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L'Australie veut accélérer son intégration du numérique | L'Atelier: Disrupti... - 0 views

    "La croissance australienne serait en retard comparée aux autres pays industrialisés. La faute à un trop lent passage à l'ère numérique. Pourtant, l'économie du pays pourrait être stimulée par Internet. Pour pousser son économie vers le haut, l'Australie doit tirer davantage parti de l'industrie numérique et notamment des infrastructures de télécommunications. Que ce soit les consommateurs, les entreprises ou encore le gouvernement, les Australiens seraient trop lents à s'adapter à la réalité numérique par rapport aux autres pays développés, et en subiraient les conséquences. En effet, les entreprises qui ne s'adapteraient pas à Internet en souffriraient. Pourtant, pour le ministère chargé des télécommunications et de l'économie numérique qui a rassemblé les résultats de plusieurs études, l'Australie a le potentiel pour devenir un acteur majeur de l'Internet d'ici à 2020.( Le ministère encourage ainsi son gouvernement ainsi que les entreprises du pays à innover, conscient que le web a fait tomber de nombreuses barrières et notamment exposé ses entreprises à la concurrence sur les marchés internationaux."

Comprendre les nouvelles formes de citoyenneté à l'heure du numérique « Inter... - 0 views

    "Nous vous faisions part, la semaine dernière, des bons conseils d'Ethan Zuckerman pour utiliser intelligemment le financement participatif pour mener à bien des projets citoyens… Le chercheur, directeur du Centre des médias civiques du MIT, a récemment complété son propos à l'occasion d'une conférence donnée à l'université Flinders à Adélaïde en Australie qu'il a retranscrite sur son blog (vidéo). Pour lui, l'expérience de financement participatif de Jase Wilson qu'il évoquait (le développeur Jase Wilson a lancé une collecte de dons sur l'internet pour financer une ligne de tramway à Kansas City, un projet que la ville venait d'abandonner faute de financement) est un exemple de la façon dont les "natifs" d'internet utilisent l'internet pour exercer leur citoyenneté, et s'engager via de nouvelles formes d'outils dans la vie civique."

Un serious game sur l'usage des TIC pour les enseignants | Formation et cultu... - 0 views

    Dans l'univers de l'éducation, les initiatives de formation à l'usage des TIC s'adressent surtout aux élèves. Le Brevet Informatique et Internet français (B2I), qui a été cité souvent dans nos pages, en est un exemple éloquent. Sur Internet, des serious games sont offerts aux jeunes pour qu'ils adoptent une attitude responsable dans leur communication en ligne. Face à cette profusion d'intiaitives ciblant les jeunes, il n'y a pas grand chose qui soit spécifiquement développé pour les enseignants. Du moins, du côté des applications ludiques.  Les simulations nord-américaines d'animation de classe dont nous vous avions parlé restent des initiatives rares. L'association des professeurs de l'état de Victoria en Australie a décidé de créer un serious game ciblant les enseignants, Playing4real, afin de comprendre comment utiliser les TIC en classe et inciter au partage des idées entre collègues. Après une inscription gratuite, le professeur se retrouve dans une école virtuelle. Il doit participer à deux types d'activités : des missions et des tâches.

Home | Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society | The University of Melbourne - 0 views

    "IBES is an interdisciplinary research institute that aligns research and industry interests to drive innovation in broadband applications for the benefit of society. A central feature of the Institute is the active involvement of industry through the Industry Partner Program."

Broadband Policy Watch: More from Australia: the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Soci... - 0 views

    "For more on the potential of broadband in general and the National Broadband Network in particular, the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society's Annual Report and Symposium presentation is well worth a look. Three slides from the presentation caught my eye. They capture the importance of concurrency (multiple simultaneous accesses to multiple applications, something I've discussed in this previous post) very well, and also nicely illustrate the wide range of applications that next generation access can support: "

Australia project for universal broadband access: from policy to social potential - 0 views

    "Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) aims to provide high-speed Internet broadband access to all Australians and transform Australia into one of the world's top five digital economies by 2020. The NBN's model of universal and equal access to information flows supported by a nationwide infrastructure network stands out from the dominant scenario of profit-driven, tiered models of communication infrastructure networks. This paper analyses the economic and social value of information as a basic utility in contemporary society and argues that the NBN is an essential component in a nationwide project of digital citizenship, while highlighting the need for strong and effective policies to support it. The policies underlying the NBN and the technical aspects of its infrastructure network are compared with the Coalition's alternative plan and public and private initiatives from other countries. It is argued that, in order to realise the full potential of the NBN, its future strategies must take into account the current networked practices of Australian citizens and be supported by an equally universal project of digital literacy. Finally, examples of current practices and future benefits of the implementation of high-speed broadband access are presented."

KPMG: Cloud computing is a $3.25 billion opportunity - Senator Stephen Conroy, Nicki Hu... - 0 views

    In its report, Modelling the Economic Impact of Cloud Computing the economic advisory firm estimates if Cloud services are adopted across 75 per cent of ICT spend by businesses it would increase long-run GDP after 10 years by 0.23 per cent, which translates to $3.32 billion per annum. A 75 per cent adoption rate, according to KPMG, is achievable.

High-speed net to be on offer via US satellite | The Australian - 0 views

    THE idea of satellites delivering slow internet speeds has been turned on its head with ViaSat in the US announcing a satellite terminal for business with lightning fast download speeds. ViaSat says its new Surfbeam 2 Pro satellite modem could deliver downstream rates up to 50 Mbps and upstream rates up to 20 Mbps.


    C ities are real-time systems,  but rarely run as such.  Governance models remain  in the 20th century, while citizens  increasingly have access to 21st  century tools predicated on the  increasingly ubiquitous availability of internet, smartphones  and tablets, social media and  so on. A city's operational and  planning decisions are generally  based on snapshots and averages  rather than the ongoing monitoring, insightful visualisations,  and constant feedback loops that  contemporary information and  communications technologies  (ICT) enable. While there are  fundamental differences between  running a city and, say, running, they are perhaps  fewer than has been assumed. this report outlines many of the  opportunities for cities afforded by these  contemporary technologies, indicating  how the 'smart city' approach might  fundamentally transform the way that cities  are governed, operated, interacted with and  experienced, particularly with the focus on  reducing greenhouse gas emissions and  becoming sustainable in the broadest sense,  including in economic terms, with new jobs  generated in 'green technologies' and ictrelated activities. 

Australia's First 3rd Generation Open Data Site - from the ACT | Governing People - 0 views

    "The ACT government today announced the soft-launch of their new open data site, dataACT, through their equally new  Government Information Office blog. In my view this is now the best government open data site in Australia."

NBN stats: Australia's broadband future and why the Coalition's alternative 'won't work... - 0 views

    "The world's foremost internet traffic study and growth forecast, which historically has been proven very accurate, describes a further explosion of internet traffic around the world and in Australia. The findings illustrate a requirement for fibre optic cable "deep deep into the infrastructure" both for wired and wireless broadband connections."

Product Review: The National Broadband Network - Blog - ABC Technology and Games (Austr... - 0 views

    "Despite being announced three years ago, many Australians still have little idea what the NBN actually is. This coupled with some of the worst media coverage of anything, well, ever plus a raft of politicians and commentators saying things about it which are disingenuous or simply not true has led to the primary discussion surrounding it focusing on who said what. Today we're ignoring the politics and reviewing the NBN as though it were a new television or a phone: rating it according to performance, features and value."

NBN - National Broadband Network - Australia | Health eTowns TelehealthNT Network proje... - 0 views

    "The Digital Regions Initiative Health eTowns TelehealthNT Network project has been launched by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy."
Normand Brissette

» Les destinations déploient leurs stratégies mobiles - 0 views

    La technologie mobile est de plus en plus adoptée par les offices de tourisme et l'industrie du voyage en général comme un moyen d'offrir aux voyageurs une nouvelle façon de se déplacer sur le territoire (lire aussi: La révolution du tourisme mobile est enclenchée). Alors que les utilisations mobiles liées aux destinations peuvent être utiles à toutes les étapes d'un voyage, c'est souvent pendant le séjour qu'elles révèlent le plus de valeur ajoutée. Lorsque la problématique des frais d'itinérance ne s'applique pas, les appareils mobiles peuvent s'avérer de véritables merveilles pour s'informer sur la destination en temps réel, optimiser sa visite et garder contact avec les proches.

IBM: Fast broadband to rake in $1 trillion for Australia by 2050 - Phil Ruthven, Nation... - 0 views

    The availability of faster broadband in Australia has the potential to generate $1 trillion in revenue for the country by 2050, according to a report from IT vendor, IBM. The A Snapshot of Australia's Digital Future to 2050 report written by IBISWorld and commissioned by IBM, highlights Australia's natural resources boom will pass in the next 30 years, making room for a "developed resources" economy.

IBM - A Snapshot of Australia's Digital Future to 2050 - Australia - 0 views

    A world-first, the report reveals information and communications technology (ICT) enhanced with ubiquitous high-speed broadband is becoming Australia's new utility - as historic and game changing as electricity or telephony.

eGov AU: ACT government launches Canberra 2030 consultation integrating Web 2.0 tools - 0 views

    There's a Twitter account and a Flickr account and also a video up at YouTube - although this doesn't appear to have been embedded in the Canberra 2030 site itself. Despite a few basic usability issues and a little of a 'tickbox' approach, the site represents a real attempt to consult Canberrans in a more interactive way and it is worth a look.
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