SpeEdChange: The Toolbelt and Universal Design - Education For Everyone - 108 views
Humans are tool makers and tool users. It truly is our most significant distinction among the species on the planet.
djplaner on 01 Mar 13Tool use defines human beings? So, the on-going development of tools and their use is central to who we are? What are the implications for teaching?
Michelle Thompson on 01 Mar 13Wow! ICTs are tools and they can define us? I think I have heard of this comment before but its application to ICTs is great in that it just confirms the need to use tools in this digital generation.
mrs parry on 03 Mar 13I agree David and Michelle and a great example is being able to post this annotation after just watching the "how to" video.
Melissa March on 05 Mar 13What a great reason to use ICT tools in the classroom.
fiona thrift on 05 Mar 13In my opinion, if the on-going development of tools and their use is central to who we are then the implications for teaching are that if we do not maintain an understanding and knowledge of these tools and use them to teach then we will fall behind, as will our students.
Nicole Didlick on 07 Mar 13Humans as tool makers and tool users is a very powerful statement. Just like the use of any tool, it is important to choose the right tool for the job. So choosing the right ICT is important when teaching children and not just a one fits all approach.
Kellie Quirk on 10 Mar 13Tool Makers and Tool Users.... This is quite a significant staement for teachers and the importance of integerating ICT's and providing students with the opportunities to develop the skills needed to use tool effetively.
Kate Petty on 14 Mar 13I think we need to be careful about making comment such as 'tools define us'. I think it is more what tools we create and how we choose to use them that defines us. Tools can be used for both positive and negative purposes and as educators we need to carefully choose which ICT tools are relevant and critically analyse why we will use them - what will they contribute to learning - not just use them because they are there.
Jackie Litwinczuk on 16 Jul 13I agree with Nicole that if teachers aren't using updated tools with their students that those students will fall behind. In this time and age children grow up around technologies, it is part of their culture. To connect and engage with them these ICT's need to be present. Now I also agree that the tools used need to be analysed and questioned. I also want to point out that using these ICT's shouldn't replace the educators role, it should enhance their teaching.
samantha bourke on 22 Jul 13"Tools define us" i think tools define the generations and it is our job as educators to teach the current generation about the current tools. i know i personally have fallen behind in the ICT world in the last few years due to the rapid change in what is current and what is classified as 'old school'. I know that working with school kids outside of hours they are a lot more technologically capable then I am. Does that make me an out of date teachers? Or does it make me still a student?
Michelle Newton on 24 Jul 13Tool use defines human beings? I think the important thing to remember is that the tools are available to everyone but they are useless if we don't know how to use them effectively.
Amanda Condren on 25 Jul 13I love learning new tools to be able to teach and pass on to children and adult students in and outside the classroom.
Billy Green on 25 Feb 14I agree that humans are tool makers and tool users. Just like any tool it needs to be used correctly because afterall who uses a hammer to take out a screw?
Lauren Torr on 26 Feb 14I also agree that humans are toolmakers-studying another course related to civilisations prior to 1500 C.E. they mention many tools that humans used in a multitude of civilisations. Each of the tools created were able to be adapted to eventually form what we know as ICT's
Isabella Irvine on 02 Mar 14why dont all humans use these tools but?
Michelle Brown on 03 Mar 14This is a great tool to share ideas with class members and teachers. Using a range of ICT tools that suits the context helps us become competent users of technology. I am excited that it was quick and easy to learn.
Kim Hatfield on 04 Mar 14Great statement.
Maria Kaffatou on 05 Mar 14''Those tools, in turn, actually change who we are, as they alter our capabilities.'' I wonder if it really is that alter our capabilities. It looks to me that the human spirit is constantly looking for the next step once we have reached a goal and understood the power that a tool can provide. I believe that this is the drive behind the alteration of our capabilities
Jacqueline Klaassen on 06 Mar 14Completely agree with this statement. For thousands of years humans have created/used tools to make life easier. However, moving away from the primitive tools of that time, we are now inundated with a vast array of tools, so much so that many of us don't know how to use them, specifically the many online tools.
anonymous on 08 Mar 14Completely true. Whether we used sticks to start a fire to google to find information we have always found some sort of tool that make life easier. As we gain more knowledge our tools become more advanced.
Stella Leotta on 08 Mar 14Therefore, humans are tools makers - ICTs - which generate knowledge for humans - Google, YouTube - so that we as humans engage with the world in new ways - new experiences with ample opportunities.
Yasmin Gough on 12 Mar 14I couldn't agree fiona thrift. That is why I'm so glad to be taking this course.
lucylue on 25 Jul 14I agree with Kate Perry. The human race has made and used tools for some very destructive purposes so I don't believe the mere ability to create and use is what defines us. I think the way in which they are used says far more about a generation of people that just the ability to create them. This holds true to teaching as well. The more we consider why we are using any tool the better the outcome of using the tool will be.
liv1609 on 25 Jul 14this is a vitally important learning aspect in learning for humans.
ltodd91 on 24 Feb 15The use of tools is not only useful for survival, students need tools, for example, to decode words which they do not know or learn to spell words which they haven't yet learnt.
asmith79 on 01 Mar 15Wow... what a descriptive way of showing how humans have taught themselves for thousands of years, by developing new tools and new understandings to evolve through the ages. As teachers different teaching pedagogies will evolve and with them come new methods and understandings, ICT is the next step in a way of processing teachers, parents and students understandings of the tools they have to learn to move through the next stage of development, and without it they maybe left behind.
Natasha Taylor on 08 Mar 15Now more than ever we need to stay in touch with the tools and how we can use them. Technology is changing rapidly and we need to ensure that our students are confident in the use of these tools in order to function successfully in society now and as adults. To do this surely means that although we are their teachers, we are also students ourselves, learning to use digital tools so that we can support our students. I work in a school in a low socioeconomic area and find that there is a vast difference in the abilities of some children compared to others when using ICTs. Some of our students are not confident in the basic requirements such as being able to log onto the EQ system. We need to work on these skills to build on their abilities and confidence in using ICTs.
s4_kelly on 04 Aug 15Creating and using tools are the artefact or symbolic representation of what actually has propelled the survial and development of "humans" today - our intelligence & capacity to adapt using culture. Tools are only one aspect of cultural adaption. Supporting children/students to develop critical and creative thinking skills, to understand core concepts in order to engage in more abstract & complex thinking is fundamental. Providing opportunity to select "the right tool for the job" or create a new tool if required.
If you are teaching your students the tools of yesterday, you are preventing society from moving forward. Rather, we must be teaching our students to use the tools of this moment, and teaching them how to learn the next set.
Teaching your students the tools, doesn't have to be explicit (though there's space for that). If we learn by what we do, what are your students learning through the tools they use in your classroom?
Digital technology is a tool of this moment and we need to keep up with current trends and tools in order to allow society to move forward. I like this quote!
And this is exactly the mindset we, as lecturers, must have as we facilitate pre-service educators technological pedagogical content knowledge. We muct prepare them for ICT which is yet to come.
This is a fantastic quote for sure
And being digitally literate.
This is such a powerful quote! Without adapting and changing the way we teach we are effecting our students in a negative mannor. We need to prepare them for the future not get stuck in past.
My favourite quote from the article!!! Brings to my mind the aim of people to become life-long learners, and brings home our responsibility as future teachers to help our future students become such.
This is why the students of today are part of the technological generation, because we're assisting them in moving forward with the ICT's that are developed today and being developed for the future.
Some tools of the past should be preserved for artistic or historical sake.
It is clear that many young children develop significant competence with technology at home well before they attend an early years setting or school.
Developing the skills of students to use the tools of today is so important, however it is equally important to ensure we equip them for the Digital future and provide them with the knowledge and skills needed for their future
But I feel there needs to be a balance. If you tend to go too far one way, you might not grasp skills needed for other areas. For example calcualtor use VS mental computations. I agree with not staying in the dark ages, however there are still some vital things we can use in our lessons. I'm not saying down with ICTs, I'm just saying there needs to be a balance.
I feel that it is important to teach students the tools of this moment, and teaching them how to use the next set. However, without an understanding of the background of the tools ie. where they came from, or how they were created, will students be able to create and or/source new tools, or will they be stuck using the same tools without giving thought to progress?
To teach the students what and how to use the tools of the moment we as future teachers need to not be afraid of technology, if this is the attitude we adopt we can promote the correct ways to engage with ICTs and its many tools.
Totally agree with this.
The language used here is a little contentious for me. If we are expected to 'teach' students all the current tools as of this minute there would be no time for planning and assessment development. Perhaps it could be said that the teachers role is to give our students the skill set and confidence to be able to learn and understand new technologies and to do this is in an active way. We can guide them to navigate for themselves as we are often even less equipped then they.
Katrina You make a great comment here about the teacher's role. I totally agree with your comment.
agree with this so much we cant let our students fall behind!!
I just came across the term 'anachronistic' in reference to teaching without having kept up to date with current ICT tools and capabilities. This is indeed apt and highlights the imperative to travel with "the times", continually keeping abreast of advances in technology for comprehensive and enhanced pedagogy.
As long as we do not get bogged down on teaching the tools when it is the content that is important. The tools just make it easier to teach students. We should not sacrifice time spent on content knowledge by teaching about fancy tools and gadgets.
It's not only the focus on students learning new ICT tools but also teachers/teachers' aide. ICT Personal Development sessions are offered once a week to our teacher aide team at my workplace and the confidence that is growing while we explore and utilise the ICT tools and programs is amazing. I feel these PD's are very beneficial and will help assist the students learning. Confidence is the key.
This statement is great. Each day technology advances. As scary as it is, we all must keep up with it.
Within a constantly changing world, what I am struggling to learn today in terms of ICT will be old news to my students in 5 years time! The tricky part for us will come after we graduate: - How will we stay motivated to keep on learning? - How can we update/ upgrade our skills?
This statement is very powerful. I am still unsure of my viewpoint as I can see that in order to move forward, we need tools of the moment. However the tools of yesterday are so very important also and I'm not sure if they "prevent" society from moving forward. Still pondering this one....... :)
Our world is forever changing and technology is just constantly becoming more and more advanced. It's a struggle to keep up with it all but is more or less essential!
Our profession as teachers is to engage and support students to develop to their full potential. Then the tools to achieve this should not be denied to these students but to be taught to them.
I agree technology is essential to learning. Students should use the tools they have to progress further with their knowledge in this area. The question remains on how the teacher can stay ahead of that knowledge in order to teach it when a student appears to 'absorb' the tools of technology without difficulty.
Oh I couldn't agree more with this statement. However, I beleive that the tools from the past are also essential tools. Just because they are 'yesterdays' tools it doesn't mean they are not effective.
Teresa I agree, ICT's are certainly important but if we venture into the social and emotional wellbeing of our students then what Deborah Liang says is of great importance. In this digital age the ability for humans to use their minds for simple things like calculator Vs mental computation for instance has the potential to create a generation and future where computers and digital media is all we know how to use. With ICT balance is the key I think.
over the course of my studies i find this statement very predominate in regards to our pedagogy especially in relation to ICT. we need to constantly update our knowledge and skills to meet the everchanging needs of society.
Couldn't be more spot on and correct!
I agree that balance is the key. We need to ensure that we are preparing students for the technological world outside the classroom so that they are not disadvantaged.
This statement should be made into posters and put in ever classroom around the world, it is so true.
Digital technology is the here and now. If we as educators can not effectively integrate them into the way we educate our students then we are the ones standing in their way.
This began as an idea for allowing students with “disabilities” to learn and choose their own Assistive Technologies.
We'll be coming back to assistive technologies and related issues in Module 3.
I agree with this idea and see the value of children utilising different tools to assist their learning needs.
I think this is a great point... I see my concept map growing by the minute.
How clever, that we include the students in the decision making processes for which technology to use for their betterment. We are meant to follow the interests of the students when implementing lesson plans so why wouldn't we do that when deciding on the technology utilised for the lessons.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u45RmwAI8jI heres a short video of negotiated use of assistive technologies used to help a 6yr old boy with Autism.
Motivation is the key. It doesn't surprise me that the success we have using Icts with children that have special needs can also help others. Whether it be audio or visual bring it into the mainstream classroom and see what happens!
allowing children the opportunity to make choices in their learning regardless of their needs and abilities is essential for them to grow and learn utilising strategies and tools that they can adapt to as well as building the development of their own independence.
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A reading from week 2 that encourages you to develop your own toolbelt to help you achieve what you need to do.
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A reading from week 2 that encourages you to develop your own toolbelt to help you achieve what you need to do.
A reading from week 2 that encourages you to develop your own toolbelt to help you achieve what you need to do.