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Mary Witaszek

PG Music Inc. - Band-in-a-Box, RealBand, and more - 0 views

    Band in a Box is a program that will allow the user to plug in chords and it will create a recording for you to use as an accompaniment. This program is extremely helpful for music teachers who need recordings for their students to play or sing with!
    Band in a Box is a program that will allow the user to plug in chords and it will create a recording for you to use as an accompaniment. This program is extremely helpful for music teachers who need recordings for their students to play or sing with!
Michelle Lucia-Ingle

MMISSARY : Band In A Box Files - 0 views

    Add these free music files to your Band-in-a-Box for even more variety!
William Bauer

typedrummer - 0 views

    Designer and developer, Kyle Stetz, created this instrument for creating ascii beats. They might be useful for creating hiphop tracks - based on what you type into the input box. Use student names, school names, teams, projects and other text to create interesting beats.

Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons - 0 views

    So excited to learn about this fantastic tool. One can turn video into lessons with pop-up text boxes and multiple choice questions. What a great way "engage and deepen understanding".
Jason Ford

SmartMusic - Music Education Software - 0 views

shared by Jason Ford on 06 Apr 14 - Cached
    SmartMusic: music education software for educators and students. Make practicing and tracking student progress easy and fun. Smart Music is similar in features to Band in a Box. It allows teachers to create recordings for their student to practice with!
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    SmartMusic: music education software for educators and students. Make practicing and tracking student progress easy and fun. Smart Music is similar in features to Band in a Box. It allows teachers to create recordings for their student to practice with!
    A great piece of software geared toward engaging private rehearsal times. This is a must have for band & orchestra teachers. 
    Smart music is a great for students and teachers. This also helps the helps students with their practice. It also helps teachers understand the problems that students have during practice. The assessment is also great for students and teachers.

25+ best ideas about Teaching Orchestra on Pinterest - 0 views

    Great pinterest page that lists great ideas for orchestra directors. This is a cool resource to gain some outside the box ideas for string teaching. Includes everything from Star Wars activities to Minecraft string parts.
Stephen Hull

Decisions Made in the Practice Room: A Qualitative Study of Middle School S...: EBSCOhost - 0 views

  • The quality and quantity with which one approaches practicing are key factors in the development of expert instrumental performance skill (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993). Miksza (2007), Frost and Hamann (2000), and McPherson (2000) have all found that instrumental performance is related to the quality as well as the quantity of practice.
  • McPherson and Zimmerman (2002) described self-regulation as a form of self-teaching in which students set goals, self-monitor, and self-reflect.
  • Self-efficacy, defined as the confidence one has in his or her ability to plan and execute a given task, is considered to be a key factor predicting self-regulation success
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Other researchers have found that novice adolescent musicians tend to exhibit inconsistent practice habits. Rohwer and Polk (2006) categorized the practice tendencies of students as holistic/noncorrective, holistic/corrective, analytic/reactive, or analytic/proactive. They described analytic practicers as those who were prone to remediate sections of their music both proactively and reactively, and they found that these students made significantly more gains than did the holistic practicers. Barry (1990, 1992) focused on the use of structured practice time and supervision in middle school instrumental students and found that the students were significantly more able to prepare a musical etude when practice was carefully structured and supervised. Like McPherson and Renwick (2001), Barry found that students who engaged in unstructured practice tended to play their music faster, use a metronome less, use fewer mental practice strategies, and self-assessed less than those who engaged in structured and supervised practice.
  • Barry and Hallam (2002) argue that this is because novices who have not yet developed strong aural schemata are often unaware of their own errors, whereas more capable musicians are more aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • The ability to self-regulate, or self-teach, is a learned skill requiring individuals to make a number of decisions related to goal setting, self-efficacy, attention, strategy use, and assessment.
  • In order for teachers to improve the way in which they teach their students to practice, it seems apparent that they must first understand the ways in which their students think during practice.
  • retrospective think aloud protocol. Ericsson and Simon (1993) describe this method of data collection as a process in which subjects are asked to describe their thoughts immediately after performing a given task.
  • Though they stated that they knew which pieces needed work, they did not have a specific idea of what aspects of the music needed work.
  • When students encountered difficulty, they reacted in one of three ways. First, although each student exhibited different levels of tolerance for frustration, at some point they each demonstrated the tendency to move on to a new activity when something began to cause frustration.
  • Second, students would retreat to easier passages when things became too difficult.
  • Finally, student ability to maintain focus over the span of the practice period also affected motivation.
  • Although the ability to maintain attention and self-efficacy may be beyond a teacher's realm of direct influence because of the unique personalities of the children, it appears that teachers can improve student motivation by providing students goals for improvement rather than simply recording practice time.
  • The ability to clearly define goals that are specific, proximal (short term), and moderately challenging is a major component of effective practice (
  • The factors influencing the use of practice strategies can be broken down into three categories: strategy repertoire, appropriate use, and motivation. Using the metaphor of having a "practice toolbox," students need to have a number of tools from which to draw on, but they also need the knowledge and skill to use them appropriately and the motivation and self-discipline to make the effort to take the tools out of the box.
  • Educational leaders commonly emphasize the importance of teaching students how to critically think and learn on their own. Musical practice is an important way in which music teachers can provide their students with these opportunities.
  • It seems to follow that helping instrumental music students develop self-regulation would result in improved ensembles and more efficient rehearsals. Methods for teaching practice skills to middle school and high school students must be developed through continued research and best practice in order to develop independent musicians.
    Teaching middle school students HOW to practice

The Ultimate Teacher Resource Guide | SuperSummary - 0 views

    This site includes several music resources for teachers. It is mainly for general music teachers and can provide example lesson plans, resources for lessons, and ideas for activities. Teachers can use this source to find resources to use in class.

Drum Corps International: Marching Music`s Major League - 0 views

  • World Class CorpsThe AcademyWebsiteScheduleBlue DevilsWebsiteScheduleBlue KnightsWebsiteScheduleBlue StarsWebsiteScheduleBluecoatsWebsiteScheduleBoston CrusadersWebsiteScheduleThe CadetsWebsiteScheduleCarolina CrownWebsiteScheduleCascadesWebsiteScheduleThe CavaliersWebsiteScheduleColtsWebsiteScheduleCrossmenWebsiteScheduleJersey SurfWebsiteScheduleMadison ScoutsWebsiteScheduleMandarinsWebsiteScheduleOregon CrusadersWebsiteSchedulePacific CrestWebsiteSchedulePhantom Regiment<
  • The AcademyWebsiteSchedule
  • Rotator UK corps claim top spots at 2015 European Championships The annual Drum Corps Europe Championships this past Saturday in Kerkrade, Netherlands, featured competition between corps from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Spotlight of the Week: 1982 Cavaliers Opening with selections from Respighi's 'Pines of Rome,' the 1982 Cavaliers marched their way to an 11th-place finish at the DCI World Championships in Montreal. DCI Tour expected to return to Florida in 2016 Though locations and venues are still to be confirmed, the 2016 DCI Tour will come to Florida this July for several events. Corps news and announcements Boston Crusaders will dream the impossible dream in '16; California Dreamin' with the Madison Scouts; Mandarins hire a new corps director; And more! QUIZ: Which countries do these European drum corps call home? International groups will meet this Saturday, September 26, in Kerkrade, Netherlands, for the annual Drum Corps Europe Championships. 1 4158227,4157112,4150410,4147694,4147103 NEWS
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  • Blue DevilsWebsiteScheduleBlue KnightsWebsiteScheduleBlue StarsWebsiteScheduleBluecoatsWebsiteScheduleBoston CrusadersWebsiteScheduleThe CadetsWebsiteScheduleCarolina CrownWebsiteScheduleCascadesWebsiteScheduleThe CavaliersWebsiteScheduleColtsWebsiteScheduleCrossmenWebsiteScheduleJersey SurfWebsiteScheduleMadison Scou
    Drum Corps International is the premier organization for outdoor performing ensembles. Innovation every year.
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    Website for Drum Corps International.  Marching music at it's finest
    This is a great site for inspiring band students. The things that these musicians do is amazing! Ere a lot of resources here for students, and y can also follow your favorite corp!
  • provides all events and tours for DCI.  Students and teachers can stay plugged in and gain inspiration for all that DCI bands and members of the band compete. 
    Everything that you need to know about Drum Corps is here.  It includes schedules, scores, recruitment info, etc..  This is bookmarked because I have a few students that would love to march Drum Corp.  
    Everything that you need to know about Drum Corps is here.  It includes schedules, scores, recruitment info, etc..  This is bookmarked because I have a few students that would love to march Drum Corp.  
    This site is the home to everything drum corps. The site includes media, schedules, scores, and audition information for all current and historic Drum Corps International groups.
    This is the website for all things DCI. Students may find this website useful to follow their favorite corps, get scores, or find information on local shows. This is especially helpful for marching band students

Authentic Tasks (Authentic Assessment Toolbox) - 0 views

    This website is a tool to help teachers create assessments. The site is easy to navigate and provides helpful step by step help to create authentic assessments for class. There are examples provided on the website, and there are helpful tips written on how to create tasks and rubrics.
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