A/B testing is a trap because it insulates us from A/J testing. A/B testing is an asymptotic stroll toward a local maximum.
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in title, tags, annotations or urlLeaders Don't Hide Behind Data - 6 views
And busyness is a trap because it allows us to believe that we’ve actually created value.
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How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results - WSJ - 17 views
a shift from its founding philosophy of “organizing the world’s information,” to one that is far more active in deciding how that information should appear.
Google keeps blacklists to remove certain sites or prevent others from surfacing in certain types of results. These moves are separate from those that block sites as required by U.S. or foreign law,
Far from being autonomous computer programs oblivious to outside pressure, Google’s algorithms are subject to regular tinkering from executives and engineers who are trying to deliver relevant search results, while also pleasing a wide variety of powerful interests and driving its parent company’s more than $30 billion in annual profit.
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How Can Teachers Create a Learner-Centered Environment? - Leading From the Classroom - Education Week Teacher - 119 views
publishers will need to collaborate more with teachers to be able to create more relevant and meaningful products to support teachers
Paper doesn't cut it. A learner centered environment requires technology.
Will the public demand this cultural shift in teaching and learning?
"The Alliance for Excellent Education recently released Culture Shift: Teaching in a Learner-Centered Environment Powered By Digital Learning. The report advocates that a culture shift to a learner centered classroom environment is needed to prepare students to meet the challenges and demands of a global economy"
NZ Interface Magazine | Eight habits of highly effective 21st century teachers - 7 views
4. Taking risksThere’s so much to learn. How can you as an educator know all these things? You must take risks and sometimes surrender yourself to the students’ knowledge. Have a vision of what you want and what the technology can achieve, identify the goals and facilitate the learning. Use the strengths of the digital natives to understand and navigate new products, have them teach each other. Trust your students.
I see this so much in those teachers who are afraid to miss a day of class if something doesn't work as planned. Years go by, and all those neat lessons they'd like to do, remain untried. Teachers end up disappointed they weren't able to update their teachings, and students are disappointed with the redundant, "safe" lessons.
We all need to take little risks each day in how we teach. Reach out try something new, how else will we grow in our practice. Darren Kuropatwa says it best in his Awakening Posibilities Presentation: 5 Minutes to Make a Difference - http://lwictpln2009.wikispaces.com/Professional+Learning "No such thing as Best Practice, it's all Beta practice!" John Evans
8 habits to pick up... #2 is probably the most difficult, and #4 reminds me of those teachers who just can't "seem to find the time" to take a chance and try something new.
8 habits to pick up... #2 is probably the most difficult, and #4 reminds me of those teachers who just can't "seem to find the time" to take a chance and try something new.
Teachers Network: Productions: Classroom Management for Secondary School Teachers - 25 views
Educational Products for Teachers | IMSE - 4 views
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