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How Proximity Marketing Can Aid Businesses - Forbytes - 0 views

  • The development of technology provides new opportunities for businesses to grow.
  • Our smartphones have changed how we shop, work, socialize, and live. It’s no wonder that so many businesses are taking on the challenge of proximity marketing.
  • The aim of proximity marketing is to deliver marketing campaigns to consumers in close proximity to retailers, restaurants, or other locations of interest to target messages.
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • The idea of proximity marketing is that a specific message can only be communicated to the right person by its proximity.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Using a proximity marketing strategy enables your company to personalize the customer experience in a way that varies your offerings based on the customer’s past, present, or future location and behavior. App utilization: Using proximity ads to provide valuable info and offers can improve user interaction with a business’s app, which can be a place for users to read regular updates and withdraw discounts, etc. Cost-effectiveness: Mobile proximity marketing is a cost-efficient way to target ads to the desired audience. Customer relationship boost: Proximity ads help businesses better understand the needs of their customers. This allows them to meet these needs to enhance relationships and interactions.
    • joshli2022
      Benefits of proximity marketing.
  • Businesses of all sizes use proximity marketing to engage with potential customers,
  • The aim of proximity marketing is to deliver marketing campaigns to consumers in close proximity to retailers, restaurants, or other locations of interest to the target audience.
  • method of location-based marketing via a company’s use of their customers’ location is a foundation for a proximity marketing strategy.
  • as long as they’re physically near to the business. It makes ads more practical and efficient, as well as more personal.
  • Near field communication (NFC) proximity marketing is a marketing tactic in which retailers put a chip on the product that works as a transmitter and connect to in-store visitors’ mobiles to send them various info about certain products.
  • designed to identify the customer profile and send the message directly to the person.
  • n the form of coupons or discount cards, advertisement banners in the store, or a personalized advertisement on a store companion website.
  • this is done by utilizing mobile location tech technologies, such as GPS. But technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi also serve this type of marketing.
  • A hyper-local sales campaign is one in which a local retailer maximizes their geographic location to house a specific sales event and makes use of the surrounding local culture to generate interest.
  • WiFi proximity marketing is integrated with in-store marketing to provide guests with personalized, customer-activated content based on their proximity.
  • Using proximity marketing technology, the ad campaigns reach a more personal level with their audience, adding a more engaging and personalized touch.
  • One such method is radio-frequency identification (RFID) proximity marketing. It allows companies to embed a unique identifier on their product, insert it into the RFID proximity marketing imaging system, and then automatically customize their targeting.
  • granting you a valuable asset: consumer data. When a customer wants to log in to your WiFi network, ask them to provide their email first so you can reach out to them later and send personalized offers.
  • meaningful data points like demographic, location/geography, platform, and time.
  • GPS-based proximity marketing. Also called geo-targeting and geo-marketing, this tactic lets companies identify and engage customers based on their location. It is mainly used in retail, services, and real estate.
  • Those locations – your local grocery store, fitness club, a particular bar- can leverage that information to send you exclusive offers and promotions.
  • Beacons, easily installed in every store and retail space, use an electrical signal to identify customer location and transmit data to them through Bluetooth.
  • calculate daily traffic patterns and broadcast promotional messages to individuals nearby, making product recommendations or simply notifying them of discounts and beneficial deals.
  • Modern business owners rely on digital marketing channels for both growth and retention.
  • Beacons can create interactive experiences and offer valuable information (such as displaying discounts) to smartphone users as they walk near to encourage them to stay or shop longer or make a purchase.
  • However, this technology is still considered to be one of the most expensive ones for marketing purposes.
  • There are less expensive proximity marketing solutions for budget ad campaigns. For instance, QR (Quick Response) Codes are a powerful tool that allows companies to create digital proximity marketing opportunities by simply creating one and hanging it on the wall in the store.
  • mobile browser detection. When visitors arrive at your website, many factors are taken into account, including their IP address, browser, and device. Every time a visitor to your website activates their mobile phone or pulls up your page on their laptop browser, you have a chance to reach out and, potentially, monetize them.
  • Enhanced customer experience: The use of a proximity marketing strategy enables your company to personalize the customer experience in a way that varies your offerings based on the customer’s past, present, or future location and behavior. App utilization: The use of proximity ads to provide valuable info and offers can improve user interaction with a business’s app, which can be a place for users to read regular updates, withdraw discounts, etc. Cost-effectiveness: Mobile proximity marketing is a cost-efficient way to target ads to the desired audience. Customer relationship boost: Proximity ads help businesses better understand the needs of their customers. This allows them to meet these needs to enhance relationships and interactions.
  • hotel visitors can receive information about the hotel and the various offers it has. Also, as guests are looking for the best cafes or restaurants for a good price, hotels can partner with local bars and restaurants and inform the guests of the deals they could get.
  • Businesses are uncovering the benefits of marketing to clients in their proximity.
    This article is about the concept of proximity marketing that supports sales and marketing development in business operations. First, the idea of this marketing strategy is to reach out to the right consumers based on mobile techs and GPS techs. Second, the four types of proximity marketing are by components, application, geography, and key players in general. Third, the benefits of proximity marketing are enhanced experiences for the guests. Applicational utilization. Cost-effectiveness on the mobile marketing, then the guest relationship improvement will be one of them to benefiting the company's business growth.
    In these days of technology advancement, proximity marketing is one of the best ways for marketing. The only disadvantage is potentially using someone's information without permission. As long as permission is granted, it would be fine.
    Proximity marketing is a mode of location based marketing that uses the customers location to their advantage when distributing advertisements for their business. There are several different types of proximity marketing solutions that can and are currently being used by the most popular brands right now. There is wifi proximity marketing, radio frequency identification proximity marketing (RFID), near field communication proximity marketing (NFC), GPS based, beacon based, and QR codes. Using these methods of marketing hold benefits including enhanced customer experience, app utilization, cost effectiveness, and customer relation boost. There is an option for everyone in terms of cost and many industries are using them more and more, inclusive of the hospitality/tourism industry. In my opinion, the previous ways of advertising are becoming obsolete and the market for competition is growing and growing and growing. We all have likely encountered one or more forms of this type of marketing, and we likely will continue to in the future.


  • Even back in 2014, Dunkin Donuts delivered discount coupons to people near Starbucks. Needless to say, this gave them substantially higher coupon redemption rates. Recently, the initiative from Burger King is a great example of how to use the power of relevance and immediacy by offering customers something highly relevant and timely.
  • otargeting is easy with proximity marketing Proximity marketing increases app engagement Beacons help to improve app retention Proximity marketing helps you gain a competitive edge Proximity marketing gives you immediate conver
  • Remember that proximity marketing isn’t just limited to mobile devices. Wearables can also receive beacon notifications. So, if you are seeking new ways to gain a competitive edge, it’s time you suggested proximity marketing.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Regardless of the technology you use, your push notifications are the most important part of your campaign.
  • Proximity marketing is one of the fastest ways to gain a competitive edge when it comes to mobile marketing.
  • Because personalization is the key success factor for any digital marketing campaign. Moreover, personalization is the foundation for providing an awesome mobile experience for app users.
  • Proximity marketing simply refers to communicating with customers at the right place, at the right time, with a personalised mobile message. It bridges the gap between offline and online marketing. Beacons, geofencing and push notifications play a vital role.
  • Recently, the initiative from Burger King is a great example of how to use the power of relevance and immediacy by offering customers something highly relevant and timely. Their proximity promotion was designed to retain customers that may be tempted to a competitor and promote a new feature in their app.
  • When it comes to planning a proximity campaign, there are a number of things to take into consideration. Firstly, there’s identifying the target audience. Secondly, the content strategy requires attention. Thirdly, you need to think about the metrics you’ll track to measure the success of the campaigns.
  • 6 BENEFITS OF PROXIMITY MARKETING Geotargeting is easy with proximity marketing Proximity marketing increases app engagement Beacons help to improve app retention Proximity marketing helps you gain a competitive edge Proximity marketing gives you immediate conversions Proximity marketing = a personalized experience
    • andreagordon99
      Proximity marketing and its importance
    Proximity Marketing yields tremendous benefits to both the consumer and companies. There are six benefits that companies take advantage of inclusive of geotargeting being able to measure the roi on advertising as opposed to traditional advertising methods.
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    This article provides an in-depth explanation of the benefits of proximity marketing in marketing. The author points out the technology is one of the fastest ways that a business can use to gain a competitive edge in mobile marketing. The author then provides various benefits of proximity marketing, including geotargeting, increased app engagement, and the provision of personalized customer experience.
    This article outlines the six benefits of proximity marketing and the factors you need to consider when planning a proximity marketing campaign. Proximity marketing enables easy geolocation, increases app engagement, and helps increase app retention. Proximity marketing can bring a personalized experience to customers, can help companies gain a competitive advantage, and quickly bring conversions. There are many factors to consider when planning an approaching marketing campaign. First need to identify the target customers, and then develop a targeted marketing strategy. Finally, don't forget to consider the metrics you track to measure the success of your campaigns.
    Proximity Marketing is promoting to your target audience at the right place and at the most appropriate time, typically including personal touches as well. It does improve on geo-targeting and increased customer engagement. For instance, geo-targeting zooms in on an area's circumference and then sends push notification to the person's device for items of interest. Customers are more engaged and will become more loyal to the brand with personalized touches. Additionally, timely and relevant notifications are important to remain competitive in an overpopulated market. So, comprehensive proximity marketing solution is ideal for all businesses.
    This article not only describes the 6 benefits of proximity marketing but also how to execute it. It explains what is proximity marketing, its benefits in detail, and how it's the future and is here to stay.
    Proximity marketing is more beneficial than I originally thought. Geotargeting is the biggest advantage when using this marketing method and I think that a company can definitely take over a certain area by using this method.

What is Proximity Marketing? How Does it Work? - 0 views

  • Proximity marketing is a marketing technique whereby recipients are targeted with marketing messages based on their vicinity. Simply put, it’s when you send ads to people who are close by your venue
  • WiFi-equipped smartphone these days and logs into public hotspots, meaning that you only need the right software to collect customer data and advertise to them using your guest WiFi.
  • The way it works is that when a customer logs into your guest WiFi network, you collect data about their device (specifically the MAC number of the device), based on which you can “follow” the customer around the venue and later identify them when they return
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • QR codes
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
  • NFC stands for “near field communication
  • pay at the store with your phone
  • QR codes are scannable barcodes
  • 5 proximity marketing technologies you need to know
  • An example would be when you enter a store and get a push notification on your phone with a discount for your shopping, or when you scan a QR code at an event to download promotional materials.
  • How to best use proximity marketing?
  • How does it work?
  • One of the easiest, yet most versatile ways to implement proximity marketing in your venue is to use WiFi.
  • This platform should have indoor positioning features, so that you can easily locate your customers, and WiFi marketing features, so that you can effectively communicate with them when they are nearby.
  • This is a somewhat antiquated method compared to the other ones we’re discussing in this article, but it has its benefits.
  • This solution has been making waves at various conferences and events.
  • it requires extreme proximity (we’re talking millimeter to centimeter range), so it’s less versatile than the other technologies discussed.
  • even though most people can turn on Bluetooth on their devices, they don’t necessarily do that. And even if they do, that’s only half your road to successful marketing with BLE.
  • Similarly to BLE, geofencing with GPS requires the user to turn on the location services on their phone, as well as have a medium of communication with you
  • What is proximity marketing?
  • sales
  • if you notice that someone visited your store several times
  • but never made a purchase, it’s time to act! Pop in their mailbox, offer a discount,
  • loyalty
  • behavior analysis
  • indoor navigation
  • gamification
    wifi, QR codes, NFC, BLE, GPS
  • ...1 more comment...
    This article discusses how marketing technology is utilized for proximity marketing. By targeting recipients with marketing communications based on their proximity, proximity marketing is a marketing strategy. It uses many technologies, like WiFi, BLE, NFC, or GPS, and can be done for a variety of reasons, including advertising, feedback, and customer service, to deliver advertisements to individuals who are nearby your location. An illustration would be if you scanned a QR code at an event to download promotional materials, or if you entered a business and received a push notification on your phone with a discount for your purchases. One of the simplest and most adaptable methods to use proximity marketing in your venue is through WiFi. You gather information about a customer's device when they sign into your guest WiFi network. Although a fairly outdated technique, QR codes have several advantages. It is incredibly simple, affordable, and quick to install. This compromises its effectiveness, although, for some applications, it will be adequate. The user is directed to a certain website by these scannable barcodes. At numerous conferences and events, the QR code solution has generated a lot of buzzes. Exhibitors utilize it to provide background information about their brand that cannot otherwise be given in the booth because it is so subtle and affordable. You can use your phone or smartwatch to make a purchase at the store using near-field communication (NFC) technology. NFC is less adaptable than the other technologies since it demands close contact and is not as widely used as WiFi or QR code readers. Although it's a less well-known technology, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) access points perform similarly to WiFi access points. Although the majority of individuals can enable Bluetooth on their devices, they don't always do so. However, you need a medium, such as an app that they have downloaded, and you need to put BLE beacons at your location to communicate with g
    This article discusses how marketing technology is utilized for proximity marketing. By targeting recipients with marketing communications based on their proximity, proximity marketing is a marketing strategy. It uses many technologies, like WiFi, BLE, NFC, or GPS, and can be done for a variety of reasons, including advertising, feedback, and customer service, to deliver advertisements to individuals who are nearby your location. An illustration would be if you scanned a QR code at an event to download promotional materials, or if you entered a business and received a push notification on your phone with a discount for your purchases. One of the simplest and most adaptable methods to use proximity marketing in your venue is through WiFi. You gather information about a customer's device when they sign into your guest WiFi network. Although a fairly outdated technique, QR codes have several advantages. It is incredibly simple, affordable, and quick to install. This compromises its effectiveness, although, for some applications, it will be adequate. The user is directed to a certain website by these scannable barcodes. At numerous conferences and events, the QR code solution has generated a lot of buzzes. Exhibitors utilize it to provide background information about their brand that cannot otherwise be given in the booth because it is so subtle and affordable. You can use your phone or smartwatch to make a purchase at the store using near-field communication (NFC) technology. NFC is less adaptable than the other technologies since it demands close contact and is not as widely used as WiFi or QR code readers. Although it's a less well-known technology, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) access points perform similarly to WiFi access points. Although the majority of individuals can enable Bluetooth on their devices, they don't always do so. However, you need a medium, such as an app that they have downloaded, and you need to put BLE beacons at your location to communicate with g
    This article explains what proximity marketing is and five different ways it is used through. Proximity marketing is used through WIFI, QR Codes, NFC (near field communication), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Beacons, and GPS. In addition to going in detail about all those, this article also explains how proximity marketing helps the company. It can help by boosting sales, retargeting, building loyalty, behavior analysis, indoor navigation and gamification.

7 Benefits of Proximity Marketing & Strategies - 0 views

  • To identify a certain individual’s location, a marketer might choose to use various mobile location technologies that are available in modern smartphones such as Global Positioning System Technology, Cell Phone Triangulation, and so on. To further enhance the potential of proximity marketing, Bluetooth technologies and WiFi technologies are also utilized broadly
  • There are major retailers that can successfully use proximity marketing. For example, consider Macy’s, which can choose to do it. If they send store maps or coupons or offers applicable for their credit card to their customers nearby, it will fall under this proximity marketing. Not only these, but retailers can also attract people to enroll in their rewards or loyalty programs as well.
  • The real estate business is another sector where proximity marketing can be applied in search of creating high value. Those who are realtors can easily find it out who is in need of new homes, office spaces, rentals, etc., and then show him/her advertisements that will be helpful. In this way, both parties get benefitted.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Last but not the least, proximity marketing is absolutely useful for the ones in the travel business. Business owners in the travel industry display information and details about nearby events rewards related to specific destinations, deals, best accommodation options, most attractive local tourist spots, transport hire farms, etc. to people.
  • Proximity marketing can be beneficial for you in lots of ways. For starters, this is a type of marketing that can help you customize the way you interact with your customers and the types of content that you present in front of them.
  • If you are the owner of a mobile application, then you can use proximity marketing strategies and increase your customers’ engagement with your mobile app. By using geo-tracking you can send push notifications according to the location. 
  • Proximity marketing is really cost-effective, considering the fact that here. In this case, you don’t have to advertise your business to all of your customers. 
  • To build the best interactive app which helps the customers more. Moreover,  that improves more engagement and retains a good number of customers.
  • Improving the app engagement proximity marketing advertising aid to give you the certain convection. Through proximity marketing, you can make proper and accurate camping set up according to the situation so that the audience wants to purchase from the particular brand. Retailers can promote and give more enticing offers and discounts via push notifications. 
  • The key aspect of proximity marketing is better customer experience in one to one. The business app sends personalized messages with better offers to the customer.
  • The average CTR can be high on your app more than 80% if the push notification can be set in a perfect way. The more people say on the app the change is more to improve the selling ratio as well. Moreover, the push notification works better than the Google ads and Facebook to improve the CTR. 
    The chosen article provides an overview of proximity marketing and its benefits for improved consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Particularly, the article suggests that proximity marketing helps to personalize the consumer experience and provide a sense of connectedness with the brand they are purchasing from. Businesses that manage from a specific location may issue coupons or offer discounts applicable to the consumers within a store to enhance purchasing experiences. Proximity marketing is commonly implemented by hospitality organizations, where various on-site events are arranged or individual purchase-based rewards are offered to consumers. Similarly, restaurants engage their consumers in fun activities and games as well as introduce new discounts and promotions while they wait for food. Real-estate businesses also use proximity marketing to create high-value where need and preference-based homes, office spaces, and rentals are offered. However, advertisers need to be aware of consumer preferences to offer useful and effective personalized services. Geo-targeting is an impactful proximity advertising technique where location data is used to tailor offerings as per the identified local trends and behaviors.

Hotel Industry Trend: Mobile Proximity Marketing Gives Hoteliers and Their Advertisers ... - 1 views

  • ction via the guests' mobile devices-only now, it won't be by dialing a number or sending a text message.
  • intera
  • Proximity marketing is one of the most effective advertising tools to become available for hoteliers
  • ...15 more annotations...
    • Henrique Rodrigues
      The following article analyzes the relationship of mobile proximity marketing in the hotel industry and how it is very innovative in shaping different ways to interact with hotel guests and to drive revenues. Many things have changed in the last 10 years in the advertising and marketing industry as mobile devices became more of a pocket computer. Different technologies have been developed to use the full interaction possible with the customers and marketing had to be quick to make its own changes. The inception of proximity marketing allow the companies to be more effective and develop an interactive engagement. By changing the methods of communication, marketing can deliver and offer more information than it could ever be done before. One of the main ideas behind is to entice the customers and offer them exclusivity, giving the guests what they want. In exchange, hotels get to retain more loyal customers and also gain data and statistics that will help the hotel to stay relevant at all times. At the end of the day, the main goal is increasing customer engagement, exclusivity and interaction. So far it has been working just fine.
  • hoteliers can also measure the response of their advertisements, and advertising messages can be tailored based on the hotel or advertising partner's needs in real-time
  • this interactive marketing engagement is the marriage of digital and mobile marketing used to deliver content to guests' mobile devices in a contextually relevant environment
  • The messages are automatically delivered to the guest's cell phone whenever they approach a certain distance (from 3 to 300 feet) of the TV in their room, or any digital signage in the hotel property,
  • Proximity marketing has tremendous revenue-producing potential, allowing hotels to deepen their connection with guests, encourage more loyalty and greatly improve the customer experience:
  • new opportunity for hoteliers to increase revenues by advertising to a captive audience that craves information and interaction
  • it is clear that the future of hotel marketing is ready to evolve
  • offering hotels and advertisers increased customer engagement, interaction and exclusivity. B
  • y adding proximity marketing into the mix, hoteliers can encourage guests to react to an advertisement immediately, create repeat business, and in turn generate larger ROI for hotel advertisers.
  • allows digital signs to 'talk and interact' with nearby mobile devices, providing mobile users with information and incentives at exactly the time they need them
  • Proximity marketing provides a tool to reach guests beyond just traditional advertising campaigns by adding to existing digital signage and television advertising
  • As hoteliers search for new marketing tools to increase interaction with their guests, and advertisers switch budgets from traditional advertising to newer, more interactive "new media",
  • an exclusive offer, rich media, loyalty promotions and incentives and a great deal more.
  • Proximity marketing offers hoteliers capabilities that traditional advertising never could alone, which is why it is such an effective marketing for hoteliers.
  • Two of the fastest-growing marketing channels today are mobile devices
    This article discusses proximity marketing within the hospitality industry. Proximity marketing is a growing useful tool. Hotels are among those utilizing proximity marketing. As noted in the article and highlighted in yellow, proximity marketing allows the hotel to reach there guest after they check in. Following check in your phone can be used as increased access to the hotel. Proximity marketing is an enhancement which leads to increased innovation. Per the article proximity marketing is one of the most effective advertising tools to become available for hotels. Through proximity marketing messages are transferred to the guest cell phone. The cell phone access has the ability to lead to increased revenue. The hotel and guest can interact in new ways. This form of marketing caters to guest engagement, provides a new method of communication and allows for guests to receive information. Proximity Marketing is an innovative tool that I believe will continue and grow as the years continue.
  • ...4 more comments...
    This article serves to illustrate the effectiveness of proximity marketing as it is a way for businesses to carefully curate their messages based on customer interactions and in turn increase revenues through specifically targeted advertising campaigns. This digital marketing technique is designed to boost customer engagement and interaction and will enable the company to gain valuable insights to customer behavior.
    Discussed are the uses of proximity marketing for the hotel industry. The ability to reach guests while on property and informing them of the services that are available as well offering special pricing and other incentives for returning to the property are all useful tools.
    MUST READ! This is a powerful summary of proximity marketing - and how it applies specifically to hotels. The article is rich in statistical data on how many guests use their cell phones, have a cell phone and what the opportunities are for a hotel to use this data. Interesting stat - 98% of guests turn on their TV within 5 minutes of entering their room. What a captive way to reach out to your guests!
    Proximity marketing allows hoteliers to reach their guest in a more innovative way. When entering a hotel lobby or bar, a push notification can be sent to them advertising the brand. It can also be done in the hotel room via their TV. With an increase in cellphone usage, 91% of Americans will be easily reached electronically.
    Mobile proximity marketing in my opinion will continue more vigorously in the future . This is a captive audience for the hotel to connect with its guests to upsell , inform , drive business to the brand and its affiliates as well as a great tool for guest retention . Undoubtedly , the cell phone has replaced Ipads and computers in the movement for vacation guests for example . A guest would usually not take their laptops to the pool area but will more often than not , take their cell phone. A popup Ad while walking by the boutique or an outlet can stir emotions to visit or purchase that was never planned.
    This article discusses how, using proximity marketing and hotels can deliver relevant content to guests' mobile devices at moments of maximum influence, in a contextually relevant environment. With proximity marketing, hotels can advertise to a captive audience without leaving their property or hotel rooms. Messages can be tailored according to the hotel or advertising partner's needs in real-time.

Proximity Marketing | What is Proximity Marketing? - 0 views

    • abroo041
      This website discusses what proximity marketing is, who uses it, the target market, and how a proximity marketing plan is created and implemented. Proximity marketing is the use of cellular technology to market to mobile device users within a certain radius of a business. Almost every business uses proximity marketing in different ways. A restaurant might use it to advertise a new promotional meal, while an airport may use it to provide maps and promote their destination to tourists. The target market is anyone with a mobile device. Knowing your goal of marketing is the first step in creating a proximity marketing plan. Understanding the quick nature of these marketing advertisements and tailoring them to provide the most essential information and attract the viewer, all within a short message, is also important to successful marketing.
  • With mobile devices becoming a staple of modern society and the preferred way of accessing digital content, today’s successful marketing professionals will need to understand how to connect successfully with mobile consumers.
  • Proximity marketing helps companies and service agencies do just that
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Proximity marketing—also sometimes called hyperlocal marketing—uses cellular technology to send marketing messages to mobile-device users who are in close proximity to a business.
  • While the audience is limited to those in the proximity of the business and those using its Wi-fi or Bluetooth signal, the message is very user friendly and reaches those most likely to visit a store. Who employs Proximity Marketing?
  • Major retailers, such as Ikea or Macy’s, can send store maps and coupons or offers to apply for their credit card or to enroll in their loyalty or rewards programs. Hotels can inform guests about on-site events and promotions or can offer to enroll them in loyalty or rewards programs. Restaurants can send special menus/daily specials, coupons, offers for loyalty programs, or perhaps send trivia questions or other games to help them pass the time while they wait for their table to be ready. Shopping malls can offer a proximity marketing benefit to their tenants by putting together a package of coupons or offer a discount at any mall retailer. Travel hubs such as airports and public transportation centers can provide maps or display ads that can be sold to local tourist destinations. General information about a product or service can be delivered through proximity marketing even if the fixed location of the business or service agency changes
  • This makes just about every consumer with a smart phone potentially susceptible to a proximity marketing campaign, particularly younger, tech-savvy shoppers who are more likely to own smartphone and use them while shopping.
  • Locations such as shopping malls, large retail outlets, and trade shows, where consumers are generally planning to spend at least an hour or two, are prime areas for a proximity marketing campaign.
  • One of the key benefits of proximity marketing is that its messages reach a high percentage of potential customers who are in the area.
  • The main purpose of the proximity marketing plan is to connect with customers while they are near your business or service and spur them into action
  • In the case of mobile messaging, it’s important to consider adding an opt-in component to your campaign.
  • More and more, customers value control over the messages they receive and desire privacy from unwanted solicitations
  • Mobile devices are made for short messages and quick interaction, and there is intense competition for the attention and time of the mobile device user. Therefore, in developing a proximity marketing plan, messages must be sharpened and honed to be as clear, concise, and impactful as possible.
  • If the goal is to drive as much traffic as possible to the business and maximize sales that day, then an electronic coupon or special offer might be the best strategy. If the store has a high turnover rate, the goal may be to make a connection with customers by offering them incentives to return.
  • The digital and interactive nature of most proximity marketing campaigns provides the advantage of real-time data collection of response and success rates. If a message is failing to connect, it can be easily and quickly adjusted.

Proximity Marketing: How It Can Help Your Small Business in 2022 | Beambox - 0 views

  • Mobile technology has transformed the world of restaurant and bar marketing, taking it to new heights of precision and effectiveness that go beyond anything seen before
  • nowadays carries a smartphone in their pocket has changed the marketing landscape beyond recognition.
  • with almost 6.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, there’s simply never been a better time to look into location-based marketing and advertising technique
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • This tactic has been proven hugely effective for a wide array of businesses and industries, and is especially well-suited for drawing in punters to your restaurant, cafe or bar
  • Proximity marketing hones in on potential customers in your area, and lets them know what you do best.
  • proximity marketing is set to become part of the ‘new normal’ for restaurant bar promotion.
  • Making Use of WiFi for Proximity Marketing
  • proximity-based marketing is part of the rising trend for hyper local marketing - both the oldest and newest form of marketing there is.
  • The benefits of this approach are abundantly clear, and many businesses of many types are leaping on board the proximity marketing bandwagon
  • This approach is also great for boosting engagement levels with existing customers. Nothing tempts diners back to a restaurant they’ve already enjoyed like the promise of a discount, free appetiser, or loyalty program, and proximity marketing techniques will achieve that swiftly, efficiently and with all the power that hyper local advertising can achieve.
  • proximity advertising comes in several different forms, each with their own advantages which may suit your business better.
  • proximity marketing is all about making use of your customers’ and potential customers’ location in order to market your business.
  • Beacon Marketing
  • Proximity Marketing with GPS
  • RFID - The Cutting Edge of Proximity Marketing
  • almost everybody is a potential customer
  • By increasing your potential traffic in this way, proximity marketing techniques generally bring about a strong ROI that cannot be overlooked.
  • With plenty of savvy planning, a keen knowledge of your customer base and their various needs and desires, and a bit of modern technical wizardry, proximity marketing for restaurants can boost your bottom line.
  • a trend likely to continue growing for the foreseeable future.
    To summarize, this article is based on how proximity marketing is a new trend that is likely to continue growing for the foreseeable future. Also, the benefits allow for companies to boost their traction with customers as well as boosting engagement levels with existing ones. Moreover, there are different types of proximity marketing and each have their own advantage that may suit a specific business better.

Why and How to Use Proximity Marketing for Restaurants? - 0 views

  • More than 80% of the world’s population now own a smartphone, and a huge chunk of these smartphone owners are constantly sharing their location for different reasons.
  • This marketing strategy is all about marketing to your customers at the right time and place
  • How Can Proximity Marketing be Used in Restaurants? Proximity marketing allows you to target a specific location. Unlike broad-based marketing tools, you can focus on a particular customer group that is easier to convert based on their proximity to your business. 
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  • Proximity ma
  • Therefore, it is essential to ensure your restaurant is visible on Google Maps, Bing, and Yelp searches. 
  • Geomarketing is the practice of serving customers with specific ads when near your restaurants.
  • Beacons are small Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices that you set up in particular spots in your restaurant. You can then use them to pass information as text or images/videos to consumers within its range.
  • Customers can scan or tap the QR code using their mobile devices to reveal the marketing campaign. These QR codes are easy to create and customize with QR code generators.
  • . You can use discounts or offer some free items to attract these new customers to your restaurant and make sure they have a wonderful experience, so they become regular customers.
  • This can include exclusive discounts and events such as free food sampling to incentivize loyalty program members to remain loyal.
  • You can use beacons to determine the number of people in the restaurant and use this to inform other customers whether the restaurant is crowded. 
  • It will allow you to create combo deals that can help you refer customers to each other to increase sales.
  • Proximity Marketing for Restaurants will not only allow you to send personalized messages to your customers but can also alert your staff when a loyal customer walks in. 
  • The real-time connection will give your business a better opportunity to engage the customers and build stronger relationships.
  • you can promote your restaurant and the unique benefits it offers in a way the customers will find most relevant and appreciate.
  • The marketing technique makes it easy to deliver the offers straight to the customer’s mobile phones, ensuring they do not miss out on the offer.
  • This can be very useful for individuals walking around trying to figure out where and what to eat.
  • You can then use this information to create a tailored menu for them that you are sure they will love every time they visit your restaurant. 
  • , proximity marketing can also help you develop custom prices for different customers.
  • If your restaurant has a loyalty reward program, proximity marketing can be beneficial for its promotion.
  • It was only a matter of time before businesses utilized this to develop innovative marketing solutions like proximity marketing.
  • Proximity Marketing for Restaurants has become a popular tool
  • easy to pass the information on the latest deals, special offers, and discounts. 
  • is to entice customers to make a decision to buy from your business in the immediate or near future.
  • The ads can be advertising discounts, new offers, or specials for the day. The main aim is to get more people within your restaurant’s locality to give it a try.
  • You should check your restaurant’s online presence on these platforms often and make sure important information such as the name of your restaurant and the exact location is correct and up-to-date.
  • 2. Use Beacons for Geomarketing Ads
  • 1. Make your Restaurant More Visible
  • 3. Market to New Customers
  • 4. Promoting Loyalty Reward Programs
  • Proximity Marketing Can Improve Customer Experience
  • 1. Personalized Experience
  • 2. Real-time Connection
  • 3. In-depth Customer Data
  • , you can get crucial insights from their buying behaviors to how much time they spend in your restaurant.
  • 4. Easy Delivery of Time-Sensitive Offers
  • 5. Laser-focused Targeting
  • A message popping up on their phone with your deal of the day can effectively influence them to try out your restaurant and help them decide what to eat.
  • Proximity marketing for restaurants allows you to know your loyal customers better
  • This further enhances customer loyalty and ensures they have the best experience in your eatery
  • 4. You Can Let Customers Know if the Restaurant is Crowded or Not
    This article talked about how and why to use proximity marketing for your restaurant. They started off by talking about how many people have smart phones and how restaurants can use this to their benefit. There were a couple benefits of proximity marketing this article brought up that i thought were great ideas. The first being partnering with other business and restaurants to create combo deals. The other being just hoe in-depth you can personalize the experience using proximity marketing.
    Proximity marketing can be used in many different ways in the hospitality business. For restaurants specificially it can help enhance the customer experience, increase customers, maintain loyal customers, boost sales, make customers want to keep coming and more. Proximity marketing allows restaurants and all the hospitality industry to focus more on their clientele and who they want to reach in many ways and can be a great tools for sales.

What is Proximity Marketing and How does it Work? | Beaconstac - 0 views

  • Proximity marketing is all about marketing to your consumer at the right place, at the right time, with highly relevant and personalized notifications.
    • kaylaabad
      Proximity Marketing - highly personal marketing strategy
  • opt-in to enhance their customer experience using proximity marketing technologies
    • kaylaabad
      Proximity marketing enhances customer experience.
  • These tools work best when they are used by brands to better understand the needs and wants of their customer base, as well as notable patterns in buying behaviour.
    • kaylaabad
      Proximity marketing enables businesses to better understand wants/needs of customers and buying behaviors.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Proximity marketing with beacons involves setting up a Bluetooth enabled mobile device at a particular spot within the range of the beacon and passing information in the form of text, images or video via the respective mobile app. There are a number of must-haves required to employ this marketing technique.
    • kaylaabad
      Proximity marketing can be done through beacons
  • Again when it comes to beacon deployment there are a number of factors to consider, starting from available power arrangements to choosing the right kind of beacon
    • kaylaabad
      Factors to consider with beacon deployment: starting from available power arrangements to choosing the right kind of beacon
  • the communication occurs in 3 quick steps
    • kaylaabad
      The communication occurs in 3 quick steps: device detection, permission request, content upload
  • There are a host of technologies are being leveraged to implement proximity marketing campaigns. 
    • kaylaabad
      There are a host of technologies are being leveraged to implement proximity marketing campaigns - QR codes, WiFi, NFC, Geofencing, RFID, BLE beacons
    This article gives further insight into Proximity Marketing. As the article states, "Proximity marketing is all about marketing to your consumer at the right place, at the right time, with highly relevant and personalized notifications." By collecting consumer data, the consumer experience will be enhanced. This is because companies can now take a deeper dive into analyzing the buying patterns and the wants/needs of consumers. This type of marketing can work through beacons, QR codes, WiFi, NFC, and Geofencing. RFID
    "Proximity marketing with beacons involves setting up a Bluetooth enabled mobile device at a particular spot within the range of the beacon and passing information in the form of text, images or video via the respective mobile app. There are a number of must-haves required to employ this marketing technique. They are: 1. First of all, the consumer should be using a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device at the location where the proximity marketing technique is being applied. 2. A beacon must be deployed in the area where the consumer is currently located, in order to send out and receive marketing messages or other information."

Benefits of proximity marketing systems for the hospitality - 0 views

  • Proximity marketing is a form of electronic marketing where customers are targeted by marketers based on their proximity to a certain location. Generally, these communications are personalised and aimed at motivating the customer to make a purchase in the immediate future.
  • There are several ways a proximity marketing system can be implemented. Options include:QR CodesGeofencing (RFID or GPS)BeaconsWi-Fi
  • Geofencing is a tool that facilitates proximity marketing by tracking a guest’s movement using an app that has been granted access to analyze their device’s GPS signal.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Beacon systems (like the Alertiee Plus) work by using Bluetooth to open a line of communication between a guest’s device and a specific location’s beacon when the two come close enough together to establish a connection.
  • In addition, beacons allow for much more flexibility, reliability, and detail in locations where GSP or cell signals are weak (e.g., malls, department stores, and hotels). If a guest enters the beacon’s Bluetooth radius the system will be able to communicate, regardless of any other factors. Beacons typically use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which uses significantly less bandwidth and battery power than GPS-based geofencing systems.
  • Proximity marketing systems are incredible tools for streamlining and automating operations in the hospitality industry.
  • the most promising benefits of proximity marketing and geofencing technologies in the hospitality industry is in boosting sales revenue.
  • Alertiee will help you realise missing sales opportunities, stores’ performance based on conversion rate, and stores’ sales hotspots areas.
  • Alertiee will help you to provide a harmonious customer experience across your omnichannel business. Our technology enables customer experience, marketing and retail teams to close the gap between customers’ digital experience and their physical experience.
  • hospitality industry can use and benefit from these tools with a focus on streamlining operations, increasing sales revenue, and improving customer experience.
  • roximity marketing systems are innovative ways of accomplishing this.
  • Reviews
  • proximity marketing systems offer an ROI that is 16% greater than PPC SEM. In part due to its cost-effectiveness, proximity marketing has begun to see widespread adoption by companies like McDonald’s, Walmart, and Macy’s.
  • The process looks like this: Guest installs an app with geofencing capabilities and grants both GPS and notification permissions. App tracks guest’s location and sends updates to proximity marketing system using cellular data. App alerts proximity marketing system that guest has entered an area defined by owners as ‘the business’. Guest receives marketing materials in the form of push notifications via the app.
  • Proximity marketing is a form of communication strategy.
  • beacon systems don’t need to (and, in fact, can’t) track a guest’s location when they aren’t near the beacon itsel
  • geofencing technologies typically need to continually update their records of the guest’s location so that the system is aware when they enter the designated area.
  • How can proximity marketing and geofencing technology benefit hospitality businesses?
  • Check-ins
  • Key delivery
  • Menus 
  • hile both geofencing and beacon systems offer several benefits to businesses in the hospitality industry, beacons are by far the more intuitive and less invasive of the two.
  • Increasing sales revenue
  • Targeted marketing
  • Personalised marketing
  • Improving guest experience
  • Room service
  • Wait times
    Proximity marketing and geofencing can benefit hospitality businesses in streamlining and automating operations with reviews, the increase in sales revenue will assist with marketing room-service order. This system improve guest experiences such as room service, wait times.
    This article talks about all of the positive benefits of proximity marketing system for the hospitality Industry. How the Industry can benefit from the tools that will bring increase in revenue and improvement of customer services and work. It explains also how geofencing and beacon system will offer benefits to certain business in the industry.

Proximity Marketing [Complete Guide to Success] | GroundTruth - 0 views

  • So, what is proximity advertising? Proximity marketing means using your customers’ location to market your products and services.
  • GPS-Based Proximity Marketing
  • WiFi Proximity Marketing
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Types of Proximity Marketing Solutions
  • Benefits
  • Customers Can You Target
    This article is a simple breakdown on what proximity marketing is, who needs it and different types of proximity marketing. This article is interesting to read because it details the topic very well and really explains how a company could be successful using proximity marketing once they know their customer target base.
    This article is on proximity marketing. If you had never heard of proximity marketing like I did this article will help you have a better understanding of it.
    According to Nicole Genchur, almost 5 billion phone users worldwide, including more than e billion smartphone users. As a result, using smartphones has become the perfect time for location-based technologies, advertisement, and marketing. Proximity marketing is a tactic that works for businesses in all industries and of all sizes. Proximity marketing uses customers' locations for marketing a product or a service. Most modern mobiles have GPS technology and cell phone triangulation. Proximity marketing is also known as hyper-local marketing. This technology is a highly targeted form of marketing that lets businesses show promotions to customers within a small local area. Proximity marketing is used by many businesses, which include restaurants and fast foods, retail stores, the traveling industry, and real estate companies. Proximity marketing offers many opportunities for marketing to many businesses because they can personalize the customer experience based on past, present, or future location and behavior. Proximity marketing helps boost sales, offers information that can create customer engagement, and can improve customer relationships.
Luis Valdivia

The Mobile Proximity Marketing Advantages and Disadvantages Retailers Must Know - Shopk... - 1 views

  • sights on purchase behaviors
  • proximity marketing, which employs geolocation to market to consumers within physical reach of a store
  • Beacon technology, which powers proximity marketing, results in an estimated 40 million messages a year, and that number is ever increasing. As a result, the retail industry must be sure it is primed to take full advantage of this technology now and in the coming years.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • proximity marketing is ideal for targeting the right audience at the right time
  • proximity marketing could be a valuable resource for increasing market share and brand awareness
  • Proximity marketing doesn’t require much effort from store personnel. It’s automatic; technology does the work for you.
  • creased brand awareness
  • Engaged users
  • Higher conversion rates
  • It is estimated that 57% of consumers are likely to engage with location-based advertising.
  • An automated edge
  • The Mobile Proximity Marketing Advantages for Retailers
  • sights on purchase behaviors
  • Insights on purchase behavior
  • One highly valuable aspect of proximity marketing is the data it creates. You’re essentially getting a purchase map from the consumers in your store.
  • The Challenges of Proximity Marketing and its Disadvantages
  • Challenges
  • While consumers download a large number of apps, they don’t use a majority of those apps regularly
  • Conversion issues
  • Management complexity
  • Proximity marketing is a specialty form of marketing that not every company can manage. It requires the right hardware and programming as well as an expert to monitor it
  • Privacy concerns:
    This article looks at the benefits of proximity and its disadvantages. The author explores multiple reasons why modern businesses should use proximity marketing. For instance, it helps businesses to target ideal customers at the right time. it also improves customer experience, customer loyalty, and thus, creating a competitiveadvantage in the marlket. Conversely, it has some negatives. therefore, before implementing the technology, entrepreneurs should look out for ways to minize the demerits in order to gain the most from the technology.
Qike Chu

Hotel Industry Trend: Mobile Proximity Marketing Gives Hoteliers and Their Advertisers ... - 3 views

  • andexclusivity. 
  • Today, hotels and advertisers have a new tool to reach their guests after they check in: interaction via the guests’ mobile devices—only now, it won’t be by dialing a number or sending a text message. 
  • Proximity marketing is one of the most effective advertising tools to become available for hoteliers.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Proximity marketing offers hoteliers capabilities that traditional advertising never could alone, which is why it is such an effective marketing for hoteliers. 
  • Proximity marketing provides a tool to reach guests beyond just traditional advertising campaigns by adding to existing digital signage and television advertising. 
  • Proximity marketing appeals to what guests want, offering hotels and advertisers increased customer engagement, interaction andexclusivity.  By notifying guests of exclusive promotions hotels have to offer through their mobile phones, hotels and advertisers have a greater chance of customers responding to their advertisements, and therefore a greater ROI on their marketing spend. 
  • Changing technologies provide a new way for hotels to interact with guests.
  • As hoteliers search for new marketing tools to increase interaction with their guests, and advertisers switch budgets from traditional advertising to newer, more interactive “new media”, it is clear that the future of hotel marketing is ready to evolve.
  • With such an increase in the use of mobile devices, hotels and advertisers are now provided with an interactive and immediate way to connect and engage with their guests.  Research shows that 98% of hotel guests turn on the TV within five minutes of entering their room.  This means that within the first five minutes of checking in, hotels are provided with a captive audience that is primed for information and offers.
  • By the end of 2011, 91% of Americans will own mobile phones, and Smartphone penetration will double.
  • by using wireless Bluetooth® capabilities—95% of mobile phones, including Smartphones are Bluetooth-enabled – to reach guests via their mobile devices, hotels and their advertisers can now offer promotions to guests after check-in, directly onto their mobile phone.
  • Research has shown that proximity marketing increases the response rate of traditional mobile marketing making it more effective: through mobile advertising, over 1.2 billion in digital coupons were issued in 2010 (over 41% growth) and response rates for mobile location-based couponing was 23-33 percent.  By adding proximity marketing into the mix, hoteliers can encourage guests to react to an advertisement immediately, create repeat business, and in turn generate larger ROI for hotel advertisers.
  • Increased interaction engages the customer in a hotels promotion.
    Proximity Marketing is the trend of the marketing sector of the hospitality industry. Based on the statistics, there is a great increase in using proximity marketing recent years. And there are some reasons why hotels choose to use this technology. First, it enables the hotel to reach potential customers and providing electronic forms of advertising. By notifying guests of exclusive promotions hotels have to offer through their mobile phones, hotels and advertisers have a greater chance of customers responding to their advertisements, and therefore a greater ROI on their marketing spend. Second, from the perspective of the hotel, it decrease the advertising cost in terms of decreasing labor cost. It is said that proximity marketing has a tremendous revenue-production potential, and more hotels are engaging in using proximity marketing.
    Proximity marketing is the localized wireless distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. It is now becoming one of the most popular marketing tools in any industry especially in hospitality. Marketing people from hotel industry were looking for new marketing tools past few years. Instead of sending out promotion mails or emails, they need to have better ideas. What they realized is that wish an increase in the use of mobile devices, hotels can communicate and provide better service with guest cell phone. They also realized guests usually watch TV, while they are waiting to be C/I. So hotel is now providing offers while guests are in line. It is a Win-Win situation. The way to find communication is now the key of marketing. Proximity Marketing is a type of eMarketing that will help to communicate with guests with low cost.
    According to this article, it said that by the end of 2011, 91% of Americans  owned mobile phones, and Smartphone penetration have been doubled. Obviously, it becomes a trend in hospitality industry nowadays that more and more people use smart phones and tablets. Based on wireless such as bluetooth, it allows hoteliers to interact with customers much easier and more convenient. Proximity marketing is one kind of eMarketing which is very popular in daily life. It is well known that better marketing brings better sales which of course increases revenues of companies. By sending guests nearby informations about promotions and discounts, hotels attract more guests than before. However, too much informations sent to guests will make them sucks and they have no choice to select what they really want. So in my opinion, I think it should be improved.

How can proximity marketing help your business? - ShippyPro Blog - 2 views

  • you may have heard of its alternative name, ‘hyperlocal marketing’. It’s all about marketing to customers, and potential customers, in the right place and at the right time. It also makes use of personalised notifications to really engage customer
  • Proximity marketing enables you to bridge the gap between online and offline marketing. It can entice customers into making a spontaneous purchase.
  • beacons are small, wireless devices that transmit Bluetooth signals to smartphones that are within a certain proximity of the device
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Proximity marketing can also be used as a way of gaining on-the-spot customer feedback.
  • Over 60% of respondents to the study said that they would do more holiday shopping in a physical store rather than online if they were served mobile content and offers as they shopped. Finally, 61% of people said they’d visit a shop more often if it offered beacon marketing campaigns.
  • Near-field communication (NFC) was designed to enable secure payments and applications
  • it hasn’t been as successful for proximity marketing. That’s because NFC ads require customers to initiate the engagement, and can’t send notifications like beacons can.
  • QR codes are an alternative solution for running proximity marketing campaigns if your brand doesn’t have an app
  • Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is used by retailers to track store product movement and inventory. However, to use it for proximity marketing requires businesses to invest a significant amount in all of the equipment needed including tags, readers, reader control and apps.
  • it’s not inherently compatible with mobile devices,
  • Proximity marketing can offer tailored advertising for customers, with ads triggered by a customer’s proximity to your store.
  • you can build long-term relationships with your customers by offering them a more personalised experience
  • Retailers who have both online stores and bricks-and-mortar shops have long struggled with having access to the same data offline as they do online
  • It targets potential customers with personalised adverts based on how close they are to a specific location.
  • The technology for hyperlocal marketing is usually powered by beacons, which is a fast-growing market. In 2016, the global beacons technology market was valued at $519.6 million.
  • Retailers can send whatever information they want out to customers’ phones. They could choose to send details of special offers, or perhaps offer a unique discount that isn’t available to other customers.
  • It can improve a customer’s affinity to your brand, and drive sales from both new and existing customers.
  • By sending notifications and offers to shoppers through your app, you can ensure customers take a more active interest in the app.
    This article explains what proximity marketing is, that marketing to customers and prospects in the right place at the right time, and how it works. Through a series of research data shows the development prospect of this marketing way. Introduce the most common technique used for this type of marketing is beacon,while also introduce some other methods and the reason why these technologies haven't been as popular as beacons, including NCF (near-field communication), QR codes, RFID (radio-frequency identification), and WiFi. The author also analyzes the benefits, which contains advertising, personalization, access to data, and increase usage of mobile apps, for companies to use this, as well as benefits for customers, such as a personalized shopping experience. Moreover, the writer rounded up some of the best-use cases of proximity marketing by big brands, including McDonald's, Amazon Go, and Walmart in order to give some idea for readers how this could be applied for business.
    This article discusses what proximity marketing is, how it is used, the different forms of it, as well as the pros and cons of it. Proximity marketing has many different uses, and is currently mainly used in retail stores. However, this kind of location based marketing is becoming popular in hospitality, mainly through restaurant usage.

Top Proximity Marketing Tactics And Tools For 2023 | MarTech Cube - 0 views

  • Proximity marketing is an instant and personalized solution that helps to engage consumers and understand their buying behavior which enables buyers to make purchasing decisions.
  • Proximity marketing is also known as hyper-local marketing. This marketing tactic helps consumers get notified of offers, coupons, and discounts allowed by certain stores or shops specifically designed for that particular individual. Personalized advertising is restricted to the specific local area based on the technologies like Bluetooth, beacon, WiFi, geofencing, near-field communications (NFC), and QR codes.
    • deranique
      Provides definition & A list of the various form of connectivity to current and future customers.
  • Why is proximity marketing important? Business entities can easily target consumers by geotargeting feature Increases engagement by just downloading mobile applications Bluetooth/beacons help to pitch products through app notification Proximity marketing allows a competitive advantage for marketers Push notifications pop up and initiate communication with consumers Proximity marketing offers a personalized experience to consumers
    • deranique
      The importance of proximity marketing to the consumer and company.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Hyperlocal marketing is useful to target potential customers with more customized advertisements based on buying patterns.
  • Proximity marketing tools & tactics also analyze the particular location and influence consumers’ purchase decisions in the near future.
  • Local advertising consists of small shops, local area marketers, shopping complexes, city blocks, store outlets, and small places where businesses pitch and promote their products and services.
    • deranique
      Various things that are marketed using advertisements.
  • QR codes
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth Beacons
  • NFC
  • Geofencing
  • RFID
  • A proximity marketing strategy is highly useful for business owners to influence local area consumers.
  • The objective of proximity technology is to improve the consumer experience with more interactions. Utilizing timely and physically relevant data is key to the success of hyperlocal marketing strategies.
    I like how this article broke down proximity marketing and which tools it targets for different consumers. I also enjoyed the graph is used for popular proximity marketing solutions. This article helped me understand this concept a bit more and in an easy way
Mariana Sales de Jesus

8 reasons why proximity marketing will matter for retailers in 2011 | RetailCustomerExp... - 2 views

  • Proximity marketing exploits activities that consumers are already involved with — and enjoy — to offer retailers a new path to reach their audiences, affording a higher level of interactivity that didn’t exist before. Proximity marketing expands the scope of interactive marketing in public places — malls, food courts, cinemas, airports, etc. — to offer a more spontaneous and direct interaction. Think of it as taking location-based marketing to an even greater level of "local," and being contextually relevant in absolute terms. Proximity marketing allows retailers to leverage their strengths and create an even more memorable interaction for consumers and, by extension, motivate return visits and increase ROI.
    This article talks about the basics of proximity marketing, how every marketing campaign done with this can be review in real time. What is most interesting about this technology is that it can even inform you of those customers who accepted your message so you can save that info and use it in the future. This for me seems very invasive to the customers, laws need to be put in place to better monitor proximity marketing. For the retailer this is a easy way to reach the customers that are in the neighborhood and might become regulars at the business. 
    The article highlighted is related to proximity marketing. The author stated that 2010 was the "year of the mobile", where people are accessing the internet more from their phones instead of a computer. The articles stated that it was believed that 2011 would be the year for proximity marketing; however, it didn't quite happen that way. The technology will eventually come but so far is not that popular yet. It is believe that this technology will be very effective to people that suffer with ADD and not attracted to static signage. The mobile marketing will be a great solution to interact with people with this type of condition. Another reason is that an ad from a store from the vicinity and only depends on foot traffic will be more prone to generate customers. The blue-tooth technology will be very favorable because the consumers that has it on is in some way accepting to be able to connect and doesn't incur any costs through the mobile carriers. Another advantage is that retailers would be able to record every number that the ad has been sent to and which ones were accepted or declines. That is another way to get to know your consumer. The difference between proximity marketing and traditional marketing is that it is done in real time; it is inexpensive to retailers by the elimination of delivery carriers and very fast. This is a very smart way doing marketing, but with every technology, there are downfalls. We need to avoid the marketing proximity to become an overload of overwhelming information coming through our cell phones as we walk down the street. Hopefully this technology will make retailers a little greener too.
    I agree how this would save the company money and avoid them having to pay for the costs of running ads in the paper, printing of coupons, flyers, radio advertising, etc However, this could be perceived as a risk because you run the risk of allienating your customers, some of who may not be technological fans. Others would just hate to be bombarded with incoming texts. Bluetooth can be very hit or miss, if your on the phone with someone else at the time does the ad break up your conversation and make you loose the call? Sometimes when you use blue tooth you can't even hear the other person when driving. I personally can't stand it and just won't use it. I may not even use my cell phone if this trend is going to continue. i dont think i would like it very much

3 Reasons Why you Need to Invest in Proximity Marketing Now | Beaconstac - 0 views

  • proximity marketing is the act of advertising to a customer based on their location.
  • 1. Your competitors are already getting smarter by embracing proximity marketing
  • According to the 2015 Store Operations Survey, 29% of retailers already have beacons in stores while 17% more plan to add beacons, which would bring the total number of retailers with beacons to 46%.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • (1) 71% were able to track and understand customer browsing and buying patterns
  • (2) 65% were able to target customers down to the aisle level (3) 59% of customers are more engaged in the store (4) 53% were able to create more relevant and compelling offers in the store (5) 24% saw an increase in sales
  • Big Data
  • (1) Optimize the layout of your store by tracking customer walking paths and dwell times. (2) Use saved data like favorited items, recipes, experiences or entrees to direct users to their desired object inside your store or on your menu. (3) Increase staff performance by utilizing data from a mobile survey pushed to customers as they exit your store.
  • 2. Your customers have already dedicated their attention to their phones
  • (1) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for a Facebook ad is 0.119%, according to a recent Wordstream report (2) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for an email is 1% to 3%, according to a recent report by Mailchimp (3) The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for beacon based push notifications can be as high as 80%, according to the data published by push notification technologist Kahuna
  • 3. The online world is fast coming offline
    Proximity marketing is the act of delivering advertisements to customers based on their location. However, as more and more proximity marketing activities begin to take place, marketers everywhere are now beginning to realize that proximity marketing is more than just providing vouchers and coupons.If used properly, proximity marketing can even help you increase customer retention. Wénzhāng tōngguò sān gè wéidù 1. Tōngguò cǎiyòng jiējìn yíngxiāo, nín de jìngzhēng duìshǒu yǐjīng biàn dé yuè lái yuè cōngmíng. 2. Nín de kèhù yǐjīng jiāng zhùyì lì jízhōng zài shǒujī shàng. 3. The online world is fast coming offline. 展开 99 / 5000 翻译结果 The article passes through three dimensions 1. By adopting proximity marketing, your competitors have become smarter and smarter. 2.Your customers have focused their attention on their mobile phones. 3. The online world is fast coming offline.

How proximity marketing can help the high street | The Drum - 0 views

  • beacons haven’t taken over the marketing world in the way so many predicted, however, some of the world’s biggest brands are redefining the customer experience with proximity marketing - with or without beacons.
  • Amazon is trying to reshape the in-store customer experience with a fleet of Amazon Go stores where customers can simply walk in, pick the items they want and walk right out - no queues and no physical payments action whatsoever.
  • One of the most successful uses of proximity marketing also happens to be one of the oldest, though. The Starbucks mobile app allows customers to place orders, pay in-store, collect rewards and receive custom offers from the biggest name in high street coffee.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • shopping habits are changing and online spending continues to increase. Yet, there are parts of the consumer journey that online-only technology can’t fulfil - and this is where retailers need to innovate most.
  • The technology that powers proximity marketing is only going to improve as smart cities grow and IoT becomes a part of our everyday lives. But the technology, in its current state, is already there to redefine customer experiences and the way consumers engage with brands, based on their immediate location.
  • When Apple launched iBeacons in 2013, proximity marketing became the industry’s favourite trend. With the right technology, this hyper-localised strategy was supposed to bridge the divide between online content and offline consumer action but Apple’s iBeacon platform ultimately failed to take off.
    Module 6: Proximity Marketing This article focuses on the use of proximity marketing in 2020, and discusses how beacons have not taken over the offline and online market like Apple and Google originally hoped they would. Discussed in the article is how Amazon is utilizing proximity marketing in their Amazon Go stores This technology in a COVID-19 world will allow shoppers the flexibility to go outside of their homes and continue to social distance as all payments occur as, " customers can simply walk in, pick the items they want and walk right out - no queues and no physical payments action whatsoever." Similar to Starbucks where guests pay directly on their phones, the proximity marketing market will continue to grow as technology continues to advance. According to the article, "The technology, in its current state, is already there to redefine customer experiences and the way consumers engage with brands, based on their immediate location."

Proximity Marketing Market: Industry Size and Growth Opportunities with COVID19 Impact ... - 0 views

  • Proximity Marketing market report provides analysis of Covid-19 restrictions imposed on business owners, investors, etc. Due to the fact that locks are performed differently in different regions and countries, the geographical and regional effects change frequently. This study analyzes current market effects in the short and long term and helps decision makers to develop short and long-term business strategies across geography.
  • Competitive assessment and detailed statistical analysis of the Proximity Marketing industry outlook can be found in the latest Proximity Marketing Market Research Report. The Proximity Marketing report will inform readers about market dynamics and trends to present a comprehensive overview of the market. The most important aspects of the Proximity Marketing industry are presented in the study as market growth, market dynamics, threats and cost structures. The dynamics of emerging markets, the latest growth, the development of R&D and major suppliers are discussed in detail. The Proximity Marketing report is segmented by product type, application, and major geographic area.
  • Global Proximity Marketing Market: Regional Segments The different section on regional segmentation gives the regional aspects of the worldwide Proximity Marketing market. This chapter describes the regulatory structure that is likely to impact the complete market. It highlights the political landscape in the market and predicts its influence on the Proximity Marketing market globally.

Proximity Marketing Soars Local Businesses: A Case Study | MarTech Cube - 0 views

  • Proximity Marketing Soars Local Businesses: A Case Study
  • 邻近市场营销(也称为超本地市场营销)就是要在适当的位置和适当的时间吸引适当的受众。它包括使用基于位置的技术,通过超个性化广告或基于与零售商店或本地企业之间的亲近度和潜在客户的交流来针对潜在客户,从而使他们能够立即做出购买决定。
  • 接近营销中使用了一组技术,例如: 蓝牙低功耗(BLE)信标或信标 无线上网 地理围栏 射频识别(RFID) 近场通信(NFC) 二维码
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • A group of technologies is used in proximity marketing such as: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons or Beacons Wi-Fi Geo-fencing Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Near-Field Communication (NFC) QR Codes
  • 零售和本地企业邻近营销的优势
  •  Enhanced Customer Engagement
  • Advantages of Proximity marketing for Retail and Local Businesses
  • 客户数据的超个性化
  • 先进的客户见解
  •  增强客户参与度
  •  顺畅的客户体验带来更高的转化率
  • Hyper-personalization of Customer Datat
  • 接近营销的有效应用
  • 目标听众
  • Advanced customer insights
  • Higher conversion rates due to smoother Customer Experience
  • Effective applications of Proximity Marketing
  • Target Audience
    This article talks about how Proximity Marketing Soars Local Businesses, what kind of technologies are been used in Proximity Marketing, Advantages of Proximity marketing for Retail and Local Businesses.
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