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Matti Narkia

Caution Regarding 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Monitoring in Women With Breast Cancer -- Chlebow... - 0 views

    Caution regarding 25-hydroxyvitamin D monitoring in women with breast cancer. Chlebowski RT. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Aug 20;27(24):e72-3; author reply e74. Epub 2009 Jul 20. PMID: 1962047
Matti Narkia

Goldenseal, Berberine : Safety - 0 views

    "Possible effects of berberine, a chemical found in small amounts in goldenseal, include headache, slow heart rate, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, and low white blood cell count. It is not clear if the amount of berberine in goldenseal products is enough to cause these reactions. Toxic doses of berberine may cause seizures or irritation of the esophagus and stomach when taken by mouth. Berberine used intravenously (through the veins) may cause abnormal heart rhythms. Based on laboratory and animal studies, berberine may increase blood concentrations of bilirubin. Berberine theoretically may cause low blood pressure, although a different chemical in goldenseal, hydrastine, may actually cause increased blood pressure. There is limited study of the blood pressure effects of these agents in humans. Based on laboratory and animal studies, the use of goldenseal or berberine could increase the risk of bleeding. However, there are no reliable published reports of bleeding in humans. Caution is advised in patients with bleeding disorders or taking drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding. Dosing adjustments may be necessary. Based on an initial report, goldenseal or berberine may cause increased sun sensitivity, although this is not a commonly reported symptom. Based on laboratory studies, berberine may lower blood sugar. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Serum glucose levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare provider, and medication adjustments may be necessary. "
Matti Narkia

A Prospective Nested Case-Control Study of Vitamin D Status and Pancreatic Cancer Risk ... - 0 views

    A prospective nested case-control study of vitamin D status and pancreatic cancer risk in male smokers. Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Vieth R, Azad A, Pietinen P, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Albanes D. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 15;66(20):10213-9. PMID: 17047087 Higher vitamin D concentrations were associated with a 3-fold increased risk for pancreatic cancer (highest versus lowest quintile, >65.5 versus <32.0 nmol/L: OR, 2.92; 95% CI, 1.56-5.48, Ptrend = 0.001) that remained after excluding cases diagnosed early during follow-up. Contrary to expectations, subjects with higher prediagnostic vitamin D status had an increased pancreatic cancer risk compared with those with lower status. Our findings need to be replicated in other populations and caution is warranted in their interpretation and implication. Our results are intriguing and may provide clues that further the understanding of the etiology of this highly fatal cancer. In conclusion, contrary to expectation, subjects with higher 25(OH)D concentrations were at greater risk for pancreatic cancer compared with those with lower concentrations in our prospective study with long-term follow-up. Caution is warranted in the interpretation and implication of our findings, however, as vitamin D inadequacy is an important public health problem and adequate status is desirable to prevent bone and other diseases (5). Our results, however, are intriguing and may provide clues that further the understanding of the etiology of this highly fatal cancer.
Matti Narkia

Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea. - Eur Heart J. 2007 Jan;2... - 0 views

    Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea. Lorenz M, Jochmann N, von Krosigk A, Martus P, Baumann G, Stangl K, Stangl V. Eur Heart J. 2007 Jan;28(2):219-23. Epub 2007 Jan 9. PMID: 17213230 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl442 In conclusion, milk may counteract the favourable health effects of tea on vascular function. The finding that the tea-induced improvement of vascular function in humans is completely attenuated after addition of milk may have broad implications on the mode of tea preparation and consumption. In addition, it indicates that caution is warranted in the design of studies involving nutritional flavonoids.
Robert Peil

Blueberry Crumb Cake on Yahoo! Video - 0 views

    Woah! Fast paced instructions for making a blueberry crumb cake. Impressive How-To video. Caution: this treat might leave you stranded at the kitchen table, wanting more but not daring!
Matti Narkia

A Prospective Nested Case-Control Study of Vitamin D Status and Pancreatic Cancer Risk ... - 0 views

    A prospective nested case-control study of vitamin D status and pancreatic cancer risk in male smokers. Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Vieth R, Azad A, Pietinen P, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Albanes D. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 15;66(20):10213-9. PMID: 17047087 doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-1876 Contrary to expectations, subjects with higher prediagnostic vitamin D status had an increased pancreatic cancer risk compared with those with lower status. Our findings need to be replicated in other populations and caution is warranted in their interpretation and implication. Our results are intriguing and may provide clues that further the understanding of the etiology of this highly fatal cancer.
Matti Narkia

Milk Thistle May Limit Liver Damage From Chemo - ABC News - 0 views

    "NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - An herb used since ancient times to treat liver ailments may help reduce the liver damage caused by some cancer drugs, a study published Monday suggests. In a study of 50 children undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), researchers found that an herb called milk thistle appeared to reduce treatment-related liver inflammation. The study, published online in the journal Cancer, is the first clinical trial to test the herb in children undergoing chemotherapy, and the investigators caution that more research is still needed. However, the findings are "promising" -- particularly since there is currently no way to help protect the liver from chemotherapy-induced damage, said senior researcher Dr. Kara M. Kelly, a pediatric oncologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York."
Matti Narkia

Plasma Selenium, Manganese Superoxide Dismutase, and Intermediate- or High-Risk Prostat... - 0 views

    Plasma selenium, manganese superoxide dismutase, and intermediate- or high-risk prostate cancer. Chan JM, Oh WK, Xie W, Regan MM, Stampfer MJ, King IB, Abe M, Kantoff PW. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Aug 1;27(22):3577-83. Epub 2009 Jun 15. PMID: 19528373 DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2008.18.8938 Conclusion: These data suggest that the relationship between circulating selenium levels at diagnosis and prognostic risk of prostate cancer is modified by SOD2 genotype and indicate caution against broad use of selenium supplementation for men with prostate cancer.
Matti Narkia - Experts compared, sleep tips, jet lag, seasonal affective disorder. - 0 views

    We compare the experts' advice and save you the time. Current Evidence for the Benefits of Melatonin, Dosage, Cautions and Interactions, Buyers Guide, Sleep Tips, Jet Lag Remedies, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Current News and Books.
Matti Narkia

Serum Vitamin D Concentration and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Nested Case-Control Study -- ... - 0 views

    Serum vitamin D concentration and prostate cancer risk: a nested case-control study. Ahn J, Peters U, Albanes D, Purdue MP, Abnet CC, Chatterjee N, Horst RL, Hollis BW, Huang WY, Shikany JM, Hayes RB; Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Project Team. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Jun 4;100(11):796-804. Epub 2008 May 27. PMID: 18505967 doi:10.1093/jnci/djn152 CONCLUSION: The findings of this large prospective study do not support the hypothesis that vitamin D is associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer; indeed, higher circulating 25(OH)D concentrations may be associated with increased risk of aggressive disease. In summary, results from this large prospective study of men who underwent standardized prostate cancer screening in the context of a screening trial do not support the hypothesis that higher serum vitamin D status is associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer. The study showed no association of vitamin D level with nonaggressive disease; however, it raises the possibility that higher vitamin D level may be associated with increased risks for aggressive disease, although a clear monotonic dose-response relationship was lacking. Along with recent reports of adverse associations for higher vitamin D status and risk of pancreatic (32) and esophageal (33,34) cancer, caution should be taken in recommending high doses of vitamin D or sunlight exposure to the general public for prostate cancer prevention. Future analyses are warranted to confirm these results and to further clarify the effects of vitamin D on aggressive prostate cancer.
Matti Narkia

Maternal Licorice Consumption and Detrimental Cognitive and Psychiatric Outco... - 0 views

    Katri Räikkönen, Anu-Katriina Pesonen, Kati Heinonen, Jari Lahti, Niina Komsi, Johan G. Eriksson, Jonathan R. Seckl, Anna-Liisa Järvenpää, and Timo E. Strandberg Maternal Licorice Consumption and Detrimental Cognitive and Psychiatric Outcomes in Children American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published on October 4, 2009. doi:10.1093/aje/kwp272 Data are compatible with adverse fetal "programming" by overexposure to glucocorticoids and caution against excessive intake of licorice-containing foodstuffs during pregnancy.
Matti Narkia

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on human health-related outcomes - 0 views

    The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on human health-related outcomes. Tricon S, Burdge GC, Williams CM, Calder PC, Yaqoob P. Proc Nutr Soc. 2005 May;64(2):171-82. Review. PMID: 15960862 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a collective term for a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid. CLA has received considerable attention as a result of animal experiments that report anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic and anti-diabetic properties, and modulation of body composition and immune function. Several studies of CLA supplementation in human subjects have now been published, but in contrast to animal studies there has been marked variation between reports on the health-related outcomes. The consensus from seventeen published studies in human subjects is that CLA does not affect body weight or body composition. Some detrimental effects of the trans-10,cis-12 CLA isomer have also been reported in terms of altered blood lipid composition and impaired insulin sensitivity. Finally, CLA has only limited effects on immune functions in man. However, there have been reports of some interesting isomer-specific effects of CLA on the blood lipid profile, but not on immune function. These isomer-specific effects need further investigation. Until more is known, CLA supplementation in man should be considered with caution.
Matti Narkia

Berberine, dosing and safety - - 0 views

    Side Effects and Warnings Berberine has been reported to cause nausea, vomiting, hypertension (high blood pressure), respiratory failure and paresthesias (abnormal sensations such as numbness or tingling); however, clinical evidence of such adverse effects is not prominent in the literature. Rare adverse effects including headache, skin irritation, facial flushing, headache, bradycardia (slowed heart rate) have also been reported with the use of berberine. Use cautiously when taking berberine for longer than eight weeks due to theoretical changes in bacterial gut flora. Use cautiously in individuals with diabetes, as both human and animal studies indicate that berberine may decrease blood sugar levels. Also use cautiously in individuals with hypotension (low blood pressure), as berberine may have antihypertensive effects. Patients with cardiovascular disease should also use caution as berberine has been associated with the development of ventricular arrhythmias in subjects with congestive heart failure. Although not well studied in humans, berberine may also theoretically cause delays in small intestinal transit time or increase the risk of bleeding. Berberine may cause abortion, eye or kidney irritation, nephritis (inflamed kidneys), dyspnea (difficulty breathing), flu-like symptoms, giddiness, lethargy, or liver toxicity. Patients with leukopenia (abnormally low white blood cell count) should use cautiously due to the potential for development of leukopenia symptoms. When injected under the skin, berberine may cause hyperpigmentation in the arm. Use berberine cautiously in individuals with high exposure to sunlight or artificial light due to potential for adverse phototoxic reactions. Avoid in newborns due to potential for increase in free bilirubin, jaundice, and development of kernicterus (brain damage caused by severe newborn jaundice). Use berberine cautiously in children due to a lack of safety information. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Berberine is not recomme
Matti Narkia

Mitochondrially Targeted Effects of Berberine [Natural Yellow 18, 5,6-dihydro-9,10-dime... - 0 views

    Mitochondrially targeted effects of berberine [Natural Yellow 18, 5,6-dihydro-9,10-dimethoxybenzo(g)-1,3-benzodioxolo(5,6-a) quinolizinium] on K1735-M2 mouse melanoma cells: comparison with direct effects on isolated mitochondrial fractions. Pereira GC, Branco AF, Matos JA, Pereira SL, Parke D, Perkins EL, Serafim TL, Sardão VA, Santos MS, Moreno AJ, Holy J, Oliveira PJ. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007 Nov;323(2):636-49. Epub 2007 Aug 17. PMID: 17704354 doi: 10.1124/jpet.107.128017 The present work shows that berberine is accumulated by mitochondria of a mouse melanoma cell line, leading to mitochondrial fragmentation and dysfunction, accompanied by decreased cellular energy charge. When the effect was compared with the results obtained on isolated mitochondrial fractions, it is observed that regardless of the system used, berberine is toxic for mitochondria. One major limitation of the present study (as in many others) is the lack of knowledge of the real concentration of berberine that reaches mitochondria in intact cells. Although we do not possess data regarding this aspect, it is wise to speculate that mitochondrial berberine concentrations will be much higher than in the bulk cytosol due to electrophoretic accumulation. We believe that the range of berberine concentrations accumulated by mitochondria in intact cells is within the range of concentrations used on isolated mitochondrial fractions in the present study. The present work not only provides insights on the mechanism by which berberine interferes with tumor cell proliferation, demonstrating previously unknown effects on mitochondrial physiology, but also raises a note of caution on the use of berberine as a nontoxic "natural" over-the-counter medication.

You Being Fit - Health Is Real Wealth - 0 views

  • is designed to correct your health, fitness, food diet and to caution you with the goal that you can appreciate life openly. your life is exceptionally valuable, be always healthy, have an ideal daily routine to Be Healthy. Be Fit Being Fit You Will Be Fit. As we probably aware world is dealing with an extraordinary issue of pollution in air, water and that too in our everyday food, so it become necessary for us to take care of our health fitness. Thus, YouBeingFit will direct you how to Be Fit to Being Fit throughout everyday life. A few of us think we get life to enjoy in any way and this thinking force them to do unfortunate things, they don't feel that they are trapped and this kill there immunity, there fitness and make them weak from inside as well as from outside as well. Many types of diseases attacks because of being unfit unhealthy. It's our responsibility to make Our Life Healthy, Fit and Fine. This is the right way to enjoy life. It's our responsibility to make Our Life Healthy, Fit and Fine. This is the right way to enjoy life. Appreciate your life in happy manner and it's chance to change our thinking in right manner. Live Healthy and Happily.
Matti Narkia

The Heart Scan Blog: Sterols should be outlawed - 0 views

    While sterols occur naturally in small quantities in food (nuts, vegetables, oils), food manufacturers are adding them to processed foods in order to earn a "heart healthy" claim. The FDA approved a cholesterol-reducing indication for sterols , the American Heart Association recommends 200 mg per day as part of its Therapeutic Lifestyle Change diet, and WebMD gushes about the LDL-reducing benefits of sterols added to foods. Sterols--the same substance that, when absorbed to high levels into the blood in a genetic disorder called "sitosterolemia"--causes extravagant atherosclerosis in young people. The case against sterols, studies documenting its coronary disease- and valve disease-promoting effects, is building
Matti Narkia

Well - A Call for Caution in the Rush to Statins - - 0 views

    Judging by recent headlines, you might think so. Last week heart researchers reported that millions of healthy people could benefit from taking statins even if they don't have high cholesterol.\n\nAlthough many doctors hailed the study as a major breakthrough, a closer look at the research suggests that statins (like Crestor, from AstraZeneca, and Lipitor, from Pfizer) are far from magic pills. While they clearly save lives in people with a previous heart attack or other serious heart problems, for an otherwise healthy person the potential benefit remains small.
Eumom Louise

Health & Nutrition | Pregnancy | Cheese | Eumom - 0 views

    Knowing which cheeses are safe to eat in pregnancy can be confusing and recommendations vary depending on who you ask and what country you are in. It is generally best to err on the side of caution, even if it means depriving yourself of one of your favourite snacks for a few months.
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