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False-positive results released by direct-to-consumer genetic tests highlight the impor... - 0 views

    Consumers beware: direct to consumer genetic testing found to have 40% false positive rates with misclassification of variants. This also includes the interpretative reports that often accompany the direct to consumer genetic test companies or included from 3rd parties. This could have huge implications in the use of Epigenetics, pharmacogenetics, and Cancer genetics.  These genetic testing needs medical interpretation not algorithms.

The monounsaturated fatty acid intake modulates the effect of ADIPOQ polymorphisms on o... - 0 views

    Epigenetics: the interplay between genetics and the environment.  They influence each other.  This study shows how genetic SNPs influence the impact of lipid metabolism in overweight white people.  The genetic SNPs influenced how the individuals metabolized dietary fat intake.

Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeu... - 0 views

  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • ...88 more annotations...
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • chronic inflammation
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • chronic inflammation
  • chronic inflammation
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • direct consequence of redox iMeBalance, itself a consequence of decreased energy yield by the mitochondria
  • direct consequence of redox iMeBalance, itself a consequence of decreased energy yield by the mitochondria
  • mitochondrial dysfunction and increased levels of lactate, which are important characteristics of metabolic shift and Warburg effect in many diseases
  • mitochondrial dysfunction and increased levels of lactate, which are important characteristics of metabolic shift and Warburg effect in many diseases
  • increased lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) was observed in COVID-19 patients
  • increased lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) was observed in COVID-19 patients
  • almost every disease presents an increased anabolism
  • almost every disease presents an increased anabolism
  • cell division is the most sophisticated way to release entropy
  • cell division is the most sophisticated way to release entropy
    • Nathan Goodyear
    • Nathan Goodyear
  • transition from catabolism to anabolism is driven by a redox shift
  • transition from catabolism to anabolism is driven by a redox shift
  • viral spike protein binds to ACE2 receptor of the host cell [22,23].
  • redox signaling plays an important role in regulating immune function and inflammation, and disruptions in this signaling can lead to excessive cytokine production and immune system activation
  • Aging is associated with a poor control of the redox balance
  • thiol/disulfide homeostasis
  • reduced extracellular environment in the elderly and the increased susceptibility to Covid-19 infection
  • reduced extracellular environment in the elderly and the increased susceptibility to Covid-19 infection
  • Redox signaling tightly modulates the inflammatory response and oxidative stress has been reported in acute Covid-19
  • People at high risk are the elderly, patients suffering from metabolic syndrome such as obesity, or those suffering from chronic diseases such as cancer or inflammation
  • COVID-19 patients with severe disease have higher levels of oxidative stress markers and lower antioxidant levels
  • oxidative stress can activate the NLRP3 inflammasome, which is a protein complex that plays a key role in the cytokine storm
  • inflammation leads to the formation of ROS and RNS, while redox iMeBalance results in cellular damage, which in turn triggers an inflammatory response
  • persistently elevated mtROS triggers endothelial dysfunction and inflammation, which results in a vicious loop involving ROS, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Damaged mitochondria releasing ROS induce inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome
  • Damaged mitochondria releasing ROS induce inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome
  • reduced environment during the cytokine storm
  • IL-2 is highly up-regulated in Covid-19 patients [37], and IL-2 is known to significantly stimulate the generation of NO in patients
  • Nitric acid is also the key mediator of IL-2-induced hypotension and vascular leak syndrome
  • mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to the pathogenesis of Covid-19
  • mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by SARS-CoV-2 leads to damage to the mitochondria
  • mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by SARS-CoV-2 leads to damage to the mitochondria
  • As catabolism is decreased, entropy is released through anabolism
  • Elevated levels of lactate, a characteristic of the Warburg effect, were also reported in the high-risk Covid-19
  • elevated levels of ventricular lactic acid consistent with oxidative stress
  • A decrease of ΔΨm is implicated in several inflammation-related diseases
  • decrease in ΔΨm in leucocytes from Covid-19 patients
  • vaccinated with RNA or DNA vaccines triggering the synthesis of the viral spike protein in human cells
  • viral reactivation in varicella-zoster virus [55] or hepatitis [56], coagulopathy and resulting stroke and myocarditis following both DNA-based vaccines [57] and RNA-based vaccines
  • Covid-19, mitochondrial impairment
  • characteristic of the Warburg effect is present in almost every disease and appears to be a central feature in most of the hallmarks of cancer
  • inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and increased lactate concentrations in the extracellular fluid
  • In Covid-19, like any inflammation, there is a metabolic rewiring where cells rely on glycolysis
  • As the mitochondria are impaired, the infected cell cannot catabolize efficiently. It will release lactic acid in the blood stream
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Mitochondrial impairment
  • Striking similarities are seen between cancer, Alzheimer's disease and Covid-19, all related to the Warburg effect
  • Cancer, inflammation, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases share a common peculiarity, the inability of the cell to export entropy outside the body in the harmless form of heat
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Entropy: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
  • MEB relieves the Warburg effect [87], improves memory [77], is active in the treatment of depressive episodes [79,80] and reduces the importance of ischemic strokes
  • MEB relieves the Warburg effect [87], improves memory [77], is active in the treatment of depressive episodes [79,80] and reduces the importance of ischemic strokes
  • MEB has been shown to inhibit SARS-Cov-2 replication in vitro
  • MEB has been shown to inhibit SARS-Cov-2 replication in vitro
  • It has been shown that Covid-19-patients treated with MEB, have a significant reduction in hospital stay duration and mortality
  • MeB is an acceptor-donor molecule
  • MeB + can take a pair of electrons (of H atoms) and MeBH can release this pair easily, so that MeB is partially recycled like a catalyst
  • MeB acts as an electron bridge between a donor (FADH2, FMNH, NADH) and an acceptor (complex IV of ETC or oxygen itself)
  • As a coenzyme of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) initiates the formation of acetyl-CoA to feed the TCA cycle
  • ALA enhances the catabolism of carbon. cycle and therefore may reduce the Warburg effect and consequently, lactate production
  • Methylene Blue plays a similar role after the TCA cycle, by carrying electrons to complex IV of the electron transport chain
  • Drugs such as lipoic acid and MeB, which target the metabolism, decrease the redox shift by increasing catabolism

Genetic Analysis of 16 NMR-Lipoprotein Fractions in H... [Lipids. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    genetic SNPs play a role in lipid/fat metabolism. A person's weight problem may be, in part, a genetic problem of fat metabolism.

Interaction between a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ gene polym... - 0 views

  • uniform dietary recommendations may not be appropriate for all individuals
    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma plays an important role in obesity and fat generation.  In this study, they showed how the genetic expression of different PPAR gamma genotypes results in altered physiologic response to fat intake in humans.  The interaction between genetics and the environment.

Common genetic variation in the IGF1 associates with maximal force output. - Abstract -... - 0 views

    genetic variations effect the bodies ability to build muscle through protein metabolism. 

Common variants at 30 loci contribute to polygenic dyslipidemia - 0 views

    no surprise that genetic variations play a role in lipid metabolism: in this study they looked at the effects of genetic variations and lipoproteins.

Epigenetic correlates of neonatal contact in humans | Development and Psychopathology |... - 0 views

    physical contact with infants effects changes in genetic expression--epigenetics.  In this study, methylation patters were altered in the evaluation of 4 genes by "maternal contact" with infants 4-5 years later indicating a lasting and possible life-long effect of genetic expression from a mother's hug.

Effects of short-term high-fat overfeeding on genome-wide DNA methylation in the skelet... - 0 views

  • short-term HFO introduces DNA methylation changes on a genome-wide scale in human skeletal muscle
  • These changes were only partly reversed after 6–8 weeks
  • The induction of DNA methylation changes after 5 days of HFO supports the growing awareness of DNA methylation as a dynamic signal that is possibly relevant to short-term day-to-day metabolic adaptations, including acute exercise
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Diverging DNA methylation levels between elderly, but not young, genetically identical twins indicate that environmental exposures throughout life may permanently influence DNA methylation, suggesting some preservation of de novo DNA methylation in adults
  • our finding of a slow reversibility rate indicates the demethylation process may be somewhat impeded compared with the induction of methylation changes by diet, which could have implications for the preservation or build-up of CpG methylation over time
  • A slow reversibility of DNA methylation induced by carcinogenic agents has likewise been observed due to ingestion of high-fat diets in rodents
  • the relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression is not always straightforward
    Study finds variability of methylation and some genetic expression alteration with high fat diet.  Restated, what you eat interacts with your DNA to alter genetic expression.  This has implications on initiation of therapy as well as response to therapy.

New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 d... - 0 views

    genetics play role in glucose homeostasis.

Changes in Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle With Exercis... - 0 views

    statin therapy shown to decrease genetic expression of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway.   Not only do statins damage mitochondria through CoQ10 depletion, but this study shows a new component of the damage statins do: they actually change the human genetic expression.  This should startle you.

The heritability of circulating testosterone, oestradiol, oestrone and sex hormone bind... - 0 views

    No surprise here as genetics and environment play in a role in all disease.  Here it is hormones.  

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adju... [J Autoimmun. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Only abstract available.  The autoimmune disease that can accompany adjuvants in vaccines is a interaction between genetic susceptibility and environment.  For example, if a person genetically does not detox well and then they are overloaded with adjuvants in an ever increasing vaccine regimen then they are a set up for ASIA.  

Neuron - Epigenetic Status of Gdnf in the Ventral Striatum Determines Susceptibility an... - 0 views

    How you respond to stress is a reflection of your genetics and environment.  The bodies ability to express genes, such as the glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor, impacts an individual's expression in the face of stress.  You have a genetic predisposition, but with poor methylation you end up with more depression in the presence of stress

Germline BRCA mutation and outcome in young-onset breast cancer (POSH): a prospective c... - 0 views

    New study casts doubt on survival benefit from bilateral mastectomy in women with BRCA1 or BRCA 2 breast cancer.   Of concern also, only 14% of women had genetic testing done with most occurring at the time of diagnosis.  It is very likely that these women had significant family history that could have been identified if genetic testing was performed earlier.  

The Genetics of Vitamin C Loss in Vertebrates - 0 views

    The genetics behind the human loss of the ablity to make vitamin C.

Familial resemblance of 7-year changes in body mass... [Obes Res. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Genetics found to play a role in body mass, adiposity, BMI.  The only measure not shown to be associated is waist circumference.

Association Between Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol-Lowering Genetic Variants and R... - 0 views

    statins associated with increase risk of type II diabetes for some with genetic variants.

Automated Assay of Telomere Length Measurement and Informatics for 100,000 Subjects in ... - 0 views

    epidemiological study finds that telomere length inversely correlated with longevity, especially in those > 75.  The sex differences was significant beyond the age of 50, with women having longer telomere lengths.

The Impact of Dietary Organic and Transgenic Soy on the Reproductive System of Female A... - 0 views

    If you are considering getting pregnant, or are pregnant, avoid GE foods.  Genetically Engineered foods are shown, in this study, to cause changes in the uterine lining and reduction in the number of ovarian follicles.  Both of which will contribute/cause infertility.   This study did compare to non GE foods.
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