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Reinventing Restaurant Experiences Through Facial Recognition - 0 views

  • Biometric technology
  • offers enhanced health and safety
  • personalizes the dining experience, offers a more efficient bill payment system, and increases patron loyalty
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • 1. Contactless payments
  • facial recognition technology reduces physical contact
  • makes the experience more efficient by instantly scanning a guest
  • 's face for verification and payment.
  • safest technology in identity verification, dramatically reducing the risk of payment fraud.
  • 2. Social distancing and capacity requirements
  • Facial recognition technology helps with social distancing and capacity measures by identifying the proximity between individuals
  • keeps track of the number of people in the store
  • 3. Customer loyalty programs and personalized dining experiences
  • allows restaurants to create personalized experiences for loyal customers, and encourage first-time guests to return.
  • recognized as VIPs,
  • weekly regular who likes his burger rare with no lettuce or tomato, thus increasing customer satisfaction
  • 4. Fast-food restaurant transformations
  • with facial recognition
  • customers
  • don’t need to remember a password or log into an app
  • FaceMe Health
  • turns these kiosks into interactive experiences by recognizing loyalty program members and presenting pe
  • ased on
  • Facial recognition
  • past orders
  • also being employed in drive-through lines
  • saving time
  • 5. Employee systems: access control, time and attendance clocks, and ordering terminals
  • Advanced technologies like FaceMe® can be installed at staff entrances to check body temperature and mask-wearing while accurately identifying employees
  • simplifies clocking-in/out
  • accurate login capabilities without the need for keys or cards.
  • FaceMe SDK
  • FaceMe
  • facial recognition engine
  • to create personalized and efficient customer experiences
  • FaceMe Security
  • It can also display body temperature (when connected to a thermal camera), identify opted-in VIP customers, clock-in/out employees, flag block-listed individuals, and send real-time alerts to security personne
  • software solution that performs facial recognition even if users are wearing a mask.
  • Facial recognition t
  • installed on a PC connected to a camera with thermal imaging capabilities.
    Biometric Technology is being implemented in restaurants offering better health and safety, personalised dining experiences and efficient payment methods. Restaurants are using facial recognition for the following: 1. Contactless payments - scanning customers' faces for safe payment verification. 2. Social distancing and capacity measures - helps identify proximity between individuals and tracks number of people inside a store. 3. Loyalty programs and personalized dining - opted-in diners are recognized as VIPs giving them personalized service and suggesting past preferences. 4. Fast-food restaurants - customers don't need to remember a password or long into an app. Facial recognition is being implemented in drive-through lines to save time. 5. Employee systems - technologies can check body temperature and accuracy of mask wearing, it also simplifies cocking in and out and gives them login access to the POS terminals.

How Proximity Marketing Can Aid Businesses - Forbytes - 0 views

  • The development of technology provides new opportunities for businesses to grow.
  • Our smartphones have changed how we shop, work, socialize, and live. It’s no wonder that so many businesses are taking on the challenge of proximity marketing.
  • The aim of proximity marketing is to deliver marketing campaigns to consumers in close proximity to retailers, restaurants, or other locations of interest to target messages.
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • The idea of proximity marketing is that a specific message can only be communicated to the right person by its proximity.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Using a proximity marketing strategy enables your company to personalize the customer experience in a way that varies your offerings based on the customer’s past, present, or future location and behavior. App utilization: Using proximity ads to provide valuable info and offers can improve user interaction with a business’s app, which can be a place for users to read regular updates and withdraw discounts, etc. Cost-effectiveness: Mobile proximity marketing is a cost-efficient way to target ads to the desired audience. Customer relationship boost: Proximity ads help businesses better understand the needs of their customers. This allows them to meet these needs to enhance relationships and interactions.
    • joshli2022
      Benefits of proximity marketing.
  • Businesses of all sizes use proximity marketing to engage with potential customers,
  • The aim of proximity marketing is to deliver marketing campaigns to consumers in close proximity to retailers, restaurants, or other locations of interest to the target audience.
  • method of location-based marketing via a company’s use of their customers’ location is a foundation for a proximity marketing strategy.
  • as long as they’re physically near to the business. It makes ads more practical and efficient, as well as more personal.
  • Near field communication (NFC) proximity marketing is a marketing tactic in which retailers put a chip on the product that works as a transmitter and connect to in-store visitors’ mobiles to send them various info about certain products.
  • designed to identify the customer profile and send the message directly to the person.
  • n the form of coupons or discount cards, advertisement banners in the store, or a personalized advertisement on a store companion website.
  • this is done by utilizing mobile location tech technologies, such as GPS. But technologies such as Bluetooth and WiFi also serve this type of marketing.
  • A hyper-local sales campaign is one in which a local retailer maximizes their geographic location to house a specific sales event and makes use of the surrounding local culture to generate interest.
  • WiFi proximity marketing is integrated with in-store marketing to provide guests with personalized, customer-activated content based on their proximity.
  • Using proximity marketing technology, the ad campaigns reach a more personal level with their audience, adding a more engaging and personalized touch.
  • One such method is radio-frequency identification (RFID) proximity marketing. It allows companies to embed a unique identifier on their product, insert it into the RFID proximity marketing imaging system, and then automatically customize their targeting.
  • granting you a valuable asset: consumer data. When a customer wants to log in to your WiFi network, ask them to provide their email first so you can reach out to them later and send personalized offers.
  • meaningful data points like demographic, location/geography, platform, and time.
  • GPS-based proximity marketing. Also called geo-targeting and geo-marketing, this tactic lets companies identify and engage customers based on their location. It is mainly used in retail, services, and real estate.
  • Those locations – your local grocery store, fitness club, a particular bar- can leverage that information to send you exclusive offers and promotions.
  • Beacons, easily installed in every store and retail space, use an electrical signal to identify customer location and transmit data to them through Bluetooth.
  • calculate daily traffic patterns and broadcast promotional messages to individuals nearby, making product recommendations or simply notifying them of discounts and beneficial deals.
  • Modern business owners rely on digital marketing channels for both growth and retention.
  • Beacons can create interactive experiences and offer valuable information (such as displaying discounts) to smartphone users as they walk near to encourage them to stay or shop longer or make a purchase.
  • However, this technology is still considered to be one of the most expensive ones for marketing purposes.
  • There are less expensive proximity marketing solutions for budget ad campaigns. For instance, QR (Quick Response) Codes are a powerful tool that allows companies to create digital proximity marketing opportunities by simply creating one and hanging it on the wall in the store.
  • mobile browser detection. When visitors arrive at your website, many factors are taken into account, including their IP address, browser, and device. Every time a visitor to your website activates their mobile phone or pulls up your page on their laptop browser, you have a chance to reach out and, potentially, monetize them.
  • Enhanced customer experience: The use of a proximity marketing strategy enables your company to personalize the customer experience in a way that varies your offerings based on the customer’s past, present, or future location and behavior. App utilization: The use of proximity ads to provide valuable info and offers can improve user interaction with a business’s app, which can be a place for users to read regular updates, withdraw discounts, etc. Cost-effectiveness: Mobile proximity marketing is a cost-efficient way to target ads to the desired audience. Customer relationship boost: Proximity ads help businesses better understand the needs of their customers. This allows them to meet these needs to enhance relationships and interactions.
  • hotel visitors can receive information about the hotel and the various offers it has. Also, as guests are looking for the best cafes or restaurants for a good price, hotels can partner with local bars and restaurants and inform the guests of the deals they could get.
  • Businesses are uncovering the benefits of marketing to clients in their proximity.
    This article is about the concept of proximity marketing that supports sales and marketing development in business operations. First, the idea of this marketing strategy is to reach out to the right consumers based on mobile techs and GPS techs. Second, the four types of proximity marketing are by components, application, geography, and key players in general. Third, the benefits of proximity marketing are enhanced experiences for the guests. Applicational utilization. Cost-effectiveness on the mobile marketing, then the guest relationship improvement will be one of them to benefiting the company's business growth.
    In these days of technology advancement, proximity marketing is one of the best ways for marketing. The only disadvantage is potentially using someone's information without permission. As long as permission is granted, it would be fine.
    Proximity marketing is a mode of location based marketing that uses the customers location to their advantage when distributing advertisements for their business. There are several different types of proximity marketing solutions that can and are currently being used by the most popular brands right now. There is wifi proximity marketing, radio frequency identification proximity marketing (RFID), near field communication proximity marketing (NFC), GPS based, beacon based, and QR codes. Using these methods of marketing hold benefits including enhanced customer experience, app utilization, cost effectiveness, and customer relation boost. There is an option for everyone in terms of cost and many industries are using them more and more, inclusive of the hospitality/tourism industry. In my opinion, the previous ways of advertising are becoming obsolete and the market for competition is growing and growing and growing. We all have likely encountered one or more forms of this type of marketing, and we likely will continue to in the future.

8 Hospitality Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021 | WEBITMD® - 0 views

  • If there is one industry that was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, it is the hospitality industry.
  • And now, with a vast majority of consumers shifting their activities to online platforms, it has become imperative to make use of digital hospitality marketing to maintain a competitive edge.
  • Perhaps the number one most trusted content online is user reviews. This includes everything from testimonials, comments, forums, social publications, and blog posts.
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  • Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing strategies in the marketing arena at the moment.
  • By doing so, you get access to a broader audience while establishing credibility and trust. It has been associated with an increase in direct bookings
  • Remarketing basically involves focusing your advertising efforts on users who show interest in your business. You can do this by collecting statistics on users visiting your website or engaging with your content on YouTube or social media.
  • At the moment, remarketing ads have a 400% larger click-through rate and nearly 150% higher website conversion rate
  • The trick is to re-engage the users who’ve visited your website but didn’t go all the way booking.
  • Chatbots are becoming an almost standard component of business websites. They apply more so in the hospitality industry, where users need rapid responses to queries they make online, regardless of whether there is staff available to give answers.
  • With a VR headset, you can catch a glimpse of a remote location and feel like you are actually there.
  • Due to the impact of COVID-19, revenues in most hospitality-based industries are a fraction of what they were in 2019.
  • Online reputation scores are basically a measure of the rate that people like and trust your brand. There are tons of paid and free tools which you can use to run automatic assessments for your company. It takes into account positive, negative, and neutral critics made about your business, which is then rated from 0-1000.
  • Perhaps the most fundamental trend in the hospitality industry in the wake of the COVID-19 virus is showcasing your facility’s abilities to guarantee the safety of your customers.
  • The way you advertise your service, be it food or massage and gyms, should be done so they appeal more to the local residents and the popular cultural ideals.
  • Keep in mind that any company’s primary aim in the hospitality industry is to enhance the customer experience and create a more lasting relationship. Therefore, as you try out these techniques, your strategies should ultimately achieve that goal.
    This article discusses digital marketing trends in the hospitality industry for 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have had to shift a majority of their activities to an online platform. The number on most trusted form of eMarketing for 2021 has been the focus on User generated content (UGC). Restaurants, retailers, and hoteliers have been encouraged to take advantage of UGC and use their guests experiences to share to their social media pages. Another important detail to note from this article was the focus on remarketing/retargeting ads. Currently, these ads have a 400% larger click-through rate and nearly 150% higher website conversion rate. They also discussed how VR has helped with online booking for hotels and highlighting safety protocols have impacted businesses during this pandemic. Ultimately, a "company's primary aim in the hospitality industry is to enhance the customer experience and create a more lasting relationship."

E-Commerce for the Hospitality Industry | News | The Moscow Times - 0 views

  • a list of the basic e-commerce strategies that will help to get the best from the Internet world.
  • Site download speed is one of the most important ranking factors in organic search.
  • We forget that the human brain can only consume limited information.
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  • ensure that your landing pages clearly reflect the offer promoted in the ad copy and includes clear calls to action and conversion factors.
  • Maps, photo galleries, videos and press releases are creative ways to distribute content on different channels.
  • 93 percent of social media users expect companies to have a social presence. 85 percent of social media users want companies to interact with them on social sites.
  • changing one word in a headline increased sales over 3 times
  • Search-friendly web site design
  • Improve conversion and usability. With the increasing volume of information that hoteliers are trying to provide travelers, it is key for hotels to focus on usability and conversion.
  • Paid search. This instantly drives targeted, qualified traffic to the web site and increases conversions.
  • Real time search — natural ranking. Building strong sites with compelling fresh content, and quality incoming links will always be essential for any site.
  • Hotels can leverage the mobile market by optimizing their site for mobile phones, improving the download speed of their site by avoiding heavy graphics and flash, making sure their site is mobile compatible, and promoting mobile sites across all platforms including paid, social and local.
  • Embracing social media.
  • A well-planned social initiative can turn fans into brand evangelists.
  • Hoteliers need to ensure that they are using the full potential of the Internet.
    With the rapid growth and increased use of the Internet over the past 2 decades, industry professional Andrey Smirnov gives 7 tips to other industry leaders on maximizing their presence in e-commerce and in consumer minds: (1) make your website quick to download and easy to find; (2) organize content by prioritizing information; (3) when offering promotions, clearly reflect it with a call to action; (4) distribute 'fresh' content on different channels (i.e., photo galleries, press releases, etc.); (5) maximize on mobile marketing; (6) embrace social media; and (7) continually improve by testing new things.
    The internet is constantly changing, the way we communicate and they way we do business. The hospitality industry is always quick to capitalize on new technologies. However, the e-commerce growth in the hospitality industry has created an urgent need for simple changes to companies' presence online. So when every hotel is involved in e-commerce, why is it so important today? It is simple. Today, the internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking channel. As well as now, most travelers are searching and making hotel reservations online. Lastly, social media and online hotel reviews are increasing and have made an important decision factor. Now, hoteliers need to keep focus on what information customers are seeking and what they are looking for online. There are a few basic strategies that will help drive usage from the internet world. Some of those are: vave a search-friendly website, focus on usability and conversation taking a holistic approach and prioritize information, and lastly make websites compatible for mobile phones. If hoteliers can use the full potential of the internet, they will maximize their return on investment in e-commerce. The hospitality industry needs to constantly learn and look for ways to use the new developments and trends.
    Andrey Smirnov in his article "E-Commerce for the Hospitality Industry highlights how the internet has changed the way business is done not only in the hospitality industry but as a whole. He stresses the importance of e-commerce in the hospitatlity industry and why hoteliers must utilise strategies to ensure they make the most of the marketing and sales opportunties the internet provides. There are a few things that hoteliers must do to make the most of what the internet provides. They include: (1) Search Friendly Website Design - "site download speed is one of the most important ranking factors in organic search" says Smirnov therfore hoteliers must ensure that their site is properly designed and compatible across any browser, any items that causes the site to perform poorly shoud be eliminated as internet users similar to hotel guests tend to only visit sites where they can receive the best experience yet. (2) Improve conversion and Usability - content on website must be properly organised and users must not be bombaded by information. (3)Search - Hoteliers must focus on Paid searches as well as Real time search to increase traffic. Paid searches ensure that your targeted traffic are directed right to you. Whereas with a great web design with strong content that is also timely the natural ranking of the oranisation website can be increased thus increasing tracffic to it. (4)Mobile - Mobile devices have become a popular means of conducting e-business related activities for consumers therefore the hotel that ensures that their online services are accessible from mobile devices will be putting themselves ahead of the game. (5) Embracing Social Media - According to Smirnov 93 percent of social media users expect companies to have a social presence and 85 percent of social media users want companies to interact with them on social sites. With this being said one can see why a social media presence is one that cannot be overlooked. It is important that co

Beacons At Airport: The Next Big Thing In The Airlines Industry - SPEC INDIA - 0 views

  • Beacon technology has the potential to transform curb- to- gate- to- destination passenger experience while increasing the revenue streams.
  • Beacons are a small wireless device that sends Bluetooth low energy (BLE) signals to the nearby mobile device.
  • It interacts with a mobile application installed on the device and triggers specific actions such as displaying a contextually relevant message on the phone, sends coupons of nearby stores, etc.
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  • So, in an airport environment, these small BLE devices are connected with smartphones and associated mobile app which helps in indoor way-finding, tracking the movements, predicting & serving traveler’s need, and much more.
  • increase the interactive engagement, beacon technology comes to rescue. It makes the travel easy by connecting with a traveler and delivers personalized proximity information in a better way.
  • Deployment of a beacon at the airport can eliminate the stress of check-in, security, & baggage management and passengers can have more time to enjoy the lounges, cafes and other airport privileges.
  • Beacons installed at the airport can track the movements of the passengers throughout the airport (where they dwell the longest, which airlines is generally preferred etc.) and generates the data which helps to identify the need of the visitors.
  • For instance: If there is any change in the gate when passengers are busy with other stuff, a beacon would ping the respective mobile app with the quick push –notification about the gate information in real-time.
  • In such a scenario, if beacons are deployed, it can help to find the route of bus location, gate and terminals easily with the help of indoor-navigation.
  • Apart from this, indoor-navigation enables passengers to search quickly for nearby airport vendors and services such as restaurants, lounges, shops, ATM locations or family restroom
  • Heat-map helps to understand the user-behavior of the passengers.
  • updates on flight delays, gate changes or baggage collection.
  • beacon can trigger contextually relevant messages, personalized deal (eg: restaurant discounts, Wi-Fi passes, upgrades, etc.) to the passengers who are nearby.
  • Many gates are shared by different airlines. It is not practical for each airline using the same gate to deploy its own beacon.Beacons are connected with mobile apps, so information can be used to determine a person’s location which may result in data privacy issues.Installation is complex which may lead to more cost.
  • If beacons are deployed near the baggage claim section, they no more have to look out for the electronic board to find at which carousel baggage will arrive
  • A beacon will trigger the message to the arriving passengers about the carousel and will also inform them about how long they will need to wait.
  • beacon solution will drastically reduce baggage loss, increase efficiency and ensure customer confidence.
  • MIA airport official app helps to improve passenger experiences by providing personalized updates, directions, offers based on the location.
  • Virgin Atlantic airlines provide an electronic boarding pass to the premium passengers who have installed iPhone’s Passbook app.
  • Passengers are able to receive messages and personalized notifications from the beacons. Passengers using the service will receive special offers, such as commission-free currency exchange.
  • Terminal 4 with the goal of providing convenient flying experience by displaying actual wait times at major queues.
  • The beacon also helps in resource allocation to segregate the crowd at the terminal.
  • Serves as an effective advertising toolBoost the power of personalizationIncreases app-engagement and retentionEnhance the travel experience by reducing the wait-timesReduces bottlenecks and track the flow effectivelyConnects with a customer at the right timeIncreases the revenue stream
  • Mobile and beacon technology can create a connected experience and engage passengers from a single touch point.
  • Influencing customers with the current offers and vouchers helps to drive customer engagement, increase sales or build brand loyalty.
  • The airport can gain valuable insights into passengers, which ultimately helps to achieve business goals through a single piece of technologyPassengers can enjoy more engaging, seamless, and personalized experiences through their ever-present mobile devices.
    The airline industry has implemented beacon technology for a more personalized and easy travel experience. The article discusses how Beacons are collecting real time information and creating a single touch point experience to get information regarding airports or flights. It goes into detail about the ability of communication with travelers while they are traveling.

Article | On the Winning Team: Technology Fuels the Fan Experience | Networking | MKT14... - 0 views

  • performers and venue operators also enjoy the benefits provided by constant connectivity and interactivity, particularly the revenue generation digital technology brings to live events. 
  • Besides enhancing the overall fan experience, the technology presents new and more targeted opportunities for teams, performance acts and venues to generate revenue. 
  • etworked displays are critical in a large public venue in various use cases, including digital menu boards, concourse advertising, suite entertainment, wayfinding [helping guests find venue amenities and attractions], interactive touch experiences and scoreboards
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  • High-density wireless networks, currently being deployed in stadiums and arenas worldwide, allow fans to stay fully connected before, during and even after events. Mobile applications, such as Major League Baseball’s Ballpark app, treat guests to device-based ticketing, special offers and rewards, exclusive content, remote food and merchandise ordering, seat and experience upgrades, a personalized history of every game the user has attended, social media functions and a variety of other features. 
  • mPOS enables specialty services such as paperless transactions, in-seat ordering and better crowd management to help improve the fan experience
  • Securing a high volume of guest demands concentrated within a relatively small area requires a network access control solution that can rapidly adjust to different users, devices and needs while simultaneously dispensing reliable policy management for automatic rules enforcement. “If fans are connected to a guest network, you’ll want to ensure that policies keep fan traffic separate from internal traffic,
  • trong, reliable security can also prevent guests and staff from inadvertently damaging IT and network security.
    This article discusses the way sport stadiums are enhancing the experience of fans to draw them from their couches to the stadium through the use of networks that allow them to enjoy the experience from before they arrive at the stadium until after the event is over. The networked technology allows guests to get upgraded seats, help with parking, order food or merchandise from their seats, and even watch replays of a play from multiple angles. They can even connect to one of the many apps that are now available for sport events. The proper system and strong networking is needed to provide and enjoyable experience to the guest from the time of leaving for the event until after the event is over.

Technology in the hospitality industry - exploring the very latest trends - 5 views

  • Digital conference facilities
  • hotels also need to be able to offer access to audio-visual (AV) and digital facilities for conferences.
  • If a hotel has extensive conference facilities, network design becomes critical to ensure indoor mobile phone coverage, Wi-Fi connectivity, VoIP, real time location services (RTLS) and internet protocol television (IPTV)
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • When investing in digital apps for check-ins, room service and other customer-oriented digital interactions, hotel operators are investing in systems and technologies that can personalise the experience for guests, including a guest’s name being displayed on the welcome desk at a digital check-in station;
  • hotel staff can take a more innovative approach by using infrared scanners that will detect body heat within a room and tell cleaning staff that they should rather come back later if the room is currently occupied.
  • NFC technology can also be used to personalise a guest’s experience at a hotel or resort.
  • A boutique hotel that is nestled between Apple’s headquarters and other tech companies, called Aloft Cupertino, has a robot butler called Botlr that is able to move between the various floors of the hotel in order to take items such as toothbrushes, chargers and snacks to guests.
  • Near field communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation short-range high frequency wireless communication technology that gives users the ability to exchange data between devices.
  • than fingerprint scans and hotels like the Nine Zero Hotel in Boston have already installed an iris scan system
  • Retina scanning is even more accurate and secure
  • Marketing, management and hotel developers can no longer work in silos and these technology trends are giving them the opportunities, tools and solutions they need to create memorable experiences
  • 81% of respondents wanted access to mobile video content at hotels and 55% said that mobile content availability at a hotel would influence where they choose to stay.
  • Being able to provide entertainment on tap and mobile content has led to the trend of hotels investing in cloud services.
  • gives hotels the flexibility to expand and adjust their IT needs along with business growth
  • Cloud computing is becoming the norm and we will continue to see hotel groups replacing their legacy IT infrastructure with cloud solutions.
  • take full advantage of technology in this space is using it to communicate how well they are doing (in real time) with respect to their various environmental initiatives (such as real time electricity/water usage reporting, etc.)
  • Another innovative way to offer a keyless experience is through fingerprint-activated room entry systems and retina scanning devices.
  • building services can be automated in order to control lighting, refrigeration, air-conditioning and heating.
  • Besides reducing energy consumption, converged LANs can also be set up to provide a smarter, more personal experience.
  • local area networks (LANs)
  • Installing and maintaining a hotel-wide wireless network may be coupled with costs, but many leading hotel groups have started to install high density Wi-Fi and started to offer in-building mobile phone coverage as guests have come to expect these services during their stay (not only for themselves, but also for their guests if they are hosting a conference or function at the hotel).
  • While the amount of AV and digital equipment that goes into a typical conference room is fairly minimal, staging companies are often hired for various projects in order to equip the facility as required.
  • Guests want to be able to do everything from checking in at a venue’s automated kiosk to ordering room service with a digital device instead of standing in queues and moving around the hotel premises to order food.
  • investing in a check-in/cocierge app requires a small initial investment and can lead to greater efficiency and savings as hotel staff are able to focus on customer service and property developers don’t have to create large static reception desks at each entrance and hotel location.
  • can transfer data at up to 424 kbits/second and the communication is enabled when two devices touch each other, which makes mobile payments (by touching the smart phone to a credit card) an instant, secure process.
  • this technology could also be used to track loyalty points from a guest’s use of the conference facilities or room service.
  • Infrared scanners are now also used to minimise disruptions relating to housekeeping (which is a common complaint from customers).
  • Hotels will increasingly install smart room access systems that allow guests to unlock their doors by simply swiping their phones across a keyless pad on the door.
  • Starwood (owner of the Sheraton, Weston and “W” hotel chains) has already upgraded 30,000 room locks across 150 hotels with this system and Hilton will be implementing a similar system at 10 of their US properties this year. In 2016, they will be deploying the smart room key technology globally.
  • This technology will mean that guests don’t have to worry about picking up keys and front desk staff won’t have to issue new keys in the event that a guest loses their room key.
  • The hotel room’s television, radio and clock are taking a backseat as travellers use their own technology to keep themselves entertained.
  • Many companies in the hospitality industry are already using social media to their advantage as guests check-in on location-based social media apps, tweet about their experience on Twitter and share their holiday photos with friends and followers on Instagram and Facebook.
  • his shift has led to many hotel and leisure groups developing active social media monitoring and communication strategies in order to stay on top of what’s being said about them online
  • All of these experiences need to be part of an integrated, dynamic system so that the guests’ experiences are at the forefront of the marketing and operational team’s mind.
    • rhera004
      This section is talking about designing effective conference facilities/ ensuring your hotel/ facility can accommodate clients technological needs. My thought on this is how can we in the hospitality field accommodate this when we do not yet know the scope of need. We do not know what is to come. Ex. Roads in Europe are incredibly narrow as no one knew cars would be a thing in the future. It's crazy to think buildings and infrastructure can also become obsolete.
  • medical facilities;
    • rhera004
      Super important given the state of things
    • rhera004
      This freaks me out a bit b/c of devices which can aid people in stealing your credit card information in close proximity to you.
  • For example, advertising can be targeted based on gender and age (so if a child walks by a digital sign in the lobby, the advertisement can change to promote a local theme park or the hotel’s kids club
  • hanging a ‘Do Not Disturb
    • rhera004
      Eco-friendly option. I like this!
    • rhera004
      Wireless = More sanitary. No one really thinks about the amount of hands that have been on room key cards...
    • rhera004
      This may be a hard sell for some people. Ex. Conspiracy theorists etc.
  • almost any person checking in at a hotel, resort, spa or lodge, will have a smartphone in their pockets.
    • rhera004
      Social Media is such a powerful advertising tool as well. Have clients work for you. This can also be dangerous if your facility is not running at 100%
    • rhera004
      Can be creepy- but will definitely optimize guest experience.
  • hen processes should be put in place to ensure the right person follows up by communicating with the guest and solving the problem at the hotel.
  • ead to positive change and growth in the industry.
  • l
  • I
  • computers no longer see Wi-Fi as a perk, but as a must-have when they check in at a hotel.
  • computers no longer see Wi-Fi as a perk, but as a must-have when they check in at a hotel.
  • t might not yet be financially feasible for hotels to completely abandon the user pay model, but many of them are re-thinking their current infrastructure and pricing models.
    • rhera004
      Bluetooth speaker system connectivity would be a good idea for hotel rooms.
    The article lists the varies new technology that are becoming more and more of the norm in modern hotels. The first and most important is WIFI. Ten years ago every hotel you went would make you pay for WIFI nowadays guests look for hotels that offer free wifi. Conference facilities are a big thing in larger hotels but they need to be digital. Everyone has a mobile device so making as much as possible available on a guests mobile phone will go a long way. Entertain and clod services are all new technologies being used in hotels as well. Of course social media is a huge part of our day to day world.
    This article talks about how technology is affecting the hospitality industry. There have been several small technological advances in the industry. Recently, advances have been skyrocketing, especially in the hotel sector. Hotels have been updating their technology year after year striving to stay relevant. Businesses are looking for Digital conference facilities for their conferences/meetings. Where skype and zoom calls can be conducted in a business fashion. There are also hotels that are looking to put in finger scanning devices for room access and infrared scanners for staff members to monitor room activity. This article has several other fantastic advances in technology that could be used in the hospitality industry as a whole.
    Technology evolves everyday it keeps getting better and making lives even easier. Guests are attracted to hotels who have the latest technology. This week I saw in social media a friend of mine is currently in Las Vegas and her room had an Echo Dot and she was asking Alexa to turn off the lights and close the shades. That got my attention and is proving the point on how the Hospitality industry has to be at the very top of the latest technology trends.

How Smart Dining Is Changing the Restaurant Industry - - 0 views

  • Automation has already started in major chains and fast-food restaurants and will likely continue to evolve to the logical endpoint
  • it's important to resist alarmist tendencies, because there are positive aspects of smart dining, and the total automation of customer service may not trickle down to neighborhood bistros and independent steakhouses.
  • Either way, nearly all the solutions (at the very least) allow users to efficiently handle some of the most hated tasks in any restaurant: dealing with reservations, waitlists and bookings.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • mPOS systems allow for a greater level of accountability between owners and employees as well as between the front and back of the house, which means servers can focus on connecting with customers and delivering a memorable experience
  • tools like mobile payment tablets allow restaurant owners access to big data that's useful for making front-of-house and operational decisions.
  • Increased revenue is another possible benefit of smart dining
  • Customer loyalty is also built with the use of smart dining technology.
  • those who are there just because they are hungry and those who want to have a meal out. For restaurateurs who focus on the latter clientele, smart dining needn't be equated to total automation.
  • For those who focus on high turnover rather than the service experience, eliminating staff in favor of self-serve tablets may be inevitable once the prices of such systems drop and the public becomes more comfortable with the concept
    This article mainly describes the use and benefits of intelligent technology in restaurants. For chain stores and fast-food restaurants, often pursue speed more than service experience. Therefore, it is profitable for enterprises to replace employees with technological equipment. Of course, this is not to say that restaurants pursuing high-end service experience do not need intelligent technology. As a mobile system, MPOS can effectively simplify the ordering process, increase the rotation speed of the dining table, while also saving guests' time and improving their dining experience. The intelligence of the restaurant table management system also simplifies the reservation process to a certain extent, helping restaurants and users to effectively deal with these complicated processes.

From Dreaming to Booking: How Facebook Graph Search Plays a Role for Hotels in the Trav... - 0 views

  • 27 March 2013 From Dreaming to Booking: How Facebook Graph Search Plays a Role for Hotels in the Travel Planning Process With 87% of online users reporting that Social Media recommenda
  • tions impact hotel choice, it is no secret that social media influences the travel planning process.
  • Graph Search, which is still currently in Beta and will be rolled out to all Facebook users in coming months, allows users to search for people, places, and things, based on various Facebook connections such as location, interests, places friends have visited, and more.
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  • The Dreaming Phase: Where should I travel next? When online travel planners are looking for vacation inspiration, they can now turn to Facebook Graph Search to see places their friends have visited. This adds a more personalized element to researching possible vacation destinations. Users can search phrases like "Photos taken at places my friends have been to" and "Photos taken at hotels by my friends" to see more personalized search results from friends rather than conducting a more general Google search for potential travel destinations.
  • The Sharing Phase: How can I make my friends jealous? Not only can Facebook Graph Search help users discover recommendations from friends on things to do, it also allows them to share their own experiences on Facebook to add additional content to the Facebook Graph. One guest's Experience and Sharing phase can potentially ignite and influence a future guest's Inspiration and Planning phase when they view friends' scenic and enticing travel photos in Facebook Graph Search results.
    Dining, traveling and sport are the keys for socialization. Hence, as the leader, Facebook users can also benefit from their friend's recommendations. Graph search phase can also gather all the friend's travel experiences and transfer it into social networking. It could be a Emarketing approach for travel industry.   

Transforming Disruption Into Opportunity: Post COVID-19 Hotel Customer Experience | Hos... - 1 views

  • With airline travel down by a staggering 90+ percent between mid-March and now (compared to last year), and hotel occupancy rates hovering in the low-single digits, global travel industry experts forecast a $2.1 trillion dollar loss for 2020, and a slow recovery that could take years.
  • oday’s new “norm” for user experience is the singular result of a worldwide health crisis that has already driven each and every travel and hospitality company into swift and decisive action,
  • and will require thoughtful and meaningful investments in digital technologies to improve the customer experience.
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  • Hotels are looking for innovative ways to communicate with customers, meet unprecedented demand on call centers, or have contact center staff work from home.
  • Going forward, all guests – not just loyalty reward members – will likely use a mobile device for reservations, check in and get room keys, bypassing the front desk altogether.
  • Hotel entrances may include thermal scanning at the entrance, and guest rooms and conference facilities will be sanitized between uses. Connected room technologies would allow guests to control the lights, temperature, curtains, television, entertainment and more in the room with their own smart device or contactless gesture control.
  • A profusion of devices and wearables, equipped with geographic mobility technologies, that track and provide data anytime, on any device.
  • More pervasive use of digital labor to augment human staff or automation
  • interpret and execute more than just transactional, process-driven actions.
  • Predictive analytics
  • monetize big data
  • Enabling technology support will be critical for these operational changes. Hotels will need to constantly track customer feedback and social media response and manage inevitable setbacks and negative reviews with tweaks to their customer experience strategy.
  • personal safety as well as customer data
  • Travel and hospitality companies that manage the impacts of this crisis unambiguously and compassionately will generate increased value for their organizations and ultimately emerge even stronger than before.
    With the impact that COVID-19 has had on the travel and hospitality industry, companies have had to turn to digital innovations to improve customer experience and regain trust. Innovations such as digital temperature checkpoints, connected room technologies, and digital labor can increase safety and allow hotels to operate during a crisis in a way that still provides the upmost customer experience. Those who capitalize on these innovations in a timely manner, and who manage the impact of COVID- 19 compassionately, may increase both their customer confidence and their value as an organization.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Hotel Industry - 5 views

    • abroo041
      This article is discussing the benefits of using cloud computing in the hospitality industry, specifically, in hotels. With all cloud computing, the biggest overall benefit is that users no longer have to stress over attempting to maintain their data on their own. This article also goes into detail on how cloud computing can cut costs, improve guest experiences, promote direct booking, and allow industry professionals to work remotely.
  • Now, businesses don’t have to burden themselves by storing data in traditional in-house servers; rather, they can opt for a cloud service that would store their data in secured data centres.
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS)
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • By making use of cloud computing, as a hotelier, you pay only for what you demand. It specifies that your upfront costs are kept low as you are only paying for the computing power and cloud storage which your hotel actually needs.
  • The need for hardware overload in your hotel is brought down, because of which your electricity bills are also reduced by a huge margin.
  • also shortens the project time resulting in costs cutting and higher productivity.
  • An added advantage of cloud computing is that it frees your staff from their otherwise fixed terminals and lets them work independently and even more efficiently.
  • increased in the speed at which the guests access the products and services, thus only creating seamless hotel experiences for them.
  • Also, one of the major benefits is the real-time update — it makes the process much smoother and cheaper, and saves a lot of time.
  • However, when you put your hotel process and management on the cloud, it provides you with the flexibility to access it and work on it from any part of the world — all you need is a steady internet connection and a smart device (a laptop, or a computer, or mobile phone or tablet.)
  • When it comes to the benefits of cloud computing in the hospitality industry, the list includes enhanced guest experiences, massive reduction in costs, faster services and their seamless access, software and service security, and more flexibility.
  • cloud computing has transformed businesses
  • hospitality industry, cloud computing has done wonders
  • reshaped the structure of the industry
  • from increasing operational efficiency to lowering the management costs.
  • better guest experience and increase the revenue of the property.
  • ringing down costs like energy, hardware and operations
  • increasing inclination towards the use of cloud computing in the hospitality industry, they don’t need to always rely on travel agents all the time
  • hotel check-ins can be done from smartphones or tablets
  • cloud computing has transformed businesses
  • cloud-based services are now replacing the old and traditional systems at all levels. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) have all become the first choice of cloud computing services for many hospitality businesses. And they are all charged up with the amazing benefits of cloud computing.
  • Over the past few years, cloud computing has transformed businesses from across the world, irrespective of their industry. Today, the demand anytime, anywhere access has skyrocketed, and cloud computing is delivering just that — all you need is an internet connection with good bandwidth.
  • businesses don’t have to burden themselves by storing data in traditional in-house servers; rather, they can opt for a cloud service that would store their data in secured data centres.
  • There are several benefits of using the cloud and they have helped several hotels across the world to strengthen up their business — from increasing operational efficiency to lowering the management costs.
  • Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Hotel Industry
  • In the hospitality industry, Cloud Computing is a mixture of PaaS, SaaS and IaaS. It operates on the model of Use, Builds, and Migrate.
  • By making use of cloud computing, as a hotelier, you pay only for what you demand. It specifies that your upfront costs are kept low as you are only paying for the computing power and cloud storage which your hotel actually needs.
  • Hoteliers Can Cut Huge Business Costs With Cloud Computing
  • cloud computing can benefit hoteliers by bringing down costs like energy, hardware and operations. The need for hardware overload in your hotel is brought down, because of which your electricity bills are also reduced by a huge margin. Cloud computing in the hospitality industry also shortens the project time resulting in costs cutting and higher productivity. Hence, if you shift your software services to the cloud, your hotel business would witness a significant number of opportunities.
  • Cloud Computing Leads To Improved & Enhanced Guest Experiences
  • The two main purposes of an efficient and effective hotel PMS are: offer the hotel staff the best set of management tools assist you to ensure the top-notch guest experience
  • An added advantage of cloud computing is that it frees your staff from their otherwise fixed terminals and lets them work independently and even more efficiently.
  • Being on the cloud also means that hotel check-ins can be done from smartphones or tablets and not only through the hotel front desk.
  • Direct Bookings Are Made Easy With Cloud Computing
  • There was a time when hotels used to payout huge commissions for bookings to the online as well as offline travel agencies. However, with the increasing inclination towards the use of cloud computing in the hospitality industry, they don’t need to always rely on travel agents all the time. Hotels can upgrade their hotel website with cloud-powered services such as web booking engine that can be integrated to the hotel PMS. Also, one of the major benefits is the real-time update — it makes the process much smoother and cheaper, and saves a lot of time.
  • Cloud Computing In Hospitality Industry Makes Working Remotely Possible When you as a hotelier is not present in the property, managing the operations gets a little tougher. However, when you put your hotel process and management on the cloud, it provides you with the flexibility to access it and work on it from any part of the world — all you need is a steady internet connection and a smart device (a laptop, or a computer, or mobile phone or tablet.)
    Cloud computing makes sense to work business in a cloud setting. The article states that Cloud computing has "transformed businesses" throughout the world. We learned that a disadvantage of Cloud is the dependence of Internet connection. With Cloud computing, you can share and store data. This can be a better way to run business. We have learned that Cloud computing is more scalable, secure, and reliable. Cloud computing cost less, and you can pay for what you need. Cloud you can customize what you need, to your specific needs. The article even mentions it "lowers management costs." Unlike unintended PMS, which can require maintenance, and be highly costly. We discussed in our video lecture from this past week, how hotel check-ins are being done from smart phones- as this article includes. This is beneficial for enhancing guest experience, and increasing the speed of check-ins. Travel agents have their own way of how they conduct themselves, their business, and the services he or she provides. However, the article shows how with Cloud computing, you would not need to depend on travel agents. Furthermore, Cloud computing can increase sales and revenue for a hotel property. Cloud computing is replacing traditional PMS system's and have a multitude of benefits.
    Hoteliers today are joining in on the trend of the use of cloud computing. Some benefits of cloud computing include the increase of operational efficiency, lowering management costs since the hotelier only pays for what they demand. Energy costs and hardware operation costs are also decreased. It allows for hotel check ins to be done via smart phones and tablets and not just at the front desk upon arrival, and it also allows for hotels to not have to rely on travel agents all the time for bookings which saves them having to pay commission to travel companies.
    No matter the industry, cloud computing has changed organizations all around the world in recent years. Today's need for access at any time and from any location has soared, and cloud computing is supplying it. All you want is a reliable internet connection. Businesses might choose a cloud service that would store their data in safe data centers rather than burdening themselves with traditional in-house servers to store data. At all levels, cloud-based services are now taking the place of outdated and conventional technologies. Many hospitality firms now use cloud computing services offered by infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS). And they are all fired up with the incredible benefits of cloud computing. Cloud computing can benefit hoteliers by driving down costs like energy, hardware, and operations. Your hotel's requirement for hardware overload is decreased, which significantly lowers your electricity costs. The hotel sector uses cloud computing to speed up projects, which reduces costs and increases efficiency. An efficient and effective hotel PMS will help you to ensure that your guests receive a first-rate experience and will provide the hotel employees with the best set of management capabilities. Another benefit of cloud computing is that it frees your personnel from stationary terminals, allowing them to work more independently and productively. Due to the cloud, guests may now check in at hotels using their smartphones or tablets as well as the front desk. Working remotely is possible thanks to cloud computing in the hospitality sector. Managing the business becomes a little more challenging when you, the hotelier, are not on the premises. However, putting your hotel management and operations in the cloud gives you the flexibility to access and operate on them from any location in the world.

Why is Virtual Reality Becoming Important in the Hospitality Industry? | Circle One | V... - 0 views

  • VR has become particularly important, because of the amount of information the average customer needs before they will actually book a hotel room. Rather than reading through descriptions, which may or may not be trustworthy, it offers customers the chance to experience things for themselves.
  • virtual travel experiences, using 360 degree video technology. Through this, users can experience a virtual recreation of different aspects of travel, from the flight, to arrival, to some of the key sights
  • Virtual tours make your website appealing and highlight captivating aspects of your hotel, which helps increase traffic. With a high-quality virtual tour and straightforward booking process, more customers will be motivated to make direct bookings with your hotel. You can even add direct calls-to-action at strategic points in the tour that lead to the booking page.
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  • First impressions matter. If they’re positive, your guests will likely remember you for a long time. An engaging, interactive virtual tour helps grab your audience’s attention and create a positive first impression.
  • Virtual tours and interactive media give your guests control over their experience. Every visitor has unique needs, and can interact with the media by zooming in or panning up, down, left and right. Customers love having the freedom to choose what to view
  • this potentially allows customers to experience a virtual recreation of a room within a hotel, or take a look at one of the nearby attractions. Essentially, this allows the hotel industry to benefit from the type of ‘try before you buy’ marketing that has been commonplace within the food industry for decades.
  • those operating within hospitality management can continue to use VR to deliver information and allow customers to experience nearby attractions once they have arrived, adding to the hotel experience itself.
  • The full potential of virtual reality within the hotel industry is only recently being recognised. Nevertheless, three of the best current uses of the technology
  • The hospitality and travel industry has realized the potential of virtual reality to attract guests, increase online revenue and generate more bookings.
  • One way hotels are embracing this technology is with virtual tours. These interactive tours use virtual reality to give prospective guests an immersive, 360-degree walkthrough so they can explore the hotel before booking
    The article discuss different usages of virtual reality in hotels, and how it has benefited hotels by increasing the number of hotel bookings and level of satisfaction.
    In Today's Society digital is the new engineer and operational tasks in regard to how we book flights before touring, interactive experiences through the media, and memorable expressions. The hospitality and travel industry has realized the potential of Virtual Reality to attracts incoming guests and increase bookings rates.

Cloud Computing: Explained for the Hotel Industry - 7 views

  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • cloud-based applications are usually a lot cheaper than traditional systems.
  • cloud computing is when you use programs, store files, or access data via the internet rather than on your hard drive.
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  • When an application is “cloud based” it means that it lives on third party servers.
  • Avoids costly and painful installations
  • Eliminates negative depreciation (in fact, the software gets better with age, since updates can be made at any time) 
  • Pushes software companies to consistently earn customer loyalty with innovation and great service
  • No discussion of cloud computing in the hotel industry would be complete without mentioning Cloudbeds, the first property management system startup in years to serve 1 million beds with its software.
  • Hotels that use Cloudbeds log into it directly in a web browser like Internet Explorer or Chrome. This is a big advantage for hotels because you can access the application on any device.
  • When a system is cloud-based, it can innovate faster because changes can take effect immediately.
  • Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences.
  • Another reason for Cloudbeds’ rapid growth is that their software can easily integrate with other tools. Cloudbeds has an extensive marketplace of integration partners, including Whistle, TrustYou, and Oaky, that it can connect to via an API. Because everything is located in the cloud, a hotel doesn’t need to download any programs or plug-ins to add a new integration. These add-ons can offer upgrades and analyze reviews, among other things, so you can improve guest service and even earn incremental revenue.
  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • if you want a more efficient, streamlined back office and happier guests, then “the cloud” can help you meet your goals
  • Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences.
  • “The cloud” wasn’t created overnight; instead, decades of technological evolution led to cloud computing.
  • Requires minimal upfront investment
  • a cloud based hotel software company like Cloudbeds might choose to rent space with a company like Rackspace to host their application (and yours) or alternatively they might use a service like AWS. 
  • One of the biggest misconceptions about cloud computing is that files and applications don’t live on physical storage servers.
  • AWS tends to be more scalable for fast growing applications but as end users your guests won’t notice the difference so it’s really a matter of preference.
  • If you’ve ever edited a Google Doc or uploaded files to Dropbox, then you’ve leveraged cloud computing.
  • If you use Microsoft Office, you might create a PowerPoint on your laptop (local storage), but when you save the file, it gets uploaded to your Microsoft OneDrive, which is housed in the cloud.
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • lower switching costs for buyer
  • you can sign on securely via any web browser - even if you’re off-site.
  • t the same time, users can submit feedback to Cloudbeds about any bugs or glitches, which the Cloudbeds team can resolve quickly.
  • you may even save some money in your IT budget
  • your hotel can implement a new system seamlessly
    Cloud computing offers a more efficient way for hotels to keep up with data and programs for their company. When a hotel uses cloud computing, they are able to create more of a positive experience for their guests. It also is extremely helpful to use a cloud-based system because hotels could access their cloud-based application on any device. Cloud-based software also gets better with age because the updates can be made at any time so this will get rid of negative depreciation.
  • ...5 more comments...
    cloud computing is when you use programs, store files, or access data via the internet rather than on your hard drive One of the biggest misconceptions about cloud computing is that files and applications don't live on physical storage servers. When an application is "cloud based" it means that it lives on third party servers. Cloud computing provides several advantages over traditional computing: Avoids costly and painful installations Requires minimal upfront investment Allows software companies to focus resources on R&D/innovation Eliminates negative depreciation (in fact, the software gets better with age, since updates can be made at any time) Offers the ability to cancel at any time (plus has lower switching costs for buyers) Pushes software companies to consistently earn customer loyalty with innovation and great service integrate with other tools...These add-ons can offer upgrades and analyze reviews,PIE revenue management tool, a channel manager, a booking engine, and more operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences
    This article explains what cloud computing is, the evolution behind the technology, and how the hotel industry uses cloud computing. Cloud computing can benefit hotels because they can use any device to log into cloudbeds on web browsers.This type of technology can make everyday operations more efficient, save employee time, and create an overall positive guest experience.
    This article explains what we've learned of Cloud Computing. The evolution to its upcoming may have taken a while but now it is here to stay. The use of Cloudbeds in the hotel industry has made operations more efficient, save time and money on employees and improves guest experiences. Cloudbeds has expanded its property management system to include: PIE revenue management tool, a channel manager, and more. The use of Cloudbeds is accessible through any web browser, this makes it efficient if you were working at home. Cloud computing is the next innovation we will see more of in the hospitality industry.
    This article introduces you to cloud computing and its evolution. It also explains how the hotel industry can benefit from using cloud services. "Implementing cloud-based software can make your operations more efficient, save time for your employees, and create more positive guest experiences." Through the use of CloudBeds, a hotel employee can sign on and use property management software securely from any web browser.
    This article talks about the use and benefits of cloud based software for the hotel industry. It gives a simple explanation of how the cloud works. The major point that I found interesting is the usage of this software and how it is easier for hotels to stay up to date because any update in the system happens in real life at the moment without having to update individually every terminal
    The article discusses the hotel industry's adoption of cloud computing. By using cloud computing, you can use programs, upload files, and access data over the internet instead of storing them locally. Cloud computing and local storage are used together in some applications. In addition to hardware, software, training, and maintenance, IBM offered an extensive range of services. Due to Cloudbeds' ability to integrate with other tools, they have experienced rapid growth. Integrations can offer upgrades and analyze reviews, among other things, so you can provide better service and increase revenue. By implementing cloud-based software, hotels can stay ahead of the competition, save time for employees, and give their guests a better experience.
    This article describes what cloud computing is, and what it isn't, so people understand how it can be seen in the industry. The storing of data on the internet has been a huge innovation as it expanded storage beyond the typical storage offered on a device. By switching to this new technology, businesses may minimize future investments as the technology tends to work for many years and only requires quick updates. By researching what your business and customers need, you can make the right choices on whether this investment is worth it or not for your property.

The Top 8 Event Technology Trends to Watch in 2020 - Accelevents - 1 views

  • technologies are making life easier for event planners, and attendee experiences are being elevated
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many planners to transition their live event into a virtual or hybrid event
  • transform their virtual event, trade show, expo, or conference into a full 360-degree experience.
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  • growing audience in the virtual event space
  • speaks directly to their interests and needs.
  • Facial recognition technology is a software tool that tracks and logs a person’s facial features
  • streamline check-in, and provide contactless entry to your event.
  • Facial recognition allows for a contactless registration
  • becoming increasingly concerned about their privacy and may be turned off by this option
  • enhance your cybersecurity
  • Through the use of event platforms and social media, you can deliver content to people who may have been unable to attend in-person while increasing brand awareness and messaging.
  • accessibility for event-goers who may have difficulty attending live events.
  • A positive attendee experience is one of the hallmarks of a successful event
  • event app or platform to create personalized communications.
  • “build your own agenda” option
  • Whether you use translation software or a remote translation app, you will improve accessibility and allow all attendees to feel connected to and engaged with what you are presenting.
  • Artificial intelligence can analyze data collected from event attendees and turn it into personalized recommendations.
  • provides a clearer picture of attendee behavior allowing for adjustments to be made mid-event that will streamline and improve the overall experience.
  • sponsor can understand their target demographic and the more value they will gain from their participation.
  • Gamification is one way to facilitate audience engagement and encourage active participation and networking.
  • project management tools and event technology to save them both time and money.
  • integrates with social media, CRM, and email marketing platforms to make event promotion and marketing a breeze.
  • automate some of your administrative tasks
    Event technology is forever changing and adapting to current environments. With COVID-19, event technology will be more prevalent than ever. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can make the attendee feel like they are in the middle of the event while actually being far away. Facial recognition software allows for streamlining check-in, but also allows for entry to be contactless. As most events have become virtual, livestreaming is very important to bring the event into the living room of those that cannot physically attend. Event apps are becoming more and more popular in that they bring all of the event information right onto an attendee's smartphone and allows them to customize their experience. Attendees can participate from far and wide, so having the information be translated into their language increases their accessibility and inclusion. Artificial intelligence collects user data and turns it into personalized recommendations for their event experience. Games brought into an event increases audience engagement and allows for team building and friendly competition. Event planners have project management software available to them to help streamline their planning and saves them time and money by not having to manually do certain tasks.

6 Technologies That Will Make Your Exhibition Stand More Interactive | Open Exhibitions - 1 views

  • This technology allows you to integrate computer-generated images with the real world to create an interactive experience.
  • Triggered Technologies
  • Video
  • ...35 more annotations...
  • Social
  • Interactive Screens
  • Incorporating interactive screens into your exhibition stand will make your users’ experience more immersive
  • This boosts communication with visitors and improves the event experience.
  • Mobile Apps
  • Building your own exclusive mobile app for your exhibition can encourage interaction and engagement before, during, and after the event
  • AR or augmented reality can make your exhibition stand more
  • products, services, and exclusive promotions, as well as real-time event information and schedule
  • You can send visitors and customers relevant information and messages
  • Six Technologies That Will Make Your Exhibition Stand More Interactive
  • immersive for visitors and prospects.
  • nd entertaining
  • Users point their screen at a product and it is transformed into an exciting, informative, a
  • experience on their phone
  • encourage your audience to engage with your products or services in different ways and in doing so bring your brand to life.  
  • Video is a simple technology that continues to be effective at exhibitions
  • Eye-catching visuals can attract visitors and draw attention to your stand.
  • You can be really creative with moving images and use it to showcase your products, tell your brand story, or share exclusive content to start a conversation and increase leads and conversions.
  • Social media is a basic everyday technology that can be utilised to make your exhibition stand more interactive and engaging for visitors
  • demonstrates how you can integrate both online and offline techniques into your exhibition marketing strategy.
  • You could live stream your event on Twitter or Facebook to broaden your audience to those not attending the exhibition
  • You should also use hashtags to encourage social sharing around the event to increase brand awareness
  • give visitors a platform to interact directly with your business.
  • use touch screens which visitors can use to learn more about your products, services, or projects
  • use a dynamic drag and drop photo wall or photo booth.
  • Interactive displays and panels with digital touchpoints can also be used on walls and floors to send important information to visitors
  • many possibilities with interactive screens to increase interaction with your exhibition stand.
  • Triggered technologies can capture the attention of visitors to your stand and create excitement around your brand.
  • Triggered technologies use sensors embedded in your stand to trigger an action
  • A movement like a visitor walking past a certain place on your stand triggers a sensor that can either start a video, turn on a light display, play a sound, or activate a special effect
  • . This encourages interaction with your stand and improves visitor engagement.  
  • about
  • s for presentations and demos
  • technologies to make your exhibition stand more interactive
  • From AR and video to social media, interactive screens, triggered technologies and mobile apps, technology can help make your exhibition stand attract visitors, start a conversation, create a memorable user experience, and engage with customers.
    Six technologies that can be used for your exhibits, events, trade shows, conferences; we want to make a better experience with our clients and having the event be more interactive is the way to go. Who wants to go to a boring event where you only walk from booth to booth? Interaction is what a lot a in search of and this article helps give you pointers on how to do just that.

What are the hospitality trends for 2022? | By Jordan Lillis - Hospitality Net - 0 views

  • With so many people viewing and booking your hotel via mobile, it’s crucial you invest in the right technology that will allow your guest’s experience to be as seamless as it would be on desktop – even more so if possible!
  • In 2023, it is projected that there will be over 295 million mobile internet users. Currently, approximately 83% of the US population are mobile internet users. Give them a flawless booking experience or lose potential guests at your peril.
  • As well as mobile, using smart technology products to personalise your guest experience will be crucial.
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  • Other smart technology will also be helpful in enhancing the guest experience. Things like offering wifi throughout your property
    With the expected boom of mobile internet users, investing in the right technology for eMarketing and proximity marketing will be key in personalizing guest booking and experience. Using smart technology products (wearables etc.) will also create competitive advantage.

7 Advantages of Digital Marketing in Hospitality Industry - Wikhotel - 0 views

  • Of all the sectors in the economy, none is affected by digital trends as much as the hospitality industry.
  • Most of the customers in this industry are social travelers and tourists, who spend a lot of hours online researching on places to visit, hotels to book, and restaurants to dine in.
  • digital marketing has become the most viable way of getting to potential customers, establishing a brand, and developing a group of loyal customers.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • creating content such as photos, videos, articles, and social media posts that do not boldly promote the business but generates an interest in it.
  • good for customer retention as it engages customers and keeps them in the loop about your services.
  • search engine optimization, is a marketing strategy that aims at improving your rankings on search engine results pages.
  • if a potential client searches for “affordable hotels in town A”, chances are he/she will click on some of the results appearing in the first results page
  • Currently, customers often look up online opinions, ratings, and reviews of your business before making a purchase.
  • SEA (Search engine advertising), on the other hand, enables you to achieve this almost instantly.
  • Search Engine Advertising also requires a lot of technical input. First, you need to identify the right key search words used by potential customers, such as “best spas in town B”. Secondly, getting advertising space on search engines involves a bidding war.
  • social media is the go-to platform for most internet users
  • Averagely, internet users spend 30% of their online time on social networking sites. It is, therefore, a great place for advertising your service
  • The social media marketing strategy will, therefore, aim at reaching users of all social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
  • Paid searches involve making payments to search engines such as Google, so that your site’s results may appear first whenever someone searches for a certain keyword.
  • A good e-reputation marketing strategy is multi-disciplinary that often requires input from digital marketing and public image consultants.
  • Good user experience is determined by several factors. For starters, your web design and layout should be captivating, and easy to use. At the same time, the platform should work well on computers as well as mobile devices and tablets. All these are tasks that are handled by digital marketing agencies.
  • The key issue in this strategy is to get the content right. It needs to be engaging and captivating so as to draw an audience
    E-marketing is also known as Internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing or digital marketing. As we know, digital marketing gots lots of advantages. The first one is content marketing. The issue in this strategy is The key issue in this to get the content right. This strategy needs to be engaging and captivating so as to draw an audience. The second strategy is SEO (search engine optimization). This strategy aims to improve the rankings of the company. The third strategy is the SEA. (Search engine advertising) This can achieve this almost instantly. The fourth one is expanding your social media presence. The social media marketing strategy will aim users for social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. The fifth one is email marketing. Email marketing requires creativity. The sixth one is e-reputation. A good e-reputation marketing strategy is multi-disciplinary that often requires input from digital marketing and public image consultants. The last one is user experience. Good user experience is determined by several factors.
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    This article talks about the different marketing strategies that have been the most effective to businesses in the hospitality sector. While digital marketing is the future of marketing strategies, it has become the most popular in the hospitality industry. Many customers go to the web to discover things such as places to stay, places to eat, and other recreational services. With a great digital marketing strategy, whether it be through social media, search engine advertising, search engine optimization, or proximity marketing, you can build up a loyal client base for your business.
    Technology has a huge impact in the hospitality industry, especially over the years that social media and research engines have become such a big part of our every day lives. Digital marketing has become one of the most reliable ways to promote and establish brands. One of the most effective method is content marketing which involves sharing or posting photos, videos, and articles on social media to promote the business. SEO is another strategy which involves having the marketing team use key words for the businesses main page to help the business pop up on the main page of search engines. Search engine advertisment is used to promote the business through search engines like google, for example. Being one of the business in the top of the first page makes it more likely for your business to receive recognition.Sociall media marketing and internet presence is the key to e-marketing.
    This article talks about the ways digital marketing can help the hospitality industry use to improve in the long term.
    In all sectors of economy the hospitality industry is affected the most by digital trends. Content marketing should be a big focus for hospitality like the photos, videos and articles you post about your business. SEO or search engine optimization should be used to improve rankings on search engine results page. Expand your social media presence but post 3-4 times a day with content that is relatable to the current trends going on.
    This article goes over how in todays world technology is how everyone one is communicating and because of this digital marketing is the way in. They go over seven reasons why its so beneficial to utilize.

Digital Technologies Transforming the Hospitality Industry - Future of work - 6 views

  • Our travel preferences are changing these days. We have started to look out for more casual local experiences - learning about the culture and interacting with local people as part of our vacation (think AirBnB’s success). This is especially true with millennials- who crave authentic and unique experiences as 78 % of millennials prefer to learn something new when travelling. The proliferation of digital consumer hardware and software have also raised the bar. Travelers are now expecting more value and enriched experience from their travel journeys.  
  • The result, a number of companies in the hospitality industry are embracing new technologies to provide value add experiences to keep pace with growing expectations. In this respect, the following key trends are emerging:
  • 1. Personalization by using predictive analytics:
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  • 2. Integrating wearable technology and sensors:
  • 3. Providing rich travel related multimedia content:
  • 4. Leveraging social media:
  • 5. Artificial Intelligence:
    Traveling is becoming a popular trend. People love to visit new locations around the world and are expecting a high quality level of technology. The more people travel, the higher their expectations become. The new technology trends being offered in the hospitality industry include wearable technology and sensors. Guests are able to check in and have a key-less room entry with an apple watch or something similar. Rooms are equipped with sensors for lights, an app to adjust room temperature as desired, TV voice recognition, digital news papers, and much more. Another important aspect of technology in the hospitality industry is providing rich travel related multimedia content. People like to use apps or websites such as Yelp, Youtube, or trip advisor to offer travelers suggestions and real life user experiences and reviews. Thus, providing such brands a way to create significant relationships with their current and future customers. Hotels encourage their guests to use social media to share their experiences. Yelp and swarm allows people to check-in and be rewarded for visiting the locations, by offering a complimentary cocktail, appetizer, and so on. In addition, Hotels encourage their guests to hashtag their stay. Robots are entering the hospitality industry, from serving foods, carrying luggage, and acting as hotel receptionists. You will be able to find this in the Henn-na Hotel in Japan.
    Brands can now differentiate themselves from their competitors through the effectiveness of digital technologies such as sensors, robotics and mobile which provide a unique experience for customers. Sandals for example, uses key card sensors to door guest doors and customers are able to control the smart TV programs with an app on their phone. In addition, we uses a predictive system to monitor our rooms forecast as it relates to travel booking per month / year. The article focuses on five common trends: 1. Personalization by using predictive analytics: One example is Kayak, a travel booking site that uses the predictive analytics for their price forecast. 2. Integrating wearable technology and sensors: Hilton Worldwide and Starwood Hotels integrated Apple Watch in their business operation to enable mobile check-in, keyless room entry and special request. 3. Providing rich travel related multimedia content: Customers are able to review valuable information about their destination through various social channels such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, blogs and other websites. 4. Leveraging social media: Social media channels are allowing customers to share their stay experience at a resort and plus give rewards points and discount offers. Marriott Hotels for example, has a PlusPoint reward system. ( 5. Artificial Intelligence: Businesses are using Anybots and Roboceptionist to replace receptionists. (
    This article written by Sharma, is providing a brief explanation of how new technology is taking over the hotel industry. From Apple watch room entry, to robots now taking over luggage and receptionist duties, technology is quickly becoming the essence of the hotel industry. Having a successful hotel is now measured by the level of technology associated with that hotel.

Must-Know Event Technology Trends for 2020 | Social Tables - 3 views

  • In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn’t.
  • Though event apps are admittedly helpful, they now have a new hurdle to face. Producing an application to be used for one event is costly, time consuming, and inefficient, as users must learn how to interact with the app for each new event attended. Phone storage space is very important to consumers. Many are hesitant to download an application that they will only use once. Thus, event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself, are going to become a huge trend.
  • RFID also has the potential to allow attendees to become more engaged with the event across various social platforms.
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  • Menu options, travel directions, appointment updates, facial recognition software and contact information are just the beginning of the very real ways that event planners will soon be able to use wearable tech.
  • Event technology trends aside, the number one thing for any event professional to remember, is to let your tools work for you, rather than the other way around. The purpose of implementing advanced technology is to make your life, and the life of those whom you plan events for, as easy as possible.
  • 5G will also make it more feasible to incorporate the cutting-edge into event experiences.
  • Projection mapping is the act of creating an augmented reality experience with the help of projectors.
  • this visual technology proves to be an efficient and cost effective way to create optical illusions in nearly every location.
  • event technology adoption can increase attendance by 20%, increase productivity by 27%, and decrease costs by as much as 30%.
  • branded apps provide limitless opportunities to interact with consumers right on their own phones
  • Apps can be customized to appear as if they were created specifically for events or stays, while offering functionality that serves to enhance and personalize the attendee experience.
  • Planners can utilize branded multi-use apps to connect with attendees and engage them on a variety of levels before, during, and after the occasion.
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to enhance experiences and share things like helpful facts, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees,
  • Because they’re often cloud-based, these programs also provide accurate, customizable, and collaborative project planning that’s accessible by all managing parties
  • With event diagramming software, both event planners and venues are able to map everything out visually
  • provides helpful tools like drag-and-drop diagramming, 3D walkthroughs, and seating software on a single platform.
  • Hotels especially can use apps in this way, allowing guests to control their rooms from their phones and even communicate with chatbots to find nearby attractions.
  • Projection mapping5GBranded multi-use appsEvent diagramming
  • It also opens up new possibilities for app developers to push the boundaries of current event tech trends
    • abroo041
      The world of technology is advancing every day. As technology grows and advances, so does its use in the events industry. This blog post discusses some of the technological advances that have made their debut in the events industry and how they can improve an event, how they help the event planner and venue, and even shows us examples of how they are used in real life. It gives statistics on how these technologies have benefit events. For example, when the blog post speaks about gamification, it mentions that "gamified events see a 44 percent increase in engagement". The post is not only suggesting to us that adding gamification is a good idea for future events, but it shows us how well gamification works.
  • Knowing event technology trends—and adopting the most valuable ones—gives planners and venues the competitive advantage
  • Studies show that using event technology can increase attendance by 20 percent and increase productivity by 27 percent. 
  • Each match automates personalized actions, such as printing a badge with the attendees name, sending an email with a scannable lunch voucher, and finalizing a swag bag for their ticket-tier (no sense creating swag bags for no-shows).
  • The technology speeds event check-ins, improves security, and helps businesses at tradeshows collect more valuable leads by tracking attendee visits to booths.
  • can also use facial recognition to watch for crowd flow bottlenecks and collect session attendance data so you know what worked—and what didn’t.
  • The ability to support advanced tech like facial recognition makes venues more attractive to corporate planners. The technology also allows automation at certain access points, which means lower manpower requirements and lower costs. 
  • Properly integrated apps add value to events, providing attendees with more opportunities for networking, interaction, and engagement with peers, speakers, and exhibitors.
  • Offering tech to support projection mapping provides bang for the buck. There’s no need to physically construct or deconstruct any part of your exhibit hall to add this fun, popular technology to your toolbox and draw more events. 
  • This visual technology is an efficient, cost-effective way to create optical illusions on anything—from cars to landmarks to stages.
  • With tradeshow or conference maps, speaker bios, and schedules in the event app, there’s no need for bulky information packets. Push notifications in the apps help keep attendees informed and on schedule. Planners can also use apps to personalize the event agenda through live polling and attract event sponsors with the option of targeted attendee surveys.  
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to share helpful info like maps, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees
  • Easy-to-use 3D event diagramming software provides accurate, customizable, collaborative project planning regardless of venue design or size.
  • Give clients peace of mind and leave nothing to chance on the big dayUpload a floor plan to work with, so you know the diagram is to scaleTake clients and stakeholders on 3D ‘fly throughs’ to clarify your visionPlan seating charts and manage attendees’ meal choices or other preferencesHelp staff easily identify and accommodate VIPs and guests with special requests
  • Sales reps can collaborate with planners in real time, share variations on the event proposal, and visually portray upsells.
  • Attendees can use this tech to follow slide presentations, participate with quizzes and polls, take notes, and engage in text-based Q&A. They can also view graphs, tables, videos, and other content; and follow website and social media links. 
  • Any speaker can keep an audience attentive and engaged with this technology, leading to good reviews and a successful event.
  • Supporting second screen tech for presentations is much less expensive than making physical upgrades that aren’t in the budget. 
  • This data underscores the importance of social media sentiment analysis in monitoring your brand and messaging, keeping an eye on competitors, and making improvements to services during and after events.
  • Tracking attendee activity on social media during an event provides actionable data to help you make adjustments in real-time
  • Replenishing food and beveragesEasing show floor bottlenecksDriving session attendanceAddressing technology issues (mobile apps, Wi-Fi, or audio/visual)
  • Venues can social media sentiment to promote popular services and learn where there’s room for improvement:
  • Wristbands and smart badges using near-field communication (NFC) chips keep disruptions and lines to a minimum, thereby increasing attendee productivity and engagement.
  • Access different event areasExchange information with peersReceive exhibitor marketing materialMake cashless purchases
  • Wearable tech helps you speed-up check-in, control access, and monitor attendee behavior with less staffing. It also improves ROI for exhibitors, who can drive attendees wearing the tech to visit a booth of interest based on an individual’s profile.
  • On-site staff can use real-time data to learn when they need to offer overflow rooms or investigate security breaches, such as non-VIP guests in restricted areas. 
  • Indoor wayfinding helps attendees navigate exhibit halls with ease,
  • gather useful attendee behavioral data, send leads to sales team members in real-time, and build attendee profiles to send targeted messaging
  • You can also incorporate proximity advertising options as a value-add for exhibitors and sponsor
  • Post-event, you can utilize IPS data to see where attendees spent their time visiting booths and attending presentations.
  • Adding hotel bars, restaurants, spas, gift shops, and other amenities to the location map can help drive additional revenue during events while improving the attendee experience
  • store attendee admission information on their person, helping to detect fraud and streamline access
  • Attendees can review their travels throughout a tradeshow and see who they interacted with, while exhibitors are notified in real-time when sought-after prospects come into their booth.
  • Planners can generate pop-up directions for attendees based on their location at an event instead of investing in producing/shipping/replacing physical signage
  • validates your event and highlights improvement opportunities by tracking session popularity, length of attendee visits to exhibitor booths, and strong tradeshow traffic.  
  • RFID and beacon technology helps security and general event staff do their job better in real-time, which is essential for building trust and streamlining crowded events
  • event planners are turning to venue sourcing platforms to connect with the perfect site for their particular event.
  • discover detailed venue layouts, capacity ranges, and on-site services
  • Venue platforms offer exceptional ROI and generate more leads through improved discoverability.
  • Convey elements that make your venue uniqueShowcase your event spaces visually with accurate floor plans, 3D diagrams, quality photos, and videosLeverage the success of past events with testimonials and social media accolades
  • artificial intelligence (AI) tech is using badge scans, social media info, and other behavioral data to match attendees with people they should meet or seminars they may want to attend. 
  • Instead of taking-up significant time pre-event and on-site manually recommending seminars, exhibitors, and sponsors to attendees, AI can do it for you—even in real-time—based on their profiles and preferences captured during registration. 
  • it requires transparency and advance notice about how you may use data submitted by attendees. 
  • Attendees entering the geofenced area triggers predetermined actions, such as event check-in, push notifications, or advertising related to the event. 
  • Planners can sell geofencing to exhibitors and sponsors to reach attendees at events, or even promote their event on attendee devices at a competing event under a separate geofence. You can also provide attendees with a better experience via seamless registration and check-in, along with automatic app downloads as soon as they walk on-site.
  • provides analytics, both post-event and in real-time to help you better understand things like the duration of an attendee’s time at an event and overall peak attendance. 
  • Hotels can serve ads promoting their brand, facility, and services to attendees at events
  • once a prospect visits an event website, ads for that event will appear on any subsequent websites the prospect visits, in the form of website banner ads, search engine results, and pop-up or push ads on mobile apps. 
  • Event marketing teams should develop relevant and creative ads with clearly visible event dates to convince prospects who have visited an event website, but haven’t yet registered
  • venues can use it to generate return visits from event planners
  • retarget attendees during events with offers for in-house services like food and beverage, spa, and discounts on extending their stay.
  • Gameplay creates an immersive attendee experience, while generating leads and booth visits for exhibitors via quizzes, scavenger hunts, and trivia on mobile apps.
  • Gameplay fosters a sense of common purpose; creates an environment of collaboration and trust; facilitates easier communication; and boosts attendee confidence. You can also gather information about attendee engagement and interests via game choices.
  • Promoting the use of gameplay on-site showcases a venue to organizations looking for facilities supporting team building exercises as well as immersive attendee experiences.
  • Event technology is a term used to describe all of the digital tools and software used in the events industry. Everything from check in & registration, to diagramming, to social media tools, and more can be considered event technology.
    RFID, event applications, wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media are upcoming popular uses for event planners. With RFID event planners are able to keep better track of the guests attending the event as well as keeping them more involved. I first heard of this a few months ago when attending an event and it described that a chip with RFID was placed inside the wristband-type ticket. For me, the most interesting thing is the wearable technology! Imagine an event where you can have directions given to you or a layout of the event right on your wrist! Also, the watch can notify you of events happening within an event or you can see order your food or see the menu. To know that soon enough it will be a norm for everyone to have some type of wearable technology and that event planners can truly get the guests involved through this use is exciting.
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    This article discusses five major event technology trends. The first is RFID, which can assist in registration time but even more important is being used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. This kind of data acquisition is great because it allows for planners to analysis, study and understand what worked and didn't work for their events. The second is multi-use apps. These apps allow the event to incorporate important aspects like activities, scheduled break down, and speaker info all at once. Additionally these apps allow attendees to socialize with other participants, and expand their network. The other technologies are some that can definitely change the industry once they are fully integrated. These include: wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media.
    Nowadays the event planning becomes more and more popular. With the development of event planning, we have 5 event technology trends shaping the future of event planning. The first on is RFID-radio frequency identification. In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn't. In this way, it will be easier to foster repeat attendees. The second one is multi-use apps. It's easy to use apps to solve problems. event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself are going to become a huge trend. The third one is wearable technology. Like google glasses should be a trend in the future. Facial recognition and contact information make the event planning more easier. The fourth one is VR. VR is a great way to up attendee engagement during events. The last one is social media. Social media will be a really important trend. Social media is more than likely the way that investors and sponsors will advertise your event.
    This article introduces four new advances to technology that help ease the process of event planning. Projection mapping, 5G, Branded multi-use apps, and event diagramming.
    This article shares the technology innovation with meeting/convention operations and how these technology help offer better guest satisfaction.
Michelle Wilson

Personality Hotels Move to the Cloud with the ATRIO(TM) Guest Experience Management Pla... - 0 views

  • The ATRIO platform represents the most significant technology development to occur in the global hospitality industry in the last 25 years.
  • The guiding pillars of ATRIO include the industry's only platform purpose-built for true cloud computing, a highly innovative user experience, modular design, and the use of an Enterprise Service Bus.
  • Among many other benefits, true cloud computing and the "zero training" goal of the user experience brought significant financial benefit to Personality Hotels.
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  • PAR Springer-Miller built ATRIO using Microsoft technologies including the Windows Azure cloud platform.
    PAR Springer-Miller Systems, which is the leading provider of guest-centric hospitality management systems and Personality Hotels announced a successful implementation of the ATRIO Guest Experience Management platform at the Hotel Diva in California. ATRIO was built using Microsoft technologies and gives the look and feel of other innovative products from companies like Apple and Google. Simple to use, this system in the cloud reduced implementation costs. This is the first application purpose-built for true cloud computing.
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