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Xuan Huang

KLM Biofuel Flights: Dutch Airline To Use Recycled Cooking Oil To Power Planes - 0 views

  • Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights
  • Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights
  • cutting carbon emissions.
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  • cutting carbon emissions.
  • cutting carbon emissions.
  • Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights
  • Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power fligh
  • Dutch airline KLM plans to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel to power flights to and from France in a
  • cutting carbon emissions.
  • emissions
  • emissions
  • cutting carbon emissions
  • move aimed at cutting carbon emissions.
  • Air travel is responsible for about 3 percent of greenhouse gases, but their share of global emissions is rising rapidly.
  • An Air France-KLM Boeing 747 using a 50 percent biofuel mix in one engine successfully completed a demonstration flight in the Netherlands in November 2009
  • The plane had a 50-50 mix of biofuel and regular jet fuel in one of its four engines.
    The concept of this article is totally new to me. Air travel contributes at least three percent of global greenhouse gases and it is still rising. However, it is really good to know that there are certain airlines begin to pay attention on this issue. Dutch airline nowdays has used recyceled cooking oil(biofuel) to power planes. In fact, the plane had a 50-50 mix of biofuel and regular jet fuel in one of its four engines, which help cut carbon emission making by the planes while also help reduce nagative impact on biodiversity and food supply. In a word, KLM airline really shows a model of "green airline".
Xuan Huang

High-tech meetings: Hot tools for planning corporate events | ZDNet - 0 views

  • Corporate meetings and events are on the rebound after the recession, but many organizations are also rethinking how technology can help them plan a more budget-friendly and productive business meeting.
  • land-based event venue
  • all-inclusive cruise.
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  • the online share of gross travel bookings for corporate meetings is anticipated to hit the 50 percent mark this year.
  • Technology eases the event registration process, from room allocation to booking guests and handling online payments.
  • Companies can save money and increase attendance with virtual meetings. It’s also possible to include participants who might have otherwise not been able to attend a meeting due to budgetary concerns or travel conflicts.
  • There are even tools to help companies ensure that all details such as attendee seating and room arrangements are handled before the event begins.
    Commentary - Corporate meetings and events are on the rebound after the recession, but many organizations are also rethinking how technology can help them plan a more budget-friendly and productive business meeting.
    Since corporate meetings and events have been suffered recession for quit a while, new they are facing a revolution of high-tech event planing to be more cost saving and more productive. This article mainly introduces those tochnology tools like database tools, attendee registration tools, video/web conferencing tools and even room diagramming tools for event and meeting planing oever the Internet.
jennifer amador

New Restrictions Quickly Added for Air Passengers - - 0 views

  • new restrictions on travelers that could lengthen lines at airports and limit the ability of international passengers to move about an airplane.
  • But several airlines released detailed information about the restrictions, saying that passengers on international flights coming to the United States will apparently have to remain in their seats for the last hour of a flight without any personal items on their laps.
  • Overseas passengers will be restricted to only one carry-on item, and domestic passengers will probably face longer security lines.
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  • Travel has declined about 20 percent since 2008 because of the economy, and airlines have been dealing with numerous delays in the past week because of snowstorms on the East Coast and in the Midwest.
  • T.S.A. had ordered new measures for flights departing from foreign locations to the United States, including mandatory screening of all passengers at airport gates during the boarding process. All carry-on items would be screened at security checkpoints and again at boarding, the airline said. It urged passengers to leave extra time for screening and boarding.
  • The new restrictions began to be instituted Saturday on flights from Canada and Europe to the United States. Air Canada said it was waiving fees for the first checked bag, and it told passengers to be prepared for delays, cancellations and missed connections because of the new limits.
    After September 2011 alot of changes have occured in airline and airports throughout the world. TSA has purchased, trained, and introduced innovative machinery that can easily detect authorized items inside luggages. The US governement have spend alot of money also to simply protect the nation from terrorists and any form on violence especially in the hospitality and tourism industry. Alot of th airlines have changed the way they used to operate before the attacks; for instance food is no longer served on airplanes, and more fees are charged for luggages and definitely more screening in airport terminals. The introduction of air marshalls and new machinery have definitely changed the perspective of traveling nowadays, travelers have to wait longer to be screened and to even get out of the plane after the plane have landed at its destination. On a positive note, everything that have changed is for our own safety as citizen of the US and i personally believe moew things should be implemented if it can only improve the way we are being protected.
Jennifer Koren

Airlines' New Online Marketing Strategies - Articles - Executive Travel - 0 views

  • Rather than eliminate the need for travel, however, the Internet seems to have enhanced it as airlines stoke the public’s appetite to go places and social networks turn airline passengers into cheerleaders for airlines and destinations.
  • Virgin Atlantic uses a hip voice along with photographs and design to excite customers about the travel experience.
  • By 2008, the entire airline industry had transitioned from paper to e-tickets for a savings of $18 billion, according to the International Air Transport Association.
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  • “The handheld device has broached a whole new paradigm of convenience.”
  • Southwest Airlines felt the online wrath of several passengers who posted videos to YouTube after airline employees told them they were too fat to fly. An anonymous traveler wrote to Richard Branson complaining about the food on a Virgin Atlantic flight, a letter that—along with photographs of the offending meal tray—soon went viral. And David Carroll, a Canadian folksinger whose guitar was broken while in the custody of United Airlines, became the voice of customer rage when the airline declined to reimburse him for the broken instrument. Carroll posted on YouTube three bitingly funny music videos assailing United. More than 10 million people have viewed them.
    In this article, Christine Negroni discusses the future of airline booking and travel. Over the last ten years, there has been a shift from telephone reservations to computer reservations with the birth of the World Wide Web. With new mobile devices and smart phones, customers are now trying to find the newest, easiest way to work a plane ticket or a vacation. Companies have to strategically plan how they will market to thei customers. FOr leisure, companies will want to reach them through Facebook and Twitter. With the internet, airlines today need to focus on their image. The image is just as important as the product you sell, or the plane ticket the customer purchases. With Youtube, anyone can post whatever they'd like, so hospitality companies and airlines especially, need to be weary. Because the aviation industry is so large, the internet give customers and companies a way to interact on a deeper, more personal level.
Xu Wang

Americans Want to Fly Wireless - 2 views

  • Americans don’t want to unplug from their portable communication devices when flying.
  • 80 percent of respondents want the option to connect to the Internet during their flight.  An additional 66 percent would like to be allowed to talk on their cell phone. 
  • This is good news for airlines that already offer wireless services to their passengers.  However,
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  • Americans are reticent to pay for Wi-Fi,
  • In addition, while flyers would also like the option to use mobile phones mid-flight,
  • 55 percent of respondents were concerned that such usage could put the safety of their plane at risk. 
  • “Not only do American travelers want to stay ‘plugged in’ during their flights, but there is also a much higher tolerance for in-flight mobile phone use than we expected,”
  • “It is good to see that the FAA is looking at ways to satisfy this demand through possible new allowances.” 
    Wireless networking is a important application of computer networks. And this news is very interesting. Because with my own experiences during traveling, I found out that a lot of passengers do not want to turn-off their phones during their flying time, some may choose to turn to the fight mode. And when I took Qatar airline, I found out that they install the wireless services for people to send message or make phone calls. That was the first time I experience this kind of service, I was very excited but calmed down when I saw the expensive fees I need to pay if I want to use. So I think it is time for FAA to look ways which can satisfy travelers' demand through possible new allowances.
    I am one of those Americans that have a hard time disconnecting from technology when boarding an aircraft. I usually fly American Airlines and a majority of their airplane offer Wi-Fi available for purchase, I don't mind paying $12.95 so that I can stay entertain, I can't wait to hear the chime at 10,000 feet followed with the message from the flight crew telling me that "it is now safe to use electronic devices." On May 16th, 2012, Virgin Atlantic announced that passengers would be able use cell phones onboard the airplane utilizing VoIP. Can you imagine this technology aboard a plane from Los Angeles to New York?,15642.html

Now boarding: Startup airline uses robots to sanitize planes - 0 views

  • autonomous robots to disinfect aircraft cabins to guard against the spread of COVID-19
  • Avelo said it is the first airline in the U.S. to use the robot manufactured by the Canadian manufacturer Aero HygenX that is designed to use ultraviolet light to sanitize cabins
  • destroys up to 99.9% of harmful pathogens in the air and on the surfaces of aircraft cabins, galleys, lavatories and flight decks. The
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  • The robot can be operated remotely by one flight crew member, far faster than manually-operated sanitizing equipment. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the Aero Hy
    This article discusses how an airport in New Haven, CT uses a Robot to sanitize it's planes. As of March, no other airports were using such technology. The robots get rid of 99.9% of germs, are quicker than a sanitation staff, and are cheaper in the long term. The robot can be control via remote.

Airport security in Edinburgh, Scotland asking passengers what religion they are, spark... - 0 views

  • Should airport security be able to ask what religion you are before you can get on a plane?
  • One passenger was under the impression that if he didn't answer the question he would not be allowed on the plane:
  • called the questioning “bizarre and intrusive”. He said: “This questioning does nothing to keep people safe, but it does suggest a worryingly lax attitude towards passenger privacy.
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  • People should only be asked what security staff absolutely need to know and everything else should be voluntary. It’s worrying that this passenger was not told it was a voluntary question.”
  • The airport claims the question is to make sure they are meeting diversity requirements and that people are not obligated to answer
    The hardware security check has been improved a lot after 911. However, how to increase the software security is the key for hospitality industry. How can we ask some sensitive questions or find some information through observation are the key for the comfortable travel environment. However, except some western countries, asking people's religion is acceptable and reasonable. Though globalization, hospitality industry should come out more approaches for making sure the security.    
Nicole Stevens

Facebook's Mobile E-Commerce Solution - Business Insider - 0 views

  • But several of Facebook's big advertising clients who have used the ads in Q4 indicated that the ads can be used to develop e-commerce on Facebook, turning the social network into a mobile shopping and sales device.
  • The ad units simply allow users to download the clients' app from Google Play or the App Store
  • Hotel Tonight, an app that drives last-minute hotel bookings, saw a 10 times higher click-to-install rate from the ads over regular Facebook ads.
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  • “I feel like a kid in a candy store with all these choices. It performs better from a click-to-install perspective than anything except incentivized ads. From an efficiency standpoint, it’s on par with everybody else out there today,” Hotel Tonight's director of mobile marketing Adam Grenier has said (quoted in a Facebook case study).
    With both individual sites like American Airlines or bundle sites like Travelocity; everyone is jumping on the eCommerce train. And what better way to grow customer loyalty than with your very own app. Want to buy a plane ticket or rent a hotel room do it from your smart phone. Problem is how do you get people to down load your app. Well Facebook has figured that out for you. Advertise on their site and customers can install your app with a click of a button. No jumping to other websites and hassling with tricky downloads; just click and your off.

Thriving online firm keeps growing its event-planning business | The Charlotte Observer - 0 views

    "When you go to, you'll find services catering to the needs of eight different groups. There are schools, looking for help with organizing parent-teacher conferences, class volunteers, and events such as book fairs. Churches and temples can get help with scheduling nursery workers and greeters. Nonprofits can organize donations and fundraisers. Other groups are clubs and groups, sports, business, family and college. The idea is to attract a range of users, from parents organizing car pools to businesses coordinating employee training schedules. "By going broad, we still haven't scratched the surface," said Angel Rutledge, who is married to Dan and is the chief marketing officer. SignUpGenius' users are 78 percent female, and 80 percent are between the ages of 25 and 54. "Our primary user is a mom with kids," says marketing strategist Kate White. "Most people tend to find us through their kids' activities." Monthly fees range from free to $49.99, where users can get additional features such as cloud file storage and access by multiple administrators. These subscription services were significant, Dan Rutledge says, "because we jumped into the organizational level, from coach to league, from teacher to school." While the Rutledges don't disclose specific financial information of the private company, other numbers illustrate its growth. Revenue in August 2015 increased 225 percent over August 2014, according to the company. Between 120,000 and 190,000 events are organized per month, with a groundswell in August and September, when the school year begins. In 2014, SignUpGenius says 1.4 million new sign-up pages were created. Traffic rose 35 percent last year, to 39.9 million visitors. And the company has grown from 13 employees this spring, to 20 now." This article illustrates the idea of on the event planning and I.T. programs working handing in handing. As an example, the article uses the company SignUpGenius wh

The Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Market - 0 views

  • A Market of 3 Companies Reinventing their Relevance
  • The reports of the death of global distribution systems (GDS) have been greatly exaggerated. Several industry analysts believed that GDS would not last long and that airlines would eventually shy away from them
  • Three primary companies dominate the global distribution systems (GDS) market: Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. Each of the companies has extended its market reachthrough affiliates or subsidiary companies that offer GDS.
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  • GDS companies have served as the stimulus for the growth of online travel sites (e.g., Expedia, Hotwire, Kayak, Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity).
    Global distribution systems have thought to eventually become extinct but the growth of new technologies has given GDS new hope. The three main companies that control this market are Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. Each of the companies has expanded their market penetration via their subsidiaries that are currently operating with global distribution systems. In 2014 Amadeus brought in almost $1billion in revenue. In addition, Sabre and Travelport showed positive growth. Airlines on the other hand, would prefer to directly have travelers book with them to save on fees. At the same time GDS brings attractive promotions to customers making them useful to the airlines and their revenue. GDS has stimulated the growth of online websites like, Expedia, Kayak, Orbitz, Priceline). Where potential customers find competitive rates and can book more than just a plane ticket.
Ruth James

Airline passengers face chaos across US as flight plan system fails - 0 views

    November 19th 2009, Planes at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International airport in Atlanta, Georgia experienced numerous of delays. Airlines were cancelling and delaying flights all over the United States, due to problems with the airline system. The system that collects airlines flight plans was experiencing technical difficulty. During the time of the problem, safety in the air wasn't the issue; planes were still flying. Various airlines resorted back to manually processing flight plan. The biggest issue that the airport, and other airlines faced during this time; was the fact that so many flights were being delayed. I can only imagine the agony to plan and arrange flights manually. One of the most important factor, is that everyone safety wasn't threatened by the system problems.

KLM Announces "Social Seating" with Facebook Data: Brilliant Idea or Nightmare? - 4 views

    Would you pick your seat based on an app for your next plane ride? Well on KLM you can and Virgin is working on one too. Personally I use that time to relax but if I could use it to avoid an avid stamp collecting chatter box it would be worth it. There may be a small fee and possible sell of personal information to marketers but on a long haul flight sitting next to a like-minded individual might make all the difference in a good vs awkward ride. Very neat! Unfortunately, the fun and celebrations of the Christmas season are often dampened by the stressful experience of holiday air travel. ...
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    WOW..That is a very interesting article. The "social seating" is a creative techonology with a great wish. But I think it is not a easy job to solve and avoid the negatives of this program. The article said the program is meant to align people of certain interests and is not meant to be a type of on-board dating service. No...No matter how many times the company emphasizes that the program is not on-board dating service, it would turn into a dating model.
    This seems like an idea that would be very popular, particularly with those who are addicted to facebook. I think it's creative and interesting in concept but I don't think I would even use it if it were free. I am pretty tall so getting an aisle or exit row seat is more important to me than who I sit by. Even if I travel with family or friends, I prefer to listen to music or catch up on reading when I fly. This is a pretty cool idea, but it's not for me.
    I agree with you Carl, great idea but not for me. I'd prefer physical comfort over social activity when it comes to flying. If you are the social butterfly who uses Facebook on a regular basis you are probably likely to introduce yourself to your seat mate anyways and strike up conversation. I like the mystery. However, crying babies are never fun so I can see how some people may use this to benefit their sanity.
    Hate to say it but I would pick either a short quiet bookish seat mate for silent comfort or a hot single well traveled man if I was feeling talkative. You're right Yonghe it would turn into a potential singles app.
    I feel that an app that uses information from social media may be too personal for most. However I do see an opportunity from this idea. Airlines may consider adding an option for their passengers to select if they are travelling for business or pleasure. They could assign seat depending on the purpose of the passengers trip.
    To tell the truth, I will try it if it is free to choose people around you. But on the other hand, I think it is hard to implement this system.....
Melissa Krajewski

Travelport agent survey finds support for GDS ancillary sales - - 0 views

  • Corporate and leisure travel agencies can expect more technology to help them sell airline ancillaries after a global survey found high levels of support for this service through GDSs.
  • Agents understand that as the airline product continues to evolve and ancillaries form an increasingly significant role in the purchase decision and buying process, travel customers continue to look to agents to support them in purchasing itinerary solutions.
    This article discusses what travel agents think about the enhanced ability of both corporate and leisure based travel agencies to sell airline ancillaries because of improved Global Distribution Systems' technologies. Ancillaries are products and services that airlines sell to gain additional revenue on top of your ticket price. Ancillaries have become increasingly popular in the airline industry because of the sky rocketing price of jet fuel. To keep ticket prices down airlines are "unbundling" items from the overall experience. This presents them with an opportunity to turn a profit by charging fees for bags (carry on, checked, additional), on board food and drink, credit card purchases, headphones. It seems like everything you encounter from when you arrive at the airport to when you disembark the plane has a fee. This phenomenon is especially present in Low cost carriers such as Spirit, Air Tran, Jet Blue, etc. However there are consumers who disagree with this additional costs as is apparent in Southwest's continuous marketing campaign. I'm sure everyone has seen the commercials with Southwest representatives 'flagging' down unnecessary fees in order to promote their 'bags fly free' campaign. Anyhow the reason I am explaining ancillary revenue is because travel agents are now starting to sell more ancillary products such as hotel accommodations, travel insurance, rental cars because of GDS technologies. They can track the sale of fees through EMD (Electronic miscellaneous Documents) which is the current industry standard. In the article some agents state that the EMDs are hard to understand and use. I believe until the EMDs become "seamless and easy to use" there will exist some hesitation to sell airline ancillaries. However on the other hand the article states that Travelport is working towards a simple and uniform platform called Travelport Universal API/Desktop. Once this comeplete perhaps more agents will feel comfortable selling ancillaries. This is a goo
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    Diigo keeps cutting off my descriptions... This is a good start to acknowledge the opinions of travel agents using GDS to sell airline ancillaries but the arguments were confusing and hard to follow. From reading the article I would address ethical concerns that airline agents may have in selling ancillary revenue for commission since 44% of those polled did not impose fees for attaining the additional products and services. I understand the airlines need to stay in business with the increase of jet fuel prices but there must be some way to avoid imposing the fees besides raising ticket prices and laying off employees (American Airlines announcing 13,000 layoffs).
    I still remember when most airlines used to include breakfast or dinner for their passengers including alcoholic beverages well that doesn't happen any more. I believe when Travelport Universal Desktop becomes available it would become more clear to travel agencies the transaction process and for the consumers what products and services they are ofering.
    I too miss the days of free sodas and peanuts. "Sigh-" sometimes its the little things in life that bring the most joy. I agree I think the new Travelport Universal Desktop will be a valuable tool if utilized correctly.
Tamara Lang

The World of Technology Affects Tourism Industry Immensely | .TR - 0 views

  • How does it draw the line between technology and personal service? There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in tourism and travel. Most of us are now used to booking our airline reservations on line, dealing with telephone trees and other cost saving devices. These technological advances have allowed corporations to save on manpower while at the same time empowering customers to make their own decisions
  • On the other hand, technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to attack the tourism industry. Cell phones can save lives or detonate bombs; air conditioning units serve to make life bearable in hot climates, but also pollute the atmosphere and can be carriers of disease. The dawn of the computer age permits us to know weather forecasts around the world, allows business travelers to stay in touch with their offices and to supersede the problem of cross time zones negotiation, but can be used to destroy air travel.
  • Remember that tourism is about people "interfacing" with other people No matter how good your technology may be, technology does not provide human warmth of take-home experiences. Be mindful that tourism is about the selling of memories and then ask yourself at what point are you willing to sacrifice memories for efficiency.
    This article is about how technology affects world tourism. Technology plays a major role in tourism and travel and can help to reduce labor costs and bad customer service. On the other hand, because our industry is driven by human interaction too much or misuse of technology can truly hinder service. The article also stated that "technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to to attack the tourism industry". Cell phones can be used to blow up bombs, air conditions, and destroy planes. As leaders in the industry we must decide how far to go with the use technology.

GDS is still the ticket for most agencies: Travel Weekly - 0 views

    This article summarizes why we wont be seeing a decline of GDS use in the travel industry anytime soon. As stated in the article "nothing beats a GDS model for booking seats on planes". The article suggests that a good GDS agent can ultimately work more efficiently than someone working with a GUI. Another major positive to using GDS is accessibility. A firm can book both corporate and leisure travel from anywhere, as long as internet access is available. In one study 62% of agents said that air content was the biggest draw of a GDS. One agent said that when booking air the GDS system Amadeus gives her a selection of choices in a fraction of the time it takes her clients to see them online. Clearly, GDS systems such as Amadeus and Sabre are saving agents and customers time and money while booking. Another upside to using GDS is that it allows agents to see routes, departures and arrival times which are important because many clients have preferable airports when they travel. The article also says how GDS is more commonly used for air and car rentals instead of hotels. It also gives a look into why Airlines werent a fan of GDS usage. For example, GDS were changing revenue models for airlines because GDSs paid travel agents and it seemed that they were buying loyalty with money from airline fees.

Careers - Computer Information Systems Managers - 1 views

  • Outlook Government economists predict that jobs for computer and information systems managers will grow faster than the average for all careers through 2018. There will likely be more job openings than qualified job seekers. Those with expertise in cyber security should find themselves in demand. For an edge in the job hunt, combine specialized technical knowledge with strong communication and business skills. One way to do that is to earn a master of business administration (M.B.A.) with a concentration in information systems.
    MIS is becoming an important part of any organization, helping collect and analyse data that is relevant to business will facilitate planing and decision making.

How is becoming the first virtual global supercarrier | PhocusWire - 0 views

  • Today the company operates worldwide and aims to become the first Virtual Global Supercarrier.
  • The story of started while booking flights.
  • In 2012, Dlouhý and Jozef Képesi, current chief technology officer at, together founded the company. They started developing a unique flight combination algorithm. 
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  • as the first Virtual Global Supercarrier
  • In 2019 General Atlantic invested in and supported Oliver with his vision for the future. The vision to become the first Virtual Global Supercarrier. 
  • “The most fundamental change will be on how people are making their decisions. Now we see that trips are being planned weeks and months in advance - they have to, in order to find good prices and to plan their vacation at work.
  • Transforming into a Virtual Global Supercarrier, will become the ultimate provider of transportation content, regardless of mode of transport, that will always find the best options to take the travelers from any A to any B, anywhere in the world.
  • covers transfers between different transport operators.
  • covers the expenses of a new ticket as well as hotel and food depending on the case. 
    In the future, jobs will look different, allowing more and more people to work as digital nomads from anywhere in the world, including onboard planes thanks to the high-speed in-flight Internet. They will want to have a platform to be able to book any kind of transport, be it air, ground or sea on an on-demand basis. And this is exactly what is building with the Virtual Global Supercarrier.
Hui Chen

What's global distribution system? - 5 views

  • A global distribution system (GDS) represents a computerized system used for managing different transactions within the air travel and hospitality industry. At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
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  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • However, due to the fact that GDS’ were originally created to distribute plane tickets, their database structure was specifically designed to store information about this product.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and mor
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved.
  • However, due to the fact that GDS’ were originally created to distribute plane tickets, their database structure was specifically designed to store information about this product.
  • At first, GDS’ were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a direct consequence to this fact, GDS’ were also implemented for hospitality industry use.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • As mentioned before, one of the first products distributed by GDS was hotel accommodation. Hotels have loaded the information related to their different types of rooms, description and price categories within the airline reservation system database. When this information became available online, thousand of clients started making bookings all around the world. This fact was advantageous for each participant. Hotels benefited from distributing their products to a larger audience, travel agencies had the opportunity of booking more products through their computerized system and GDS benefited from a growth in booking volume, which helped them to lower operating costs.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights was increased. This led to an increase of competition and therefore travel industry prices fell. Travel agencies were accustomed with receiving a fixed fee (usually 10%) from everything they managed to sell, so once the prices started to fall, they felt threatened with the loss of their earnings. In order to counter this, travel agencies began to offer complimentary products such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation packages, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne. This was the first major step towards GDS’ being used within the hospitality industry.
  • Nowadays global distribution systems interconnect almost everything within the hospitality industry, from hotels to car rental companies and travel agencies. There are four major GDS available: Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and WorldSpan. Some of the advantages provided by GDS are their availability (99,9% of the time), their response times (up to a fraction of a second), their multiple booking capability, as well as their top of the line architecture. On any given day, a GDS will be capable of accessing over 50000 hotels and approximately 1000 airlines. Through GDS systems, people are able to book various hotel rooms, tours, airline seats, cruises and even limousines.
  • The working idea behind a GDS is this: any GDS provides services to an electronic shop for all information related to travel and reservation-related needs. In other words, the GDS has become a very important distribution channel for any product sold through travel agencies. Basically, if a vendor wants to be sold through travel agents, he must be listed on a GDS
    The first products distributed by GDS was hotel lodging reservation system, such as different types of rooms, description and price categories with the airline system. GDS has been increased on the travel market, such as number of flights. Travel Agencies (TA) also use GDS to offer complimentary products, such as car rental, hotel and other related forms of accommodation, bus tickets, vacation tickets, yacht rides and even flowers and champagne,That means, GDS has become more important distribution channel for nay product through TA. Also TA had more opportunity of more products their own system and GDS system from increase number of booking volume with lower operating costs. It was the first and major goals of GDS being used in the hospitality industry. Even though hopitality ingustry use GDS system, there are few problems, such as show only simple structure. For example, there are 4 different kinds od room and 3 categories od comfort, it means they have 12 different kinds of combination. Because of the GDS database structure, only there 12 combination could be displayed. It took a while to fit all the multiple types of comport rates, rooms and services in GDS standard database structure. Instead of choosing GDS system, they cans choose other alternative system with develop several computerized system to make a database structure closer to product specification. Nowadays, GDS using all of the hospitality industry from reservation hotel rooms to car rentals and Travel Agencies. Through GDS as globally, people are able to to book different kinds of hotel rooms in different destination all around the world, tours, airline seats, cruises and eeve limousines.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Global Distribution System were develop and meant only for the airline reservations. The impact of the GDS on the travel industry is that it increase competition, more flights were available and this reduce cost. With the increase and cost reduction travel agents start to see decrease in their earnings they received from airline sales, so with the GDS they were able to book other services such as hotels and car rentals with airline reservations. With GDS it is much easier and convenient to make a reservation from flight, hotel and car rental because everything is link together.
    Summary of a global distribution system (GDS) A global distribution system (GDS) represents a computerized system used for managing different transactions within the air travel and hospitality industry. Historically, GDS' were only meant for the air travel reservations but as years have passed, GDS systems became more and more evolved. As a result, GDS' are now implemented for hospitality industry as whole. The first major impact that GDS had on the travel market was that the number of flights increased which led to increase competition among the players and this brought down the overall prices. The main purpose of a GDS is to provide services to an electronic shop for all information related to travel and reservation-related needs and one of the first products distributed by GDS was hotel accommodation. Hotels throughout the market uploaded the information related to their different types of rooms, description and price categories within the airline reservation system database. When this information became available online, thousands of clients started making bookings all around the world. This fact was advantageous for each participant. Hotels provided GDS with a challenge of fitting all the different sizes, styles, amenities, and etc. It took a while to fit all the multiple types of comfort rates, rooms and services in a GDS standardized database structure. A general strategy was therefore needed. Rather than loading hotel products inside the GDS, the accepted solution was to develop several computerized systems with a database structure closer to product specifications. Nowadays global distribution systems interconnect almost everything within the hospitality industry, from hotels to car rental companies and travel agencies. There are four major GDS available: Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and WorldSpan.
    Looking at these numbers it becomes very clear how important GDS are to the hospitality industry, more rooms booked means increased revenues and more jobs for hospitality professionals. I am sure that this technology will evolve and transform so it is important to stay current and understand how to get the most out of it.
    What's global distribution system? This question is kind of cliché in our group, but this article gives a very good introduction about GDS and it's quite easy to understand comparing to many other articles introducing GDS. This article tells us: How GDS develops from being used only in airline industry to being generally adopted in hospitality industry; What is the working idea behind the GDS; Four major GDS including Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan; Advantages provided by GDS.

Channel Shock: The Future of Travel Distribution - Skift - 0 views

  • global distribution systems aren’t going anywhere
  • But online travel agencies and travel management companies still place bookings using GDS platforms, since they offer the most comprehensive collection of travel inventory across the globe.
  • Likewise, most travel providers need to remain part of a global distribution system for consumers and business travelers to easily find and book their products.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The company is working on a reservation system solution for InterContinental Hotels Group,
  • Fees for an air booking are usually between 2 and 4 percent of a ticket, and about 20 percent for a hotel booking.
  • The airline industry has been lurching forward towards adopting the International Air Transport Association’s New Distribution Capability paradigm for years, which essentially simplifies transactions between different members of the ecosystem by using XML coding language and allows for selling ancillary products like seat upgrades.
  • A little-known element of American Airlines’ strategy could be the most consequential moving forward. Some 20 years ago, airlines stopped paying commissions to travel agencies on air tickets. This thoroughly disrupted the travel agency community, and it still has never really recovered; many agencies have moved to a service fee-based model instead of relying solely on commissions or overrides, but the damage helped essentially gut the industry in the U.S. Under American Airlines’ new distribution program, however, agencies placing a booking directly or through an intermediary using New Distribution Capability level three will receive a $2 payment per segment. This nominally represents the return of a commission model to agency air sales.
  • Despite the preeminence of Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport, there is room for new players in the travel distribution space to emerge.
  • Berlin-based Flyiin represents a new way for airlines to sell flights. By connecting with airline APIs, the service will allow consumers to search flights from multiple airlines and add-ons using an intuitive interface. Users can specify up front what types of flights and what kinds of ancillaries they want, and have the full cost rolled up into their search results.
  • The service is really a messaging platform at heart, instead of a search platform; it crunches airline fare information on the back-end and aggregates messages from airline APIs into easily digestible results for consumers.
    Ok so this article is lengthy but comprehensive. And the general consensus is the GDSs are never going away. They will likely change with new technologies, but they won't be replaced completely by something new. Heck, even though air travel is dominant among travel options, we still have trains, right? Overall this article takes the reader through the birth of the GDSs, their evolution to today and thoughts about what to expect in the future. One part of the article of particular interest is the talk about New Distribution Capability for airlines that uses XML coding language to allow airlines to sell ancillary products like seat upgrades. This layers directly into revenue increases through revenue management of seats on flights. There are already price differences between cabin classes. But instead of all seats being one price in the main cabin, seats closer to the front of the plane could be sold for a slight premium. There could be a different fare for window or aisle or exit row. There are 3 levels of this certification for an airline and although some airlines like American Airlines has been certified as level 3, full capability, most airlines have not gone beyond level 1. None of the GDS companies offer level 3 for New Distribution Capability which means you need to go a company's site directly to be able to purchase the specific desired attributes of your seat. By not having that capability, the GDSs disadvantage themselves as a distribution channel.

Make the Skies Friendly Again With Chartered Event Flights | Corporate Event News - 0 views

    This article discusses the new trend of booking entire planes for private events in order to increase comfort and ease of travel for the attendees of the specific event. In the article, the author discusses a specific company called Freespeed that plans the entirety of the trip from the plane and pilot to meal and beverages been offered. This allows for complete customization of the air transportation experience.
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