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Considering Convergence: How VoIP Has Influenced the Hotel Industry: Part 1 - 15 views

  • having an IP telephone in a standard guest room is becoming the norm, rather than the exception
  • Today, let's focus on the hotel/hospitality market, and their shift away from traditional telephony. As with any new technology, some examples in the "market" are quicker to adopt new technology earlier than others. What drives this interest and migration to new technology? It's usually competition.
  • As these devices become cheaper, it's only practical for the hospitality industry to move away from traditional telephony. Analog telephony is becoming a liability. Maintaining thousands of feet of cable, supporting two cable plants (voice and data), is becoming a thing of the past.

Transforming Business with Mobile Payments - 12 views

  • Mobile systems are transforming the payment environment. According to investment bank Barclays Capital, U.S. mobile commerce sales--that is, purchases made on smartphones and tablets--hit $5.3 billion in 2011, up 83 percent from the year before. Generator Research, a consulting firm specializing in digital media, projects that by 2014, usage by consumers will grow 600 percent to 490 million worldwide.
    • Joe Cilli
      Interesting information. Keep in mind there is a high level of cannibalization in that mobile sales are increasing, but the bottom line is unchanged because in-store sales are decreasing. In short, the amount of transactions and dollar amount is roughly the same; it is, however, important to recognize the shift in consumer purchasing patterns.
    Great article on the rise of mobile payment systems and how businesses who in the past may have been cash only or otherwise are seeing increased sales as the ability to take credit card payments with little hardware and software infrastructure costs. Down the street from me is probably my favorite Rib joint in town, Uncle Rodney's House of Ribs is the name. I love that place, but rarely go because they are a cash only business due in large part to the fact that the owner does not wish to pay for wireless or otherwise internet related services to make his business able to accept credit cards. What are everyone's thought to the increased use of mobile payment systems for restaurants and other businesses?
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    I think mobile payment systems are great. I personally have not used them very much but I think they would be very handy at events. I am a Timberwolves season ticket holder and my seats are close to the court where a serving staff is able to get food and beverages for you. Fans are able to pay with credit cards but the server has to take your card to the back area to ring everything up. If the servers were able to carry mobile credit card readers they would be able to speed up transactions and take more orders. It would be a benefit to everyone - the team would be able to sell more items, the servers would make more tips, and the fans would be more satisfied. If someone wanted to keep an open tab until the end of the game I'm sure there could be an app for adding items to a specific seat location instead of doing multiple credit card transactions. I'm sure mobile payment devices are being used by staff at many events and I'm a little surprised it hasn't made it's way into the Target Center yet.
    That is an interesting artivle talking about the mobile payment that i have not seen in my life. If i was a owner of a store or a restaurant, i would like to try this technology that help to save my money and increase my businesses. On the other hand, as a customer who is asked to pay in this way, i would worry about the security problem because i dont know how it works.
    It sounds great. I think it is convenience, cause I can pay by my phone whenever I need. But maybe the biggest problem is the security. How to guarantee it, we always use mobile connect ing internet which increase the danger coefficient.
    I like this idea of mobile payments. It saves business people time and money which they were supposed to spend on the traditional way of credit card payment. It turns out more likely to be a self-monitored business transaction way. However, before signing the contract, the business owner should consider the security level of this payment method from the customers's standpoint. I'm pretty sure that some customers may feel weird and unsecured when they swipe their card on a mobile device.
    This is a fascinating article. On one hand I can absolutely see the benefits for a mobile business or a business that increases it's sales by accepting mobile payments. It also seems that security would be increased for the merchant as there is not much cash available on hand for petty thieves. The crooks of the future will need to be technologically sophisticated. The increased use of smart phones has greatly increased my small business as many of my customers make their purchases through their smart phones. My personal concern is that our country will see an increase in debt and over spending as purchasing with your credit card account becomes even easier. Will it even be possible to pay with cash in the future or will it all be electronic? Also, what happens if your cell phone is stolen and all of your financial world is on there. Do these scanning systems have much security if there is not a credit card to verify a signature against? Is everything stored in cyber space where the phone thief cannot reach it without expensive technical knowledge?
    While a few hundred years ago a life of an average person in a small town could consist of two or three events as a war in his country, governor's marriage and a crime in the neighborhood. In today's world the same as centuries ago every moment is full of things which happen somewhere but now we have a unique opportunity to know about them almost few seconds after they happen. Technology can make a huge difference in a small business when an employer finds a right time to use innovation, as Miki Nishihata and Joey Garza did. Their companies got an advantages of using card readers. Mobile systems are transforming the environment of sales and payment processing. A thing which simplifies the prosess of transaction is a benefit because a lot of consumers prefer FAST and EASY shopping when every minute may cost. Assuming all this information a Square company was created by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and glass artisan Jim McKelvey. Nowadays almost everybody has a mobile phone and credit card and combining those two things with an innovative technologies of online sales is a fantastic invention!
    This is an interesting article, and it is quite amazing to see how the way of payment is drastically shifting with new technological devices such as smartphones, card readers. Just a couple of years ago, if I wanted to buy something online, I had to start my computer then go on whatever website I bought something from which took some time. Now, however, I don't even have to turn on my computer to purchase something on the web because I can buy many things through my smartphone whenever and wherever I want. It is a lot easier and faster than what it used to be.
    Spasibo bolshoe za interesting article! Ona mne ochen pomozhet v moem research!

Point of Sale Technology: New Developments - 1 views

  • help busy hotel staff use this new technology via a browser on any mobile device as well as the traditional POS interface. This means whilst they are on the move – or even away from the business – they can still keep on top of sales, bookings figures and cash management through Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • This NFC technology allows consumers to use mobile devices to process all their transactions, for instance by swiping their smartphone across a special kiosk at the counter, with all the information sent to a central processing system for payment
    From this article,I think it is amazing to have such revolution of POS system. First of all, POS system itself is wonderful for the hoteliers all these years. The latest i-trends and NFC put it much further step to not only free the employees,but also bring efficiency to the customers. It is said that "the point of sale on the move" which free the employee to use the mobile device to control everything it matters of the business. It makes hoteliers more flexiable and at the meanwhile, it provides quantity information. The other innovation here is that there is one IPAD POS kiosk which allows self-service card swiping system so the customers can complete their own transaction. Though this technology is the only IPad enclosure, it help eliminate theft and tampering. Then ,when the growing trend of Near Field Communication comes, it free the customers another further step to eliminate the necessity to carry money/credit cards to pay their bills. This technology is also come with the smartphone by just swiping the mobile device across a special kiosk at the counter, and the payment is done quickly. This technology also developed another growing technology "RFID" card readers. Another name for the NFC is the digital wallet means that a customer's device can store all their bank account details and credit card information with no need for a real wallet. That's amazing for the people who are not good at financing. This technology can really impact the hotel market and bring the competitive advantages for the hotels. It's a new trend for the hotel to update themselves to level-up. This trend is also fit the market nowadays, the consumer is more and more younger, they curious about the high-tech things, the success of Apple proves this trend. In order to meet with the customer needs in current hotel industry, this technology is worth to have a try.
    This article talks about the importance of POS systems in the hospitality industry and the new technological trends that are affecting it. POS systems are extremely important to hoteliers primarily to keep track of sales and bookings. With recent technological developments though, POS systems have revolutionized that hospitality industry by increase efficiency and production. The newest trend in these accounting and POS systems are cloud-based technologies. I believe this type of technology will allow for busy hotel managers to track all accounting information through either a smart phone, PC, or even tablet. This type of technology, as stated in the article, would allow for managers to keep track of sales data and profits even when they are away from the office. All in all, I believe this is a very helpful technology for hotel operations and will benefit the industry in the long run.
    Allow the customers to to use smartphone across a special kiosk at the counter to pay may benefit restaurants a lot. It may reduce the stress of the servers in the peak time. Customers no longer waiting a long time for the servers to get their bill, they can pay by themselves through mobile devices. Moreover, the customers do not need to bring their wallets to the restaurants which may improve the security of the restaurant environment.

The Rise of Cyber Theft - Subway Loses Millions - 8 views

    A relatively unsophisticated group of hackers stole millions from Subway by hacking through their poorly secured POS systems. These franchise businesses possibly failed to adhere to the standard required by Subway Corporation and failed to establish two points of entry for remote access into the POS system, making it easy for hackers to steal credit card information. These types of crimes are likely to increase in the future as hackers from around the world take advantage of sub-par security systems. Businesses can no longer concern themselves only with the sale of an item, they also need to offer a sense of security to their customers and accept the reality that cyber theft is a rising problem.
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    I definitely agree that businesses need to accept the fact that cyber theft is a rising problem. Cyber theft is so common, we now have to guard and protect our computers with various anti-virus protection; which serves no purpose to a very professional hacker. The fact that a company like Subway experience losses through poorly secured systems, say a lot about their management in regards to protecting their brand and their customers. It's very mind blowing to think that the Subway corporation was just focusing their attention in what they view as important. This is just another wake up call and alert to everyone, who seems to layout their information carelessly. I also hope that Subway refocus themselves in regards to this matter.
    I have seen a few restaurants more so lately place messaging on the registers or pos system stating that their wireless networks are in fact secure by outside firms or services. With the rise of cyber theft and the increasing awareness about its effect, especially at the small business level, I thought it was a saavy move by this restaurant to assure its customers that at the very least they take the issue seriously. I personally know that no system is 100% safe, but as a consumer it means alot to me knowing they have that proactive approach.
    It seems everybody should check their online accounts frequently=_=
    Jeremy, I can appreciate the transparency of those restaurants. I wish more businesses would be open about their security. People are wound pretty tight about money right now and need to feel that the business world does care enough to protect their information.

KLM Announces "Social Seating" with Facebook Data: Brilliant Idea or Nightmare? - 4 views

    Would you pick your seat based on an app for your next plane ride? Well on KLM you can and Virgin is working on one too. Personally I use that time to relax but if I could use it to avoid an avid stamp collecting chatter box it would be worth it. There may be a small fee and possible sell of personal information to marketers but on a long haul flight sitting next to a like-minded individual might make all the difference in a good vs awkward ride. Very neat! Unfortunately, the fun and celebrations of the Christmas season are often dampened by the stressful experience of holiday air travel. ...
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    WOW..That is a very interesting article. The "social seating" is a creative techonology with a great wish. But I think it is not a easy job to solve and avoid the negatives of this program. The article said the program is meant to align people of certain interests and is not meant to be a type of on-board dating service. No...No matter how many times the company emphasizes that the program is not on-board dating service, it would turn into a dating model.
    This seems like an idea that would be very popular, particularly with those who are addicted to facebook. I think it's creative and interesting in concept but I don't think I would even use it if it were free. I am pretty tall so getting an aisle or exit row seat is more important to me than who I sit by. Even if I travel with family or friends, I prefer to listen to music or catch up on reading when I fly. This is a pretty cool idea, but it's not for me.
    I agree with you Carl, great idea but not for me. I'd prefer physical comfort over social activity when it comes to flying. If you are the social butterfly who uses Facebook on a regular basis you are probably likely to introduce yourself to your seat mate anyways and strike up conversation. I like the mystery. However, crying babies are never fun so I can see how some people may use this to benefit their sanity.
    Hate to say it but I would pick either a short quiet bookish seat mate for silent comfort or a hot single well traveled man if I was feeling talkative. You're right Yonghe it would turn into a potential singles app.
    I feel that an app that uses information from social media may be too personal for most. However I do see an opportunity from this idea. Airlines may consider adding an option for their passengers to select if they are travelling for business or pleasure. They could assign seat depending on the purpose of the passengers trip.
    To tell the truth, I will try it if it is free to choose people around you. But on the other hand, I think it is hard to implement this system.....

The Rewards for Restaurants Going Green - 8 views

  • Research shows that going green is paying off for restaurants
  • Customers prefer dining green
  • Reduce your restaurants’ environmental footprint.
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  • Immediate and long term savings
  • Attract employees.
  • A number-one reason people don’t return to a restaurant is a “perceived attitude of indifference on the part of the employee,” reports the Hospitality Times Group5
    • wenzheng guo
      1.The easiest and the most costless way for Green--by the local food. 2.It is critical that all employees hold support on Green ideas. It inflences customers and makes them accept the way of Green food
    Americans eat out at restaurants almost as much as they eat at their own houses. Customers would prefer to eat at a certified green restaurant than one that is not. Americans do care about the environment and want to do things that can help it survive longer. For restaurant the Green Restaurant Association has steps to help you make the changes necessary to become green certified. Some little things that can be changed immediately are using recycled paper products or purchasing locally grown foods. There are immediate and long term savings that are a positive to this as well. Some of these include: installing an energy efficient lighting system, and fixing gaps in any doorways to prevent air from leaking out making the system run harder to produce the air.
    The easiest and the most costless way for Green--by the local food.

IPads Change Economics, and Speed, of Hotel Wi-Fi-On the Road - - 3 views

  • broad use of iPads and other mobile tablets, which are heavy users of video streaming, the guest room Wi-Fi networks that most hotels thought they had brought up to standard just a few years ago are now often groaning under user demands
  • Hotels, he said, now must choose “either to not increase the amount of bandwidth, so everybody will get much slower service to the point where you’ll think you’re on a dial-up connection,” or upgrade and essentially put in a metered fee-based system.
    Ipads changing our life is absolute. In fact, if there is no ipad, something electronic products can also bring revolution in hotel Wi-Fi networks. To tell the truth, free hotel Wi-Fi is too slow.....last year, I had a internship in Holiday Inn Central Plaza Beijing. There had two kinds of Wi-Fi networks. Free network was cover the whole hotel but the speed was slow. The other that must be paid was faster. Some people had video session prefered the faster one. In addtion, hotels should upload their Wi-Fi networks. It can be an attraction of the hotels.
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    I've encountered this issue at numerous hotels in my travels. I would be up for paying an increased fee for better wi-fi if I had assurances that that was indeed what I was getting. I think that is the direction most properties will end up going as more people invest in data heavy machines such as tablet pc's, macbook air's and similar products. When I travel I need wi-fi access in my room as well as the conference or meeting rooms, and its hit or miss most times. You would think that they would have an idea of what level of bandwith is needed for 200+ internet marketing professionals but often times that is not the case. I am looking to invest in mobile hotspots such as mi-fi's or similar services provided by AT&T or Verizon, as the convenience of knowing there is a connection I can trust is well worth the investment.
    All I want to say is that...every innovation or something new to use must go through so many tests! I post my bookmark about 5 hours ago,but it didn't work! Until now, after so many times I tried, it suddenly appears and I do not know why... besides, about the Ipad, nowadays is an information era, we obtain and use information during our daily life, some free wi-fi is really helpful for us. I used to connect the internet with lines. If more computers want to go to the internet, it must be use the route, it is so inconvenience..however wi-fi makes us to use the internet wherever we want.
    For a hotel the WiFi system is really important because guests prefer the hotel with WiFi system. The guests even willing to pay a small premium to stay at a WiFi equipped lodgings. As the rise of smart phones and ultra-lightweight laptops case the bandwidth problems. I think the hotel can deal with this problems by create various account levels for guests, stuff and visitors. The hotel can allow the visitors to use free WiFi and provide high level account to overnight guests.
    I personally prefer to use WIFI in my own room when I visit a hotel because I have more privacy. Some hotels they may offer free/complimentary WIFI in the public area, for example, the lobby, the lounge, etc. At the same time, to limit the overuse of public WIFI, the WIFI in the guests' room are charged by different time period and the length of using the WIFI. It seems to be not fair to those business people who require internet all day long. However, it lowers the expense of the WIFI service and improves the guests' satisfaction of the internet service.

Google Hotel Finder revisited - 7 views

    This is an interesting article about Google, who is quickly becoming a big name player in just about every business segment out there. The article addresses Googles new search tool called Hotel Finder, which is still in testing phases. This tool is designed to make it easier for users to find, compare, and book hotels, by drawing on a map around an area they want to stay in a certain location or city and it lists the hotels in the search area, with prices, availability, star rating's and reviews. In addition it lets you filter the results by price, price compared to usual, Hotel class, and user reviews, and allows the user to book directly through the hotel or through an intermediary site with a click of a button. This article also talks about a possible downside to Googles new service in the online travel agency segment. The article explains how some are concerned, because Google is placing comparison ads in premium space on top of the Google search results for hotels, which when clicked by a user takes the them to the full Google site and pushes OTA sites like Expedia,, and Orbitz and hotel websites farther down the search results list, which is making them pay more for premium Comparison Ads. Also the OTA's are concerned about how the Price Per Click may go up, making the OTA's pay more to Google. I went on and played around with Hotel Finder, and I have to say it is very easy to use, and allows you to really customize your experience and pick exactly where you want to stay.;l=miami+florida;d=2012-01-22;n=1;v=l;r=0;s=m;fv=
    I love the part of the Google Hotel Finder about the comparison ads that help me know how much I would pay if I book the same hotel from other websites by only visiting one Google Hotel Finder website. I hate to search the same hotel on different websites to choose the best price. It costs me much time to make a plan of travel. The page of Hotel Finder is clear and easy to understand how to use it. All results of hotels would be sorted by price and I could get best price fast. Yesterday was my first time to use Hotel Finder and I used it just like I already knew how to use. I don't need to spend much time to study the search website and the page has several recommended words to help me get what I want.

Will Intel and Microsoft Use Netbook Lessons to Compete with iPad? - 4 views

    Facts show that when your product is more expensive than competition it limits sales and as the article shows it aided ipad to have higher sale rates Intels atom processor and Microsoft's Windows 7 Starter Edition operating system found a way to tender a distinguished product that could justify lower expenses to help create further market share. If Microsoft and Intel learned from their occurrence with net book, the prospect of lower costs could let them compete based on price. Microsoft still has the possibility of succeeding along side Windows 8 tablets and that is by leaving Intel out, and instead run on ARM based hardware which is less expensive.
    Overall some ways that Microsoft can win against Ipad besides prices is functionality. If Windows 8 desktop or intel tablet improved by ensure ample app offerings, watched quality control, and figuring out how users with a full version of Microsoft Office are able to work together with users packing ARM-powered tablets and their less-capable Microsoft's productivity tools.

How to Negotiate with a Hotel - 7 views

  • Depending on an event planner's circumstances, these tips will help achieve some measure of savings with guest rooms, meeting services, and catering.
    Event planners has to negotiate with hotel sales to lower some of the expenses.  This article speaks of ways to save money which is by hosting most of your  events at the same property throughout the years; this will get clients to  return. Hotel sales manager should discount guest rooms offer because they offer  great profit margin than any other event service. Sales planners should compare  prices and try to secure the best price.  It's best to try and negotiate food  and beverage requirements because hotel managers and event planners will always  try to keep their guests happy. Negotiate the audio and visual expense by asking  for discounts and expenses to be waived if possible. Also be flexible on time,  space and dates. 

Hotel Computer System Virus Being Sold On Black Market, Steals Your Credit Card Info - 7 views

  • Hotel payment systems is many cases are not built to withstand attacks from outside forces
  • in fact according to a recent report many hotel computers are not even equipped with the most basic of virus protections,
  • hackers recently have begun to target hotel payment systems with a trojan program
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  • Hotel booking systems that take your money upfront are most recommended since they then provide the hotel with a payment card instead of using your own identification.
    • Joe Cilli
      I'm not sure if this is a legitimate news article. The page that is reporting it is littered with blocked URL's, there is no mention of actual hotels effected, and the one company mentioned (Trustee) has no reference to this on their site.
    Identity theft in hotels is now running wild in the black market.The hotel trojan is being sold in the underground for $280 dollars.Its bad enough these cruel people have the conscious to commit the crime themselves but then to pass along the tools so others can indulge in the caos is just wrong. The program takes screenshots from point of sale applications as credit card and other personal information is being uploaded. Its scary to say that your personal identity isn't even safe when you are booking a hotel room as a walk in guest, word to the wise use your phone to check in the next time you find yourself needing a hotel room with out a reservation.
    This is a pretty scary situation however identity theft has become more amplified with the inclusion of the Internet in hotel and business industries.

Your Mobile Phone As A Door Key | Fast Company - 3 views

  • But Samsung's system actually teaches us a whole lot more about the future of smartphone "keys." Once inside the room, the same phone can be used to order room and laundry service, book other hotel facilities, and act as an in-room phone extension. Because of the Olympics tie-in, the special app also gives localized content to the hotel guest, and Olympic Games information including results. It can also control the hotel room TVs, lighting and AC and other in-room electronics. And it can provide "location based offers."
    This article describe a new smartphone app based on Android system in Samsung phone. At the first, this article introduce the long history about the room key development. It points out that the physical keys always have a problem that key itself can be stolen, and thus used by someone who doesn't have access privileges. Then the article introduce the  new Samsung's system. What amazing me is the phone is not only can be used as a door key but also a control center in guests' hand. "Once inside the room, the same phone can be used to order room and laundry service, book other hotel facilities, and act as an in-room phone extension. " The app has powerful features and I thought it will become a trend in the future.
    Jingjia...this is a great article. I agree with you, I am impressed with the functionality of the phone application and how it works. It eliminates the middle man and any room for human error. I wonder how much more we can do with our phones. On this article listed below, it talks about how you can start a car directly from your IPhone ( Soon, we will be able to do many things with simply the touch of a button.

What is a Hotel Management System? - 3 views

  • Technology is making deep inroads into the hospitality industry, and hotels across the world are looking to use technology to make operation smooth and efficient
  • These are also popularly known as Property Management System (PMS), and Hotel ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – if you are looking at a larger, more comprehensive management system.
  • came up with the term ERP to denote enterprise management software which automates a large number of business function such as human resource, finance, accounting, supply chain management etc.
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  • many hospitality properties especially those that are growing chains or planning a global presence, have upgraded from smaller, simpler property management systems to the larger hotel ERP.
  • A hotel is a hive of numerous operations such as front office, booking and reservation, banquet, finance, HR, inventory, material management, quality management, security, energy management, housekeeping, CRM
  • With growing competition in the industry it’s important for a hotel to understand the needs of their guest,
  • what guests demand for most
  • A property management system (PMS) usually consists of front office software and other best of breed solutions. The PMS served hotels well for a reasonable among of time until now, when hotel operations have grown in complexity.
  • As complexity of hotel operations increases, a PMS is woefully inadequate and often results in integration issues to
  • Things are different for an ERP which is usually a comprehensive solution from a single vendor. Although the concept of an ERP in the hospitality industry is still new, it offers numerous advantages in terms of smooth seamless use of technology, greater automation, greater visibility into hotel operations, optimized use of manpower, reduced revenue leakages and higher resultant profits.
  • When a hotel is looking to upgrade their software the natural question that comes to mind is which Hotel Management System should I choose?
  • Make a list of the features you are looking for. One of the main deliverables of a hotel ERP is its business intelligence. Does the ERP you are evaluating give you a bunch of in-depth reports that assist decision making?
  • Always check if the hotel ERP provider has been in the business for a considerable amount of time, has tested the solution across market segment and geographies if possible. A hotel cannot afford downtime, and so ensure your ERP provider also delivers high quality customer support
    The article I read was called, "What is a Hotel Management System?" In the article it states that in the early 90s Gartner came up with the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) that automates a large number of business functions such as finance, accounting, and human resource. "A hotel is a hive of numerous operations such as front office, booking and reservation, banquet, finance, HR, inventory, material management, quality management, security, energy management, housekeeping." All of these activities need to be taken care of at hotels and doing so can sometimes be a lot of work. This led to the introduction of property management systems, an automated software which can optimize hotel operations and keep a tight control on costs. It important for hotels to understand the needs of their guests, if they want them to come back to their hotel, they need to know what they like and dislike. Using the PMS it allows them to make a profile of each guest and they write in if they want a beach view room or if they want a mini bar in their room. There is a difference when it comes to PMS and ERP. "A property management system usually consists of front office software and other best of breed solutions." The ERP, is usually a comprehensive solution from a single vendor. I really enjoyed reading this article and it helped me get a better grasp on how hotels use property management systems.
    I completely agree that technology is making deep inroads into the hospitality industry, and hotels across the world are looking to use technology to make operation smooth and efficient. Any operating system that can help optimize the hotel experience is going prosper in their business.
    I didn't really care for the passage that talked about PMS vs ERP, I though they could have been more specific... they just said ERP is better, could someone provide an example? Also, they mentioned how when a hotel becomes more complex problems arise in the PMS, how? All the hotel would have to do is come up with another PMS system that would provide them with greater resources, etc whats the problem??

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Unveils New Website and Inaugural Luxury Trend Report - 6 views

    • Charlie Barrett
      This article talks about the inceasing use of technology in all aspects of hotel marketing, interaction and booking. There is a trend moving all business towards social marketing and social media. The Four Seasons has created a new website that caters to the new tech savy travelor. This new site is fully compatible with all tablets and smartphones. It allows the travelor to create a profile giving the guest a more personalized experience by anticipating guest wants and needs. The article also identifies the emergence of "The Luxury Trend Report." This report, generated through online research has identified growing technological trends in the market. Two of these trends are the rise of E-commerce and the increased use of iPads. The article clearly shows that the movement toward better hospitality technology is essencial for a brand to compete in this new age.
  • The new offers an immersive and user-friendly experience, combined with rich global content, impactful design and social media integration.
  • The new Four Seasons website was thoughtfully designed in the same vein, to deliver an immersive and effortless experience tailored to every user.
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  • On the go – Fully optimized for mobile devices and tablets.
  • Access to reviews – Each of the 80-plus property pages feature user generated content direct from Twitter, Facebook and TripAdvisor.
  • Personalization – After setting up a profile and indicating personal interests, related content and recommendations from Four Seasons will become available on a guest's next visit and over time, delivering a completely personalized experience.
  • Extensive research around digital consumption of luxury consumers, both in the travel sector and across other categories, was conducted for the development of the new website. In addition, Four Seasons held focus groups globally to better understand guest and travel partner needs
  • The inaugural Luxury Trend Report highlights what we have learned about guest expectations in terms of high-tech balanced with high-touch, how they use social media to engage with brands, and other valuable information."
  • Branding moves to the social sphere. Seventy-eight percent of the affluent participate in social networking sites, with more than half using social media to connect with a brand. Four Seasons brings digital media to the forefront of marketing efforts to suit the ways guests communicate.
  • E-commerce is king. The luxury consumer is increasingly going online to research and make purchases. Four Seasons online bookings rose 10 percent from 2010 to 2011. The rise of the iPad. One-third of wealthy consumers own a tablet or e-Reader. Four Seasons revenue generated from the iPad and other tablets has grown 200 percent from 2010 to 2011. This number is predicted to grow significantly in 2012.

The 5 Most Important Requirements for Successful Staff Tech Training - 6 views

    These five requirements are basic for staff tech training. I think the last one is more important than other four. Trainers must have experience in hospitality industry before, then they can understand what tech knowledge they can teach and train others.
    In the staff tech training, the trainer plays a very important role. I think the basic factor is the trainer should have rich knowledge about the new technology and the working experience in the hotel. The most important factor in my mind is trainer should know how to adapt the technology to the hotel. The new technology can't be used by every hotel, so the trainer should know which technology can bring more benefit to the hotel.
    Agreed, the training typically is better for the users if they have a trainer that can relate to their specific needs. I also think #3 is of great importance as workers often times get so used to working with a previous system, they are opposed to a new one simply because of how unaware they maybe of how the new system will increase productivity and make their workday easier.

Mobile Key by OpenWays Named 'Top Innovation' by Lodging Magazine - 7 views

  • Mobile Key by OpenWays was hailed for its ability to "allow hotel guests to use their mobile phone if they want to bypass the front desk check-in procedure and get straight into their rooms.
    This article basically talks about a front-desk bypass solution that allows guests to head straight to their room without standing in lines to obtain a plastic room key as long as a guest has a mobile phone.  To sum up the article, mobile key by Open ways is compatible with any cell phone, as all of the 6+ billion mobile devices in the world. It simplifies hotel Master Key management by harnessing mobile technologies to make all locks 'on line' without the costly infrastructure. It also enhances a hotel's sustainability program because the Mobile key is made only of data and not plastic. Moreover, hotels can eliminate costs originally spent on toxic plastic key cards. It is a creative way to move the technology of mobile keys forward, giving hotels an added dimension to guest satisfaction and a new means of attracting the ever-important business traveler. In my opinion, this solution could be beneficial to hotels' revenue since the system is compatible with not only smartphones but also all kinds of cell phone. It works with all major lock technologies and relies on a combination of text messages and its Crypto Acoustic Credential (CAC) technology. The only modification required to a lock for it to work is the addition of a decoding listening device. I think this is a great convenience for both the hotel management and consumers. Furthermore, there might be a good marketing opportunity here modifying the system to pop up a special offer on a phone once the rock has been deactivated. For example, a free dink at the hotel bar, or a half price meal at the hotel restaurant.
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    Cool article Sungoo. I love the concept. I feel like this solution is a win for everyone involved. As a guest in a hotel, I like it because it's one less thing I have to carry around and worry about. As a front desk worker, I'm happy because I have less customers to deal with and the lines at the desk are shorter so (theoretically) the guests I do have to interact with will likely be in a better mood. As hotel management I like it because in addition to the cost savings you mentioned, it helps with security. Anyone can have a room card but I know exactly who is in the hotel due to their phones.
    Mobile Key by OpenWays allows hotel guests to bypass the front desk and go straight to their room upon arrival by simply using their cell phone as a room key. Many people do not want to wait in line at the front desk merely to get a plastic key card for their room. As long as the guest has a cell phone and the hotel is equipped with OpenWays they can get secure access to their rooms. Mobile Key by OpenWays is also very beneficial to the hotel as well. Since Mobile Key is only made of data, it cuts the hotel's costs of making room keys out of toxic plastic for guests as well as master keys for employees. The hotel is now "greener," saving money, and improving customer service. With technology growing and customers relying more and more on mobile technology while travelling, Mobile Key creates an easier and more enjoyable way to travel.
    In my personal opinion, I love this renovation on mobile key. I don't like to wait a long time for check-in. With the Mobile Key, guests don't have to carry their room key anywhere anytime and if they leave it in the room, they have to wait a long time in the line to the front desk to ask for another one. My favorite part of the Mobile key is that this technology is green. Even though current room keys that used by most hotels made of plastic are reused and recycling, the plastic itself is a material that would pollute the environment. But I still have a question about it that how about guests lose their cell phone during their stay. Does the hotel have a plan B for helping guests to open doors without the plastic key?

11 Ways Mobile Technology Could Change Hotel Experience - 7 views

  • It is opening a variety of delivery mechanisms for personal guest services that are affordable, efficient and easy to use.
  • Hotel Room Keys - Technologies already exist that allow guests to safely use their mobile device as a room key by sending an encrypted signal to the guest's cell phone that is unique to each user.
  • Room Service – With the use of apps, you won't be tethered to your room in order to get room service
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  • Thermostats, Light Switches and more – All-in-one systems already exist, allowing guests to have central control of media, lighting, temperatures and more
  • Loss of revenue from one mobile device inspired change might lead to new and creative ways to reach the hotel's bottom line because of another change
    Great article summarizing various elements a mobile device can be used for in a hotel. Mobile devices are becoming a priority in younger generations & are often used not just for phone calls, but also text messaging, web searching & games. It's no surprise they are now being used to check in at hotels, pay bills & order room service. Cell phones provide guests a unique customer service that is inexpensive, quick & simple to use. Using mobile devices as room keys is an example that will save the hotel money in not having to purchase thousands of room keys & having to deal with replacement cards for guests. There are several benefits to utilizing mobile devices in the hospitality industry, but there are also drawbacks. Guests may choose to play games on their phone or watch movies on their phone's screens instead of paying to watch a movie on the hotel's television or attending activities offered by staff. This reduces the face-to-face customer service that many hotels are recognized for. It may take away from the hotel's superior guest service if a request does not go through the mobile device or it malfunctions when a guest is trying to enter their room. Whether or not hotel managers like it, mobile devices are becoming popular among guests & should be implemented.
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    Great article, and it will be interesting to see how over time, the industry evolves to adapt mobile technology on property. While it creates opportunities for hotels and guests respectively it will also create opportunities for hackers and those who have malicious intent with the sensitive types of data. As soon as hotels figure out ways to make this work, hackers will figure out ways to crack the system. I think the industry would have to work with cell phone network providers as well as hardware providers to ensure that these devices and transactions can remain secure.
    This article discusses how technology is changing the experience you have while staying at a hotel, by making it much easier for the guest. The article specifically address 11 areas in which technology is changing the whole experience. First is a mobile wallet, which will make paying the bill a breeze, by wirelessly sending credit card information directly to the hotels computer. Next, how about using your smart phone as a room key, as well as using it as the in room phone, connecting you to the front desk anytime any place. Or using it to order room service, and having it delivered to you anywhere on the property by using your phones location services. Next the article discusses virtual concierge desk, which can be scattered around the property, making it easy to make dinner reservations without having to wait in line. And the last main points that are discussed are controlling the temperature, lighting, and in room entertainment from an app on your smart phone, letting you turn off and on lights from bed, and changing the temperature before you even get back to the room. And one day when you forget your smart phones power cord and think your taking a step back in time, because you cant use any of the new technology, no worries their will be one in the room.
    Mobile technology is constantly changing the way we do everything. Smart mobile devices dictate how we live our lives and how we travel. Here is a sampling of eleven items that may be drastically different in some hotels of the near future: 1. Currency 2. Hotel Room Keys 3. In-Room Phone 4. Concierge Desk 5. Room Service 6. Front Desk Attendant 7. Printed Hotel Promotional Material 8. Alarm Clocks 9. In-Room Entertainment 10. Thermostats, Light Switches and more 11. Power Cords

Siri the mobile travel agent [VIDEO] | Tnooz - 2 views

    Great article about the use of Siri, Apple's voice activated virtual assistant, and the use of voice activated travel search. The video demonstrated by the CEO of Bonvoy Group travel demonstrates voice activated flight status searches as well as searching of future flights to which the Bonvoy systems emails you the results based on your search. The potential for voice activated flight is enormous and it will be interesting to see if other travel OTA sites such as Travelocity,, Orbitz etc, adopt similar uses of this technology. I can see the use of this on hotel booking sites either via thrid party as well as direct through the hotel. Also sites like Open Table make use of Siri for voice activated reservation. With Siri still in its "beta" phase, the opportunity for developers and the travel industry to build apps like these is very good.
    I posted this article on Scoop.It. This is more evidence of the push towards mobile computing. It begs the question, when will we begin to see this adversely effect PC sales?

Accounting technolog Used in the Hotel Industry | - 5 views

  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Hotels can decide to purchase accounting software dedicated solely to one function or can invest in enterprise software. Some chains have opted to outsource their accounting operations to major computer companies and accounting firms.
  • The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
    • Juan Du
      Hotel managers are often faced a lot of problem to deal with the accounting system. Now hotel manager can manage all of the accounting responsibilities by use hotel accounting technology. Using Web-based hotel accounting software can save your business money . The functions covered in all of the accounting systems.
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  • Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs.
  • Hotel managers are often faced with the challenge to propose and procure the appropriate technology and software to run their operations.
  • This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Decision Criteria Used in Selection Process: Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operations
  • Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability.
  • Functions covered in accounting software programs include: --Accounts payable --Accounts receivable --Budgeting --Cash management --General ledger --Sales analysis --Payroll --Procurement --Order entry --Fixed assets --Inventory management
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry.
  • This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs.
  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Accounting software is used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions.
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Careful consideration of the purpose, functionality and desired results from accounting software must be taken prior to selection and purchase.
  •    This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Careful consideration of the purpose, functionality and desired results from accounting software must be taken prior to selection and purchase
  • How to Select Hotel Accounting Software:     Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs
  • Decision Criteria Used in Selection Process: Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operations
  • Accounting software incorporates the widely used Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and focuses on key measures unique to the hotel industry, such as revenue per room (RevPar)
  • Accounting software encompasses multiple functions of a hotel's operations, ranging from data mining to running financial reports.  Functions covered in accounting software programs include: --Accounts payable --Accounts receivable --Budgeting --Cash management --General ledger --Sales analysis --Payroll --Procurement --Order entry --Fixed assets --Inventory management
  • Print this article DartUtils.loadGoogle160 = function() { dmjs.runInlineAd = true; $('.AdUnit160').hide(); $('.AdWrapper').addClass('no160'); }; dartAds.renderiFrameAd([{ sz: '160x600' }], 160); How to Select Hotel Accounting Software:    Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs
  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Hotels can decide to purchase accounting software dedicated solely to one function or can invest in enterprise software. Some chains have opted to outsource their accounting operations to major computer companies and accounting firms
  • Accounting software is used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions.  The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
  • The hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability.  Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability
  • Areas of Functionality in Hotel Accounting Software
  • Areas of Functionality in Hotel Accounting Software
    This article describes accounting software functions within the Hotel industry. The article states that "Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry". It is said that when selecting accounting software, you must identify what results you are looking for from the software; and also the functions that you are able to receive. You must also understand the needs of your property, and industry. The article also discusses various decision criteria, which is a part of the selection process. Some of these criteria's that you must look out for are: annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international locations, in-house verses outsource operations. I love the fact that this article also discusses the functions of hotel accounting software. Some of those functions that were stated are: account payable, account receivable, and payroll. The article also brought up some trends about hotel and lodging accounting software. One of the trends that stand out to me was the fact that some companies hand over their entire accounting responsibilities to major accounting companies or, accounting firms; this is referred to as outsource. Having a accounting software is a very beneficial asset for a company.
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    This article talks about the importance of choosing the right accounting software for hotels. Hoteliers need to take into consideration the purpose, functionality and desired results before selecting accounting software which "is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry." In order to select a hotel accounting software it has to match the needs and functions of the premise. Some of the most important factors in the selection process are annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international location, and in house vs. outsourced operations. "Accounting software encompasses multiple functions of a hotel's operations, ranging from data mining to running financial reports." Some of the major functions in accounting software are accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting, cash management, general ledger, sales analysis, payroll, procurement, order entry, fixed assets, and inventory management. The hospitality industry is reporting increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability therefore is very important that hotels select the right accounting software because is in charge of keeping records of the hotel's profitability. In addition accounting software reports room rate revenues and discrepancies and use the Generally Accepted Accounting Standards.
    Accounting software programs are essential to the hospitality industry because it helps organize and keep track of the hotels operations and its profits. It's important to select the right accounting software that will help tie in the needs and concerns of your hotel. The significant factors to look upon in choosing the best program for your business are annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international location, and in-house verses outsourced operations. Accounting software incorporates multiple roles of a hotel's operations such as data mining and running financial reports. Hotels can choose to purchase accounting software devoted exclusively to one purpose or can invest in enterprise software. The hospitality Industry counts on the different tools, as well as their accounting software, to increase their usefulness and creating them to become more competitive in their central business.
    I believe one of the most critical items missing from the selection process when purchasing accounting software is the need have interface with the PMS system. This would be a more integrated approach for the smooth transition of front and back of house operations.
    Marcia, you are right! Its a very important idea, to have interface with the PMS system. As for the main topic of this discussion accounting is a step for understanding the factors which influence your business positevly and negatively, in order to use proactive or reactive strategy. Some things that should theoretically work in your business can actually be unsuccessful, so financial data analysis is a key for problem-defining and therefore for finding solution.
    This article gives some useful hints on how to choose an accounting software for your hotel business and what are the tips and tricks. There are lots of accounting software packages in the market which has a number of different options but the point is that each of these features will match a specific  need.  
    This article is about choosing the correct accounting software for the hotel industry. Through different types of software you are able to track the profitability of a hotel.
    This article is about how a hotel should choose their accounting program. There are many things to consider when choosing the right program for your institution. It is not just what is more cost effective, but what does it include and are they things your hotel needs. It is like a PMS system, you get some basics, but you also may need to be able to add more options, or none at all. Another factor when selecting this program is the size of your hotel. If it is one hotel or a chain. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking a hotel's profit. In conclusion, when hotel management buys an accounting program, they must analyze the software, and not just buy the first one they come across.
    This particular article discusses the need for accounting software programs within the hospitality industry. These programs can do just one thing or be all-encompassing, such as an enterprise program. Accounting programs still have to follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which regulate the accounting industry. They help track the profitability of the company, amongst other things. Additionally, hospitality companies must be very careful in choosing the right program. These programs can help managers run a business more effectively but it has to be matched with the right program. There is also the option of outsourcing the accounting function to a third party, which could save a lot of time and money down the road. Erica
    Hotel software is designed for all areas of hotel operation including property management, accounting, GDS reservations, central reservations, reception, POS, spa/club/golf management, guest management, inventory management, yield/revenue management, accounting, and web site design. Small hotel software is available for properties with less than 100 rooms and focuses on basic front and back office functions and/or reservations and guest management. One of the major types of hotel software used by the hotel/motel industry is accounting programs. Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. To select good accounting software for the hotel depends on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs. Accounting software incorporates the widely used Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and focuses on key measures unique to the hotel industry, such as revenue per room (RevPar). Knowledge experts should be familiar with both general accounting rules as well as industry specific guidelines.
    This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry. And Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operationsThe hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability. And besides the normal functions, the advanced accounting software can be used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions. The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
    The article demonstrates that accounting software in hotels is used to track data of hotel operations, to make future decisions and some other functions related to finance and daily operations. So hotels should consider several aspects while establishing accounting software. Such factors affecting decisions are like: Annual revenue, Budget, Location, Multiple sites, National or international location and In-house vs outsourced operations. Regarding the trend of accounting system, the article says that accounting software can make the hotels more competitive and more effective.
    The article describes major factors to weigh is selecting accounting software for the hotel industry. Accounting Software is used to track the profitability of hotel operation and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Hotel industry carefully finds out what will be a great functionality and result before purchasing accounting software. First of all, selecting hotel accounting software and the uses of the program. Secondly, identifying the selection of accounting program, used in the hotel. For example, annual revenue, budget, location, multiple site, etc. The article discusses the function of hotel accounting software. Some of the functions are hanging from data mining to running financial report. Also, the article discuses about lodging accounting software, one of the example that they used is that they really on different tools including their accounting software to increase their competitive in their core business. The article talks about accounting Software Metrics in the hotel industries. They use this Metrics by tracking room rate revenues and by doing the room- rate vacancy and seasonal trends. Having the accounting software in hotel is very important for the industry
    The hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability. Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. So it's important for hotel manager to choose the suitable accounting software. This article tells how to select hotel accounting system properly. Including the decision criteria used in selection process, areas of functionality in hotel accounting software and standards used for accounting and auditing in hotel industry, etc.
    Hotel managers are often faced a lot of problem to deal with the accounting system. Now hotel manager can manage all of the accounting responsibilities by use hotel accounting technology. Using Web-based hotel accounting software can save your business money . The functions covered in all of the accounting systems.
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