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Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People - 0 views

    Mission drives agencies, and the need to deliver better services to customers at a lower cost-whether an agency is supporting the warfighter overseas, a teacher seeking classroom resources or a family figuring out how to pay for college-is pushing every level of government to look for new solutions. Today's amazing mix of cloud computing, ever-smarter mobile devices, and collaboration tools is changing the consumer landscape1 and bleeding into government as both an opportunity and a challenge. New expectations require the Federal Government to be ready to deliver and receive digital information2 and services3 anytime, anywhere and on any device. It must do so safely, securely, and with fewer resources. To build for the future, the Federal Government needs a Digital Strategy that embraces the opportunity to innovate more with less, and enables entrepreneurs to better leverage government data to improve the quality of services to the American people. Early mobile adopters in government-like the early web adopters-are beginning to experiment in pursuit of innovation. Some have created products that leverage the unique capabilities of mobile devices. Others have launched programs and strategies and brought personal devices into the workplace. Absent coordination, however, the work is being done in isolated, programmatic silos within agencies. Building for the future requires us to think beyond programmatic lines. To keep up with the pace of change in technology, we need to securely architect our systems for interoperability and openness from conception. We need to have common standards and more rapidly share the lessons learned by early adopters. We need to produce better content and data, and present it through multiple channels in a program and device-agnostic4 way. We need to adopt a coordinated approach to ensure privacy and security in a digital age. These imperatives are not new, but many of the solutions are. We can use modern tools and

No Field of Dreams: Eliminating the Waiting Game and Driving Network Uptake - 0 views

    In working across the globe and working with multiple carriers deploying new, more robust broadband networks, Strategic Networks Group consistently comes up against the notion that once the network is built, adoption will naturally follow.  "Build it and they will come" is a school of thought that expresses the great hope that potential subscribers will naturally adopt, however this notion goes against what we have always known about technology adoption. Meanwhile, broadband is broadband for many consumers and businesses - who do not see the difference, nor what is possible with ultra-fast broadband (e.g. fiber / Fiber-to-the-Home). On the other hand, organizations like US Ignite are forming to promote "Next generation Applications," specifically new applications in education, healthcare, clean energy, public safety, and workforce development, including advanced manufacturing. These require the ultra-fast broadband connectivity which the networks being rolled out today will provide. And before we get to "Next generation applications," consider the bandwidth required to support online collaboration so critical to being competitive in a 21st century economy.


    The Internet Age is here.  The effective use of this technology and all that it can provide is a key to success for businesses and individuals.  Knowing this, the Obama Administration seeks to ensure that all Americans have affordable access to broadband Internet services.  Accomplishing that goal, however, requires a set of facts about Internet use that can underpin and guide this policy objective. In Exploring the Digital Nation: Home Broadband Internet Adoption in the United States, the Commerce Department fulfills its promise to provide authoritative, nationally-comprehensive data on access to the Internet throughout the United States.  This new study follows the February 2010 NTIA research preview, Digital Nation: 21st Century America's Progress Toward Universal Broadband Internet Access. Both studies draw on the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey Internet Use Supplement, a survey of approximately 54,000 households conducted over one week in October 2009.  The Census data show increases in adoption of broadband services at home over time for virtually all demographic groups.  The data also reveal that demographic disparities among groups have tended to persist. Persons with high incomes, those who are younger, Asians and Whites, the more highly-educated, married couples, and the employed tend to have higher rates of broadband use at home.  Conversely, persons with low incomes, seniors, minorities, the less-educated, non-family households, and the nonemployed tend to lag behind other groups in home broadband use. The new study takes the analysis to another level.

How to Encourage Broadband Adoption: from the provider perspective « Blandin ... - 0 views

    "I read a lot of reports on how to encourage broadband adoption. There are three kinds of reports - one focuses on getting folks at the far end of the digital divide to use technology, one focuses on creating super users (think GigU) and the other encourages average users to use more broadband - or faster broadband. No Field of Dreams: Eliminating the Waiting Game and Driving Uptake focuses on the upping the use mainstream users. Well, more specifically, it focuses on how to get those users to upgrade their subscriptions to fiber. Or as they say in the report to get customers to put their money where the providers mouth is."

the State of the Internet - 3rd Quarter, 2011 report - 0 views

    Akamai's globally distributed network of servers allows us to gather massive amounts of  information on many metrics, including connection speeds, attack traffic, and network  connectivity/availability/latency problems, as well as traffic patterns on leading Web sites.  Each quarter, Akamai publishes a "State of the Internet" report. This report includes data  gathered from across Akamai's Intelligent Platform during the third quarter of 2011 about attack  traffic, broadband adoption, and mobile connectivity, as well as trends seen in this data  over time. In addition, this quarter's report also includes insight into SSL, the state of IPv6  adoption, and observations from Akamai partner Ericsson regarding the impact that mobile  data plans have on usage. 

The Future of Money in a Mobile Age | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Pr... - 0 views

    Within the next decade, smart-device swiping will have gained mainstream acceptance as a method of payment and could largely replace cash and credit cards for most online and in-store purchases by smartphone and tablet owners, according to a new survey of technology experts and stakeholders. Many of the people surveyed by Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center and the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project said that the security, convenience and other benefits of "mobile wallet" systems will lead to widespread adoption of these technologies for everyday purchases by 2020. Others-including some who are generally positive about the future of mobile payments-expect this process to unfold relatively slowly due to a combination of privacy fears, a desire for anonymous payments, demographic inertia, a lack of infrastructure to support widespread adoption, and resistance from those with a financial stake in the existing payment structure.

Open Clouds: Immature or Good Enough? - 0 views

    Open clouds, OpenStack being just one, are following a similar development trajectory to Linux and open source databases. In phase one, the technology is for early adopters and not at all comparable with proprietary offerings. Early adopters and companies that take a long view and/or have a good reason to disrupt the market deploy and contribute to the projects to push them toward maturity.

KPMG: Cloud computing is a $3.25 billion opportunity - Senator Stephen Conroy, Nicki Hu... - 0 views

    In its report, Modelling the Economic Impact of Cloud Computing the economic advisory firm estimates if Cloud services are adopted across 75 per cent of ICT spend by businesses it would increase long-run GDP after 10 years by 0.23 per cent, which translates to $3.32 billion per annum. A 75 per cent adoption rate, according to KPMG, is achievable.

Adoption, Usage, and Global Impact of Broadband Technologies: Diffusion, Practice and P... - 0 views

    Adoption, Usage, and Global Impact of Broadband Technologies: Diffusion, Practice and Policy

Why Tablets Are The Future Of Electronic Medical Records [REPORT] - 0 views

    "The adoption of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) by doctor practices and hospitals is one of the most exciting developments in health - and the iPad is playing a big part. Up till recently, the typical EMR system was a PC-based enterprise software suite deployed in a large, public hospital. But thanks largely to the iPad, EMRs are finding their way into tens of thousands of small to medium medical practices. Today, EMR vendor drchrono is releasing a report about EMR adoption and impact. In a phone interview, I discussed the findings with drchrono CEO Michael Nusimow and COO Daniel Kivatonos."

Avantages et adoption de la télésanté - Lier les patients et les prestateur... - 0 views

    Inforoute Santé du Canada (Inforoute) a chargé Praxia Information Intelligence et Gartner Consulting de faire une étude, à l'échelle pancanadienne, visant à connaître l'utilisation de la technologie en télésanté et les avantages obtenus jusqu'à présent. Comme le rapport Avantages et adoption de la télésanté : Lier les patients et les prestateurs dans l'ensemble du Canada, la télésanté a apporté un certain nombre d'avantages en matière d'accès, de qualité et de productivité aux cliniciens, aux patients et au réseau de santé.

Developing successful Public-Private Partnerships to foster investment in universal br... - 0 views

    The aim of the report is to promote the sharing of best practices adopted by PPP broadband projects, whether they have been used to provide broadband access nationally, regionally, or in rural areas. The purpose of the document is not to focus on the approach followed by any single PPP broadband project, or to promote any one project, but to provide an overall view of the best practices implemented among all the projects. These best practices have been identified as beneficial for future PPP broadband projects, and which, if followed, should deliver successful outcomes.

The Value of Electronic Health Records: The Debate Continues - IEEE Spectrum - 0 views

    The eight articles that the New York Times published this week in a special Science series on health information technology called "The Digital Doctor" covered everything from advances in imaging technology to the psychological impacts of a wired society. The articles are well worth a read. One story, on the "ups and downs" of electronic health records (EHRs), examined doctors' and nurses' experiences as EHRs become more wide-spread because of the U.S. government's multi-billion dollar EHR adoption incentive program. What I found interesting in the Times story was the admission by some of the fiercest advocates for EHRs, like Dr. David Brailer, the first national coordinator for health information technology, that, "The current information tools are still difficult to set up. They are hard to use. They fit only parts of what doctors do, and not the rest."

La Voiture électrique va t-elle changer le monde ? [infographie] - 0 views

    "a voiture électrique semble là pour rester, il ne s'agit plus d'une mode. Par contre son adoption par les masses devrait prendre des années et se fera progressivement, à moins que l'on trouve un moyen rapide et efficace pour diminuer le coût des batteries électriques au Lithium-ion (ou que l'on découvre une nouvelle technologie révolutionnaire). Car ces batteries font monter le prix des véhicules électriques et hybrides, qui sont en moyenne 5000 dollars plus chers qu'une voiture classique à essence (calculs faits sur le long terme et non juste à l'achat). Il est prévu qu'en 2025, le prix d'une batterie Li-ion au kWh sera divisé par 4. (mais bon c'est quand même dans 13 ans hein!)"

» Aider les PME à utiliser les TIC : l'exemple de Singapour - 0 views

    Singapour incite les PME à utiliser les logiciels en tant que service Le 24 août 2012 s'est tenu la 15e Conférence sur le commerce à Singapour. Au cours de cette réunion, le gouvernement de Singapour a dévoilé son projet de soutien au développement des TIC dans les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Le projet se traduit par le renforcement financier du projet iSPRINT de l'autorité de Développement des Télécommunications à Singapour, IDA (Infocomm Development Authority). L'iSPRINT est un programme de l'IDA qui aide les PME de Singapour à adopter les nouveaux moyens de télécommunication et à mettre en place de nouveaux projets en TIC. Pour cela, elle propose un ensemble de solutions préconçues par l'IDA et répondant aux  besoins de chaque entreprise.

Measuring the Broadband Bonus in Thirty OECD Countries - 0 views

    This paper provides estimates of the economic value created by broadband Internet using measures of new gross domestic product and consumer surplus.  The study finds that the economic value created in  30OECD countries correlates roughly with the overall size of their broadband economies. In addition, price and quality data from the  United States suggest that widespread adoption of broadband Internet has occurred without a dramatic decline in prices, which reflects an unobserved increase in broadband quality that conventional government statistics do not capture.

Three years of stagnant health app adoption | mobihealthnews - 0 views

    "Since 2010 about 10 percent of American adults with mobile phones have had some kind of app on their phone that helps them track or manage their health, according to Pew's survey. While the figure presented in Pew's reports has ticked up or down one percentage point this year and last year, it's within the survey's margin of error."

New language of education: Knowmads on the infinite campus « Blandin on Broad... - 0 views

    " was particularly inspired by the lunchtime keynote - Dr John Moravec, who was kind enough to share his presentation with me… He introduced the idea of knowmads. They… Are not restricted to a specific age. Build their personal knowledge through explicit information gathering and tacit experiences, and leverage their personal knowledge to produce new ideas. Are able to apply their ideas and expertise contextually in various social and organizational configurations. Are highly motivated to collaborate, and are natural networkers, navigating new organizations, cultures, and societies. Purposively use new technologies to help them solve problems and transcend geographical limitations. Are open to sharing what they know, and invite the open access to information, knowledge and expertise from others. Develop habits of mind and practice to learn continuously, and can unlearn as quickly as they learn, adopting new ideas and practices as necessary. Thrive in non-hierarchical networks and organizations. Are not afraid of failure."
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