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PDF Annotation, Social Members for Anti-spam, and the New Pricing Plan lead to Diigo 6.... - 1 views

    "We now require captcha on many social features, such as following people, joining groups, etc. For a very nominal fee, you can upgrade yourself to "Social Membership," which would grant you full social features without capcha, plus a lot of other goodies. We expect to stop the vast majority of the spammers with this simple measure. We'd like to elaborate more about Social Membership and its pricing and our thoughts behind the decisions. As long-time Diigo users know, Diigo is a personal knowledge management tool on the one hand, and a knowledge-sharing community on the other hand. While it is perfectly fine to use Diigo solely as the former, we do believe that the value of the knowledge-sharing community could be substantial, as the number of active users increases, and as the spam is minimized. As a result, we have decided to set the social membership annual fee at $5/year on Oct 1, 2014, and will increase the price gradually thereafter according to a pre-determined formula, as the number of active social members increases. To reward existing users, an attractive promotion price of $2/year will be available until Oct. 1, 2014. For future years, you will continue to pay the low annual price you paid in the first year, as long as your credit card stay valid for automatic renewal. We have also taken this opportunity to re-adjust our pricing plan to better align users needs with our business model. Existing basic and premium users will be automatically upgraded to Standard in the new pricing plan."
    Attenzione a quel "new pricing plan" che limita drasticamente il numero dei gruppi per le formule meno care, ma non è chiaro cosa succederà ai gruppi creati con formula gratuita.

Twitter / publicknowledge: Ask @whitehouse to support #books4blindtreaty! 2013-05-23 - 0 views

    "Public Knowledge Public Knowledge ‏@publicknowledge Ask @whitehouse to support #books4blindtreaty! Sign the petition now. More info: Wired Obama Stops Championing Treaty That Gives the Blind Better Access to... By David Kravets @dmkravets The President Barack Obama administration went on record four years ago supporting a proposed international treaty to make books more accessible to the blind across the globe. Fast forward to today.... 8:46 PM - 23 May 13"
    Primo uso dell'hashtag #books4blindtreaty su Twitter, per promuovere una petizione che chiede alla Casa Bianca di sostenere all'OMPI la proposta di un Trattato per i ciechi, ipovedenti e altri con disabilità che impediscono l'uso di testi stampati, sotto attacco da parte delle lobby dei grossi produttori di film e musica US, nonché degli editori europei.

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge ~ Stephen's Web - 2 views

    "Connectivism is the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks. The bulk of this work is devoted to tracing the implications of this thesis in learning. Yes, this could have been a shorter book - and perhaps one day I'll author a volume without the redundancies, false starts, detours and asides, and other miscellany. Such a volume would be sterile, however, and it feels more true to the actual enquiry to stay true to the original blog posts, essays and presentations that constitute this work."

Dubroo - A new way of watching videos - 1 views

    " Dubroo is a crowd sourced Online Platform for Dubbing Enthusiasts,both the consumers and creators Consumers Users can view youtube videos with different audio files. Dubroo provides youtube videos in multiple audio files helping people of various languages to understand the original video. On Dubroo you can watch videos dubbed by our talented dubbing artists and get knowledge and also enjoy some amazing spoofs . Creators Anybody interested in dubbing can use our recording studio and start recording your audio directly speaking through your browser(Mozilla firefox is preferred). Dubroo makes 'tedious dubbing process' easy by providing a simple option(Check 'Instructions' to record).Users need not download videos,install softwares and then record and merge both audio and video files, then upload a new video. Dubroo eliminates all these tedious process and allows creators to dub directly speaking through your browser. Dubroo's Motto Dubroo encourages people to create existing Youtube videos into multiple languages, helping people of their language to understand the original video. Dubroo believes that language should not be a barrier to access knowledge from the online videos. Instructions Contact Us + Add Video Dubroo Gallery "
    Strumento semplice per aggiungere una pista audio doppiata a un video, a quanto ho capito (non l'ho ancora provato)

Pinocchio nella rete - Google sites - inglese - 0 views

    "Welcome!!! Through these pages you can enter into our Project. The aims of this project are: to improve the use, discover and disseminate the Web 2.0, open source software and ITC in all kind of schools. Sharing documents by Web2.0 tools Showing the importance to work with different country and different student ages Use teaching strategies like active learning, contextualized knowledge, cognitive and cooperative learning. Using virtual world as educational tool Creating free courses for teacher that want improve their ITC competences I, Riccardo Rivarola, am the data processing responsible, Claudio Filosi is the didactic/pedagogical responsible. Prof. Riccardo Rivarola WARNING! All videos that are not manufactured by us have been chosen with great care but we can not hold accountable if you connect the same to other movies, maybe not education and / or not suitable for minors!"

Success in a MOOC with subtitles | Amara - 1 views

    "A description of the five steps that will help you succeed in a MOOC. Written and Narrated by Dave Cormier Video by Neal Gillis Researchers: Dave Cormier Alexander McAuley George Siemens Bonnie Stewart Created through funding received by the University of Prince Edward Island through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's "Knowledge Synthesis Grants on the Digital Economy" CC-BY 2010"
    I sottotitoli si possono vedere, a scelta, in inglese, italiano, coreano, portoghese e spagnolo. E siccome il video è sotto licenza CC-BY, si potrebbe anche rifare una versione con l'audio in italiano...

Google's 'Babel fish' heralds future of translation | TechCentral, Ashish Venugopal / D... - 0 views

    "In Douglas Adams's famous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series of science-fiction books, interstellar species use Babel fish - "small, yellow, leech-like" creatures that feed on "brain-wave energy" - to translate speech in real time. A team of developers at Google is working on the real thing, using statistical models to translate different languages, including Afrikaans, on the Web and on mobile phones, using voice input and output as well as text. TechCentral sat down with Google Translate research scientist Ashish Venugopal at Google's headquarters in Silicon Valley last week and asked him about the stumbling blocks to effective real-time translation and the future of the technology. This is an edited transcript of that interview. (...).Do you have a team of linguists working all over the world? We have a team of statisticians, all working right over there [points and laughs]. It's less linguistically orientated. There are linguistic ideas that influence our decisions. To give you an example, when I was working on the last set of Indian languages that were launched, I didn't use any linguistic knowledge; I used Wikipedia and my grandmother. So, it's Wikipedia, my grandmother and statistics. That's what we use to put a language together. - Duncan McLeod, TechCentral"
    Intervista a uno sviluppatore di Google traduttore, su come funziona, pubblicata nella rivista sudafricana TechCentral il 12 gennaio 2012.

Wolfram|Alpha: Examples by Topic - 1 views

    "Wolfram|Alpha's knowledge base covers an immense range of areas"

Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games - - 1 views

    "Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games In this age of social media, edtech, smartphones, tablets and MOOCs, software applications play a larger role than ever in the learning environment. In fact, apps have reached such a level of ubiquity and everyday integration that a number of software companies are turning out apps that can help students create apps of their own. Here's a list of 10 software tools that can jumpstart a student's knowledge and skill in computer programming"

MOOCs Are Usefully Middlebrow - The Chronicle of Higher Education - Jonathan Freedman 2... - 3 views

    "...MOOCs are just the latest incarnation of bringing watered-down versions of culture, knowledge, and learning to a mass audience. What we see as the courses' flaws may well be their strengths, and they have the potential to carry those strengths to a broader audience than ever before. Problems arise only when we think of MOOCs as university courses rather than as learning for the masses. Yes, the vulgarians who run Coursera and Udacity deserve to be swept into the dustbin of history, and the fact that they seem not to have figured out how to profit from their enterprises suggests that they'll soon be hoist by their own capitalist petard. When they are, the real action can begin. As the history professor Jonathan Rees puts it, the fast-­approaching post-corporate-MOOC world "will almost certainly be a period of real pedagogical innovation conducted by people who are more interested in actual education than they are in becoming famous or just making a quick buck."..."
    Giusto! Aspettiamo che l'azione inizi (e forse si può dire che è già iniziata! ;-) )
    Non rinuncerei mai alla possibilità di usare i mezzi tecnologici per la diffusione della conoscenza, tuttavia è vero: non c'è nulla che possa sostituire la relazione didattica, nel senso di interazione significativa individuale.

Helpout "Find out what it's like to get a Helpout!" by Helpouts Support - 1 views

    "Are you curious about the Helpouts experience? Take a free test spin with a member of the Helpouts Team! You'll get a firsthand tour of the product and see just how easy it is to receive help over video chat. Schedule a time with one of our Helpouts Specialists, or see who is available now! Our team of knowledgeable specialists looks forward to showing you how it all works. If there is a long queue to join this Helpout, feel free to watch our intro video instead!"
    La mia recenzione di questo "helpout sugli helpout": "Ronnie was very patient and gave very clear answers. As to whether people from other countries than Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, U.K., and the U.S. (see ) would be allowed to offer helpouts in future, he said this is planned. As to the difference between helpouts and hangouts, he explained that though helpouts are using the hangout platform, they are a different service. And when asked if helpout participants can use the live captioning app that can be used in hangouts (see ), he said no. When I asked why the "Introducing Helpouts by Google" video is uncaptioned, and the video embedded in the "Find out what it's like to get a Helpout!" page is not only uncaptioned, but also uncaptionable via e.g. streaming it to, because if you try to open it on youtube, you get to , which says: "An error occurred during validation. This video does not exist. Sorry about that." he candidly said he couldn't answer and suggested using the feedback, which I'm doing. Same reply when I asked if Google planned to caption these videos. Sure, I would have preferred to get more hopeful answers to the questions about accessibility, but it was great to get candid ones, which can now be reported to the discussion lists of the Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning - . " No, è vero, Ronnie è stato bravissimo. Chissà quanti helpout si sarà sorbito quel giorno, e paffete arriva una che comincia a rompergli le scatole e il nuovo giocatolo Google, portandolo a riconoscere implicitamente che insomma, meglio gli hangout veri e propri..

MOOCs as Neocolonialism: Who Controls Knowledge? - The Chronicle of Higher Education - ... - 1 views

    "...I don't mean to imply any untoward motives by the makers of MOOCs. I'm not arguing that the content or methodologies of most current MOOCs are wrong because they are based on the dominant Western academic approaches. But I do believe it is important to point out that a powerful emerging educational movement strengthens the currently dominant academic culture, perhaps making it more difficult for alternative voices to be heard."
    C'è MOOC e MOOC, of course...
2More - 1 views

    " is proud to be named one of the "Top Ten Most Innovative Companies in Africa" - FastCompany, 2014 How it Works RECORD OR SELECT Teachers record or select a quiz on our teacher portal with a code. Receive an SMS Learners SMS the code to the hotline. FREE CALL Learners receive a free call with the recording from their teacher. INSIGHTS Learners finish the quiz and teachers gain valuable insights on the learner results. Why Learners Greater engagement and knowledge retention. Learners Classes are reinforced in their local language, by their teacher. Teachers Teachers save time marking. Teachers Valuable learner data improves their classes and learners are engaged when they have left school."
    E funziona anche con vecchi telefonini. Vedi anche da 2:44.

Half an Hour: Connective Knowledge and Open Resources - 5 views

    risposte di S. Downes ad un'intervista; vi si può leggere il suo punto di vista sui cMOOC, sulle OER e sull'apprendimento

What's right and what's wrong about Coursera-style MOOCs - Tony Bates 2012_08_05 - 0 views

    "August 5, 2012 by Tony Bates TED Talks: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller, one of the two founders of Coursera, describes some of the key features of the Coursera MOOCs, and the lessons she has learned to date about teaching and learning from these courses. The video is well worth watching, just for this. However I'm probably going to suffer the same kind of fate of the Russian female punk band, Pussy Riot, by spitting on the altar of MOOCs, but this TED talk captures for me all that is both right and wrong about the MOOCs being promoted by the elite US universities. Let me start by saying that I actually applaud Daphne Koller and her colleagues for developing massive open online MOOCs. Any attempt to make the knowledge of some of the world's leading experts available to anyone free of charge is an excellent endeavour. If only it stopped there. What I object to is the hubris and misleading claims that are evident in this TED video. As someone once said about one of Sigmund Freud's lectures, what is new is not true, and what is true is not new."
    Importante analisi fatta da uno specialista dell'insegnamento a distanza, tutto all'inizio di Coursera

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Ian Goldin with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Ian Goldin - Professor of Globalisation and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Cory Doctorow with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Cory Doctorow - Writer, Blogger, Activist - USA The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - David Price with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "David Price - Learning futurist and co-founder of We Do Things Differently - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"

IntroOpenEd 2007: an experience on Open Education by a virtual community of teachers | ... - 0 views

    "Antonio Fini, Andreas Formiconi, Alessandro Giorni, Nuccia Silvana Pirruccello, Elisa Spadavecchia, Emanuela Zibordi Abstract In Fall 2007 David Wiley, professor at Utah State University held a course about Open Education. That time, however, Dr Wiley's course was followed by a rather unusual group of students. The Fall 2007 edition, in fact, was available to anybody, free of charge, all over the world. The only requisite required was the possession of a blog for the completion of the weekly assignments. The present paper, whose authors attended the course completing it successfully, is an account of the experience they had. It can be considered an innovating experience from many different viewpoints and can be regarded as an example of how the world of the formal education can meet the demands of the informal one, in the broader landscape of professional training and lifelong learning. Keywords OER; Open Education; online community; informal learning Full Text: PDF This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License."

Intervention of the Holy See: WIPO Diplomatic Conference on a Treaty for the Blind | Kn... - 0 views

    The Holy See delivered this statement on 18 June 2013 at the Marrakesh Diplomatic Conference on a WIPO Treaty for the Blind. Statement by His Excellency Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva at World Intellectual Property Organization Diplomatic Conference to Conclude a Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities Marrakech (Morocco) "...Mr. President, The primary goals of the copyright system is the dissemination of creative works to enhance the common good. Copyright has never been an end in itself. Increasingly, technological developments have strained the capacity of copyright law to limit the ways in which the public accesses creative works. As stated by Jean Paul II, in his Encyclical Letter Laborem Exercens, "It would be radically unworthy of man, and a denial of our common humanity, to admit to the life of the community, and thus admit to work, only those who are fully functional. To do so would be to practise a serious form of discrimination, that of the strong and healthy against the weak and sick" [2] . Since all persons are called to contribute to society, it is fundamental to create an international instrument that could give even to impaired people a variety of opportunities to discover their potential, understand their environment, discover their rights and put to the best use their talents and resources both for personal fulfilment and for their contribution to society. This common good must be served in its fullness, not according to a reductionist vision subordinated only to the advantage of some people; rather, it is to be based on a logic that leads to the acceptance of a comprehensive responsibility. "The common good corresponds to the highest of human inclinations [3], but it is a good that is very difficult to attain because it requires the constant ability and effort to see
    La difesa incondizionale da parte del Vaticano di un trattato OMPI per i ciechi e altre persone che non possono adoperare testi stampati è particolarmente interessante: in incontri precedenti su questo trattato - sotto il Papa precedente - il Vaticano si era allineato sui paesi ricchi del cosiddetto "Gruppo B" dell'OMPI nel chiedere di seppellire questo trattato.
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