Authentic Assessment Toolbox Home Page - 0 views
joemarino on 08 Feb 19This website was created by Jon F. Mueller, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at North Central College in Illinois. Mueller discusses the differences between traditional assessment and authentic assessment - two different concepts that have different long-term goals and outcomes for students. Mueller, a strong advocate for authentic assessment, provides various examples to illustrate the pros and cons of both methods of assessment at different levels and fields of education, while providing data and research to support his stance. Mueller also provides information and structured examples on how educators can incorporate authentic assessment (in many forms) in their classrooms.
ajasinski on 10 Feb 19A website to help create and utilize musical assessments. A teacher can learn about new assessments, compare state and national music standards, and learn about the most up-to-date musical research.
cindyjjenn on 11 Feb 19This site provides several useful resources for educators. It is an authentic assessment toolbox filled with tips to help teachers create rubrics, include standards in their assignments, and examples of assessments to use.