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Don Doehla

Summer Rejuvenation Guide: Ten Teacher Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Summer | Edutopia - 45 views

    Need renewal this summer? Here are ten great tips from Edutopia. Reflect while you relax!
Glenn Hervieux

Weekly Google Classroom tips - 61 views

    Check out the weekly Google Classroom tips - best practices by teachers like you.
Kim Collazo

Twitter Resources for Teachers - 122 views

    Great collection (100) of Twitter tips for teachers to learn about Twitter and use it in their classrooms.
Glenn Hervieux

Top 10 Tips and Tools for Managing Too Many Browser Tabs - 50 views

    Great tips for handling the workflow in Google Chrome - some great extensions suggested here help with this.
Kyle Pace

Tammy Worcester's Tech Tip of the Week - 7 views

    Great weekly Tech Tips from Tammy Worcester. Add the RSS feed to Google Reader as well. These are great tech Tips to easily share with others too.
Peter Beens

How to remember what you read | Polyglot Tutor - 145 views

    In our information-saturated century most of us need help to memorize things efficiently. But it's hard to remember what we have learned. What can we do? Ability to appreciate and organize your study time may help to improve memory skills. Here are some tips.
Marc Patton

- Engaging Learners through Digital Storytelling: 40+ Resources & Tips - 5 views

    Engaging Learners through Digital Storytelling: 40+ Resources & Tips
Eric Arbetter

Teaching Tip: Vocabulary Lesson Your Students will Devour - International Reading Association - 31 views

  • A Juicy Word is a word that has some real substance to it. Juicy Words are special, more so than your everyday, dried-out variety of words.
  • First, I ask students to collect ten Juicy Words per week
  • from text or from speech
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • note about where they found the word and how it was used
  • uring Week 2, I ask students to continue collecting ten Juicy Words per week, and in addition, to identify their three favorite Juicy Words and to use them at some point
  • In their Week 2 posts, students share their three Juicy Words, information about where they sourced each word, a brief explanation of each word's meaning, and how they used each word in real life.
  • By Week 5, the students are using five of their Juicy Words per week, and collecting an average of 15—five more than the ten words that I require
    Teaching tip for vocabulary - have students collect 10 "juicy words" each week including where they found them and how each was used.  Then they choose their favorite 3 and are asked to use those 3 throughout the week.
Tonya Thomas

elearn Best Practices & Tips Articles - 45 views

  • In the Google Age, Information Literacy is Crucial
  • Lights, Camera, Learn!: Five tips for using video in eLearning
  • Improving Motivation in eLearning By Matt Guyan / October 8, 2013
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Synchronous Learning: Is there a future? By Martin Sivula / September 26, 2013
  • eLearning and Digital Cultures: A multitudinous open online course By Jeremy Knox / September 24, 2013
  • The Rock Stars of eLearning: An interview with Connie Malamed By Rick Raymer / September 19, 2013
  • The Rock Stars of eLearning: An interview with Karl Kapp By Rick Raymer / September 5, 2013
Cindy Edwards

100+ Tips on how to Integrate iPad into your Classroom - 11 views

    I don't think you should ever miss this slide from Tom Barret. It is one of the best ones available online that provides awesome tips on how teachers can use iPad in their classrooms.
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