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Nathan Goodyear

ω-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation as a Potential Therapeutic Aid for the Recover... - 0 views

  • There is a growing body of preclinical literature suggesting that ω-3 FAs, and DHA in particular, may play a therapeutic role in mTBI
  • the potential for ameliorating or possibly even preventing the complications associated with concussions
  • DHA is the predominant ω-3 FA present in the brain, and, consistent with this finding, DHA, and not EPA, has been demonstrated to be critical for brain development and cognitive function throughout life
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  • the concentration of EPA in the brain is negligible (77–80), suggesting that EPA plays a limited role in mediating the beneficial effects of LCPUFA supplementation on mTBI pathology
  • the current state of the science regarding LCPUFA supplementation for the treatment of concussion is based primarily on animal models
  • there is evidence that the amount of DHA in brain tissue is decreased after mTBI (65, 66), suggesting an elevated need for DHA in mTBI recovery.
  • the well-established role of DHA in supporting the structure and function of the brain throughout the lifespan (26, 27, 46, 47, 53) provides encouragement that LCPUFAs may also prove beneficial in the context of concussion recovery.
  • no therapies are currently available to aid the recovery from this injury
  • Previously discussed reports outlining the use of ω-3 FAs in the recovery from severe TBIs (reviewed in Ref. 92) described the use of very-high doses of LCPUFAs (16.2 g/d EPA plus DHA) in the recovery of these patients
  • Within the context of mTBIs/concussions, translating a DHA intake used in several rat studies of mTBI recovery (40 mg ⋅ kg−1 ⋅ d−1 DHA) (57, 63, 64) using body surface area conversion methods (93) amounts to an estimated human intake of 387 mg/d DHA
    nice review of the evidence of n-3, particularily DHA, in concussions and concussion recovery.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    brief but good read on the underlying metabolic dysfunction in concussions and PCS.
Nathan Goodyear

Heart rate variability interventions for concussion and rehabilitation - 0 views

    HRV useful in following and intervention in those with post concussion syndrome.
Nathan Goodyear

Hypopituitarism After Multiple Concussions: A Retrospective Case Study in an Adolescent... - 0 views

    multiple concussions result in hypopituitarism in 14 year old young man.
Nathan Goodyear

Current Concepts in Concussion: Evaluation and Management - American Family Physician - 0 views

  • Shear forces disrupt neural membranes, allowing potassium efflux into extracellular space. Resultant increases of calcium and excitatory amino acids are followed by further potassium efflux, leading to suppression of neuron activity.8–10,12,20 As sodium-potassium pumps restore balance, there is increased energy requirement, yet a paradoxical decrease in cerebral blood flow.
    review of the current dogma on concussion management.
Nathan Goodyear

Stuck at the bench: Potential natural neuroprotective compounds for concussion - 0 views

  • Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are highly enriched in neuronal synaptosomal plasma membranes and vesicles
  • The predominant CNS polyunsaturated fatty acid is DHA
  • effective supplementation and/or increased ingestion of dietary sources rich in EPA and DHA, such as cold-water fish species and fish oil, may help improve a multitude of neuronal functions, including long-term potentiation and cognition.
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • multiple preclinical studies have suggested that DHA and/or EPA supplementation may have potential benefit through a multitude of diverse, but complementary mechanisms
  • pre-injury dietary supplementation with fish oil effectively reduces post-traumatic elevations in protein oxidation
  • The benefits of pre-traumatic DHA supplementation have not only been independently confirmed,[150] but DHA supplementation has been shown to significantly reduce the number of swollen, disconnected and injured axons when administered following traumatic brain injury.
  • DHA has provided neuroprotection in experimental models of both focal and diffuse traumatic brain injury
  • potential mechanisms of neuroprotection, in addition to DHA and EPA's well-established anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Despite abundant laboratory evidence supporting its neuroprotective effects in experimental models, the role of dietary DHA and/or EPA supplementation in human neurological diseases remains uncertain
  • Several population-based, observational studies have suggested that increased dietary fish and/or omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption may reduce risk for ischemic stroke in several populations
  • Randomized control trials have also demonstrated significant reductions in ischemic stroke recurrence,[217] relative risk for ischemic stroke,[2] and reduced incidence of both symptomatic vasospasm and mortality following subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Clinical trials in Alzheimer's disease have also been largely ineffective
  • The clinical evidence thus far appears equivocal
  • curcumin has gained much attention from Western researchers for its potential therapeutic benefits in large part due to its potent anti-oxidant[128,194,236] and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Curcumin is highly lipophilic and crosses the blood-brain barrier enabling it to exert a multitude of different established neuroprotective effects
  • in the context of TBI, a series of preclinical studies have suggested that pre-traumatic and post-traumatic curcumin supplementation may bolster the brain's resilience to injury and serve as a valuable therapeutic option
  • Curcumin may confer significant neuroprotection because of its ability to act on multiple deleterious post-traumatic, molecular cascades
  • studies demonstrated that both pre- and post-traumatic curcumin administration resulted in a significant reduction of neuroinflammation via inhibition of the pro-inflammatory molecules interleukin 1β and nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)
  • no human studies have been conducted with respect to the effects of curcumin administration on the treatment of TBI, subarachnoid or intracranial hemorrhage, epilepsy or stroke
  • studies have demonstrated that resveratrol treatment reduces brain edema and lesion volume, as well as improves neurobehavioral functional performance following TBI
  • green tea consumption or supplementation with its derivatives may bolster cognitive function acutely and may slow cognitive decline
  • At least one population based study, though, did demonstrate that increased green tea consumption was associated with a reduced risk for Parkinson's disease independent of total caffeine intake
  • a randomized, placebo-controlled trial demonstrated that administration of green tea extract and L-theanine, over 16 weeks of treatment, improved indices of memory and brain theta wave activity on electroencephalography, suggesting greater cognitive alertness
  • Other animal studies have also demonstrated that theanine, another important component of green tea extract, exerts a multitude of neuroprotective benefits in experimental models of ischemic stroke,[63,97] Alzheimer's disease,[109] and Parkinson's disease
  • Theanine, like EGCG, contains multiple mechanisms of neuroprotective action including protection from excitotoxic injury[97] and inhibition of inflammation
  • potent anti-oxidant EGCG which is capable of crossing the blood-nerve and blood-brain barrier,
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate also displays neuroprotective properties
  • More recent research has suggested that vitamin D supplementation and the prevention of vitamin D deficiency may serve valuable roles in the treatment of TBI and may represents an important and necessary neuroprotective adjuvant for post-TBI progesterone therapy
  • Progesterone is one of the few agents to demonstrate significant reductions in mortality following TBI in human patients in preliminary trials
  • in vitro and in vivo studies have suggested that vitamin D supplementation with progesterone administration may significantly enhance neuroprotection
  • Vitamin D deficiency may increase inflammatory damage and behavioral impairment following experimental injury and attenuate the protective effects of post-traumatic progesterone treatment.[37]
  • emerging evidence has suggested that daily intravenous administration of vitamin E following TBI significantly decreases mortality and improves patient outcomes
  • high dose vitamin C administration following injury stabilized or reduced peri-lesional edema and infarction in the majority of patients receiving post-injury treatment
  • it has been speculated that combined vitamin C and E therapy may potentiate CNS anti-oxidation and act synergistically with regards to neuroprotection
  • one prospective human study has found that combined intake of vitamin C and E displays significant treatment interaction and reduces the risk of stroke
  • Pycnogenol has demonstrated the ability to slow or reduce the pathological processes associated with Alzheimer's disease
  • Pcynogenol administration, in a clinical study of elderly patients, led to improved cognition and reductions in markers of lipid peroxidase
  • One other point of consideration is that in neurodegenerative disease states like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, where there are high levels of reactive oxygen species generation, vitamin E can tend to become oxidized itself. For maximal effectiveness and to maintain its anti-oxidant capacity, vitamin E must be given in conjunction with other anti-oxidants like vitamin C or flavonoids
  • These various factors might account for the null effects of alpha-tocopherol supplementation in patients with MCI and Alzheimer's disease
  • preliminary results obtained in a pediatric population have suggested that post-traumatic oral creatine administration (0.4 g/kg) given within four hours of traumatic brain injury and then daily thereafter, may improve both acute and long-term outcomes
  • Acutely, post-traumatic creatine administration seemed to reduce duration of post-traumatic amnesia, length of time spent in the intensive care unit, and duration of intubation
  • At three and six months post-injury, subjects in the creatine treatment group demonstrated improvement on indices of self care, communication abilities, locomotion, sociability, personality or behavior and cognitive function when compared to untreated controls
  • patients in the creatine-treatment group were less likely to experience headaches, dizziness and fatigue over six months of follow-up
  • CNS creatine is derived from both its local biosynthesis from the essential amino acids methionine, glycine and arginine
  • Studies of patients with CNS creatine deficiency and/or murine models with genetic ablation of creatine kinase have consistently demonstrated significant neurological impairment in the absence of proper creatine, phosphocreatine, or creatine kinase function; thus highlighting its functional importance
  • chronic dosing may partially reverse neurological impairments in human CNS creatine deficiency syndromes
  • Several studies have suggested that creatine supplementation may also reduce oxidative DNA damage and brain glutamate levels in Huntington disease patients
  • Another study highlighted that creatine supplementation marginally improved indices of mood and reduced the need for increased dopaminergic therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease
    great review of natural therapies in the treatment of concussions
Nathan Goodyear

Diminished brain resilience syndrome: A modern day neurological pathology of increased ... - 0 views

Nathan Goodyear

Neuroimaging of sport concussion: persistent alterations in brain structure and functio... - 0 views

    New study suggest brain healing lags far behind in concussion recovery.
Nathan Goodyear

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumat... - 0 views

  • The changes in SPECT images after treatment indicate that HBOT led to reactivation of neuronal activity in stunned areas that seemed normal under CT and MRI imaging. While SPECT imaging has a limited spatial resolution (compared, for example, to fMRI), the changes in activity were sufficiently robust to be clearly detected by the SPECT images.
  • HBOT might initiate a cellular and vascular repair mechanism and improve cerebral vascular flow
  • HBOT induces regeneration of axonal white matter [61], [62], [63], [64], has positive effect upon the myelinization and maturation of injured neural fibers [65], and can stimulate axonal growth and increase the ability of neurons to function and communicate with each other
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • HBOT was found to have a role in initiation and/or facilitation of angiogenesis and cell proliferation processes needed for axonal regeneration [67].
  • The observed reactivation of neuronal activity in the stunned areas found here, along with similar results in post-stroke patients
  • At the cellular level, HBOT can improve cellular metabolism, reduce apoptosis, alleviate oxidative stress and increase levels of neurotrophins and nitric oxide through enhancement of mitochondrial function (in both neurons and glial cells)
  • HBOT may promote the neurogenesis of endogenous neural stem cells
  • With regard to secondary injury mechanisms in mTBI, HBOT can initiate vascular repair mechanism and improve cerebral vascular flow [58], [59], [68], [69], promote blood brain barrier integrity and reduce inflammatory reactions [28] as well as brain edema
  • It might be possible that HBOT enables the metabolic change simply by supplying the missing energy/oxygen needed for those regeneration processes.
    Hbot therapy, according to study, induces neuroplasticity and improves brain function in post concussion syndrome and those with mTBI.  The important point about this study was that the study was done years after the injury; what if the therapy was employed immediately after...
Nathan Goodyear

Concussions' Lingering Effects Linked to Hormone Deficiency - Scientific American - 0 views

    Scientific American article from 2013 highlights the link between head trauma and pituitary dysfunction.  
Nathan Goodyear

Absence of chronic traumatic encephalopat... [Front Hum Neurosci. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Study finds that not all football players with a history of multiple concussions and neurologic symptoms have CTE.
Nathan Goodyear

Prevalence of chronic hypopituitarism after blast concussion -- Wilkinson et al. 27 (1)... - 1 views

    One of the first studies to look at PCS found that 42% of soldiers produced abnormally low hormone production following TBI one year after the injury.  This study highlights the potential pituitary dysfunction that can result from TBI.
Nathan Goodyear

Heading in soccer - 0 views

    Increased risk associated with headers in soccer. Only about 50% respondent rate in the questionnaires though.
Nathan Goodyear

Targeting Dopamine in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury - 0 views

    great read on the current understanding of dopamine in TBI--essentially an excitotoxic story.
Nathan Goodyear

Ketogenic Diet - Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury - NCBI Bookshelf - 0 views

    good review of the impact of ketones on TBI.  The authors conclude that precursors to ketones may be the right approach to treatment.  This would be MCT's and ketones.
Nathan Goodyear

The epidemiology of sports-related tra... [J Head Trauma Rehabil. 1998] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    analysis of sports related TBI
Nathan Goodyear

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Athletes: Progressive Tauopathy following Repetitiv... - 0 views

    discussion of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.  Good discussion of the neuropathological findings in 3 athletes.
Nathan Goodyear

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National ... [Neurosurgery. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    chronic traumatic encephalopathy in football players is felt to play a role in the cognitive changes seen long-term.
Nathan Goodyear

Concussive Brain Injury Enhances Fear Learning and Excitatory Processes in the Amygdala - 0 views

    Link between TBI and PTSD.
Nathan Goodyear

Dietary Strategy to Repair Plasma Membrane After Brain Trauma - 0 views

  • concussive brain injury is a major cause of neuropsychological disability in spite of no obvious neuronal death
  • TBI elicits oxidative damage to plasma membrane phospholipids
  • DHA is the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the brain, where the DHA-containing phospholipids contribute to plasma membrane biogenesis and receptor signaling
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities that can function to reduce oxidative damage and cognitive deficits associated with neurological disorders
  • Curcumin provided in the diet before TBI can reduce oxidative damage and counteract TBI-related cognitive dysfunction
  • Our previous study indicated that n-3 fatty acids supplemented in the diet counteracted learning disability after TBI
  • curcumin contributes to enhance the effects of DHA on TBI by promoting phosphorylation of the BDNF receptor TrkB in the hippocampus
  • previous evidence indicates that curcumin10 and DHA5 counteract TBI-related learning disability by involving BDNF
  • Our findings indicate that curcumin counteracted the TBI-related reduction in n-3 DPA.
  • curcumin may promote the conversion of n-3 DPA to DHA
  • the combination of both nutrients has been reported to produce anti-inflammatory action
  • the enhanced actions of curcumin and DHA in reducing cholesterol levels could be interpreted as preservation of levels of phospholipids in the plasma membrane
  • curcumin and DHA may contribute to reduce inflammation associated with the action of cholesterol in the pathology of TBI.
    Curcumin and DHA shown to protect against TBI through a reduction in inflammation and maintenance of brain phospholipid membranes.  BDNF is increases also.
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