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Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Ian Goldin with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Ian Goldin - Professor of Globalisation and Development and Director of the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - Cory Doctorow with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Cory Doctorow - Writer, Blogger, Activist - USA The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Opening Plenary - David Price with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "David Price - Learning futurist and co-founder of We Do Things Differently - UK The Opening Plenary session of OEB 2015 looked at the challenges of modernity and identify how people, organisations, institutions and societies can make technology and knowledge work together to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Plenary Debate with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Allan Päll - Secretary General of the European Youth Forum - Belgium Miles Berry - Principal lecturer in Computing Education at the University of Roehampton - UK Jo Swinson - Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills in the UK's coalition Government of 2010-2015 - UK Pedro De Bruyckere - Educational scientist at the Artevelde Hogeschool - Belgium Are we equipping young people with the skills they need to participate, contribute and compete in our technology-oriented society? What specific new skills are needed? Are schools and universities the right places to teach these so-called '21st century skills'? On December 4, OEB 2015 experts debated on the motion "This House believes 21st Century skills aren't being taught - and they should be" More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 playlist ICWE - YouTube - 0 views

    (OEB = Online Educa Berlin) 30 videos 1,312 views Last updated on Jan 8, 2016
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - The future is only impossible until it's achieved - Gilly Salmon with subtit... - 0 views

    "Gilly Salmon - Professor at the University of Western Australia - Australia Gilly Salmon invited us to observe and explore technologies of the future and bring them to today, in the service of student achievements and business advantage More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Tomorrow's New World: Extending the Reach of Learning - Lia Commissar with s... - 0 views

    "Lia Commissar - Wellcome Trust - UK How can we ensure that education is ready to prepare learners for the future? And how can we create new learning environments which enhance the benefit of education? Learn about the latest theories, new digital solutions, policies, strategies, research and insights, as our expert speakers shared their enthusiasm for tomorrow's new world of learning. More info:"
Claude Almansi

OEB 2015 - Tomorrow's New World: Extending the Reach of Learning - Toby Walsh with subt... - 0 views

    "Toby Walsh - Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of New South Wales - Australia How can we ensure that education is ready to prepare learners for the future? And how can we create new learning environments which enhance the benefit of education? Learn about the latest theories, new digital solutions, policies, strategies, research and insights, as our expert speakers shared their enthusiasm for tomorrow's new world of learning. More info:"
Claude Almansi

The Agile Approach to Learning Design [Stephen Downes OEB 2015] with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Short panel presentation to Online Educa Berlin in which I reflect on the ways the agile process can go wrong when applied to learning design. Not that it always goes wrong, but this is the topic I drew in the panel. [Added to Youtube by Stephen Downes, Dec 27, 2015]"
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