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Kelly Boushell

LetterPop - 181 views

    Use LetterPop to create eye-popping newsletters, actionable presentations, irresistible invitations, beautiful product features, sizzling event summaries, informative club updates, lovely picture collages, and a whole lot more
    Teachers account is $39 dollars a year with limited usage.
James Shockley

Web 2.0 Smack Down - 149 views

    Digital Edition mag Top Stories Benjamin Franklin: An Extraordinary United States Global Change Research National World War II Museum Mayan Math Activity Product Review: StudySync FORUMS How did you choose an SIS? Are schools ready for open source? Can you Google-proof a question using Bloom's Taxonomy? Does online training work? top tech resources LCD or DLP? More.. Subscribe| Customer Service|Contact Us|About Us|eNewsletters|Advertising New Articles From the Classroom Leadership Professional Development Tech/Media Coordinators Tech Talk Studies in Ed Tech Ideas and Opinions How To EdTech Ticker TL Advisor Blog Leader of the Year Awards of Excellence Portraits of Learning Other Contests Upcoming Webinars Data Management Security eLearning Copyright Funding Mobile & Wireless Assessment & Testing Curriculum News & Trends Products Features Editor's Desk Issues Current Issue Newsletters eBooks White Papers Grants Columns Podcasts Web Tours Buyers Guide News Site of the Day QuickFlicks IT Guy Interactive Whiteboards Student Information Systems
Beth Panitz

How-to articles from Microsoft - 91 views

    Tutorials for Microsoft products as they relate to eductional activities
    Improve your skills with Excel, Word, Powerpoint. How to adjust Windows to make a PC more accessible. Plus links to teacher discussions and Microsoft Education newsletter.

iPad Monthly | professional development | teachers | ipads | resource - 49 views

    The official home of the iPad Monthly Newsletter for Teachers.
Susanna Livingston

Coaching Children in Handling Everyday Conflicts | Responsive Classroom - 92 views

    Responsive Classroom Website-  Has a great wealth of resources on classroom management- Great website- will also send you free printed newsletters to your home!!
Jeff Andersen

More Students Report Talking With Their Professors Outside of Class. Here's Why That Ma... - 16 views

    You're reading the latest issue of Teaching, a weekly newsletter from a team of Chronicle journalists. Sign up here to get it in your inbox on Thursdays. This week: I point to some key findings in the newest annual National Survey of Student Engagement. I share readers' feedback on how they have reformed their gateway courses. I ask whether your college or department has developed alternatives to teaching evaluations.
tom campbell

To Sell Is Human - Book Trailer | Daniel Pink - 42 views

    Why we all need sales schools. This is so important for public educators: we need to tell a better story to all our stakeholders.
MaryLiz Jones

5 Things Parents Wish Teachers Knew for Parent-Teacher Conferences - 159 views

    Important  reminders and things to consider when visiting with parents.
Jeremy Brueck

Playing by the Book: What eBooks Do Best » Kidscreen - 66 views

  • what are the things that interactive eBooks do especially well?
  • Simultaneously highlighting text with recorded audio, creating thoughtful tap-on support for both words in the text and elements in illustrations, and providing options to support different reading abilities are all wonderful ways to foster emergent reading skills.
  • One of the most intriguing opportunities in eBooks is the ability to show different characters’ points of view
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • When you think about it, this is something that’s incredibly hard to do in any other format.
  • Making the reader an active part of the story experience is where story and game can really combine in interesting ways
  • hearing your name spoken by the pigeon in Don’t Let the Pigeon Run This App give the user an agency and a presence in the story that’s engaging in a totally different way than reading a book aloud or watching a movie on a movie screen.
  • Interacting with the story in an active way, a way that is immediate, visible, and makes an impact is exactly the sort of agency that is unique to an interactive experience.
Thieme Hennis

Uruguay's One Laptop Per Child program: Impact and numbers - The Next Web - 18 views

    Interesting how OLPC may have an important impact in a country's wellbeing and creative workforce. I do believe in such programs. 
Tonya Thomas

Five Resources for Estimating Development Time: The eLearning Coach - 1 views

  • 1. Time To Develop One Hour of Training Although this article from ASTD is a few years old, it is still relevant. Not only does it provide the detail many are seeking, authors Karl Kapp and Robyn Defelice delve into several of the contributing factors. 2. How Long Does it Take to Create Learning? This survey states that it has culled data from 249 organizations, representing 3,947 learning development professionals. The “time to complete” data is represented as ratios. Don’t miss the accompanying SlideShare presentation, which has helpful visuals. 3. How Long Does It Take to Create an E-Learning Course? This article discusses a variety of factors you may not have considered, such as priority, review cycles and availability. 4. Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design In this article, Donald Clark provides budgets and cost guidelines in addition to the time estimates that he takes from an older source. 5. Why eLearning Development Ratios Can Be Hazardous to Your Health This article presents factors that surveys don’t consider.
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