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Home/ Diigo In Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kathy Favazza

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kathy Favazza

Kathy Favazza

Standard 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them - 48 views

    video examples of each of the MP standards.
Kathy Favazza

Common Core State Standards Initiative - 12 views

    Post about how fraction understanding progresses through the elementary school years
Kathy Favazza

Johnnie's Math Page - Fun Math for Kids and their Teachers - 58 views

    huge collection of math games
Kathy Favazza

CoolTools4Integration - home - 123 views

    Glogster tips examples resources ideas
Kathy Favazza

3 Ways to Use Wordle for More Than Fluff | The Tech Savvy Educator - 9 views

    a few ideas on how to use Wordle for instruction
Kathy Favazza

Khan Academy - 86 views

    AWESOME - practice problems with immediate feedback, optional hint and links to video tutorials
Kathy Favazza

Simple Text Message Voting | Poll Everywhere - 85 views

    quick easy polls
Kathy Favazza

Teaching Blogs « Classroom201X - 64 views

    Categorized links to many education blogs
Kathy Favazza

Googlize your Lessons: A nice wiki with simple ideas for incorporating Google Apps (RT ... - 144 views

    tips and examples for using Google apps in lessons
Kathy Favazza

Week 2: Set Up Your Blogging Rules and Guidelines | The Edublogger - 29 views

    links to examples of student blogging guidelines
Kathy Favazza

hyperhomeschool - HyperHomeschool Blog - Great iPhone Apps for Developing Mat... - 20 views

    iPod touch and iPhone apps for math
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