Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Samrl model - 149 views
"SAMR is one of the relevant learning models teachers can use to effectively integrate technology in education. I have been doing some readings into it and have also posted a wide variety of articles and graphics on what teachers need to know to apply this model in their technology practices in the classroom."
A good collection of links to resources discussing the SAMR model, including practical examples.
Teaching like it's 2999: Breaking Down to Rebuild: Redefining the Innovative Classroom - 53 views
SAMR in 120 Seconds - YouTube - 67 views
SAMR-flow-chart.pdf - 6 views
Rebecca Davies on SAMR from #acec2014 - 55 views
Technology Integration Matrix - 171 views
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells.
Neat visualization of stages of integration, with clear characteristics/descriptors.
SAMR - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 114 views
Tech Transformation: The SAMR Model - From theory to practice - 25 views
samr ladder - 74 views
EdofICTJSSALC - SAMR & teaching with iPads - 34 views
SAMR Model - Technology Is Learning - 72 views
New Padagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using SAMR Model - Edudemic - Edudemic - 186 views
"Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That's how I felt about Allan Carrington's clever 'Padagogy Wheel' which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences. From what I can tell, putting the wheel on this site has generated a bit of buzz and I'm glad we could help spread the knowledge. "
Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: SAMR Through the Lens of the Common Core - 135 views
"One of my goals is to weave digital tools into the Common Core to design flexible, student driven learning experiences that are Above the Line as defined by the SAMR model. While this might sound like a mouthful of EdTech, I assure you that combining all that is on our crowded plates is far better than tackling each individual initiative in isolation. This idea is supported by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills."
Guide: Using the SAMR Model to Guide Learning | That #EdTech Guy's Blog - 74 views
The SAMR Model (above) was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. It enables educators to analyse how effective their use of technology is on teaching and learning.
– Enhancement (Substitution and Augmentation) – technology is used just to enhance a task
– Transformation (Modification and Redefinition) – tasks are designed in a way which would not be possible without the use of technology
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