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Longitudinal Effects of Aging on Serum Total and Free Testosterone Levels in Healthy Me... - 0 views

  • NUMEROUS CROSS-SECTIONAL INVESTIGATIONS have demonstrated lower concentrations of circulating testosterone (T) and/or free T in older men
  • Two small-scale longitudinal investigations have observed decreases, with aging, in total T
  • T levels decline at a more or less constant rate, with age, in men, with no period of accelerated decline
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • aging in men is associated with decreases in bone mineral density (BMD) (18, 19), lean body and muscle mass
  • strength (22, 23) and aerobic capacity (24), as well as with increases in total and abdominal body fat, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and/or low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratios (25, 26, 27, 28), all of which also occur in nonelderly hypogonadal men
  • Most (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), but not all (10, 11, 12), cross-sectional studies have demonstrated a decrease, with age, in total T in men
    • Nathan Goodyear
      FAI: 100 x total Testosterone nmol/L/SHBG nmol/L
    • Nathan Goodyear
      These numbers do point to an increase in ng/dl decline in Total Testosterone with increasing age (decade group)
  • total T, but not free T index, tended to decrease with greater BMI is consistent with prior studies showing that obesity is associated with decreases in both SHBG and total T, with an unchanged T-to-SHBG ratio
  • The conventional definition for T levels is statistical (values more than 2 sd below the mean), rather than functional. Such a definition does not reflect clinical realities, such as the existence of characteristic individual set points for circulating hormone levels, below which one, but not another, individual may develop metabolic changes of hormone deficiency; nor does it address the concept of reserve capacity, the possibility that persons with hormone levels 2 sd below the population mean still may have adequate hormone concentrations to meet their metabolic needs.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      good explanation of problems with just using a number to define low T
  • both T and free T index (a calculated value related to free or bioavailable T) decreased progressively at a rate that did not vary significantly with age, from the third to the ninth decades.
  • contrasts with other studies showing diminished free, as well as total, T in with increasing total (48) or abdominal (49) obesity in men.
  • Our analysis of date-adjusted T and free T index levels, by decade, showed that relatively high numbers of older men in this generally healthy population had at least one hypogonadal value (defined as below the 2.5th percentile for young men)
  • The issue of how properly to define hypogonadism, or indeed any hormone deficiency, remains problematic
  • The decrease in free T index was somewhat steeper than that of total T, owing to a trend for an increase in SHBG with age
  • LH for gonadal function
  • It would clearly be better to define the lower limit of normal for a hormone as: the blood level at which metabolic and/or clinical sequelae of hormone deficiency begin to appear, or the level below which definite benefits can be demonstrated for hormone supplementation for a significant proportion of the population
  • an effect of aging to lower both total and bioavailable circulating T levels at a relatively constant rate, independent of obesity, illness, medications, cigarette smoking, or alcohol intake
    Article highlights the problems with the definition of low T.  This article finds consistent decline in Total Testosterone and FAI with increasing age groups, with a significant portion of men > 60 meeting the required levels for "low T".  This study found a decrease in total T and FAI at a consistent rate independent of variables, such as BMI.    This study did find a decrease in SHBG and total T with obesity; in contrast to other studies.

Prevalence and Correlates of Late-Onset Hypogonadism Among Korean Men Aged 40 Years or ... - 0 views

    Study of Korean men finds late onset of hypogonadism to be 16.8% in their study of 1,235 men older than 40.  This is a higher rate than other studies, but lower than others (38.7% in American men).  The test definition of low T was set at 3.2 ng/ml.  Abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and increasing age were associated with low T. Low T is clearly not a problem unique to America.  It definitely appears that a decreasing Testosterone level is a marker of poor health in men.  

Serum Testosterone Levels and Mortality in M... [Am J Kidney Dis. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Not clear in its association here, but lower Testosterone was associated with increased mortality in men with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis.  This was found in the 2nd lowest quintile only.  What the authors did find was that diabetes and increasing BMI are were associated with increasing incidence of low T.  This studies definition of low Testosterone was <350 ng/dl.  This differs from other definitions.

Effect of Testosterone Treatment on Glucose Metabolism in men With Type 2 Diabetes: A R... - 0 views

    Study finds no improvement with glucose control in diabetics.  This study looked at moderately controlled diabetes. Studies have previously shown that poorly controlled diabetes definitely benefits more than those with more mild glucose control problems.  Additionally, the Testosterone levels in this study would not have met the definition of low T by other studies.  So, the question is did these men need T?  Second, did the authors design the study long enough to see changes in the insulin sensitivity and glucose control?  Abstract only available and thus I don't have access to that information.  Third, and this might support the 2nd point, increased lean mass and decreased fat mass was found.  This points to positive metabolic change.  Would this have, given more time, resulted in improved glucose control? No change in visceral adiposity was seen.  This finding, also, is not new.  Testosterone therapy does not improve visceral adiposity.  Though, increasing fat adiposity, low Testosterone, and associated increase in systemic inflammatory cytokine production results in visceral adiposity, Testosterone therapy does reverse the visceral adiposity.  

Testosterone deficiency and cardiovascular mortality Morgentaler A, - Asian J Androl - 0 views

  • overall mortality and CV mortality were inversely associated with serum T concentrations.
  • men with low serum T, defined as &lt; 8.7 nmol l−1 (250 ng dl−1 ), demonstrated significantly greater all-cause mortality than men with higher serum T (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.24; 95% CI: 1.41-3.57), as well as greater CV mortality
  • lower T levels were significantly associated with the presence of any CV disease
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • more than 30 years of studies suggesting that low levels of T represent an increased risk for CV and overall mortality,
  • lower serum T concentrations also are associated with CV disease, including incident coronary artery disease [17],[18],[19] and atherosclerosis,
  • the actual rate of adverse events was only half as great in the T group (123 events in 1223 men at risk = 10.1%) as in the untreated group (1587 events in 7486 men = 21.2%)
  • The study by Vigen et al. [7] has already undergone two published corrections,
  • 29 medical societies have called for retraction of the article, asserting "gross data mismanagement and contamination," that rendered the study "no longer credible
  • Mortality in T-treated men was reduced by approximately half in treated men compared with untreated men, at 10.3% versus 20.7%, respectively
  • The mortality rate for men who received TTh was 3.4 deaths per 100 person-years, and 5.7 deaths per 100 person-years in untreated men
  • HR of 0.61 (95%CI: 0.42-0.88; P = 0.008), indicating a significant reduction in mortality with TTh
  • men in the highest prognostic MI risk quartile, treatment with TTh was associated with reduced risk
  • tripling in T prescriptions in the US over the last decade
  • a majority of observational studies have found that low endogenous serum T levels are associated with increased mortality.
  • Men who received TTh were able to exercise significantly longer without ischemia compared with men who received placebo
  • In men with congestive heart failure, those who received T demonstrated greater walking distance and other functional endpoints compared with those who received placebo
  • TTh has been shown uniformly and repeatedly to improve several known CV risk factors, including reduced fat mass, body fat percent, and waist circumference, and increased lean mass
  • improved glycemic control
  • reductions in insulin resistance.
  • the evidence strongly points to improved CV status with normal serum T or treatment with TTh in men with TD
  • analysis of health insurance claims data that reported a 36% increased rate of nonfatal MI in the 90d following receipt of a T prescription compared with the 12 prior months.
  • Comparison with men who received a prescription for a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5i) revealed no increased rate of MI following the prescription
    Great review by Morgentaler of Testosterone and CVD.  He highlights the significant flaws in the JAMA and the NEJM articles of Testosterone therapy risks.  Morgentaler highlights the significant evidence that points to low T and increased risk of CVD. On contention I have, is Morgantaler seems to flip aside the massive uptick of Testosterone use in the US as compared to other countries.  The evidence definitely points to Testosterone therapy as being safe in those with low T, but there is definitely a problem of significant Testosterone doping that is taking place as well.

Introduction And Signs Of Good Health | Health Blog - 0 views

    Introduction and some definitions of good personal health. Everyone wants to be healthy but they don't know what is criteria for good personal health. In this article, we discussed signs of good health. Just compare yourself with these signs and you will know you have good personal health or not.
    As a matter of interest, many people know nothing about their health, but they only say "We Are Sick", and many people are not healthy and they say "We Are Healthy".
1More - Food and Chemical Toxicology - Long term toxicity of a Roundup herb... - 0 views

    First long-term study on GMO effects on rats. The majority of studies on GMO have been on animals with the end point at < 90 days.  This study followed the rats for 2 years.  Increased mammary tumors were found.  Is this definitive?  Of course not, but this is the first study to look at long term effects.

Can supplementation with vitamin D reduce the ... [Autoimmun Rev. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    This is a review of the studies with regards to vitamin D and autoimmune disease.  There is a definite link, the question is to what?  Is it merely an association or causation?

Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus ... [Vaccine. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    This article's conclusion fits the definition of insane. This article found that the flu vaccine in pregnant women found significant increased CRP, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 inflammatory biomarkers.  It is well recognized the impact of inflammation on health and in this case the developing baby.   For example, preeclampsia and preterm birth are inflammatory conditions.  Yet, ACOG has made recommmendations for all pregnant women to get the flu vaccine?!?! Here is their conclusion: "However, further research is needed to confirm that the mild inflammatory response elicited by vaccination is benign in pregnancy".  Take home, you are being studied to see the effects of the flu vaccine on you, if you are pregnant, and your developing child.  And who decides what "mild" is anyways.  If you develop preeclampsia and delivery early, where is the "mild" in that?

Fat-free mass index and fat mass index percentiles in Caucasians aged 1898 y - 0 views

  • BMI is the sum of FFMI+FMI
  • FMI were significantly higher in elderly subjects as compared to younger ones
  • During menopause and aging39,40 changes in FFM and FM are not adequately picked up by changes in BMI
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • One advantage of FMI, as compared to the BMI concept, is that it amplifies the relative effect of aging on body fat
  • We believe that the definition of obesity based on relative body fat (ie percentage) remains of great value for the definition of obesity. However, in a situation in which a patient is losing weight without substantially changing his/her relative body fat (as is the case with crash diets), the calculation of FMI will quantitatively reveal the amount of body fat store lost.
  • high sensitivity of FMI (respectively FFMI) to a slight change of body fat stores
  • Sarcopenic obesity has been defined as a low FFM associated with a high body fat
  • relative FFM lower than 73% (ie a relative body fat greater than 27%) in men and a FFM lower than 62% (ie a body fat greater than 38%) in women.
  • FMIs greater than 8.2 kg/m2 in men and 11.8 kg/m2 in women would define the 'overfat' status (rather than the overweight range) in terms of fat mass
  • In young women, FMI averaged 5.5 kg/m2 (range 5th-95th percentile: 3.5-8.7 kg/m2) ie 38% higher than in males
  • the average FMI for young men was 4.0 kg/m2
    good review of FMI, FFMI, and BMI.

Have Your Desserts While Losing Weight! - 0 views

    You can definitely lose weight while enjoying desserts! My recipes use all natural sugars, and yes, honey is one of them. Your body processes natural sugars much differently than processed sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, etc.), and in moderate amounts (such as those in my recipes) it is not going to affect your weight loss efforts. Also, you'll notice that my recipes contain fiber and proteins and fats...

Testosterone for secondary prevention in men with ischaemic heart disease? - 0 views

  • Androgens and in particular testosterone have an inverse relationship with fibrinogen such that low endogenous testosterone is associated with elevated fibrinogen
  • testosterone administration causes a significant fall in fibrinogen
    this article looks at the use of normalization of testosterone levels in men with CAD.  This study presents the data that low T is associated with increased CAD, yet says more studies needed.  This study should have used salivary testing and been more definitive in their conclusion

Salivary Testing of Reproductive Hormones - Virginia Henderson International Nursing Li... - 0 views

  • Study results demonstrate there is adequate evidence to support use of saliva testing as an effective clinical tool for measuring hormone status in perimenopausal and menopausal women
    2007 review states: "there is adequate evidence to support use of saliva testing as an effective clinical tool for measuring hormone status in perimenopausal and menopausal women".  Pretty definitive statement.  This was a worldwide analysis

Metabolic syndrome in men with low testosterone le... [J Sex Med. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Metabolic syndrome and Low T definitely run together.  Whether one causes the other or merely associations, they reflect the risk of the other.  It is known that increasing MetS parameters drives the Testosterone lower.  In this study, they found ED, obesity, PVD, and Etoh intake associated with increased incidence of MetS.  ED and obesity are both associated with low T.

Prevalence and Incidence of Androgen Deficiency in Middle-Aged and Older Men: Estimates... - 0 views

    The Massachusetts male aging study found 2.4 million men with hypogonadism.  They estimated 481,000 new cases annually in the age group of 40-69.  This was in very stringent definition of "hypogonadism".

Environmental Erectile Dysfunction: Can the Environment Really Be Hazardous to Your Ere... - 0 views

    nice review of the link between environment and ED in men.  No direct cause-effect, but association is definitely seen.

Testosterone Replacement Alone for Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome Improves Moderate L... - 0 views

    Study finds that Testosterone therapy reduces LUTS in men with low T.  The definition of low T is a little wide in this study.  Another study that contradicts the belief that Testosterone contributes to LUTS through the prostate.

Hormonal Regulation of Circulating C-Reactive Protein in Men - 0 views

    High dose of estrogen associated with increase CRP in men.  Definitely a dose dependent response.

Association between serum total testosterone and Body Mass Index in middle aged healthy... - 0 views

    Study finds low total Testosterone significantly associated with increased BMI in university employees. The definition of low T in this study was 280 ng/dl.

JAMA Network | JAMA Surgery | Long-term Metabolic Effects of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastre... - 0 views

    This study reveals what is wrong with a lot of the "standard practice" and literature in medicine today.  At 5 years, almost 50% of weight loss with gastric sleeve is regained--defined as excess weight loss (only 50% weight loss of excess weight).  That is a terrible 5 year outcome; not to mention the definition of success.  Even at 3 years, 31% had regained their "excess weight".  Add to that, the numbers of patients that followed up was terrible.  This poor follow up points to worse data outcomes than this study claims.
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