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Inflammatory cause of metabolic syndrome via brain stress and NF-κB - 0 views

  • Mechanistic studies further showed that such metabolic inflammation is related to the induction of various intracellular stresses such as mitochondrial oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and autophagy defect under prolonged nutritional excess
  • intracellular stress-inflammation process for metabolic syndrome has been established in the central nervous system (CNS) and particularly in the hypothalamus
  • the CNS and the comprised hypothalamus are known to govern various metabolic activities of the body including appetite control, energy expenditure, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and blood pressure homeostasis
  • ...56 more annotations...
  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS) refer to a class of radical or non-radical oxygen-containing molecules that have high oxidative reactivity with lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
  • a large measure of intracellular ROS comes from the leakage of mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC)
  • Another major source of intracellular ROS is the intentional generation of superoxides by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase
  • there are other ROS-producing enzymes such as cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases, xanthine oxidase, and cytochrome p450 enzymes, which are involved with specific metabolic processes
  • To counteract the toxic effects of molecular oxidation by ROS, cells are equipped with a battery of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutases, catalase, peroxiredoxins, sulfiredoxin, and aldehyde dehydrogenases
  • intracellular oxidative stress has been indicated to contribute to metabolic syndrome and related diseases, including T2D [72; 73], CVDs [74-76], neurodegenerative diseases [69; 77-80], and cancers
  • intracellular oxidative stress is highly associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases [69] and brain aging
  • dietary obesity was found to induce NADPH oxidase-associated oxidative stress in rat brain
  • mitochondrial dysfunction in hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons causes central glucose sensing impairment
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the cellular organelle responsible for protein synthesis, maturation, and trafficking to secretory pathways
  • unfolded protein response (UPR) machinery
  • ER stress has been associated to obesity, insulin resistance, T2D, CVDs, cancers, and neurodegenerative diseases
  • brain ER stress underlies neurodegenerative diseases
  • under environmental stress such as nutrient deprivation or hypoxia, autophagy is strongly induced to breakdown macromolecules into reusable amino acids and fatty acids for survival
  • intact autophagy function is required for the hypothalamus to properly control metabolic and energy homeostasis, while hypothalamic autophagy defect leads to the development of metabolic syndrome such as obesity and insulin resistance
  • prolonged oxidative stress or ER stress has been shown to impair autophagy function in disease milieu of cancer or aging
  • TLRs are an important class of membrane-bound pattern recognition receptors in classical innate immune defense
  • Most hypothalamic cell types including neurons and glia cells express TLRs
  • overnutrition constitutes an environmental stimulus that can activate TLR pathways to mediate the development of metabolic syndrome related disorders such as obesity, insulin resistance, T2D, and atherosclerotic CVDs
  • Isoforms TLR1, 2, 4, and 6 may be particularly pertinent to pathogenic signaling induced by lipid overnutrition
  • hypothalamic TLR4 and downstream inflammatory signaling are activated in response to central lipid excess via direct intra-brain lipid administration or HFD-feeding
  • overnutrition-induced metabolic derangements such as central leptin resistance, systemic insulin resistance, and weight gain
  • these evidences based on brain TLR signaling further support the notion that CNS is the primary site for overnutrition to cause the development of metabolic syndrome.
  • circulating cytokines can limitedly travel to the hypothalamus through the leaky blood-brain barrier around the mediobasal hypothalamus to activate hypothalamic cytokine receptors
  • significant evidences have been recently documented demonstrating the role of cytokine receptor pathways in the development of metabolic syndrome components
  • entral administration of TNF-α at low doses faithfully replicated the effects of central metabolic inflammation in enhancing eating, decreasing energy expenditure [158;159], and causing obesity-related hypertension
  • Resistin, an adipocyte-derived proinflammatory cytokine, has been found to promote hepatic insulin resistance through its central actions
  • both TLR pathways and cytokine receptor pathways are involved in central inflammatory mechanism of metabolic syndrome and related diseases.
  • In quiescent state, NF-κB resides in the cytoplasm in an inactive form due to inhibitory binding by IκBα protein
  • IKKβ activation via receptor-mediated pathway, leading to IκBα phosphorylation and degradation and subsequent release of NF-κB activity
  • Research in the past decade has found that activation of IKKβ/NF-κB proinflammatory pathway in metabolic tissues is a prominent feature of various metabolic disorders related to overnutrition
  • it happens in metabolic tissues, it is mainly associated with overnutrition-induced metabolic derangements, and most importantly, it is relatively low-grade and chronic
  • this paradigm of IKKβ/NF-κB-mediated metabolic inflammation has been identified in the CNS – particularly the comprised hypothalamus, which primarily accounts for to the development of overnutrition-induced metabolic syndrome and related disorders such as obesity, insulin resistance, T2D, and obesity-related hypertension
  • evidences have pointed to intracellular oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction as upstream events that mediate hypothalamic NF-κB activation in a receptor-independent manner under overnutrition
  • In the context of metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress-related NF-κB activation in metabolic tissues or vascular systems has been implicated in a broad range of metabolic syndrome-related diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiac infarct, stroke, cancer, and aging
  • intracellular oxidative stress seems to be a likely pathogenic link that bridges overnutrition with NF-κB activation leading to central metabolic dysregulation
  • overnutrition is an environmental inducer for intracellular oxidative stress regardless of tissues involved
  • excessive nutrients, when transported into cells, directly increase mitochondrial oxidative workload, which causes increased production of ROS by mitochondrial ETC
  • oxidative stress has been shown to activate NF-κB pathway in neurons or glial cells in several types of metabolic syndrome-related neural diseases, such as stroke [185], neurodegenerative diseases [186-188], and brain aging
  • central nutrient excess (e.g., glucose or lipids) has been shown to activate NF-κB in the hypothalamus [34-37] to account for overnutrition-induced central metabolic dysregulations
  • overnutrition can present the cell with a metabolic overload that exceeds the physiological adaptive range of UPR, resulting in the development of ER stress and systemic metabolic disorders
  • chronic ER stress in peripheral metabolic tissues such as adipocytes, liver, muscle, and pancreatic cells is a salient feature of overnutrition-related diseases
  • recent literature supports a model that brain ER stress and NF-κB activation reciprocally promote each other in the development of central metabolic dysregulations
  • when intracellular stresses remain unresolved, prolonged autophagy upregulation progresses into autophagy defect
  • autophagy defect can induce NF-κB-mediated inflammation in association with the development of cancer or inflammatory diseases (e.g., Crohn's disease)
  • The connection between autophagy defect and proinflammatory activation of NF-κB pathway can also be inferred in metabolic syndrome, since both autophagy defect [126-133;200] and NF-κB activation [20-33] are implicated in the development of overnutrition-related metabolic diseases
  • Both TLR pathway and cytokine receptor pathways are closely related to IKKβ/NF-κB signaling in the central pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
  • Overnutrition, especially in the form of HFD feeding, was shown to activate TLR4 signaling and downstream IKKβ/NF-κB pathway
  • TLR4 activation leads to MyD88-dependent NF-κB activation in early phase and MyD88-indepdnent MAPK/JNK pathway in late phase
  • these studies point to NF-κB as an immediate signaling effector for TLR4 activation in central inflammatory response
  • TLR4 activation has been shown to induce intracellular ER stress to indirectly cause metabolic inflammation in the hypothalamus
  • central TLR4-NF-κB pathway may represent one of the early receptor-mediated events in overnutrition-induced central inflammation.
  • cytokines and their receptors are both upstream activating components and downstream transcriptional targets of NF-κB activation
  • central administration of TNF-α at low dose can mimic the effect of obesity-related inflammatory milieu to activate IKKβ/NF-κB proinflammatory pathways, furthering the development of overeating, energy expenditure decrease, and weight gain
  • the physiological effects of IKKβ/NF-κB activation seem to be cell type-dependent, i.e., IKKβ/NF-κB activation in hypothalamic agouti-related protein (AGRP) neurons primarily leads to the development of energy imbalance and obesity [34]; while in hypothalamic POMC neurons, it primarily results in the development of hypertension and glucose intolerance
  • the hypothalamus, is the central regulator of energy and body weight balance [
    Great article chronicles the biochemistry of "over nutrition" and inflammation through NF-kappaB activation and its impact on the brain.

Computer Science: Computer hardware - 0 views

    Computer Science Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Computer hardware Computer hardware is the physical components that make up a computer system. It includes everything from the central processing unit (CPU) to the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Understanding the different types of hardware and how they work together is essential for anyone who works with computers. In this article, we will explore the various components of computer hardware, including internal and external components, and the peripherals that connect to them. We will also discuss the importance of hardware maintenance, the latest advancements in computer technology, and factors to consider when choosing the right hardware for your needs. Whether you are a computer technician, a gamer, or simply someone who uses a computer for everyday tasks, this article will help you better understand the world of computer hardware. Introduction to Computer Hardware Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system. It includes everything from the processor and memory to input/output devices such as the keyboard and monitor. In this article, we will explore the different types of computer hardware and their functions. What is Computer Hardware Computer hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system. It includes all the components that can be touched, seen, and used to interact with a computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Hardware is different from computer software, which refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer system. History of Computer Hardware The history of computer hardware dates back to the 1820s when Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, and inventor, designed the first analytical engine, which was considered to be the first mechanical computer. With time, more complex electronic computers were developed, including the first Intel microprocessor in 1971. Since then, computer hardware has continued to evolve, becoming
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone and the Cardiovascular System: A Comprehensive Review of the Clinical Lite... - 0 views

  • Low endogenous bioavailable testosterone levels have been shown to be associated with higher rates of all‐cause and cardiovascular‐related mortality.39,41,46–47 Patients suffering from CAD,13–18 CHF,137 T2DM,25–26 and obesity27–28
  • have all been shown to have lower levels of endogenous testosterone compared with those in healthy controls. In addition, the severity of CAD15,17,29–30 and CHF137 correlates with the degree of testosterone deficiency
  • In patients with CHF, testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to significantly improve exercise tolerance while having no effect on LVEF
  • ...66 more annotations...
  • testosterone therapy causes a shift in the skeletal muscle of CHF patients toward a higher concentration of type I muscle fibers
  • Testosterone replacement therapy has also been shown to improve the homeostatic model of insulin resistance and hemoglobin A1c in diabetics26,68–69 and to lower the BMI in obese patients.
  • Lower levels of endogenous testosterone have been associated with longer duration of the QTc interval
  • testosterone replacement has been shown to shorten the QTc interval
  • negative correlation has been demonstrated between endogenous testosterone levels and IMT of the carotid arteries, abdominal aorta, and thoracic aorta
  • These findings suggest that men with lower levels of endogenous testosterone may be at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Current guidelines from the Endocrine Society make no recommendations on whether patients with heart disease should be screened for hypogonadism and do not recommend supplementing patients with heart disease to improve survival.
  • The Massachusetts Male Aging Study also projects ≈481 000 new cases of hypogonadism annually in US men within the same age group
  • since 1993 prescriptions for testosterone, regardless of the formulation, have increased nearly 500%
  • Testosterone levels are lower in patients with chronic illnesses such as end‐stage renal disease, human immunodeficiency virus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity, and several genetic conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome
  • A growing body of evidence suggests that men with lower levels of endogenous testosterone are more prone to develop CAD during their lifetimes
  • There are 2 major potential confounding factors that the older studies generally failed to account for. These factors are the subfraction of testosterone used to perform the analysis and the method used to account for subclinical CAD.
  • The biologically inactive form of testosterone is tightly bound to SHBG and is therefore unable to bind to androgen receptors
  • The biologically inactive fraction of testosterone comprises nearly 68% of the total testosterone in human serum
  • The biologically active subfraction of testosterone, also referred to as bioavailable testosterone, is either loosely bound to albumin or circulates freely in the blood, the latter referred to as free testosterone
  • It is estimated that ≈30% of total serum testosterone is bound to albumin, whereas the remaining 1% to 3% circulates as free testosterone
  • it can be argued that using the biologically active form of testosterone to evaluate the association with CAD will produce the most reliable results
  • English et al14 found statistically significant lower levels of bioavailable testosterone, free testosterone, and free androgen index in patients with catheterization‐proven CAD compared with controls with normal coronary arteries
  • patients with catheterization‐proven CAD had statistically significant lower levels of bioavailable testosterone
  • In conclusion, existing evidence suggests that men with CAD have lower levels of endogenous testosterone,13–18 and more specifically lower levels of bioavailable testosterone
  • low testosterone levels are associated with risk factors for CAD such as T2DM25–26 and obesity
  • In a meta‐analysis of these 7 population‐based studies, Araujo et al41 showed a trend toward increased cardiovascular mortality associated with lower levels of total testosterone, but statistical significance was not achieved (RR, 1.25
  • the authors showed that a decrease of 2.1 standard deviations in levels of total testosterone was associated with a 25% increase in the risk of cardiovascular mortality
  • the relative risk of all‐cause mortality in men with lower levels of total testosterone was calculated to be 1.35
  • higher risk of cardiovascular mortality is associated with lower levels of bioavailable testosterone
  • Existing evidence seems to suggest that lower levels of endogenous testosterone are associated with higher rates of all‐cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality
  • studies have shown that lower levels of endogenous bioavailable testosterone are associated with higher rates of all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality
  • It may be possible that using bioavailable testosterone to perform mortality analysis will yield more accurate results because it prevents the biologically inactive subfraction of testosterone from playing a potential confounding role in the analysis
  • The earliest published material on this matter dates to the late 1930s
  • the concept that testosterone replacement therapy improves angina has yet to be proven wrong
  • In more recent studies, 3 randomized, placebo‐controlled trials demonstrated that administration of testosterone improves myocardial ischemia in men with CAD
  • The improvement in myocardial ischemia was shown to occur in response to both acute and chronic testosterone therapy and seemed to be independent of whether an intravenous or transdermal formulation of testosterone was used.
  • testosterone had no effect on endothelial nitric oxide activity
  • There is growing evidence from in vivo animal models and in vitro models that testosterone induces coronary vasodilation by modulating the activity of ion channels, such as potassium and calcium channels, on the surface of vascular smooth muscle cells
  • Experimental studies suggest that the most likely mechanism of action for testosterone on vascular smooth muscle cells is via modulation of action of non‐ATP‐sensitive potassium ion channels, calcium‐activated potassium ion channels, voltage‐sensitive potassium ion channels, and finally L‐type calcium ion channels
  • Corona et al confirmed those results by demonstrating that not only total testosterone levels are lower among diabetics, but also the levels of free testosterone and SHBG are lower in diabetic patients
  • Laaksonen et al65 followed 702 Finnish men for 11 years and demonstrated that men in the lowest quartile of total testosterone, free testosterone, and SHBG were more likely to develop T2DM and metabolic syndrome.
  • Vikan et al followed 1454 Swedish men for 11 years and discovered that men in the highest quartile of total testosterone were significantly less likely to develop T2DM
  • authors demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the incidence of T2DM in subjects receiving gonadotropin‐releasing hormone antagonist therapy. In addition, a significant increase in the rate of myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death, and development of cardiovascular disease was noted in patients receiving antiandrogen therapy.67
  • Several authors have demonstrated that the administration of testosterone in diabetic men improves the homeostatic model of insulin resistance, hemoglobin A1c, and fasting plasma glucose
  • Existing evidence strongly suggests that the levels of total and free testosterone are lower among diabetic patients compared with those in nondiabetics
  • insulin seems to be acting as a stimulant for the hypothalamus to secret gonadotropin‐releasing hormone, which consequently results in increased testosterone production. It can be argued that decreased stimulation of the hypothalamus in diabetics secondary to insulin deficiency could result in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
  • BMI has been shown to be inversely associated with testosterone levels
  • This interaction may be a result of the promotion of lipolysis in abdominal adipose tissue by testosterone, which may in turn cause reduced abdominal adiposity. On the other hand, given that adipose tissue has a higher concentration of the enzyme aromatase, it could be that increased adipose tissue results in more testosterone being converted to estrogen, thereby causing hypogonadism. Third, increased abdominal obesity may cause reduced testosterone secretion by negatively affecting the hypothalamus‐pituitary‐testicular axis. Finally, testosterone may be the key factor in activating the enzyme 11‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in adipose tissue, which transforms glucocorticoids into their inactive form.
  • increasing age may alter the association between testosterone and CRP. Another possible explanation for the association between testosterone level and CRP is central obesity and waist circumference
  • Bai et al have provided convincing evidence that testosterone might be able to shorten the QTc interval by augmenting the activity of slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium channels while simultaneously slowing the activity of L‐type calcium channels
  • consistent evidence that supplemental testosterone shortens the QTc interval.
  • Intima‐media thickness (IMT) of the carotid artery is considered a marker for preclinical atherosclerosis
  • Studies have shown that levels of endogenous testosterone are inversely associated with IMT of the carotid artery,126–128,32,129–130 as well as both the thoracic134 and the abdominal aorta
  • 1 study has demonstrated that lower levels of free testosterone are associated with accelerated progression of carotid artery IMT
  • another study has reported that decreased levels of total and bioavailable testosterone are associated with progression of atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta
  • These findings suggest that normal physiologic testosterone levels may help to protect men from the development of atherosclerosis
  • Czesla et al successfully demonstrated that the muscle specimens that were exposed to metenolone had a significant shift in their composition toward type I muscle fibers
  • Type I muscle fibers, also known as slow‐twitch or oxidative fibers, are associated with enhanced strength and physical capability
  • It has been shown that those with advanced CHF have a higher percentage of type II muscle fibers, based on muscle biopsy
  • Studies have shown that men with CHF suffer from reduced levels of total and free testosterone.137 It has also been shown that reduced testosterone levels in men with CHF portends a poor prognosis and is associated with increased CHF mortality.138 Reduced testosterone has also been shown to correlate negatively with exercise capacity in CHF patients.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to significantly improve exercise capacity, without affecting LVEF
  • the results of the 3 meta‐analyses seem to indicate that testosterone replacement therapy does not cause an increase in the rate of adverse cardiovascular events
  • Data from 3 meta‐analyses seem to contradict the commonly held belief that testosterone administration may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer
  • One meta‐analysis reported an increase in all prostate‐related adverse events with testosterone administration.146 However, when each prostate‐related event, including prostate cancer and a rise in PSA, was analyzed separately, no differences were observed between the testosterone group and the placebo group
  • the existing data from the 3 meta‐analyses seem to indicate that testosterone replacement therapy does not increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular events
  • the authors correctly point out the weaknesses of their study which include retrospective study design and lack of randomization, small sample size at extremes of follow‐up, lack of outcome validation by chart review and poor generalizability of the results given that only male veterans with CAD were included in this study
    • Nathan Goodyear
      The authors here present Total Testosterone as a "confounding" value
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This would be HSD-II
  • the studies that failed to find an association between testosterone and CRP used an older population group
  • low testosterone may influence the severity of CAD by adversely affecting the mediators of the inflammatory response such as high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein, interleukin‐6, and tumor necrosis factor–α
    Good review of Testosterone and CHD.  Low T is associated with increased all cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality, CAD, CHF, type II diabetes, obesity, increased IMT,  increased severity of CAD and CHF.  Testosterone replacement in men with low T has been shown to improve exercise tolerance in CHF, improve insulin resistance, improve HgbA1c and lower BMI in the obese.
Nathan Goodyear

Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus ... [Vaccine. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    This article's conclusion fits the definition of insane. This article found that the flu vaccine in pregnant women found significant increased CRP, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 inflammatory biomarkers.  It is well recognized the impact of inflammation on health and in this case the developing baby.   For example, preeclampsia and preterm birth are inflammatory conditions.  Yet, ACOG has made recommmendations for all pregnant women to get the flu vaccine?!?! Here is their conclusion: "However, further research is needed to confirm that the mild inflammatory response elicited by vaccination is benign in pregnancy".  Take home, you are being studied to see the effects of the flu vaccine on you, if you are pregnant, and your developing child.  And who decides what "mild" is anyways.  If you develop preeclampsia and delivery early, where is the "mild" in that?
Nathan Goodyear

Maternal Immune Activation Alters Fetal Brain Development through Interleukin-6 - 0 views

    this study, though in mice, should strike fear in all parents.  This study found that the inflammatory biomarker IL-6 was critical in the development of autism and schizophrenia in the mice offspring.  Neuro development was altered by inflammation exposure during preganancy.  This was from a single injection of IL-6!  This in light of recent studies that show that the flu vaccine and other vaccines increase IL-6 production in pregnant mothers.  So, why did ACOG promote flu vaccines in pregnancy again?

Chair For Cerebral Palsy Child - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions caused by medical abnormalities in the development of a fetus or the early life of a child. These lead to damage or delayed development in the brain. The disorder is permanent and, though it does not worsen with age, the level of functionality of a person with cerebral palsy varies widely: in some cases, effects may be very minor, while in others, movement is impaired to the extent that a wheelchair is required. Common complications associated with CP vary by the type of CP disorder but can include vision problems, seizures, learning disabilities, and issues speaking, writing, and performing other tasks. Cerebral palsy causes problems with muscle tone, movement, balance and/or coordination. Symptoms and effects range from mild to severe. In some infants, problems are evident soon after birth. In others, diagnosis comes in later infancy or toddlerhood. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Description: The model designed for cerebral palsy child only. Ultra light weight aluminium alloy frame. Seat Width 38 cms (15"). Net Weight: 18.5 kgs. Epoxy powder coated frame. Detachable arm rest & foot rest provided. Elevated and swinging foot rest. Elevated foot rest provided to elevate leg angle. Height adjustable and detachable head rest. Hydraulic reclining high back for a comfortable posture. Hydraulic adjustable seat angle. Detachable back and seat pad. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & calg Foldable. Lever and paddle brakes provided. Safety belt provided. Maintenance free rear solid wheels. Cloth look like water proof upholstery. Anti wheels for better safety and stability. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & leg Folding action. Lever and paddle brakes provided. Safety belt provided. Maintenance free rear solid wheels. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Recline system: Recline system provides kids with the most comfortable resting environment. It also allows stretching abdomin
fitspresso - 0 views

    FitSpresso™ | Official Site FitSpresso Only $39/Bottle Limited Time Offer! FitSpresso Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $660 + 180 Days Money Back Guarantee FitSpresso Herpesyl Five Star A dietary product formulated to assist users in reducing weight can increase other advantages that can support overall health. This product can assist users in getting closer to the desirable body weight. Regular Price: 149/per bottle Only for: $39/per bottle Buy Now What IsFitSpresso? FitSpresso is promoted as a natural supplement that comes in the form of diet pills, and it can aid in rapid and efficient weight loss, similar to many other supplements. The term "natural supplements refers to a nutritional supplement that is made entirely of natural, chemical-free materials. You can utilize these organic ingredients to aid in natural weight loss. It can speed up your body's metabolism and assist with other crucial processes. All parts of our bodies are impacted by weight increase, and not only do we need to deal with the increased weight, but we also need to deal with the numerous problems and illnesses that come along with it. This refers to the risk of developing chronic cardiac conditions, low blood pressure, and, in some circumstances, problems with blood sugar. However, FitSpresso even with its bright and bold claims, can help you efficiently manage your weight and completely avoid these extra uncomfortable problems. FitSpresso is a supplement that comes in the form of a pill, which makes it tasty, simple to swallow, and handy. According to the manufacturer, these diet tablets are GMO-free and toxic-free, making them edible. This is why we have things such as weight loss supplements. Thanks to modern advancements, we can just take a dietary supplement pill to bring about significant weight loss in a completely healthy and natural manner. Not only this, but dietary supplements can also support healthy blood sugar levels and help with
Nathan Goodyear

Endogenous Sex Hormones and the Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Older Men and Women: ... - 0 views

    A prospective study of aging men and women in the development risk of type II diabetes.  The sexes bring significant differences.  In men, low Testosterone predicts the development of type II diabetes.  In women, just the opposite is seen--high Testosterone levels and low SHBG are most predictive of type II diabetes risk.

Cp Child Wheelchair - 0 views

    young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and since a wheelchair is a major purchase -- don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. Wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. As a weight-bearing activity is critical to proper physical and mental function-which is why children with cerebral palsy, who may sit for stretches in a wheelchair and typically are unable to stand on their own, can benefit greatly from pediatric standers as part of a comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation program. Pediatric standers are offered in passive, active and mobile formats: Passive standers stay in one place and feature a support surface, active standers allow reciprocal movement of the extremities while in a standing position, and mobile standers enable users to self-propel. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair: Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Description: The model designed for cerebral palsy child only. Ultra light weight aluminium alloy frame. Seat Width 38 cms (15"). Net Weight: 18.5 kgs. Epoxy powder coated frame. Detachable arm rest & foot rest provided. Elevated and swinging foot rest. Elevated foot rest provided to elevate leg angle. Height adjustable and detachable head rest. Hydraulic reclining high back for a comfortable posture. Hydraulic adjustable seat angle. Detachable back and seat pad. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & calg Foldable. Lever and paddle brakes provided. Safety belt provided. Maintenance free rear solid wheels. Cloth look like water proof upholstery. Anti wheels for better safety and stability. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & leg. Folding action. Lever and paddle brakes provide
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic endotoxemia: a molecular link between obesity and cardiovascular risk - 0 views

  • Weight gain has been associated with a higher gut permeability
  • a high-fat diet promotes LPS absorption
  • higher concentrations of fatty acids impair intestinal barrier integrity
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • The starting point for innate immunity activation is the recognition of conserved structures of bacteria, viruses, and fungal components through pattern-recognition receptors
  • TLRs are PRRs that recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns
  • TLRs are transmembrane proteins containing extracellular domains rich in leucine repeat sequences and a cytosolic domain homologous to the IL1 receptor intracellular domain
  • The major proinflammatory mediators produced by the TLR4 activation in response to endotoxin (LPS) are TNFα, IL1β and IL6, which are also elevated in obese and insulin-resistant patients
  • Obesity, high-fat diet, diabetes, and NAFLD are associated with higher gut permeability leading to metabolic endotoxemia.
  • Probiotics, prebiotics, and antibiotic treatment can reduce LPS absorption
  • LPS promotes hepatic insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, hepatic triglyceride accumulation, and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines promoting the progression of fatty liver disease.
  • In the endothelium, LPS induces the expression of pro-inflammatory, chemotactic, and adhesion molecules, which promotes atherosclerosis development and progression.
  • In the adipose tissue, LPS induces adipogenesis, insulin resistance, macrophage infiltration, oxidative stress, and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines.
  • the gut microbiota has been recently proposed to be an environmental factor involved in the control of body weight and energy homeostasis by modulating plasma LPS levels
  • dietary fats alone might not be sufficient to cause overweight and obesity, suggesting that a bacterially related factor might be responsible for high-fat diet-induced obesity.
  • This was accompanied in high-fat-fed mice by a change in gut microbiota composition, with reduction in Bifidobacterium and Eubacterium spp.
  • n humans, it was also shown that meals with high-fat and high-carbohydrate content (fast-food style western diet) were able to decrease bifidobacteria levels and increase intestinal permeability and LPS concentrations
  • it was demonstrated that, more than the fat amount, its composition was a critical modulator of ME (Laugerette et al. 2012). Very recently, Mani et al. (2013) demonstrated that LPS concentration was increased by a meal rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA), while decreased after a meal rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA).
  • this effect seems to be due to the fact that some SFA (e.g., lauric and mystiric acids) are part of the lipid-A component of LPS and also to n-3 PUFA's role on reducing LPS potency when substituting SFA in lipid-A
  • these experimental results suggest a pivotal role of CD14-mediated TLR4 activation in the development of LPS-mediated nutritional changes.
  • This suggests a link between gut microbiota, western diet, and obesity and indicates that gut microbiota manipulation can beneficially affect the host's weight and adiposity.
  • endotoxemia was independently associated with energy intake but not fat intake in a multivariate analysis
  • in vitro that endotoxemia activates pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production via NFκB and MAPK signaling in preadipocytes and decreased peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ activity and insulin responsiveness in adipocytes.
  • T2DM patients have mean values of LPS that are 76% higher than healthy controls
  • LPS-induced release of glucagon, GH and cortisol, which inhibit glucose uptake, both peripheral and hepatic
  • LPSs also seem to induce ROS-mediated apoptosis in pancreatic cells
  • Recent evidence has been linking ME with dyslipidemia, increased intrahepatic triglycerides, development, and progression of alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • The hepatocytes, rather than hepatic macrophages, are the cells responsible for its clearance, being ultimately excreted in bile
  • All the subclasses of plasma lipoproteins can bind and neutralize the toxic effects of LPS, both in vitro (Eichbaum et al. 1991) and in vivo (Harris et al. 1990), and this phenomenon seems to be dependent on the number of phospholipids in the lipoprotein surface (Levels et al. 2001). LDL seems to be involved in LPS clearance, but this antiatherogenic effect is outweighed by its proatherogenic features
  • LPS produces hypertriglyceridemia by several mechanisms, depending on LPS concentration. In animal models, low-dose LPS increases hepatic lipoprotein (such as VLDL) synthesis, whereas high-dose LPS decreases lipoprotein catabolism
  • When a dose of LPS similar to that observed in ME was infused in humans, a 2.5-fold increase in endothelial lipase was observed, with consequent reduction in total and HDL. This mechanism may explain low HDL levels in ‘ME’ and other inflammatory conditions such as obesity and metabolic syndrome
  • It is known that the high-fat diet and the ‘ME’ increase intrahepatic triglyceride accumulation, thus synergistically contributing to the development and progression of alcoholic and NAFLD, from the initial stages characterized by intrahepatic triglyceride accumulation up to chronic inflammation (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), fibrosis, and cirrhosis
  • On the other hand, LPS activates Kupffer cells leading to an increased production of ROS and pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNFα
  • high-fat diet mice presented with ME, which positively and significantly correlated with plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), IL1, TNFα, STAMP2, NADPHox, MCP-1, and F4/80 (a specific marker of mature macrophages) mRNAs
  • prebiotic administration reduces intestinal permeability to LPS in obese mice and is associated with decreased systemic inflammation when compared with controls
  • Cani et al. also found that high-fat diet mice presented with not only ME but also higher levels of inflammatory markers, oxidative stress, and macrophage infiltration markers
  • This suggests that important links between gut microbiota, ME, inflammation, and oxidative stress are implicated in a high-fat diet situation
  • high-fat feeding is associated with adipose tissue macrophage infiltration (F4/80-positive cells) and increased levels of chemokine MCP-1, suggesting a strong link between ME, proinflammatory status, oxidative stress, and, lately, increased CV risk
  • LPS has been shown to promote atherosclerosis
  • markers of systemic inflammation such as circulating bacterial endotoxin were elevated in patients with chronic infections and were strong predictors of increased atherosclerotic risk
  • As a TLR4 ligand, LPS has been suggested to induce atherosclerosis development and progression, via a TLR4-mediated inflammatory state.
    Very nice updated review on Metabolic endotoxemia
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone level in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus and related metabolic... - 0 views

  • defined by consistent symptoms and signs of androgen deficiency, and an unequivocally low serum testosterone level
  • the threshold serum testosterone level below which adverse clinical outcomes occur in the general population is not known
  • most population-based studies use the serum testosterone level corresponding to the lower limit, quoted from 8.7 to 12.7 nmol/L, of the normal range for young Caucasian men as the threshold
    • Nathan Goodyear
      this equals 251 to 366 in serum Total Testosterone
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • Researchers tried to examine whether serum total or free testosterone would be a better/more reliable choice when studying the effect of testosterone. The results were mixed. Some reported significant associations of both serum total and free testosterone level with clinical parameters25, whereas others reported that only serum free testosterone26 or only serum total testosterone6 showed significant associations.
  • −0.124 nmol/L/year in serum total testosterone
    • Nathan Goodyear
      this equates to a 4 ng/dl decline annually in total Testosterone.
  • In experimental studies, androgen receptor knockout mice developed significant insulin resistance rapidly
  • In mouse models, testosterone promoted differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to the myogenic lineage
  • testosterone decreased insulin resistance by enhancing catecholamine induced lipolysis in vitro, and reducing lipoprotein lipase activity and triglyceride uptake in human abdominal tissue in vivo
  • by promoting lipolysis and myogenesis, testosterone might lead to improved insulin resistance
  • testosterone regulated skeletal muscle genes involved in glucose metabolism that led to decreased systemic insulin resistance
  • In the liver, hepatic androgen receptor signaling inhibited development of insulin resistance in mice
  • independent and inverse association of testosterone with hepatic steatosis shown in a cross-sectional study carried out in humans
  • In short, androgen improves insulin resistance by changing body composition and reducing body fat.
  • Although a low serum testosterone level could contribute to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes through changes in body composition, obesity might also alter the metabolism of testosterone
  • In obese men, the peripheral conversion from testosterone to estrogen could attenuate the amplitude of luteinizing hormone pulses and centrally inhibit testosterone production
  • leptin, an adipokine, has been shown to be inversely correlated with serum testosterone level in men
  • Leydig cells expressed leptin receptors and leptin has been shown to inhibit testosterone secretion, suggesting a role of obesity and leptin in the pathogenesis of low testosterone
    • Nathan Goodyear
      So what is "unequivocal"?
  • Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) cohort made up of 3,565 middle-class, mostly Caucasian men from the USA, the incidence of low serum total testosterone increased from approximately 20% of men aged over 60 years, 30% over 70 years, to 50% over 80 years-of-age
  • 30–44% sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)-bound testosterone and 54–68% albumin-bound testosterone
  • As the binding of testosterone to albumin is non-specific and therefore not tight, the sum of free and albumin-bound testosterone is named bioavailable testosterone, which reflects the hormone available at the cellular level
  • Serum total testosterone is composed of 0.5–3.0% of free testosterone unbound to plasma proteins
  • alterations in SHBG concentration might affect total serum testosterone level without altering free or bioavailable testosterone
  • listed in Table​T
  • A significant, independent and longitudinal effect of age on testosterone has been observed with an average change of −0.124 nmol/L/year in serum total testosterone28. The same trend has been shown in Europe and Australia
  • Asian men residing in HK and Japan, but not those living in the USA, had 20% higher serum total testosterone than in Caucasians living in the USA, as shown in a large multinational observational prospective cohort of the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study
  • subjects with chronic diseases consistently had a 10–15% lower level compared with age-matched healthy subjects
  • In Caucasians, the mean serum total testosterone level for men in large epidemiological studies has been reported to range from 15.1 to 16.6 nmol/L
  • Asians, higher values, ranging from 18.1 to 19.1 nmol/L, were seen in Korea and Japan
  • Chinese middle-aged men reported a similar mean serum testosterone level of 17.1 nmol/L in 179 men who had a family history of type 2 diabetes and 17.8 nmol/L in 128 men who had no family history of type 2 diabetes
  • The reduction of total testosterone was 0.4% per year in both groups
  • HK involving a cohort of 1,489 community-dwelling men with a mean age of 72 years, a mean serum total testosterone of 19.0 nmol/L was reported
  • pro-inflammatory factors, such as tumor necrosis factor-α in the testes, could locally inhibit testosterone biosynthesis in Leydig cells47, and testosterone treatment in men was shown to reduce the level of tumor necrosis factor-α
  • In Asians, a genetic deletion polymorphism of uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase UGT2B17 was associated with reduced androgen glucuronidation. This resulted in higher level of active androgen in Asians as compared to Caucasians, as Caucasians' androgen would be glucuronidated into inactive forms faster.
  • Compared with Caucasians, the frequency of this deletion polymorphism of UGT2B17 was 22-fold higher in Asian subjects
  • Other researchers have suggested that environmental, but not genetic, factors influenced serum total testosterone
  • The basal and ligand-induced activity of the AR is inversely associated with the length of the CAG repeat chain
  • In the European Male Aging Study, increased estrogen/androgen ratio in association with longer AR CAG repeat was observed
  • a smaller number of AR CAG repeat had been shown to be associated with benign prostate hypertrophy and faster prostate growth during testosterone treatment
  • In India, men with CAG ≤19 had increased risk of prostate cancer
  • the odds of having a short CAG repeat (≤17) were substantially higher in patients with lymph node-positive prostate cancer than in those with lymph node-negative disease or in the general population
  • assessing the polymorphism at the AR level could be a potential tool towards individualized assessment and treatment of hypogonadism.
  • In elderly men, there was reduced testicular response to gonadotropins with suppressed and altered pulsatility of the hypothalamic pulse generator
  • a significant, independent and longitudinal effect of age on serum total testosterone level had been observed
  • A significant graded inverse association between serum testosterone level and insulin levels independent of age has also been reported in Caucasian men
  • Low testosterone is commonly associated with a high prevalence of MES
  • most studies showed that changes in serum testosterone level led to changes in body composition, insulin resistance and the presence of MES, the reverse might also be possible
  • MES predicted a 2.6-fold increased risk of development of low serum testosterone level independent of age, smoking and other potential confounders
  • Other prospective studies have shown that development of MES accelerated the age-related decline in serum testosterone level
  • In men with type 2 diabetes, changes in serum testosterone level over time correlated inversely with changes in insulin resistance
  • weight loss by either diet control or bariatric surgery led to a substantial increase in total testosterone, especially in morbidly obese men, and the rise in serum testosterone level was proportional to the amount of weight lost
  • To date, published clinical trials are small, of short duration and often used pharmacological, not physiological, doses of testosterone
  • In the population-based Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study cohort from Sweden, men in the highest quartile of serum testosterone level had the lowest risk of cardiovascular events compared with men in the other three quartiles (hazard ratio [HR] 0.70
  • low serum total testosterone was associated with a significant fourfold higher risk of cardiovascular events when comparing men from the lowest testosterone tertile with those in the highest tertile
  • Shores et al. were the first to report that low serum testosterone level, including both serum total and free testosterone, was associated with increased mortality
  • low serum total testosterone predicted increased risk of cardiovascular mortality with a HR of 1.38
  • low serum total testosterone increased all-cause (HR 1.35, 95% CI 1.13–1.62, P < 0.001) and cardiovascular mortality (HR 1.25
  • European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2013 suggested there was an inverse relationship between serum testosterone level and acute myocardial infarction
  • Diabetic men in the highest quartile of serum total testosterone had a significantly reduced risk of acute MI when compared with those in the lower quartiles
  • serum total testosterone level in the middle two quartiles at baseline predicted reduced incidence of death compared with having the highest and lowest levels
    Nice review of Testosterone levels and some of the evidence linking Diabetes with low T.  However, the conclusion by the authors regarding what is causing the low T in men with Diabetes is baffling.  The literature does not point to one cause, it is clearly multifactorial--obesity, inflammation, high aromatase activity...I would suggest the authors continue their readings in the manner.
Nathan Goodyear

Angiogenic Factors and Natural Killer (NK) Cells in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia - 0 views

    Abnormal NK cell activity in the placenta plays a likely role in the development of preeclampsia. This proposes an immunologic role in the development of preeclampsia.  This process is similar to the literatures link between maternal NK and RPL.
Nathan Goodyear

The role of decidual natural killer ce... [J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    same NK link to RPL, linked to preeclampsia.  NK cells play important role in the development of the spiral arteries in the placenta. It has long been thought, that the placenta was the likely culprit in the development of preeclampsia
Nathan Goodyear

The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development at News Forum (MessageID: ... - 0 views

    Fantastic discussion and review of the biochemical effects of vaccinations on the developing child's brain.  This article is authored by Dr. Blaylock, a neurosurgeon and expert in excitotoxicity.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    Nice review of the proposed complex interaction between hormones and prostate cancer.  The complex nature of the development of cancer will likely eliminate the complete elucidation of the mechanism of prostate cancer.  However, there are many pieces that would favor: increased aromatase activity appears to play a significant role int he development of prostate cancer, clearly intraprostatic hormones are different than serum making serum evaluation of sex hormones irrelevant--the move should be to salivary hormones, and the growing knowledge of DHT metabolites in the protection of prostate cancer--3 beta androstanediol.
Nathan Goodyear

The Role of Estrogens in Prostate Carcinogenesis: A Rationale for Chemoprevention - 0 views

    Good review of the mixed pathway of hormones in cancer development--prostate.  Estrogens, through estrogen receptors, promote prostate cancer development and growth.
Nathan Goodyear

Serum Testosterone Level, Testosterone Replacement Treatment, and Prostate Cancer - 0 views

    The conclusion by these authors tells it all: "Prostate cancer development is independent from endogenous serum Testosterone levels", and " Testosterone replacement therapy for symptomatic hypogonadism does not increase the risk of Prostate cancer development".
Nathan Goodyear

Maternal Cypermethrin Exposure during the Perinatal... [PLoS One. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    another study points to the negative development effects of EDCs.  In this animal study, Cypermethrin exposure in the Perinatal period, disrupts testes development which resulted in decreased Testosterone production in adults.

Wheelchair Pediatric - 0 views

    When it comes to wheelchairs, young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and since a wheelchair is a major purchase don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. That's why kids wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. Pediatric walkers differ from adult walkers in several ways. For one, walking aids for children are usually adjustable, taking growth patterns into account; but many models also provide gait training and postural correction. Those caring for kids in their formative years must be concerned about more than just the young person's mobility, they must also consider their development. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair: Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Description: The model designed for cerebral palsy child only. Ultra light weight aluminium alloy frame Seat Width 38 cms (15") Net Weight: 18.5 kgs Epoxy powder coated frame Detachable arm rest & foot rest provided Elevated and swinging foot rest Elevated foot rest provided to elevate leg angle Height adjustable and detachable head rest Hydraulic reclining high back for a comfortable posture Hydraulic adjustable seat angle Detachable back and seat pad Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & calg Foldable Lever and paddle brakes provided Safety belt provided Maintenance free rear solid wheels Cloth look like water proof upholstery Anti wheels for better safety and stability Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & leg Folding action Lever and paddle brakes provided Safety belt provided Maintenance free rear solid wheels Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Recline system: Recline system provides kids with the most comfortable resting environme
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