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Bruce Fryer

National School Reform Faculty - 20 views

    Using protocols
    The National School Reform Faculty® (NSRF®) is a professional development initiative that focuses on increasing student achievement through skillful use of collaborative professional learning communities called Critical Friends Groups use protocols and activities that result in meaningful and efficient communication, problem solving and learning.
Wes Bolton

Visible Thinking Project - 107 views

    Research-based strategies and protocols for building better thinking routines in students.
    Research-based strategies and protocols for building better thinking routines in students.
Roland Gesthuizen

Teachers demand protocol for emails - - 101 views

    "Teachers across NSW will refuse to respond to student and parent emails unless all public and private schools put protocols in place to deal with the after-hours use of technology, privacy issues and legal concerns. "
    Check the date please... Dec 2002 is what shows when I read article. Were you doing historical piece on changes?
Steve C

National School Reform Faculty - 9 views

    Invaluable resources for critical friends groups.
    Invaluable resources for critical friends groups.
heather r

Looking at Student Work - 1 views

shared by heather r on 02 Mar 09 - Cached
    Educators looking together at student work using structures and guidelines ("protocols") for reflecting on important questions about teaching and learning."> This is a cached version of has no relation to the site.x
Kent Gerber

What the Web Said Yesterday - The New Yorker - 42 views

  • average life of a Web page is about a hundred days
    • Kent Gerber
      Where does this statistic come from?
  • Twitter is a rare case: it has arranged to archive all of its tweets at the Library of Congress.
  • Sometimes when you try to visit a Web page what you see is an error message: “Page Not Found.” This is known as “link rot,”
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Or maybe the page has been moved and something else is where it used to be. This is known as “content drift,”
  • For the law and for the courts, link rot and content drift, which are collectively known as “reference rot,” have been disastrous.
  • According to a 2014 study conducted at Harvard Law School, “more than 70% of the URLs within the Harvard Law Review and other journals, and 50% of the URLs within United States Supreme Court opinions, do not link to the originally cited information.”
  • one in five links provided in the notes suffers from reference rot
  • 1961, in Cambridge, J. C. R. Licklider, a scientist at the technology firm Bolt, Beranek and Newman, began a two-year study on the future of the library, funded by the Ford Foundation and aided by a team of researchers that included Marvin Minsky, at M.I.T.
  • Licklider envisioned a library in which computers would replace books and form a “network in which every element of the fund of knowledge is connected to every other element.”
  • Licklider’s two-hundred-page Ford Foundation report, “Libraries of the Future,” was published in 1965.
  • Kahle enrolled at M.I.T. in 1978. He studied computer science and engineering with Minsky.
  • Vint Cerf, who worked on ARPAnet in the seventies, and now holds the title of Chief Internet Evangelist at Google, has started talking about what he sees as a need for “digital vellum”: long-term storage. “I worry that the twenty-first century will become an informational black hole,” Cerf e-mailed me. But Kahle has been worried about this problem all along.
  • The Internet Archive is also stocked with Web pages that are chosen by librarians, specialists like Anatol Shmelev, collecting in subject areas, through a service called Archive It, at, which also allows individuals and institutions to build their own archives.
  • Illien told me that, when faced with Kahle’s proposal, “national libraries decided they could not rely on a third party,” even a nonprofit, “for such a fundamental heritage and preservation mission.”
  • screenshots from Web archives have held up in court, repeatedly.
  • has already been adopted by law reviews and state courts; it’s only a matter of time before it’s universally adopted as the standard in legal, scientific, and scholarly citation.
  • It’s not possible to go back in time and rewrite the HTTP protocol, but Van de Sompel’s work involves adding to it. He and Michael Nelson are part of the team behind Memento, a protocol that you can use on Google Chrome as a Web extension, so that you can navigate from site to site, and from time to time. He told me, “Memento allows you to say, ‘I don’t want to see this link where it points me to today; I want to see it around the time that this page was written, for example.’ ”
    Profile of the Internet Archive and the Wayback Machine.
H DeWaard

Teaching is a 'Way of Being' - Part 1 | Canadian Education Association (CEA) - 23 views

    Excellent teaching requires that teachers possess a particular way of being-not merely own a repertoire of recipes and protocols like the three-part lesson or inquiry lesson plans!
Nigel Coutts

Thinking in the Wild - Thinking routines beyond the classroom - The Learner's Way - 21 views

    Despite this being a 'thinking' conference, despite us all being advocates for structured and scaffolded models of thinking, not one group had applied any thinking routines, utilised a collaborative planning protocol or talked about applying an inquiry model or design thinking cycle. It wasn't that we didn't know about them. It wasn't that we don't know how to use them. It wasn't that we don't value them. We had all the knowledge we could desire on the how to and the why of a broad set of thinking tools and anyone of these would have enhanced the process, but we did not use any of them. Why was this the case and what does this reveal about our teaching of these methods to our students?
Chema Falcó

A Strategy for Effective Student Collaboration - 54 views

    A well-known protocol can help student teams reflect intentionally on their work-a necessity for improvement and learning.

The Australian Curriculum v4.1 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilit... - 0 views

  • apply practices that comply with legal obligations regarding the ownership and use of digital products resources
  • identify and value the rights to identity, privacy and emotional safety for themselves and others when using ICT and apply generally accepted social protocols when using ICT to collaborate with local and global communities
  • select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans
  • design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions
  • select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge
Marsha Ratzel

Blogging Begins « What Else? 1DR - 33 views

    • Marsha Ratzel
      This is where I see the power really get amped up
  • While reading about Martin Luther King, Jr, students chose a quote from his work. Students wrote the quote on an index card and explained why they chose the quote or what they thought about the quote.  Then we passed the card to the student on the left, and that student read the card and added a sticky note comment. The note needed to be at least three sentences, refer or quote something from the original text, and be “overly positive.” We handed the card and comment to the left again, and that student read the comment and the card. We continued passing to the left and adding sticky note comments, which could comment on the original text or any of the comments.
  • As we passed the work along, student comments became longer and better as they read other comments that were better than some who had not followed our protocol and simply wrote, “I agree.”  By the time every one had commented on every one else’s card, all students had written at least one good comment.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • When the original writer received the card, they chose and shared the comments that helped them think more or caused them to want to add to their original ideas.
  • new site called Tween Tribune (, a site for students and teachers with kid-friendly news feeds on which to comment or add their own stories.  We read comments and critiqued them, noticing some grammatical errors and mostly that some comments did not add to the conversation.
    Great lesson idea for how to get started in classroom blogging.
    One of the easiest ways I've seen to get started on blogging and commenting.
Chai Reddy

Teacher Evaluations May Get a Video Assist - - 26 views

  • Mr. Gates is tracking the research closely. The use of digital video in particular has caught his attention. In an interview, he cited its potential for evaluating teachers and for helping them learn from talented colleagues.
  • The meticulous scoring of videotaped lessons for this project is unfolding on a scale never undertaken in educational research, said Catherine A. McClellan, a director for the Educational Testing Service who is overseeing the process. By next June, researchers will have about 24,000 videotaped lessons. Because some must be scored using more than one protocol, the research will eventually involve reviewing some 64,000 hours of classroom video
Michele Brown

The National Networker (TNNW) Blog: BEYOND THE CUBICLE - CORPORATE CULTURE: T... - 9 views

  • The culture appears to be grounded in not only a need to share, but also a desire to be recognized. Retweets – when someone sends your tweet (message) out to their followers (a term supporting the need for recognition) somehow elevates your status within this community.
  • Social Media as a dominant force for communicating has penetrated every element of society. Can a virtual community possess a culture? Every company and organization possesses a definable culture. Behaviors, decision-making models, intrinsic and extrinsic actions and how people are treated may all play a part in defining it. These elements of culture are measureable and easy to define within a controlled entity. Social media lives and breathes in a virtual reality. It permeates all corners of the world, allows people to communicate across all traditional boundaries and thrives 24 hours/day. So…does it have a definable culture? If you have spent any time on Twitter, you quickly realize thousands of people have a need to respond to the question, “What’s happening?” Twitter has developed it’s own language with tweets, retweets, tweeple, twitpics, twibes, etc. You can follow topics with a hashtag and people with lists. What is most apparent is the need people have to share. The culture appears to be grounded in not only a need to share, but also a desire to be recognized. Retweets – when someone sends your tweet (message) out to their followers (a term supporting the need for recognition) somehow elevates your status within this community. There are etiquette protocols as many people publicly thank you for following them and for retweeting. Retweeting becomes a type
  • As you get deeper into the structure of Twitter, you can join a twibe or tweeple group, which provides inclusion – another indication that the need for recognition is systemic.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Social media lives and breathes in a virtual reality. It permeates all corners of the world, allows people to communicate across all traditional boundaries and thrives 24 hours/day. So…does it have a definable culture?
  • The culture appears to be grounded in not only a need to share, but also a desire to be recognized. Retweets – when someone sends your tweet (message) out to their followers (a term supporting the need for recognition) somehow elevates your status within this community.
Betsy Morris

Social Bookmarking In The Classroom - 51 views

  • var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1741032-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} 1
    Excellent, concise explanation of social bookmarking. Also an ad for Delicious, since it uses only that tool as an example, but tabs at top offer explanations of Diigo, too.
Steve Ransom

Qnext - Mobile-PC Unified Communication-multi protocol IM-video-voice-share photos-file... - 20 views

    Nice alternative to Skype, especially as Skype begins charging for multiple participant video chat. Communicate using 8-way Voice, 4-way Video, Instant messaging (Facebook, MySpace, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, GTalk and iChat). Transfer files at any size. Remote PC Access. Share files, photos, documents, and stream music to anyone anywhere.
Michelle Kassorla

OpenSimulator - 46 views

    Alternative to Second Life, mentioned by Vicki Davis at PETE&C 2011, cheaper than Second Life, allows archiving of "islands"
    OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It can be used to create a virtual environment (or world) which can be accessed through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols. It also has an optional facility (the Hypergrid) to allow users to visit other OpenSimulator installations across the web from an account on a 'home' OpenSimulator installation.
Sharin Tebo

Creating a Culture of Inquiry | Edutopia - 78 views

  • Inquiry
  • creating a culture of inquiry takes constant work. Teachers need to establish it from the first day in the classroom, and work to keep it vital throughout the year. Here are some important things to know about creating that culture, and some ideas that you might consider.
  • Culture
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Questioning
  • When we make a change or set an expectation for how a classroom will operate, we begin to affect the climate. It takes time for something to become a part of the culture
  • culture of inquiry
  • Scaffold
  • A culture of inquiry will not happen overnight, but the right climate for it is much easier to establish.
  • Teachers should use a variety of strategies, such as structured protocols and question starters and stems, to support students in asking effective questions.
  • One great tool for building a culture of inquiry is essential questions that drive learning.
  • Rather than focusing on the answer, they should focus on the process of inquiry that begins when the question is asked.
  • we have to make sure that our assignments also mirror and honor inquiry
  • Do our assignments focus on complexity and justification? Do we honor student voice and choice in these assignments? Are students allowed choice in what they produce and voice in what the assignment will look like? Do we create assignments and assessments that allow students to investigate their own questions aligned to the content that we want them to learn?
  • A culture of inquiry can only become the classroom norm if there is commitment from all stakeholders -- parents, students, teachers, administration, and more. Simply saying that we are an inquiry-based classroom and doing an occasional inquiry-based activity is not indicative of a culture of inquiry.
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