on how employee training has evolved to include much more self-directed, outside-in kinds of learning
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Four Tips for Nonprofits to Stay Relevant in 2016 - 0 views

  • Will websites die in the next 10 years? No, websites are not at risk of being phased out, but of course they will evolve, function, and look different than they do today. Social media platforms and mobile will become even more prevalent (including ones that we don’t even know about yet) and nonprofit leaders must carve out time to understand these trends and act now to remain relevant with their base of supporters.
  • Make your website, signup forms, and donation forms mobile responsive.
  • Update Your Nonprofit’s Facebook page a few times a day.
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  • Build up your nonprofit’s leadership influence online.
  • The president of your organization may have clout in offline and influential circles including the White House, but online is an entirely different ball game. As more news breaks online, often on Twitter, you want your leadership to be the go-to source for reporters. Guess what? Reporters look for experts on Twitter. If your leadership has no active social media presence, reporters who need facts and interviews ASAP will quickly overlook your senior leadership. I've seen this happen many times. 
  • Test new platforms.
  • If your nonprofit hasn’t tested Medium, try it. It’s a strong community of thought leaders who write and share different perspectives from the arts to climate change.
  • Another app worth testing is Periscope, acquired by Twitter.
    Allyson Kapin writes about nonprofits taking advantage of online social media, December 31, 2015.  Includes new ones such as Medium, Periscope. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

6 Steps To Creating Learning Ecosystems (And Why You Should Bother) - 0 views

  • Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he’s not interested, it’s like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it eating.” – Katrina Gutleben
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  • We don’t learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey
  • This might include linking it to projects that participants care about; leading discussions that actually help address issues of concern; and using the platform to distribute key resources and information. Similarly, other events or tools can promote a social aspect
    guest post by Arun Pradhan for Learnnovators on learning ecosystems
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How we form habits, change existing ones -- ScienceDaily - 0 views

  • When our intentional mind is engaged, we act in ways that meet an outcome we desire and typically we're aware of our intentions. Intentions can change quickly because we can make conscious decisions about what we want to do in the future that may be different from the past. However, when the habitual mind is engaged, our habits function largely outside of awareness. We can't easily articulate how we do our habits or why we do them, and they change slowly through repeated experience. "Our minds don't always integrate in the best way possible. Even when you know the right answer, you can't make yourself change the habitual behavior," Wood says.
  • Forty percent of the time we're not thinking about what we're doing," Wood interjects. "Habits allow us to focus on other things…Willpower is a limited resource, and when it runs out you fall back on habits."
  • The second principle is remembering that repetition is key.
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  • there are three main principles to consider when effectively changing habitual behavior. First, you must derail existing habits and create a window of opportunity to act on new intentions.
  • Wendy Wood explains in her session at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention.
    From Science Daily on how we may form new habits, 8/8/2014, Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Keeping Introverts in Mind in Your Active Learning Classroom - 0 views

  • Often confused with shyness, introversion is an aspect of personality which affects how we engage in social activity and our preferences for learning.
  • ntroverts may prefer to work completely alone and discover their best ideas in solitude. They are likely to be comfortable in a lecture hall; listening and learning without the demands of engaging with others. But what we know about learning suggests that this passive mode of learning has its limitations, so many of us infuse our classrooms with more active learning strategies.
  • So how do we respect introverts’ needs amidst all of this active learning?
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  • An activity where students work with a partner is likely to fall within the comfort zone of even the most introverted student, and it still communicates that active participation is both an expectation and a benefit for learning.
  • With time to think, and an opportunity to try an idea out with a partner, some students will be more willing to share with the large group.
  • In small group discussions, introverts typically prefer to listen first, gather their thoughts before they speak, and may be gifted in synthesizing the ideas communicated by others.
  • create at least one personal contact for the introverted student
  • learning and assessment strategies
  • online discussion environment
  • Given some choice and input, students might choose to have their participation grade based on verbal contributions in class, written responses in an online discussion forum, or a series of journals or reflection papers.
  • develop the skills often identified by potential employers — teamwork, problem solving, and interpersonal communication.
  • balance and choice
    Really good articles that comes down to offering choice and balance to keep both introverts and extraverts learning and growing. Nicki Monahan, Faculty Focus, October 28th, 2013
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO BUILD WILLPOWER - Project Man Beyond - 0 views

  • Remember those moments when you just don’t feel like doing a task, but you know you have to?
  • Contrary to many Vince Lombardi-type motivations, willpower is more like an energy that can be depleted. Willpower is a finite resource. It works in cycles; it is something that you build on and know when to maximize.
  • As psychologist Roy Baumeister and science writer John Tierney pointed out in their Willpower book, it works a lot like a muscle. Like a muscle, it can get tired and need recovery.
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  • It also needs to be nourished. It is affected by a lot of factors such as stress, physical health, and nutrition. In other words, your “spirit can be willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.”
  • f there is no underlying passion and serious motivation behind a goal, temptations can easily power their way against you.
  • Starting is actually the secret to accomplishing a lot of things. Just by starting, somehow you are compelled to continue on. 
  • Find that breakthrough and learn why, at times, you may feel like it doesn’t matter.
    blog post from ProjectManBeyond, Self-Evolution for Men, posted 2/26/2016 with excellent ideas for growing willpower to do the things important to you. each essay offers a read time, ex. 7 minutes. By Mac Rivera, founder of a site for advanced self-development
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Habits: How They Form And How To Break Them : NPR - 0 views

  • His new book The Power of Habit explores the science behind why we do what we do — and how companies are now working to use our habit formations to sell and market products to us.
  • every habit starts with a psychological pattern called a "habit loop," which is a three-part process. First, there's a cue, or trigger,
  • third step, he says, is the reward: something that your brain likes that helps it remember the "habit loop" in the future.
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  • here's the routine,
  • "You'll put your shoes on in a different order without paying any attention to it," he says, "because once the cues change, patterns are broken up."
  • hat's when Proctor & Gamble reformulated Febreeze to include different scents. "As soon as they did that, people started using it at the end of their cleaning habits to make things smell as nice as they looked," he says. "And what they figured out is that people crave a nice smell when everything looks pretty. Now, no consumer would have said that. ... But companies can figure this out, and that's how they can make products work."
  • On breaking habits
  • On rewards
  • On spirituality and habits
    NPR interview with Charles Duhigg, on habits, 3/5/2012
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

2016 Predictions in Mobile Trending by | Digital Pivot - 0 views

  • 1. “Hybrid HTML5 development will gain enterprise momentum.”
  • 2. “Enterprise mobility will become more widely adopted. We will see more mobility and digitalization projects.”
  • 3. “A fragmented industry will continue to consolidate into fewer, better platforms.”
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  • international conference calling platforms, like UberConference, teaming up with businesses like Slack and HipChat, encouraging the collaboration while in conference with company decision makers. This will keep people connected at the same time and allow multitasking to take place more effectively in one centralized location.
  • On the go, customers are looking for speed, reliability, and control.
    article by Jessica N. Abraham-Hogan on trends in mobile app development by, a development platform. More mobility, speed, integration of tools, etc. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Slack Aims to Become a Control Panel for Your Job - The New York Times - 1 views

  • About two million people a day now use Slack, mainly to chat with others at work. On Tuesday, the company is unveiling a couple of initiatives that will add new capabilities to the system. The first is an app store that will let developers of business software more easily plug their programs into Slack. Together with its investors, the company is also creating an $80 million fund to invest in apps that can be integrated with Slack.
  • Atlassian makes HipChat, one of Slack’s chief rivals, which also offers integration with other applications.
  • In its first incarnation, the directory will feature 150 apps that are compatible with Slack, including programs from Google, Twitter, Dropbox and Box.
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  • “Slack is useful all by itself, but it’s much more useful if all these things are integrated with it,”
    How Slack will become a centralized integration point for many functions, NYT, Farhad Manjoo, Bits, December 15, 2015, making it more possible for workers to work remotely.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What HSN CEO Mindy Grossman told the Women's Forum of New York about the 'boys' club' i... - 0 views

  • HSN (NASDAQ: HSNI), a multichannel retailer in St. Petersburg, is the only company from the Tampa Bay area to hit the 40 percent level, according to a recent report from the advocacy group 2020 Women on Boards. Nationally, women hold 18.8 percent of board seats, while the percentage of board seats held by women at Tampa Bay’s largest public companies is 14.3 percent.
    HSN with Mindy Grossman's leadership has women as 40% of its board members. Tampa Bay Business Journal, November 30, 2015.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

There's a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration - 0 views

  • most managers are cooperative, friendly, and willing to share information — but what they lack is the ability and flexibility to align their goals and resources with others in real time. Sometimes this starts at the top of the organization when senior leaders don’t fully synchronize their strategies and performance measures with each other.
  • First, consider the goal you’re trying to achieve. Map out the end-to-end work that you think will be needed to get the outcome you want.
  • Second, convene a working session with all of the required collaborators from different areas of the company to review, revise, and make commitments to this collaboration contract.
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  • work through the plans, make adjustments, and find ways to share resources and align incentives.
  • cross-functional collaboration is easy to talk about but hard to do, particularly because we tend to get stuck in cooperating mode.
    article by Ron Ashkenas on difference between cooperation and collaboration and how to set up and negotiate successful collaborations, April 20, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Decades of Deadlock: Using Network Principles to Break Through | Stanford Social Innova... - 0 views

  • Learning the Network Principles
  • It required mission-driven leaders who put a premium on establishing and nurturing relationships based on trust, humility, and mutual benefit. It also required a radical change in rewards and affirmations from funders and boards. A new system, consistent with subordinating the organization’s brand to the common interest, became paramount.
  • common interest that placed the mission at the center
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  • We had to learn how to be a node rather than a hub.
  • Forging a Grand Bargain
    Seattle Housing Coalition's networking principles story, Marty Kooistra, October 14, 2015.   
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Most Impactful Leaders You've Never Heard Of | Stanford Social Innovation Review - 0 views

  • the single most important factor behind all successful collaborations is trust-based relationships among participants. Many collaborative efforts ultimately fail to reach their full potential because they lack a strong relational foundation.
  • Trust not control
  • network entrepreneurs focus on creating authentic relationships and building deep trust from the bottom up. This focus on relationship-building costs relatively little yet ultimately makes a tremendous difference in impact. Network entrepreneurs ensure that the power of others grows while their own power fades, thereby developing capacity in the field and a culture of distributed leadership that dramatically increases the collaboration’s efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.
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  • The Four Principles of Network Entrepreneurship
  • The new leaders at the heart of some of today’s most sophisticated, large-scale solutions to the world’s social problems—network entrepreneurs—are undoubtedly some of the most accomplished leaders that you’ve never heard of, and they are ensuring that systems-level, collaborative efforts not only succeed, but thrive. 
  • Humility not brand.
  • Node not hub.
  • Mission not organization.
    beginning series on network entrepreneurs who thrive, by Jane Wei-Skillern, David Ehrlichman, & David Sawyer, September 16, 2016.  How should WLS embrace these four principles operationally in the networks we participate in?   
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