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Sirkku Nikamaa-Linder

CBI: We must drive change through a culture of expectation - 1 views

    • Sirkku Nikamaa-Linder
      Less testing!
  • There is a risk that the mistakes of the past – both teaching to the test by schools and micro-management of the school system through the means of exams and league tables – may be repeated in the EBC.
  • nternational evidence from high-performing education systems suggests more formative assessment during schooling would be beneficial
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  • But an over-reliance on summative assessment can distort the quality of education by becoming the dominant focus of school activity.
  • Removal of the currently over-specified and repetitive national curriculum from primary schools in favour of clearly defined goals on literacy, numeracy, science and computer science.
  • more stretching
  • judged by Ofsted
  • Move the focus of our exam system to 18 and develop clearly rigorous and stretching standards for both academic and vocational A-levels, with maths and English retained until 18 for both
  • A study
  • should be commissioned to advise on the right balance of timing and the optimal mix between formative and summative assessment
    " improve teaching and curriculum flexibility to effectively deliver core learning in ways which engage young people"
Jeannie Anderson

The Air Force Painting Atheists Found Repugnant - 54 views

  • They allegedly received a complaint from someone at the base who said the picture made “me feel terribly uncomfortable, disheartened and disappointed.”
    Diigo in Education is not an appropriate forum for promoting political views. Perhaps there's another Diigo group that's a better fit for this link/comment.
    I agree with Martha, this is not a forum for promoting political views. I find your comments and links especially distasteful, full of hate and prejudice. Please find another way to look at and interact with the world.
    Sorry Martha. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just realized that comment was public; it was meant to be private and an expression of frustration (and sarcasm) over all the issues of privacy and freedom of speech discussed in the news this week. Just trying to make sense it all. I haven't done much on Diigo outside of bookmarking, so I'm still trying to understand how this part of the site works. Webster, I'm sorry I offended you. That's not my intent. If you find my links distasteful, you don't need to review them. I'm simply bookmarking troublesome subjects I see to further investigate whether or not I should be concerned, what I should believe, and if I need to take any form of action within my own community. I have a right to be concerned: every time I turn on the news, another issue of privacy and freedom of speech is being trampled on by our government. Bookmarking sources and highlighting ideas that stand out in an effort to further investigate the validity of the sources and see what other sources say to counter is not hateful and full of prejudice: it's simply a process by which one can attempt to find hope to better understand a topic. That's really all that's going on here. Hope I've clarified my intent and appeased you both by removing my comment. Again, thanks Martha for your kind reminder.
Brianna Crowley

Where are the Education Leaders? « My Island View - 29 views

  • the further away from a classroom that an Education leader gets, the less the leadership becomes about education and the more it is affected by other influences.
  • The question facing our leaders would be what things to quantify. Do we have the right numbers answering the right questions? What should we be assessing and how do we do it? Does assessment always require testing?
  • Who gets to make up the questions becomes key.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Why were educators removed from the national discussion on education? How did education leaders allow this to happen? Who stood up for education?
  • They all seem to be cheerleaders for the cause of education, but have not found a way to lead educators. Is it the lack of leaders or the lack of access to a medium to get the message out?
Daryl Bambic

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Busine... - 28 views

  • To them, knowledge isn’t a commodity that’s delivered from teacher to student but something that emerges from the students’ own curiosity-fueled exploration.
  • eachers provide prompts
  • they step aside so students can teach themselves and one another.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Potential.”
  • “So,” Juárez Correa said, “what do you want to learn?”
  • “If you put a computer in front of children and remove all other adult restrictions, they will self-organize around it,” Mitra says, “like bees around a flower.”
  • There will be no teachers, curriculum, or separation into age groups—just six or so computers and a woman to look after the kids’ safety. His defining principle: “The children are completely in charge.”
  • Theorists from Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi to Jean Piaget and Maria Montessori have argued that students should learn by playing and following their curiosity.
  • Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin similarly claim that their Montessori schooling imbued them with a spirit of independence and creativity.
  • The study found that when the subjects controlled their own observations, they exhibited more coordination between the hippocampus and other parts of the brain involved in learning and posted a 23 percent improvement in their ability to remember objects.
  • if you’re not the one who’s controlling your learning, you’re not going to learn as well
Doug Saunders

HMS Blogging Template - 61 views

    New Google Sites blogging template for students.
    Doug, I am having a problem with your blog template posted in Diigo. How do i remove the blue & white Holman banner with the Huskie icon and replace it with my school banner? terry.
Brenda Dunn

The Alamo - 3 views

  • By March 1839, Santa Anna was president once again, an office he held six more times before finally being driven from Mexican politics in 1854. He died in Mexico City in 1876 a pauper.
  • Gentleman on entering the Alamo will please remove their hats, and all visitors will speak in low tones, in recognition of the sacredness of this shrine.
    Questions & Answers

Social Bookmarking in Education with Diigo - 5 views

  • ability to highlight text and pictures in a variety of colors, or add sticky notes to a bookmarked page
    • elliemellie
      I can point out what I think is important
  • It is a great way to focus attention on a large article.
  • take screenshots
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • archive the page so that if the content changes, or is removed, you will always have the original page that you bookmarked
  • tagged for easy searching, organized into lists, or presented as a slideshow
  • private
  • public
  • bulk create student accounts, with or without the use of student email addresses
  • limit communication to that of classmates and teachers only
  • automatically set up as a group, so all saved bookmarks can instantly be shared with peers.
  • share annotated bookmarks with a class to research a given topic.
  • share a useful website with the class
Patricia Christian

Building a Collaborative Online Literary Experience - 140 views

    Module 6
    This link is to a pasword protected site. Please remove.
Bochi 23

Perceived Usefulness: Use CleanPrint... Save Some Trees - 79 views

    CleanPrint allows you to customize the pages you print from the Internet... remove images, shrink text, and more... save some trees
Michelle Kassorla

Readability - 4 views

    Readability turns any web page into a clean view for reading now or later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
    This is an app that eliminates clutter, pop-ups, ads, etc. from websites so that you can read them more easily. (Great if you want to bring something up on the smartboard!!)
Dave Eveland

This is How Apple Changes Education, Forever - 4 views

  • have a theory, though. I think Apple will introduce a Classroom iPad for $199 before the year is out. Pure speculation? Absolutely. However, considering how serious Apple is about improving the state of education, this makes real sense. I imagine it will be a 1024×768, 9.7-inch screen (while the iPad 3 gets the Retina Display and maybe changes size or shape), with a plastic back and rugged shell that only the school can remove. There will be a single, rear-facing camera, and the tablet will be locked down with access to the iBooks 2 app and pre-loaded textbooks. Safari will come pre-loaded, but it’ll run through Apple’s special proxy education server (yes, I’m making that up, too).There will be no App Store or iTunes account associated with it and schools will manage all of them centrally.
    Be interesting to use this in a class discussion on the viability of the iPad or other similar devices as content consumption and/or creation devices along side the debate that has to do with how textbooks are changing.
Roland Gesthuizen

Why Teachers Matter More in a Flipped Classroom - - 53 views

  • Teaching is fundamentally about human interactions and that can’t be replaced by technology.
  • The simple act of removing the direct instruction (lecture) from the whole group changes the dynamic of the room and allows the teacher to personalize and individualize the learning for each student. Each student gets his/her own education which is tailored to his/her needs.  Instead of a one size fits all education-each student gets just what they need when they need it.
    "Teaching is fundamentally about human interactions, and that can't be replaced by technology."
Donna Baumbach

3 Ways To Remove EXIF MetaData From Photos (And Why You Might Want To) - 37 views

    If tweeted then add to diigo
Glen Muir

BBC News - How Chinese babies and Mid-East pizza tip US markets - 17 views

  • his year in the US, milk futures leapt 26% and butter prices 62%
  • As a result, there was usually an oversupply of milk products on the market, Levitt says.
  • US and European governments stored excess dairy products
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • nd dairy regulation decreased, driving a new incentive and ability to trade with other nations.
  • s a result, the dairy market tends now toward undersupply.
  • But from December 2013 to February 2014, Chinese demand grew to 20-25% of all global dairy imports, with much of the supply coming from the US and New Zealand.
  • New Zealand is the world's largest dairy exporter, accounting for nearly one-third of the global dairy trade.
  • Many of the nation's cows graze in fields, and a big drought in 2013 caused national milk production to plummet nearly 30%.
  • The US started exporting more dairy, capturing more international market share but pushing up domestic prices.
  • It's not all bad news for New Zealand, though. Traditionally, when the price of dairy goes up, farmers expand operations and produce more milk, thus lowering prices down the line.
  • The increase in supply could eventually lead to cheaper prices in the US, but not for several months.
  • US franchises including KFC, Ihop, Subway, The Cheesecake Factory, Jamba Juice and Papa John's Pizza have all staked claims in the Middle East, with more chains looking to follow.
  • A young, newly urbanised population in the Middle East is demanding more dairy imports.
  • That removed an estimated $6.6bn (£4bn) in annual dairy trade from the global market. In 2013, the EU alone exported $3bn of dairy to Russia, of which cheese accounted for more than one-third.
  • In response, the European Commission has announced it will provide financial support to the dairy industry, subsidising private storage of cheese, skimmed milk powder and butter until they can be sold at a later date.
  • But it will take a little while to see those changes reflected in American supermarkets.
    5 factors that affect global market price
Steve Ransom

Digital Age Damaging Learning | Nicholas Carr - 72 views

  • excessive use of the internet and other forms of technology diminishes our capacity for deep, meditative thinking, "the brighter the software, the dimmer the user", a counter-revolution may be required.
  • curricula must be developed not only with the potential benefits of technology linked to every learning outcome in mind, but also the costs.
    • Steve Ransom
      The Faustian bargain that Postman so often wrote about
  • available where there is clear utility, to remove it when there is not
    • Steve Ransom
      And who do we leave this decision up to? The individual? If so, we are in big trouble.
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  • we must be mindful of any cost associated with allowing ourselves to devolve to a more machine-like state.
    • Steve Ransom
      NO ONE is striving for this. Just the opposite.
  • As a senior high school teacher, one of my greatest bugbears is the reluctance of students to reflect on the information they have collected and plan their essays. Rather, some expect to Google their entire essay, often skipping from one hyperlink to the next until they find something that appears to be relevant, then pasting it into their essay, frequently oblivious to academic honesty and coherence of argument. The ability to discern reliability of sources is also severely lacking
    • Steve Ransom
      This is a by-product of failing to address and teach good research methods in a digital world and assigning work that can simply be cut and pasted. We must move beyond "reporting" in a digital, information-rich, and connected world.
  • Of greatest importance, however, is the status of our thinking, understanding how we think and the effect new technologies have on our cognitive processes. This debate extends beyond the neuroscience to questions relating to what is worth knowing and what mental functions are worth preserving at their present level of development
  • A primary role of educators is to foster qualities that are distinctly human: our ability to reflect, reason and imagine
    • Steve Ransom
      Exactly... and this must happen, regardless of the types of information that we have access to. To say that technology impedes this is laughable.
  • In the curricula of tomorrow this may entail identifying topics and tasks that begin with an instruction to turn all electronic devices off.
    • Steve Ransom
      No- it should begin with teachers establishing and negotiating meaningful, interesting, and powerful learning opportunities with access to all available tools. The computer as a learning tool is meant to extend physical human capabilities, not weaken them. It is the low-level, rote tasks that we require that weaken them. It's time to recognize this and wake up. Blaming the technology does little more than preserve the status quo.
Ed Webb

Paperless Tiger « buckenglish - 0 views

  • Does this jettisoning of time-honored titles mean that the paperless classroom is also lacking a creator, controller and grader?  Is the paperless classroom also a teacherless paradigm?  The answer is in some regards, yes.  I have removed myself from center stage.  I have relinquished the need to control every class.  I have stopped seeing work as stagnant…completed and submitted by students and then graded by me.  I have let go of my need to pre-plan months at a time, in favor of following the path that unfolds as we learn together.  My classes are not, however, teacherless, just less about the teaching and more about the learning.  The students know that I am ready and willing to be student to their insights, that they can teach, create, control and even evaluate their own learning.
  • In the absence of my control, the students have many choices to make
  • Teachers often say that modern students are lazy.  I have long felt that as the shifting winds of technology began to gain force, we teachers were the ones who were unwilling to do the work of rethinking our roles and meeting the students were they were learning already.  Rethinking paper as the primary tool of class is a step in the right direction because it forces a rethinking of the how and why of teaching and learning.
Lee-Anne Patterson

2¢ Worth » Method vs Approach - 1 views

  • how we use technology and how we teach it
    • Lee-Anne Patterson
      Warlick has articulated what many have struggled to say for so long. Students are not affraid to approach technology in a more investigative way, unlike those of us from the older generation that want the right way to do things everytime.
  • You operate these devices natively, by approaching it with a certain frame of mind, not by method.
  • to kids who are at home accessing and interacting with the world from their pockets — there is a disconnect that may well be a big part of why so few of our children are interested in pursuing technology fields
    • Lee-Anne Patterson
      Unfortunately many students are not encouraged to take this method of learning into the classroom. We remove the association so that they are aclimatised to learning in a more method way by their secondary education. What are we doing?
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  • as educators, need to began to picture ourselves as master learners, and to project that image of ourselves to the community.  If we become enthusiastic learners, then we are modeling the concept and process of life-long learning.
    • Lee-Anne Patterson
      As technology coordinators/integrators this is what we model. How many teachers within our schools also see themselves as fullfiling this role?
    David Warlick makes an association between Reynolds Presenation Zen Method v's Approach and the way we approach technology professional development
Maggie Tsai

Filtering/Cyber Bullying - 61 views

Someone did bring this topic up in our last conversation. Anyone know whether there is some existing technology that we can leverage? We haven't had time to look into yet. Thanks (note: we ...

filter CIPA Compliance

Ed Webb

Photos of mullets, leotards return to haunt online by AP: Yahoo! Tech - 0 views

  • But some people do care, especially when someone else has uploaded an unflattering photo or video. Los Angeles screenwriter Mike Bender, who runs devoted to such photos from the past, said a woman who shared a family photo later wrote to say that she was drunk when she submitted it and that her family was upset with her. Bender removed the picture immediately, but it was already all over the Internet. What happens online can have a direct effect on someone's real life reputation, Van Der Heide said, yet people posting photos of others aren't giving them a chance to respond or control how they appear. He said unwarranted photos, videos or comments made about you could potentially "assassinate your credibility."
  • Today, Rea is a high school math teacher in St. Louis, having given up her modeling dreams. "It's making fun of myself, letting the world know we've all had embarrassing moments," she said. What if her students saw that photo online? "I think it would be funny," she said. "It's good for my students to know that it's OK to make mistakes."
    How responsible should educators be for encouraging students to think about managing their digital identities?
Deb White Groebner

Education Week: Will We Ever Learn? - 37 views

  • All students should master a verifiable set of skills, but not necessarily the same skills. Part of the reason high schools fail so many kids is that educators can’t get free of the notion that all students—regardless of their career aspirations—need the same basic preparation. States are piling on academic courses, removing the arts, and downplaying career and technical education to make way for a double portion of math. Meanwhile, career-focused programs, such as Wisconsin’s youth apprenticeships and well-designed career academies, are engaging students and raising their post-high-school earnings, especially among hard-to-reach, at-risk male students.
  • Maintaining our one-size-fits-all approach will hurt many of the kids we are trying most to help. Maybe that approach, exemplified in the push for common standards, will simply lead to yet more unmet education goals. But it won’t reduce, and might increase, the already high rate at which students drop out of school, or graduate without the skills and social behaviors required for career success.
    Well-written commentary for anyone interested in the impact of Common Core Standards. "What's Wrong With the Common-Standards Project" "We need rigorous but basic academics, homing in on skills that will be used, and not short-shrifting the "soft skill" behaviors that lead to success in college and careers. The management guru Peter Drucker got it right: "The result of a school is a student who has learned something and puts it to work 10 years later."
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