KLM Biofuel Flights: Dutch Airline To Use Recycled Cooking Oil To Power Planes - 0 views
Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights
Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights
cutting carbon emissions.
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The concept of this article is totally new to me. Air travel contributes at least three percent of global greenhouse gases and it is still rising. However, it is really good to know that there are certain airlines begin to pay attention on this issue. Dutch airline nowdays has used recyceled cooking oil(biofuel) to power planes. In fact, the plane had a 50-50 mix of biofuel and regular jet fuel in one of its four engines, which help cut carbon emission making by the planes while also help reduce nagative impact on biodiversity and food supply. In a word, KLM airline really shows a model of "green airline".