Subtitles and Captions for Every Video on the Web - 1st post of the Amara blog, April 1... - 2 views
Claude Almansi on 03 Feb 14"Here's the problem: web video is beginning to rival television, but there isn't a good open resource for subtitling. Here's our mission: we're trying to make captioning, subtitling, and translating video publicly accessible in a way that's free and open, just like the Web. Our approach: Make a simple and ubiquitous way to request, create, and translate subtitles for any video Work with others to define open protocols so that whenever subtitles for a video exist, any website or video player will be able to retrieve them Create a community space for people who subtitle video, to encourage contributions and facilitate collaboration" Posted April 13, 2010 by amarasubs.
Claude Almansi on 03 Feb 14Se avessi lasciato l'intitolato basato sul tag "title", questo segnalibro sarebbe intitolato: "Subtitles and Captions for Every Video on the Web | Amara - Buy captions, video translations, transcriptions, and crowd subtitling". - con la parte prima del | il titolo del primo post del 13 aprile 2010 del blog di Amara (allora Universal Subtitles": "Sottotitoli tradotti e per sordi per ogni video online" - e con la seconda parte dopo l'|, che dà il titolo attuale del blogo, cioè "Amara - Compra sottotitoli, traduzioni di video, trascrizioni e sottotitolazione di massa" Quite a change...
Hartwig Thomas on 07 Feb 14I am currently investigating file formats for long-term preservation. Obviously they must be free of proprietary ownership and publicly accessible and avoid vendor-locking - even if the vendor is a non-profit organization. What I wonder: which conditions must a video file format fulfill to permit captioning / subtitling? Are there public and open standards of formats for captioning / subtitling? Where do I find them? Can they be enriched with metadata about the author of the subtitles?